How To Use Drafting table In A Sentence
Manual & multicolour more auto drafting Tablet plus clear thick film exposure and fertilizer.
Not long time back building designs & drawings was a pain in the neck by the hand using the conventional pen and paper on a drafting table.
Against the south wall, his huge drafting table still held a paste-up for a photo comic he had been working on.
I remember drawing the plan using a piece of finished plywood as my drafting table.
I always thought if you used a drafting table as the base for a touchscreen, you ought to hang an angled mirror above it at eyelevel, so you could have direct manipulation without killing your posture. reply
Why Desktop Touch Screens Don’t Really Work Well For Humans

On a drafting table against one wall lay a pile of ships' blueprints: cross-sectioned schooners, submarines, slave galleys.
The two-term councilman tells the Salt Lake Tribune he traveled to Bellingham to retrieve a drafting table, bed frame and office equipment from the property leased by Salt Lake City Planning Commissioner Kathleen Hill.
The Seattle Times
Manual & multicolour more auto drafting Tablet plus clear thick film to exposure and fertilizer.