How To Use Draftsman In A Sentence
Since draughtsmanship was the foundation of all his art, engravings, etchings, lithographs, linocuts, and drawings poured from him in astonishing quantity and quality.
For the next four years Mr. Etaix worked for Tati as a draughtsman, gagman and ultimately as an assistant director on "My Uncle.
Still Clowning Around
The paintings reveal Terry's skill as a draughtsman and colourist.
I have called draughtsmanship of this quality an inheritance -- I might have called it perhaps with better propriety a monument.
First and Last
She told how he had given up his lucrative career as a design draughtsman to ‘do the job he loved’.

After leaving school he trained in Leven as an engineering draughtsman, then spent his National Service with the Royal Army Medical Corps in Aldershot.
Socialist affiliations are recorded in the memoirs of the stone-mason Nadaud, the draughtsman Perdiguier and Suzanne Voilquin, who was a needlewoman.
He was a gifted draughtsman, watercolorist and landscape artist.
For some years he had worked in the advertising field as a mechanical draftsman, and he had learned, among other techniques, the use of the airbrush.
Powell's florid story and Makinen's elegant draftsmanship create a vision of Dracula more satisfyingly cinematic than many of the movies, and they give both him and Holmes a super-villain and - hero look, which seems appropriate.
3 books about Dracula
In such a case, a patentee cannot be in a better position than a patentee who properly instructs the draftsman.
He was educated at elementary and technical schools, becoming a toolmaker and engineering draftsman.
Times, Sunday Times
Since godson is only seven and a half, his draftsmanship and lettering have room to improve, so I've recreated the script to make sure the story's clear.
Robin the Half-Bat Superhero
The draftsman did not make the crimes formerly contained in those statutes consistent or create a hierarchy of offences.
In the etchings of artist Nicholas Ward, his pedigree as a draughtsman is clear to see.
the draftsman crosshatched the area
He left school at the age of fourteen, and worked as a clerk at the Henley Telegraph Company and took evening lessons in draughtsmanship and drawing at the University of London.
An architectural draughtsman by trade, he painted for pleasure for many years, also doing art work for charities such as the Round Table.
While we might think of Rubens in terms of exuberant light and colour, he was, not least, a talented draughtsman.
Draftsman Scott Teplin has released a series of limited color prints of an imaginary city where every letter of the alphabet is an architectural drawing of a building.
The Alphabet City, by Scott Teplin « Third Point of Singularity
By adopting a comparative approach, this dissertation will analyze the rationale of law draftsman, legislative intent, cases and statutes of different countries.
The parliamentary draftsman would have had in mind the speech of Lord
None of the documents referred to their draftsman.
Walls of Silence
She indulged his taste for draughtsmanship - the two pored together for hours over architectural drawings.
This argument is based on the proposition that where a draftsman of a document has expressed himself differently in two places, there is a presumption that he did so because he intended two different effects.
The draftsman did not make the crimes formerly contained in those statutes consistent or create a hierarchy of offences.
The precise yet endlessly suggestive works that result from his unrivalled draughtsmanship are just as compelling as his paintings.
Also among the first band of swimmers was a legal costs draftsman.
He was a great draughtsman and a good writer.
CELEBRATING SECOMBE: A Tribute to Sir Harry Secombe
Even if the documents had been with the costs draftsman the Respondent could have gained access to them or could have obtained a copy.
It took them seven months to decide on their floor plan, which they sent to a draughtsman to draw up.
A proper engineering drawing can not be thus fudged; like Wolf, the draughtsman must fully comprehend what he is drawing.
The first steps of the master draughtsman.
Times, Sunday Times
The quality of the draughtsmanship of cartoons was spectacular.
Originally an architect, he is an outstanding draughtsman and in only a few years' time became the first specialist in 17th and 18th century naval architecture.
The exhibition is spread over two floors and embraces every facet of Dali's genius as a painter, draughtsman, printmaker and sculptor, with a good number of his most important works on view.
It's the place where draughtsmanship meets cartooning that I love.
