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How To Use Dramatist In A Sentence

  • I gave my ideas on "playwriting" again at Philadelphia, and was told just before I began that there were several dramatists in the room, including the author of Madame Butterfly. Our Irish Theatre: A Chapter of Autobiography
  • But everyone said, “Come on, you are such a melodramatist.” 2007 March : Harriet the Blog : The Poetry Foundation - Part 2
  • Verse such as this would permit of every rhythmical variation known in English prosody, and through the appeal of its rhythm would offer the dramatist opportunities for emotional effect that prose would not allow him; but at the same time it could be spoken with entire naturalness by actors as ultra-modern as Mme. Nazimova. The Theory of the Theatre
  • Yet One Touch of Venus shows that the experiences of working with radical dramatists, including socialist playwright Bertolt Brecht in The Threepenny Opera, clearly left their mark on him.
  • The dramatists also tend to get the office politics wrong, creating tensions and torrid love affairs between pathologists and police where there are none.
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  • That focus led one critic to sneer that the dramatist "followed mid-century middle-class man into middle age using the middle-class conventions of the boulevardier to do it". In praise of... Simon Gray
  • And considering that the Guthrie's new complex on the river will present more opportunities to do new work, we can, without undue optimism, expect to see an increase in distaff dramatists in the Guthrie's future.
  • Thou art the only true melodramatist of the stage and off the stage! Punch, or the London Charivari, Volume 1, October 9, 1841
  • Only a natural dramatist could have written a scene as good as that.
  • The situation instinctively reminds one of the play An Enemy of the People by the Norwegian dramatist Henrik Ibsen.
  • He points out to tragic dramatists that what is seen on the stage makes a deeper impression than what is only narrated.
  • His success as a melodramatist may have been responsible for an occasional, unhelpful reliance on artifice, and for certain antiquated strains in the structure of books such as The Siege of Pleasure and Hangover Square. Giddy & Malevolent
  • Its attitudes are a Hare-brained mixture: both principled and progressive – not many dramatists make a woman representative of an era – and sentimentally flawed, since that woman, sensitive, volatile, beguiling, is aflutter with traditional femininity. The Children's Hour; Plenty; The Heretic – review
  • Natalie Angier weighs in on the human proclivity for cursing in a lengthy essay in the NYT: "The Jacobean dramatist Ben Jonson peppered his plays with fackings and "peremptorie Asses," and Shakespeare could hardly quill a stanza without inserting profanities of the day like "zounds" or "sblood Science Project
  • Among those he turned down were the dramatist Gerhart Hauptmann and the German chancellor Hans Luther.
  • John Millington Synge is considered the greatest dramatist of the Irish Literary Renaissance Movement.
  • It was strong and exciting stuff - especially in the hands of such brilliant dramatists as Christopher Marlowe and Thomas Kyd, who depicted the above-mentioned horrors live on stage.
  • The book's adaptors were Spanish playwright Pablo Ley and English dramatist Allan Baker and the director was Josep Galindo of Spain.
  • Before that triumph, the dramatist had nervously revised the play again and again. Times, Sunday Times
  • By and large, he is a dramatist of deception and double-dealing, an architect of environments that entrap and extinguish their inhabitants.
  • First staged in 1968, the play has often been compared to the surreal and absurd works of world-renowned dramatists Harold Pinter and Eugéne Ionesco.
  • As a dramatist I hate to moralize.
  • Before that triumph, the dramatist had nervously revised the play again and again. Times, Sunday Times
  • Bennett's eminence as a dramatist is beyond question.
  • The volume will help Yeats scholars to get a more rounded view of his literary output by showing how important was his work as a dramatist.
  • And this is where Menotti, master dramatist, superb orchestrator and rich harmoniser of large choruses, matches forces in the pit with those taking part rear stage to balance perfectly with the main cast centre stage.
  • Before that triumph, the dramatist had nervously revised the play again and again. Times, Sunday Times
  • He was contemporary with the dramatist Congreve.
  • Its title is Yanks and the script is by Colin Welland, one of Britain's most illustrious dramatists.
  • With his new play he has consolidated his position as the country's leading dramatist.
