How To Use Dragnet In A Sentence
Carrying Cheng where to accuse to also can say is a challenge that stands to all dragnet.
The use of fine-mesh dragnets by fishing crews, despite a ban by the Mauritian government, has caused huge damage to the barrier reef, and the banks of living coral that protect the entire coastline are dying.
Months later, the dragnet still had not turned up the poachers who had left an indelible mark on such a severely endangered species: for the Asian elephant, the loss of five animals is grave.
Pedestrians were also caught in the police dragnet and interviewed by officers searching for even the smallest clue that could spark a new line of inquiry.
The police have widened their dragnet in their search for the killer.

Subject to a massive manhunt, Tracy evaded the dragnet for a month and then set up an ambush near Bothell, WA, where he killed two more lawmen.
David E.
It's a scenario that plunges you back into the time of scratchy movies where the cons wore pyjama suits with black arrows on them and Cagney was king; back to the days of the early crime shows like The Naked City and Dragnet.
More than three hundred teenage MexicanAmericans were arrested in the ensuing police dragnet.
He wasn't even a protester - just a city resident who went out to a deli for some matzo ball soup and innocently walked into a police dragnet that was indiscriminately scooping up hundreds of people.
The search was conducted more like a police dragnet than a traditional intelligence investigation.
An RSPCA dragnet of the area surrounding the pond failed to locate the beast, and the organisation warned locals to keep their eyes peeled for rogue reptiles.
June 17th, 2009 at 3: 46 pm benjoya Says: dragnet is right. especially the suicide part, which will save many lives.
Wonk Room » Open Letter To Robert Kagan
The problem with this example is that many noncitizens caught up in today's dragnets aren't just five randomly chosen students coming to America for the first time.
In February 2003, hundreds of Pakistanis moved abroad when rumors of dragnets and new federal registration deadlines prompted a renewed fear of deportation.
Worse, there are hints that the government uses this secret interpretation to gather what one Patriot-watcher calls a "dragnet" for massive amounts of information on private citizens; the government portrays its data-collection efforts much differently.
Boing Boing
The city fishermen use the shore seine, a huge dragnet attached to a three-kilometre long rope to catch species like the small stolephorus fish.
It's a scenario that plunges you back into the time of scratchy movies where the cons wore pyjama suits with black arrows on them and Cagney was king; back to the days of the early crime shows like The Naked City and Dragnet.
Whole towns could be surrounded, or a mile-wide dragnet thrown over an area which contained sporting arenas.
Unlike 10 years ago, there were no pitch invasions this time, but a couple of spectators managed to elude the police dragnet on the circumference of the boundary to run out to the middle to embrace their hero.
Its inclusion in the criminal code will allow for broad police dragnets and detentions.
They tried to basically spread a dragnet and see how many people they can fish out.
Chief Reynolds sent his men with them to start the dragnet for Hubert.
The first cast of what Crane aptly termed the dragnet had brought in the management and service staff to a man, with a number of the restaurant's habitues, including Sophie Weringrode and her errand-boy, the exquisite Mr. Revel.
The False Faces Further Adventures from the History of the Lone Wolf
Cue ominous theme music from Dragnet.
Outside the convention, on the streets of New York, nearly 2,000 people were swept up and arrested by police in massive dragnets organized to prevent or break up political protests.
Dragnet was perhaps the most famous and influential police procedural drama in American media history.
Over the past eleven years, Ken has eluded an international dragnet.
One of the unlucky thousands caught up in the dragnet was a Daily News reporter assigned to cover the ticket blitz; after getting a call from his editor,
The operation, which involves mounting road blocks on a daily basis around the capital, has been denounced privately by some Gardai as a glorified dragnet to catch motorists with no tax and insurance.
Casting their dragnet into the murkiest corners of L.A.,
Gone by Jonathan Kellerman: Book summary
EFF sued the government claiming that AT&T and perhaps other telecommunications companies cooperated with it to allow access to people's phone and Internet records -- a so-called dragnet in a search for terrorist communications.