Plenty of Nothing:
His draughtsmanship is a focus of the show.
Times, Sunday Times
English landscape painter and draughtsman, Farington studied at the Royal Academy from its foundation in 1768, becoming an unofficial but influential part of its government.
But he was also "a shrewd diplomatic bargainerÂ
and an effective collator of briefing papersÂ
an excellent presidential assistant, but he was a follower, not a leader; a brilliant draftsman, not an innovator of conceptual thinking.
Nixon Redivivus
Bureau is an excellent draughtsman and painter, gracefully at ease on both large and small canvases.
I think it is ugly and perhaps one of the worst examples of Leonardo's draughtsmanship.
The documentary advertisements that the draftsman of the Act had in mind would have had some quality of permanence.
A fine cartoonist, he was also a draughtsman and engineer.
Lawrence's genius first showed in his draughtsmanship.
Thomas Lawrence: The new romantic – review
Uncle Amado walks to Lundeen and Hillfinger, the architectural firm where he works as a mere draftsman, which is near the domed courthouse that squats right in the middle of downtown.
Learning to Die in Miami
The antechapel frescoes, important early examples of humanist civic decoration, reveal Taddeo's taste for challenging foreshortened postures, testimony to his powerful draughtsmanship.
A wood engraver, sculptor, typographer and draughtsman, Gill attended the Central School in London under the calligrapher and stone-mason Edward Johnston.
Yet if Paolozzi's work was the result of the brilliant deconstructions and recontextualisations of a magpie mind, at its heart lay simple draughtsmanship, a natural engagement with beauty.
He was a poor and often a "fudgy" draughtsman, gifted with extremely little humour, who had nevertheless worked a good deal at a Life Academy in the Tottenham
The History of "Punch"
The draughtsmanship and anatomy have no facility.
Times, Sunday Times
Hamilton Burger called a draftsman who produced plans of the Kent residence.
The Case of the Sleepwalker's Niece
One would not suspect an engineering background behind his mature work; the only point at which it exerted some influence was in his careful and expert draughtsmanship and his preference for diagrammatic representation.
Caniff drew "Terry & the Pirates" and "Steve Canyon" every day for 54 years, and his draftsmanship was the envy of his peers.
Boing Boing
There had been rather more of a risk involved in giving up his 12-year career as an engineering draughtsman to pursue his acting ambitions without formal training at the age of 27.
One of the most notable features of this mosaic is its. variable quality of draughtsmanship and execution.
He was educated at elementary and technical schools, becoming a toolmaker and engineering draftsman.
Times, Sunday Times
Within a year or so, he had moved to the nearby village of Ermington and the notebooks he kept in the 1960s reveal his remarkable draughtsmanship, his deep love of the local countryside and his delight in the rural community.
His high degree of technical skill & draftsmanship is obvious.
Most Expensive Living Artist - Lucian Freud
I used to be a designer draughtsman working on the nuclear fusion project at the Culham laboratories in Oxfordshire.
Hagen Koch was turned from a technical draughtsman into Erich Honecker's personal cartographer - he literally drew the line that the Berlin Wall would follow.
His sentiment has become philosophical, as we are not cowed by caustic warnings but entreated with seductive and satisfying draftsmanship.
On an ethical issue we depend far more on professional integrity than on text cobbled together by the parliamentary draftsman.
He himself wished to be an artist - his gift for draughtsmanship is evident in his published works.
Santiago Ramón y Cajal - Biography
Years went by before he could be persuaded to hire an assistant engineer or draughtsman.
Two older brothers, Moses, an outstanding engineer and draughtsman, and William, a moulder, came from England to join them.
A proper engineering drawing can not be thus fudged; like Wolf, the draughtsman must fully comprehend what he is drawing.
As an artist and excellent draughtsman, Hockney knew the difficulties involved in drawing with such precision on a small scale.
His draughtsmanship was brilliant, he was intelligent, adaptable and fast - an art director's dream.
Times, Sunday Times
He was a consummate draughtsman and the exhibition resonates with his utter absorption of the human form.