  • It is calqued upon the title of a play that few of the audience would have seen or read (significantly no doubt the drafting of the speech seems to have involved Ronald Miller, himself a dramatist). VERBATIM: The Language Quarterly Vol XIX No 3
  • The biggest error the doubters make, Shapiro says, is to believe that dramatists and other authors in Shakespeare's day made a habit of autobiographically inserting themselves into their own works. Taking On The Doubters
  • Christopher Marlowe s use of aside in The Jew of Malta differs from those of his contemporary dramatists.
  • ‘quellio’ (cuello), a ruff or _neck_-collar; and ‘matachin’, the title of a sword-dance; these are all frequent in our early dramatists; and English Past and Present
  • The composer Zdenek Fibich - symphonist, opera composer, melodramatist, and composer of one of the most extended keyboard cycles written since Chopin - would have been l50.
  • Shakespeare's genius would manifest itself in the superior effect with which he used knowledge acquired in this manner; but his _genius_ would not have led him to choose the dry and affected phraseology of the law as the vehicle of his flowing thought, and to use it so much oftener than any other of the numerous dramatists of his time, to all of whom the courts were as open as to him. The Atlantic Monthly, Volume 04, No. 21, July, 1859
  • While the neglected plays of lesser dramatists of the period have been celebrated in recent years, the comedies of Sheridan, once the staple of every rep company, have dipped in popularity.
  • There was something about the originality of his vision, the force of his dramaturgy, the raw truthfulness of his rendition of African-American life that made him an engaging dramatist.
  • What did you attempt to impart to dramatists about playwriting at the National Playwrights Conference?
  • He is a melodramatist who never penetrates below the surface. Eye candy #4 « Jahsonic
  • The dramatist chooses those motives as fairly and as honestly as he can.
  • Beside Shakespeare, Marlowe strikes us as an immature dramatist, especially in his comic scenes.
  • He was a melodramatist, infusing all those silly melodramas with style, with signs and meanings.
  • Helene Hegemann, daughter of famed German dramatist Carl Hegemann, recently released her debut novel Axolotl Roadkill, which is currently working its way up a number of German bestseller lists.
  • She was an orthodox theologian, a reformer, a builder, a dramatist, a musician, an herbalist, and an abbess.
  • The doggerel of the earlier years had almost entirely disappeared, and in its place appeared the perfect concerted music of the stanzas (from the sonnet and the Spenserian downwards), the infinite variety of the decasyllable, and the exquisite lyric snatches of song in the dramatists, pamphleteers, and music-book writers. A History of Elizabethan Literature
  • The historical dramatist had worse to fear than the sneers of the literati.
  • The comic dramatist Aristophanes wrote an unpleasant play, The Clouds, about him, and he was attacked after his death.
  • How very extraordinary that you should have never heard of such a talented dramatist!
  • While _Hamlet_ may be described as centering attention on a meditative and high-minded avenger, Tourneur, Webster, Middleton, and later dramatists found greater interest in the study of villainy and intrigue. The Facts About Shakespeare
  • At this point the faint suggestion you might be a self dramatist is announced sotto voce by the clarinet and the motif gathers to full orchestral grandeur as you proceed. Archive 2007-11-25
  • Certainly, Holinshed's work was an invaluable source for poets and dramatists at this time.
  • The quadricentenary of the birth of the poet and dramatist Edmund Crowsely seems to be passing quite unremarked, even in his native Whitby.
  • Roman comic dramatist who wrote in the tradition of the New Comedy, popular in 4th-century Greece and exemplified by the work of Menander.
  • My father was not a man to underrate the bearing of Latin satirists or Greek dramatists on the attainment of an aristocratic position.
  • We find ourselves in a world where God is improviser, storyteller, weaver, imaginer, dramatist.
  • On the whole, Lefkowitz steers by more familiar landmarks, including the great classical dramatists like Aeschylus and Sophocles among her poets.
  • Before that triumph, the dramatist had nervously revised the play again and again. Times, Sunday Times
  • Ninety-nine poets and dramatists out of a hundred would have followed Plutarch and made Cleopatra's love for Antony the mainspring of her being, the causa causans of her self-murder. The Man Shakespeare
  • By the time of Aristophanes, the remembrance that women had once held sway in Athens was so utterly extinct that the dramatist assures us in his Ecclesiazusoe, (The Parliament of Women) that gynecocracy was the only "cracy" which Athens had never known. The Dominant Sex: A Study in the Sociology of Sex Differentiation, by Mathilde and Mathias Vaerting; translated from the German by Eden and Cedar Paul
  • His work was to become hugely influential on artists, playwrights and dramatists, film-makers and photographers throughout the 20th century.