Groundfish - bottom-dwellers such as cod and flounder that are harvested with giant dragnets - were especially hard hit.
And intelligence sources last night denied early reports that one van had slipped through their dragnet.
That support, and the mountainous conditions, have helped him to elude one of the largest dragnets in history.
Police threw a dragnet around the city and caught the two thugs.
Caught in the dragnet are the handicapped adults who used to line their wheelchairs along a stretch of the boulevard leading to the presidential palace in downtown Dakar. Home RSS feed
Many pupils struggled to get to school after buses were cancelled and huge traffic jams developed as police set up dragnets to try to catch the sniper.
The law was not perfect, but as a result of its enactment and a series of subsequent federal laws, a generation of Americans has come to adulthood protected by a legal structure and a social compact making clear that government will not engage in unbridled, dragnet seizure of electronic communications.
Archive 2007-10-01
Some readers of this blog may remember when Jack Webb used to say in "Dragnet," "Just the facts, 'mam" - something that FORTUNE's Jessi Hempel and Assistant Managing Editor Stephanie Mehta should have remembered.
Charles Warner: FORTUNE Is No Friend
I wait until the dragnet widens out, as it will inevitably do, when they find that she is missing.
An RSPCA dragnet of the area surrounding the pond failed to locate the beast, and the organisation warned locals to keep their eyes peeled for rogue reptiles.
Thousands of immigrants have been swept up in draconian dragnets, and many have been denied access to counsel and family.
In the words of a national center on institutions and alternatives, this nation has ‘replaced the social safety net with a dragnet.’
caught in the police dragnet
ACLU: FBI used 'dragnet'-style warrantless cell tracking | Privacy Inc.
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The police have widened their dragnet in their search for the killer.
Thousands were stopped for questioning and more than 400 arrested for mainly minor misdemeanours during a six-month police dragnet of the local area.
They got the nightvision goongoggles, they got that full body armor, they got them gasmasks latched on, they hear the squawky voice in the head phones, they got the GPS locator's, the heat sensor hound dog, they got the dragnet spread out, they got their charts and planning.
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Have the small - sized fishermen that one person operates, also have large dragnet and purse net fishermen.
When he nevertheless made a clean getaway, he made little effort to escape the massive police dragnet throughout northern Georgia.
Miraculously, the group of 15 Indians managed to elude the dragnet that was forming and escaped with the aid of local residents.
Ecology Action Centre challenges the Department of Fisheries and Oceans on dragnet fishing policy.
And since obviously no police dragnet is 100% effective, there’s a larger pool of potential bombers available who’d rather tap their virgins in this world. levitra Says:
Matthew Yglesias » MANPAD Mania
Most citizens may not be aware of this ominous shift, but those who live within the sweeping reach of government dragnets can tell them that life is not the same in America.
Sometimes he knew that the dragnet needed to be wider-ranging than he could manage.
Thousands were stopped for questioning and more than 400 arrested for mainly minor misdemeanours during a six-month police dragnet of the local area.
To avoid the police dragnet, he did not use a mobile telephone.
But there are several potential problems with DNA dragnets, most importantly the question of what happens to the samples of the people who are cleared as suspects.
Author Margie Palatini employs word play, puns, and satire in this animated mystery, a lively spoof of the 1960s television series Dragnet.
Many of the species at this level, such as the snipefish, dragnets, spinefish, and bottom dwelling rockfish, are ‘lunch’ for larger predators.
Fishermen still using dragnets are being urged by the Trat provincial authority to turn to tourism as an alternative profession, in the hope that this will mitigate the impact of the government's decision to ban dragnet fishery.
Also available are such shows as _Dragnet, Richard Diamond, The Shadow, _and _Suspense, _ along with a large selection of non-criminous comedy and drama.
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