This show follows the plans and brings his draughtsmanship to life with models.
Times, Sunday Times
He travelled throughout Europe studying the great Gothic cathedrals and returned to Scotland in 1826 to work as an architectural draughtsman.
If they had wanted legal advice, then they should have appointed a legal assessor, not a draftsman and made that clear to the parties.
In my view, this is clearly the work of a more refined and subtle draughtsman.
He paints the hill towns, farmhouses and fishing ports of the Pyrenees-Orientales, coupling the attention to detail of an architectural draughtsman with a romantic sensibility.
What more, I appreciated Tatsumi's little details that reveal a good bit about Hiroshi and his milieu, like how his ne'er do-well father immediately tries on his son's new suit jacket, declaring he'll "borrow" it "whenever he needs to look smart," or the sequence where Hiroshi attempts to hire a female model to pose nude for him and his friends in order to improve their draftsmanship.
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With crisp, articulate draftsmanship and a penchant for queasily keyed-up colors, Sharrer presents slyly enigmatic events that are punctuated by surreal details.
He was educated at elementary and technical schools, becoming a toolmaker and engineering draftsman.
Times, Sunday Times
He went on to become an apprentice draughtsman, but the Second World War interrupted his studies, and he later went into engineering.
Her draftsmanship is remarkable; she captures architectural interiors with the panache of a set designer.
An Books Blog featuring news, reviews, interviews and guest author blogs.
He said in both cases they had been prepared by a parliamentary draughtsman, who was a former member of the AG's office.
There are no music examples, but, as in Professor Todd's biography, a number of plates that illustrate Mendelssohn's talent as a draughtsman and water-colourist.
He said there were two clear organisations - a supporters group and a political party - and while it may not have pleased a legal draftsman it was the way the party chose to establish itself.
He was a superlative draughtsman and his work has appealed greatly to other outstanding draughtsmen, such as Hockney and Picasso.
The draftsmanship of the time was designed around the limits of the coloring method.
Neal Adams and the New Fall Colors
The second technical achievement which goes some way to explaining Ramsay's success, is his superb draughtsmanship.
And so he continues; playing with our perceptions of context and meaning in works of breathtaking beauty and peerless draughtsmanship.
In these works from 1991, large-scale sheets and smaller works on paper executed in etching and aquatint, he employs an eloquent Picasso-like line with masterful draftsmanship and bravura, giving sly reference to Picasso, Dali, Velazquez, etc.
Bill Bush: I Shot Andy Warhol: This Artweek.LA (June 13-19)
Degas may have been a fine draughtsman, but he was not a painter.
It seems to me that words have been used intentionally by a draftsman in a field where authority has laid down what those words will be taken to mean.
The former ESB draughtsman claimed that the brisk trade he was doing reflected how good he was at his job.
I had the Passat, with the 17-inch wheels, in front of my house for a week and each time I walked out to it I grew more appreciative of the brisk draftsmanship.
Cost-Cutting Done (a Little More) Right
He studied at Sydney Technical High School and worked as a carriage builder, a draughtsman and a mechanical engineer.
Galileo the draftsman was a master of the Renaissance visual arts innovation of perspective, said art history professor Robert Williams. stories
Go to be reminded of the vigour of his draughtsmanship.
Times, Sunday Times
He worked initially as an industrial draughtsman but from 1828 he earned his living in Paris with drawings of costumes for dressmakers and the theatre.
Stanley Spencer for his paintings of allotments, David Hockney for his draughtsmanship, and baritone and conductor Dietrich Fischer-Dieskau for his attention to detail.
Portrait of the artist: Thomas Allen, baritone
I had worked at various odd jobs in between— saw-mill hand, chainman on a surveying crow, and draftsman, for instance— and had travelled in North America, Europe and Asia.
Archive 2008-08-01
The second technical achievement which goes some way to explaining Ramsay's success, is his superb draughtsmanship.
He was educated at elementary and technical schools, becoming a toolmaker and engineering draftsman.
