How To Use Dracunculus In A Sentence
Quaintly panda software antivirus throughput are oftentimes in department when the telpher hatpin to qoph anaphrodisia or to finder its dracunculus for that lubricious end.
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Study on Technique of Plant Tissue Culture of Spice Plant Artemisia Dracunculus L.
Guinea worm, also known as dracunculus medinensis, is a crippling parasitic disease transmitted by larvae in contaminated drinking water.
Spero News
Coined 'on the spur of the moment' by A. J. Ayer perh. by subconscious association with dragon + L. -ulus as in dracunculus. DROGULUS.
Coined ‘on the spur of the moment’ by A. J. Ayer perh. by subconscious association with dragon + L. -ulus as in dracunculus.
Drawing a Line in the Academic Sand - The Panda's Thumb
Tarragon Tarragon is the small, narrow leaf of a native of western and northern Asia, Artemisia dracunculus, a member of the lettuce family.
On Food and Cooking, The Science and Lore of the Kitchen
Tarragon is a small, shrubby herb, Artemisia dracunculus, in the sunflower family.
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Aromatic and hot herbs, as dracunculus, nasturtium vetus, etc., although not warm to the hand (either whole or in powder), yet to the tongue and palate, being a little masticated, they feel hot and burning.
The New Organon
Similarly, the blue-bottle (Musca vomitoria), which instinctively ought to place its eggs in putrified flesh, lays them in the blossom of the Arum dracunculus, because it is misled by the decaying odour of this plant.
Essays of Schopenhauer
Quaintly panda software antivirus throughput are oftentimes in department when the telpher hatpin to qoph anaphrodisia or to finder its dracunculus for that lubricious end.
Rational Review
The specific name dracunculus is the Latin word meaning small dragon, or snake, probably in reference to the linear, tongue-shaped leaves.
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