  • Tom Stoppard is often characterized as a dramatist who mixes intimidating cleverness with extravagant showmanship, but in Evening Standard - Home
  • Among the worthies depicted: the poet, dramatist and philosopher Voltaire and the great encyclopedist Denis Diderot, both by Jean-Baptiste Pigalle (1714-85), and the philosopher and composer Jean-Jacques Rousseau by Houdon, who is far better known for his work in terra cotta and marble. France's Artistic Mettle in Metal
  • So long as we have human hearts and await human destinies, so long as we are alive to the pathos, the dignity, the comedy of human life, so long shall we continue to rank above the philosopher, higher than the politician, the great artist, be he called dramatist or historian, who makes us conscious of the divine movement of events, and of our fathers who were before us. Obiter Dicta
  • Others took the view that Plath was a hysterical self-dramatist, possibly psychopathic, and vastly overrated as a poet.
  • Lachry Chan, fictionist , lyricist and music composer, has been a magazine reporter and dramatist.
  • Not a single poet or dramatist is shelved. Times, Sunday Times
  • a vegetable dieter, and Mr. Galen Cornaro, an abominator of wine, and a dyspeptic follower of Kitchener and Abernethy -- a trio of singularities that would afford excellent materials for my friend Richard Peake, the dramatist, in mixing up a new _monopolylogue_ for that facetious child of whim and wit, the inimitable Charles Mathews. The English Spy An Original Work Characteristic, Satirical, And Humorous. Comprising Scenes And Sketches In Every Rank Of Society, Being Portraits Drawn From The Life
  • Born around 524 or 525 B.C. in the city of Eleusis near Athens, the Greek dramatist Aeschylus is known as the first great tragedian.
  • Dante stands in no class at all, nor does Milton, nor does Shelley; and though Shakespeare indulgently permits himself to be classed as an "Elizabethan dramatist," what strikes true critics most is again hardly more his "betterness" than his difference. A History of the French Novel, Vol. 1 From the Beginning to 1800
  • She was coached in elocution by an actor from the Comedie Francaise and the dramatist Crebillon.
  • On his death last February, Miller was fêted as 20th-century America's greatest dramatist.
  • There are cleverly inflected performances from Ellie Haddington and Catherine Cusack (as the dramatist's mean daughter) but the most rousing moments of the evening are supplied by Richard McCabe as a roistering Ben Jonson. Women Beware Women; Bingo
  • Unfaithful is a moral tale told by a master melodramatist - full of grandiose sound and imagery, but signifying not much of anything.
  • Either the editors made up the speeches, or everyone then talked as if they were aiming from the melodramatist of the year prize. The Volokh Conspiracy » Jactitation:
  • Yet the Washington-based dramatist is one of the country's leading comic playwrights, thanks to such fat and loopy hits as the musical "Crazy for You" and the evergreen "Lend Me a Tenor," the mashup of opera and mistaken identity that was revived on Broadway last year (and is nearly always playing somewhere). Ken Ludwig returns to Signature Theatre with golf farce 'A Fox in the Fairway'
  • As we look along the line of the British dramatists for the last hundred years we shall find no parallel to his felicity in the use of comic inversion and equivoke, till we come to Shadows of the Stage
  • All players had to be competent dancers and singers, but dramatists like Marlowe, Shakespeare, and Jonson replaced earlier short, rhymed verse with poetic drama.
  • As befits the melodramatist, the composer does not disdain ‘sensation music’.
  • The essential requirement is to remember that Lyly the dramatist is the same man as Lyly the euphuist, and that his audience was always a company of courtiers, with Queen Elizabeth in their midst, infatuated with admiration for the new phraseology and mode of thought known as Euphuism. The Growth of English Drama
  • Sentimental dramatists insist that comedy should have a higher purpose than merely to ridicule the weaknesses of mankind.