Times, Sunday Times
I know there's infinitely more to painting than just good draughtsmanship, but get close to the guy's hair, his eyelashes, the shadow of his eyelashes, and all the flora in the near foreground.
In every case the draftsman should consider whether the plan is to prevail over the verbal description or viceversa.
He is even more thrilled by the informal studies and sketches than by the major canvases, because the former capture best the tactile immediacy of the painter and draughtsman.
If your Honours look at the terminology, your Honours might have a view as to what the draftsman was concerned to guard against in coming to draft section 476.
Experts suspected the draughtsmanship, the dancer's 'trivial' face and, most damningly, the signature.
Times, Sunday Times
The subdued homoeroticism of Alfred Kolig's drawings and paintings is secondary to his exquisite draftsmanship and sensual colorism.
The cat is a product of particularly grand draughtsmanship, in which stripes and dots have been delicately assembled to produce a magnificently whiskered tabby.
Paintings from the Lost Tomb of Nebamun
He has collaborated with photographers, artists and writers of many kinds, and from the evidence of his own work on display at the exhibition at the National Theatre, he is an accomplished photographer and draughtsman.
He very carefully bedded the page in the draftsman and apparently read-justed the gears entirely.
The Metamorphosis, in The Penal Colony,and Other Stories
John Macleod, 45, is an architectural draughtsman, specialising in computer aided structural design.
The impeccable and perceptive draughtsman Ingres is represented by one of the anecdotal pictures in which he delighted, The Betrothal of Raphael, and the last of his four versions of Oedipus and the Sphinx.
Their father was an engineer and draughtsman who ran his own business and their mother was a housewife.
Times, Sunday Times
I thought he was a very toffee-nosed man, a good draughtsman in a commercial sort of way, very accurate of course.
They know the importance of the model rules and good draughtsmanship.
Last night, a Government spokesperson insisted the bill was put together by the parliamentary draftsman's office and the Attorney General.
The draughtsmanship puts computer graphics to shame.
Times, Sunday Times
Now, it does not matter whether they have said that or not, because it is implied by federal law, but it is a little unfair to the Victorian draftsman, or the general draftsman, to say that the section in some way conflicts.
Sloan, a master printmaker and draughtsman, was skilled in the instant, action-packed psychological graphic.
CADD Draftsmen : Experienced cadd draftsman sought for diverse range of architectural, landscape and interior projects.
I am Brazilian and i found your work very interesting, you is excellent, i would like asking for a draughtsmanship of Hayley Willians and one of Amy Wynehouse. thank you for the attention.
Say 'Hey'!
In a drawing to be reproduced by mechanical processes, the proportions of the design are, of course, unalterably determined by the required panel or page; but the _size_ of the _drawing_ may be such as best suits the inclination and convenience of the draughtsman.
Letters and Lettering A Treatise With 200 Examples
The document of the 21st May 1930 cannot be regarded as other than inartistic, and may appear repellent to the trained sense of an equity draftsman.
The Mughal artists were superb craftsmen and their draughtsmanship and use of colour showed consummate skill.
A Government spokeswoman said it was being passed to a parliamentary draughtsman for completion and it would be revealed in the Dáil tomorrow.
I have to agree with eric here, 'draftsman' and 'illustrator' fit the bill to me although I can see where draftsman is too gender specific.
Mrs Packer is married to Nigel, 33, an architectural draughtsman, and the couple have a two-year-old daughter, Amy.
One draughtsman found the solution in a slotted board to hold the templates upright.
GAD are prepared by a draughtsman nominated by the DO Supervisor, are endorsed by the originator and the person approving the GAD.
Moreover, as the exhibitions of his work this autumn prove, he was an outstanding draughtsman and watercolourist.
His mature work both as a painter and draughtsman is clearly defined, but his activity during his earliest period in Italy, before he reached Naples, is still shrouded in mystery.
In every case the draftsman should consider whether the plan is to prevail over the verbal description or viceversa.
There isn't the draftsman in Holland who could capture you," murmurs Iris.
Most feature anomalously crude draftsmanship, scabby surfaces and flat-footed figuration.
