How To Use Drachma In A Sentence
Little wonder there are dark mutterings that some in the elite are already planning for the new drachma.
Times, Sunday Times
The Greek letters XP combined in a monogram occur on pre-Christian coins (e.g. the Attic tetradrachma and some coins of the Ptolemies), and in some Greek manuscripts of the Christian period they are employed as an abbreviation of such words as (see Greek words 2, 3, 4).
The Catholic Encyclopedia, Volume 10: Mass Music-Newman
Pompey had laid out open chests on glistening display that morning which contained seventy-five million silver drachmae: more than the annual tax revenue of the entire Roman world.
A didrachma was half a sicle, or half a stater; that is, about 15d.
The Bible, Douay-Rheims, Book 47: Matthew The Challoner Revision
In April 1992 the Greek drachma was the only Community currency not yet part of the EMS exchange-rate mechanism.

Banks and investment funds in one euro-using country gorged on the bonds of others, freed of worry about devaluation-prone currencies like the drachma, lira, peseta and escudo.
Ties That Bound Europe Now Fraying
If you hadn't already noticed, gone are the good old peseta, the franc and the drachma.
With a new and substantially devalued drachma, it would have a better future emerging from the ashes of a failed experiment in euro membership.
Times, Sunday Times
In Greece itself, the switch to the new drachma would probably not be announced in advance.
Times, Sunday Times
A young man, paying for a newspaper in drachmas on Tuesday, admitted: ‘It's the first day and I didn't think to use our euro coins.‘
Already, politicians are manoeuvring for the potential world of the new drachma.
Times, Sunday Times
Harpocr. s.v., it was 12 drachmae per annum for a male and 6 drachmae for a female.
Ways and Means
Bomani Morellins in numis Augusti tabu - lertia conquisivit Neumannus noster ') * Ex - la tota XXXII., commatis exteiiii v.g. hibuit PelieriDius denarium gentis Plaii - tetradrachma Sidetum.
Doctrina nvmorvm vetervm conscripta a Josepho Eckhel ..
Banks and investment funds in one euro-using country gorged on the bonds of others, freed of worry about devaluation-prone currencies like the drachma, lira, peseta and escudo.
Ties That Bound Europe Now Fraying
“For two drachmas per worker,” another collective gasp and Erabulus went purple, “with five for him,” Phrynus pointed at the foreman, who was greatly mollified by that.
The One Handed Rower of Myonnesus « A Fly in Amber
[They that receive the (didrachma) tribute-money.]
From the Talmud and Hebraica
Bring back the drachma.
Times, Sunday Times
It is probable the currency would initially be set at one drachma to the euro, but then would devalue rapidly.
Times, Sunday Times
She had paid him well for the delay, in drachmas hidden now under the floor of his house, and in ouzo.
He suggested the Greeks should swap the euro for old currency the drachma.
The Sun
Already, politicians are manoeuvring for the potential world of the new drachma.
Times, Sunday Times
Francs, Deutschmarks, guilders, punts, drachmas and pesetas will all have gone by the end of February.
There aren't printing presses in Athens producing bits of paper called drachmas, but we're getting closer to the brink.
Wanted: Plans for the Euro's Demise
Its rival EBS, which is owned by ICAP PLC, said Sunday that it was testing trades in Greek drachma against both the dollar and the euro as a precautionary measure.
Thomson Reuters FX Systems Ready To Adapt To Euro-Zone Changes
They must also offer a propitiatory sacrifice to the god worth fifteen drachmae.
Bring back the drachma.
Times, Sunday Times
Unless they have already decided to price it in Greek drachma, rather than euro, he can tell you that there is an awful long way to go before austerity kicks in.
US Market Commentary from Seeking Alpha
The basic unit of money was the drachma with a larger unit being the talent worth 6000 drachmas.
A small Chian coin of which the exact value is unknown: if it amounted to 1/40th of the gold stater (20 drachmae) it would be worth 3 obols, 4d.
The History of the Peloponnesian War
Greece would essentially have to shut down for an entire weekend as banks begin the tortuous process of switching currencies from the euro to the drachma.