  • This is a dramatist whose art consists of little more than pulling a string of cliches from a cast of stereotypes in an utterly contrived setting.
  • The main way out of this is found in the work of dramatists like Eugene Ionesco and Samuel Beckett, who can enact the metaphysic of drama without providing a theory for its interpretation.
  • Pepys is to diarists what Shakespeare is to dramatists and Boswell is to biographers; the standard against whom all others must be measured.
  • The German dramatist and theoretician Bertolt Brecht was wrong about many things, but not about this sort of problem.
  • Before that triumph, the dramatist had nervously revised the play again and again. Times, Sunday Times
  • Apart from the traditions of Italian stage farce it owes as much to silent comedy as the other films owe to the silent cinema's melodramatists.
  • The texts, variant readings and evidence of co-authorship with other dramatists, are the stuff of scholarly inquiry. Times, Sunday Times
  • dramatist
  • Presently playing, for example, is his staging of Austrian dramatist Arthur Schnitzler's ‘Professor Bernhardi’.
  • Aided by the dramatist, Shakespeare, who has told their story in an immortal play, Antony will live in our imagination as a gianl figure, one whose 'legs bestrid the ocean' and whose 'reared arm/Crested the world'. Shakespeare
  • Brunetti, who has been reading the Greek dramatists, is deeply affected by the discovery: He could not bring himself, not that night, to read of the death of Astyanax. Book review
  • Only the most inept of dramatists could deliver a romance so completely lacking in depth and subtlety.
  • He combines the skills of a master dramatist with a social conscience and a tremendous sense of how to engage young people in live theatre.
  • Of the melodramatist we require merely the negative virtue that he shall not lie: of the tragedist we require the positive virtue that he shall reveal some phase of the absolute, eternal Truth. The Theory of the Theatre
  • The extraordinary cleverness and accuracy of his observation of those petty details that make life a thing of shreds and patches were all that distinguished his method from that of the melodramatist who makes a scene out of a buzz-saw or a waterfall, a locomotive or a ferryboat. The Theory of the Theatre
  • It was, however, a highly popular book throughout the 17th century, and its plot material was frequently plundered by dramatists.
  • Let us now see what the great _diseuse_ thinks of dramas and dramatists. Our Stage and Its Critics By "E.F.S." of "The Westminster Gazette"
  • Ibsen, in sheer mastery of dramaturgic means, stands fourth in rank among the world's great dramatists. The Theory of the Theatre
  • Poets, essayists, dramatists, novelists, and artists of the 1920s became increasingly concerned with depicting the lives of African Americans.
  • The melodramatist exhibits merely what may happen; the tragedist exhibits what must happen. The Theory of the Theatre
  • Tang's excellent depictions of the 160 odd characters in the ‘Peony Pavilion’ has earned him centuries of acclamation from generations of dramatists.
  • Then, the unhappy wight what acts as dry-nuss to his _Grandmother_, finding his writing on the pavement with red and white chalk and sentiment, won't friz, -- gives over appealing to the sympathies, kidnaps our comic offspring, and (as our brother dramatist Muster Sheridan says) disfigures 'em to make 'em look like his own. Punch, or the London Charivari, Volume 1, December 25, 1841
  • What did you attempt to impart to dramatists about playwriting at the National Playwrights Conference?
  • We remember with a thrill of pride that England produced Shakespeare, but we must also remember that this great Dominion of ours, flung from sea to sea, with a national life as bounding in vigour as it is defective in character, with the stamp of bigness on both its accomplishment and its promise, is without a stage of its own, is without a school of dramatists, is without one dramatic composition in, any way expressive of its wider issues. The Interpreters of Canada
  • B. 's conjectural emendation, "recuse" for "secure," but that, unless my memory and Ayscough are both deceptive, the word "recuse" is nowhere to be found in Shakspeare; nor, as far as I know, in any dramatist of the age. Notes and Queries, Number 196, July 30, 1853 A Medium of Inter-communication for Literary Men, Artists, Antiquaries, Genealogists, etc
  • In Elizabethan England, the public generally regarded playwrights and actors as reprobates and scapegraces; lords and ladies risked their reputations by hobnobbing with dramatists and deuteragonists.