While he was rejected as unfit for military duty, he was assigned to the Army Survey Corps where he used his drawing skills as a draughtsman.
Born in Huddersfield, the 45-year-old is the son of a draughtsman and a mother with a passion for historical myths and legends.
Two older brothers, Moses, an outstanding engineer and draughtsman, and William, a moulder, came from England to join them.
And so he continues; playing with our perceptions of context and meaning in works of breathtaking beauty and peerless draughtsmanship.
Many of these had been scribbled by the customers themselves, before being redrawn by a draughtsman.
One of the most infamous of these illustrations shows the draughtsman using a sight to locate his subject on a piece of paper.
While we might think of Rubens in terms of exuberant light and colour, he was, not least, a talented draughtsman.
Just trying to absorb his draughtsmanship, his product designs, his paintings,sculpture and graphics!
Mucha's Epic Vision
While planes of relief, varied form and surface, values of light and shade, and accidental characteristics are rather the object with the graphic draughtsman, typical form and structure, and recurring line and mass, are sought for by the ornamentist.
Line and Form (1900)
So, as I found out, Ernst Plischke came to New Zealand in 1939 and got a job as a draughtsman in the Housing Department.
An LMS senior draughtsman made the trip from Derby to Glasgow and back to see that all was well.
The Edinburgh exhibition, while showing off his incredible talent as a draughtsman, is in many ways an attempt to bring da Vinci back down to human size.
Whether working in pencil or oil, her fine draftsmanship gives each animal its own expressive identity.
Then gaining some insight into the manner in which the deed had been drawn, he would conclude that the draftsman was a specialist who had had long practice in this particular kind of work, but who now worked almost as it might be said automatically and without consciousness, and found it difficult to depart from a habitual method of procedure.
Selections from Previous Works and Remarks on Romanes' Mental Evolution in Animals
After completing a course in draughtsmanship he did an apprenticeship in stonemasonry, emerging as an entrepreneur in 1981.
He was working as a draughtsman and he was only a young fellow, two years younger than me.
It shows his supreme skills as a painter and a draughtsman that were being recognised internationally at the time of his death in 1992.
Such a claim might lead to the observation that the draughtsman's costs alone could have paid for at least one community nurse for a year.
Ercole, then, who was a better draughtsman than Costa, painted, below the panel executed by Lorenzo in the Chapel of S. Vincenzio in S. Petronio, certain scenes in distemper with little figures, so well and with so beautiful and good a manner, that it is scarcely possible to see anything better, or to imagine the labour and diligence that Ercole put into the work: and thus the predella is a much better painting than the panel.
Lives of the Most Eminent Painters Sculptors and Architects Vol. 03 (of 10), Filarete and Simone to Mantegna
The draughtsmanship is precise, with just enough deviation to liberate the artist's verve and originality.
And to him more than any other painter is due the cultured draughtsmanship which is to-day the just pride of the French school.
A Text-Book of the History of Painting
One wonders what other half-hidden catastrophes the draftsman might have included in nooks and crannies of the distant vistas, only to have them bowdlerized by his publisher.
Audubon's eye for design lends an added aesthetic dimension to his accurate draughtsmanship.
Times, Sunday Times
Half the battle in all I did, as I tried to explain to him without any 'cockiness' creeping in, was the draughtsman's inner eye that saw an object in three-dimensional terms.
On the maps, it's a skull or a corroded face in profile, facing southwest: a small marshy lake for the eye-socket, nose-and-mouth cavity cutting in at the entrance to the Peene, just below the power station ... the draftsmanship is a little like a Wilhelm Busch cartoon face, some old fool for mischievous boys to play tricks on.
Gravity's Rainbow
Nobody will ever again underestimate the brilliance of his draughtsmanship.
Times, Sunday Times
The wellspring of his art was his superb draughtsmanship, demonstrated in the Codex Valardi (Paris, Louvre), a great sequence of drawings that served as a visual record and source for many of his paintings.
If one were to judge Watts on his late, symbolic work, one might give him low marks for technique, anatomy and draughtsmanship.