The Sun
Garcia pulled a tetradrachma coin from his pocket and flipped it to illustrate.
Archive 2010-03-01
Pay for mercenaries and allies continued at the same rates as citizens: normally 3 obols, sometimes a drachma.
The most abundantly coined pieces were the tetradrachm (25-33mm. in diameter) and the didrachm; pieces of eight, ten, and twelve drachmæ are exceptional, and a forty-drachma piece is
The Catholic Encyclopedia, Volume 11: New Mexico-Philip
Nomura has advised clients to check the fine print of their euro-denominated bonds to ascertain whether they could be converted into local currencies, such as the drachma, which could quickly plunge.
Little wonder there are dark mutterings that some in the elite are already planning for the new drachma.
Times, Sunday Times
The stater was a unit of currency; probably in this case the Corinthian stater, almost equal to two Attic drachmas; see Appendix J, Classical Greek Currency, ©4.
But the next time you go to Europe, don't be surprised if you see the drachmae and the lira back again with a new lease on life.
Jeffrey Rubin: No Way to Hold Eurozone Together
In April 1992 the Greek drachma was the only Community currency not yet part of the EMS exchange-rate mechanism.
The drachma disappeared, replaced by the euro when Greece joined the single European currency.
Buying euros with sterling will be no different to the way in which we used to buy francs, drachmas and lire.
The Transfiguration of Christ: He cures the lunatic child: foretells his passion; and pays the didrachma.
The Bible, Douay-Rheims, Book 47: Matthew The Challoner Revision
And when they were come to Capharnaum, they that received the didrachmas, came to Peter, and said to him: Doth not your master pay the didrachma?
The Bible, Douay-Rheims, Complete The Challoner Revision
With a new and substantially devalued drachma, it would have a better future emerging from the ashes of a failed experiment in euro membership.
Times, Sunday Times
Plus proficiet gutta mea, quam tot eorum drachmae et unciae.
Anatomy of Melancholy
He suggested the Greeks should swap the euro for old currency the drachma.
The Sun
The choice between new austerity measures with the euro and a default with the drachma is the same as choosing to be killed at five minutes to midnight or at midnight," says Maniatis. -- Top News
Greece would essentially have to shut down for an entire weekend as banks begin the tortuous process of switching currencies from the euro to the drachma.
The Sun
Coins larger than the drachma also existed; the largest denomination in each weight system is known as a stater.
He dropped a silver tetradrachma into her outstretched palm.
Lion Of Macedon
Instead of paying in pesetas, lire, drachmas, francs and marks, approximately 300 million Europeans are now using one common currency, the euro.
In April 1992 the Greek drachma was the only Community currency not yet part of the EMS exchange-rate mechanism.
Phrynus snorted because Cleon paid his crew a talent for each voyage and, when everything was settled, the average was considerably more than two drachmas.
The One Handed Rower of Myonnesus « A Fly in Amber
There were the Sophists, who, for one lepta, would persuade you that A equals B — and then for a drachma would be happy to convince you that what they just taught you was false.
Beautiful Evidence by Edward Tufte
And he showed lent out on bottomry seven talents and forty minae, and two thousand (drachmae) invested in the Chersonesus.
The Orations of Lysias
First it was the Deutsch mark, followed by the franc, lira, peseta and drachma.
In April 1992 the Greek drachma was the only Community currency not yet part of the EMS exchange-rate mechanism.
His family today confirmed they cannot pay the five million drachma bail money which has been set by the judges presiding over his case.
It is probable the currency would initially be set at one drachma to the euro, but then would devalue rapidly.
Times, Sunday Times
Less than a decade ago, Greeks joined a newly-minted, powerful single European currency that promised prosperity and affordable European Union imports that previously carried a high cost in Greek drachmas.
IOL: News
Yes, it's goodbye to the franc, the mark, drachma , peseta, lira and many of the other currencies which now confront visitors to Europe.
Roman government, is apparent from the specification of the "didrachma," which in the authorized version is translated "tribute.