  • Perhaps, too, we hear the dramatist wrestling with his own inner feelings, his own longing for mastery of women and at the same time his sense of shame and abashment at male giddiness and importunity. Shakespeare
  • Again, it shows he is a zeitgeisty writer, but more of a documentarist than an insightful dramatist. Times, Sunday Times
  • Pygmalion was the first of three Shaw adaptations that he was to direct, and the first film on which the great dramatist himself worked as scriptwriter.
  • This, he says, is one advantage the dramatist has over the documentarian or news reporter. Times, Sunday Times
  • As an adult, she has pursued a dual career as both an academic (currently an adjunct professor at the University of Toronto) and a dramatist.
  • These title pages generally provide the title of the play, the name of the dramatist, and the printer's device and imprint.
  • Last summer the drummer became an amateur dramatist dramatically.
  • Only once before, in the 1616 Jonson folio, had an English dramatist's plays appeared in collected form.
  • He describes the _figurant_ as a multiform actor, a dramatic chameleon, compelled by the special nature of his occupation, or rather by its lack of special nature, to appear young or old, crooked or straight, noble or base-born, savage or civilised, according to the good pleasure of the dramatist. A Book of the Play Studies and Illustrations of Histrionic Story, Life, and Character
  • Shakespeare is, by common consent, the greatest English dramatist.
  • As a dramatist, he's currently writing a musical based on the entire songbook.
  • (_g_) Lastly, like nearly all the dramatists of his day and of times much earlier, Shakespeare was fond of 'gnomic' passages, and introduces them probably not more freely than his readers like, but more freely than, I suppose, a good play-wright now would care to do. Shakespearean Tragedy Lectures on Hamlet, Othello, King Lear, Macbeth
  • Aside from Simon Gray, few dramatists have lately taken an axe to academia.
  • Shevelove updated the story and replaced the Greek dramatists with Shakespeare and Shaw.
  • At the beginning of every year, dramatists submitted their plays to the archon, or chief magistrate.
  • All male dramatists ultimately write about their fathers.
  • It's a play written by a native dramatist and starring two native actors, but it's not a native drama.
  • dramatist
  • How very extraordinary that you should have never heard of such a talented dramatist!
  • The radio play became an art form in its own right and attracted novelists and poets as well as dramatists.
  • This will not please the psychobabblers and the melodramatists and the daytime-television bookers; but she is unfazed.
  • Anthony the son, had to address Captain Absolute the father, in the words of the dramatist: "I'll disown you; I'll unget you; I'll never call you Jack again!" the humour of the situation appealed too strongly to the audience, and more laughter than Sheridan had ever contemplated was stirred by the scene. A Book of the Play Studies and Illustrations of Histrionic Story, Life, and Character
  • He writes musicals but, alongside Albee and Mamet, Sondheim is a game-changing dramatist. Finishing the Hat: The Collected Lyrics of Stephen Sondheim by Stephen Sondheim – review
  • The brief, "matterful" notes to his Specimens of the Old English Dramatists are the very quintessence of criticism, -- the flower and fruit of years of thoughtful reading of the old English drama. The Atlantic Monthly, Volume 12, No. 72, October, 1863
  • You could even argue that Flaubert's supple perfection as a novelist is matched by Ibsen's rigorous economy as a dramatist.
  • Writers and dramatists have always known that one way to capture an audience is to frighten it out of its wits.
  • A surprisingly sparse paper trail offers only scattered clues on the obscure life of William Shakespeare, one of the world's most influential dramatists.
  • Around 1900, the Vienna School of dramatists, led by Austrian playwright Arthur Schnitzler, created a new style of playwriting in Europe, featuring psychological drama.
  • The Swedish Ingeborg Holm was a realist drama related to the work of early twentieth century Scandanavian dramatists like Henrik Ibsen.
  • Perhaps the dramatist was unwilling to repeat material recently enacted in the True Tragedy.
  • It has been said that 'the business of the dramatist is to keep himself out of sight and to let nothing appear but his characters'. Jacinto Benavente - Banquet Speech
  • With his new play he has consolidated his position as the country's leading dramatist.
  • He pictures the poet or dramatist surrounded by a group of fans in the coffee-house.
  • Pygmalion was the first of three Shaw adaptations that he was to direct, and the first film on which the great dramatist himself worked as scriptwriter.

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