Jesus the Christ A Study of the Messiah and His Mission According to Holy Scriptures Both Ancient and Modern
The euro, which replaces the old francs, marks, guilders, pesetas, escudos, drachmas, and lire of the European Union, is not yet five years old.
Some have been even banking on Greece exiting the euro so that they can then use the billions of euros squirrelled away outside the country to purchase the assets for knock-down drachma prices.
Most experts expect a new drachma to drop by at least 50 per cent from its initial value.
Times, Sunday Times
Not back to the drachma but a new national currency.
The Sun
For Greece, the new drachma would be pegged to the euro and that would provide the floor.
Times, Sunday Times
The 2001 prize includes 3 million drachmas plus a travel grant.
The old drachma currency could return.
The Sun
Contestants were given an allowance of 1 drachma per day beginning 30 days before the competition, which was raised to 2 � drachmae for boys and 3 for men in the days just before the games.
The Augustan Games of Naples
The euro, which replaces the old francs, marks, guilders, pesetas, escudos, drachmas, and lire of the European Union, is not yet five years old.
Trumpeters, lyre players, and flutists, as well as comic and tragic actors, received 3,000 drachmae.
The Augustan Games of Naples
Not back to the drachma but a new national currency.
The Sun
The reintroduction of the drachma would spark currency flight, with investors scrambling to move euros offshore.
Times, Sunday Times
In Matt. 17: 24-27 the word denotes the temple rate (the "didrachma," the "half-shekel," as rendered by the
Easton's Bible Dictionary
Greece would essentially have to shut down for an entire weekend as banks begin the tortuous process of switching currencies from the euro to the drachma.
The Sun
His family today confirmed they cannot pay the five million drachma bail money which has been set by the judges presiding over his case.
First it was the Deutsch mark, followed by the franc, lira, peseta and drachma.
Buying euros with sterling will be no different to the way in which we used to buy francs, drachmas and lire.
And let him who, having already received the work in exchange, does not pay the price in the time agreed, pay double the price; and if a year has elapsed, although interest is not to be taken on loans, yet for every drachma which he owes to the contractor let him pay a monthly interest of an obol.
If a new drachma slumps in value, that means that your mortgage value would decrease relative to sterling.
Times, Sunday Times
The Irish punt and Italian lira would sink 25% against a new German mark, while the Spanish peseta would lose 50% and Greece's drachma, 80%.
Banks Ponder Scenarios if Countries Drop Euro
A mina was a unit of currency equal to one sixtieth of a talent, or one hundred drachmae.
[22] This sum of twelve millions of drachmae, which is equal to three millions of shekels, i.e. at 2s. 10d. a shekel, equal to four hundred and twenty-five thousand pounds sterling, was Agrippa the Great's yearly income, or about three quarters of his grandfather Herod's income; he having abated the tax upon houses at Jerusalem, ch.
Antiquities of the Jews
The priest assures Phormion that the entrails of the victim foretokened every possible favor in future athletic contests -- and this, and his insinuating smile, win him a silver drachma to supplement his share of the lamb.
A Day in Old Athens; a Picture of Athenian Life
Neqne aKam poto eaasaite teooria aeq otr bilis, qoem Tidemna in moneta Tieifiap rnm nijrici nrbiom Dyrrhachii et Apolr loniae, aat etiam triam Cretae uiliiiim CyddniaOi Gortjnae, Hierapytnae,: fiae tetradrachma ad modnm monetae Atti - cae peniius - conformaTOre,. at ainara alia et obria exempla taceam.
Doctrina numorum veterum
Francs, Deutschmarks, guilders, punts, drachmas and pesetas will all have gone by the end of February.
So will British tourists be using the old Greek drachma this summer?
The Sun
While most of the people passing through that gate gave the man no more than a quick look of pity and a few drachmas, the apostles looked at him quite differently.
When I go through my old lira, pesetas, francs and drachma, I am reminded of the true meaning of being ‘in the Navy,’ and seeing something unique outside the United States.
The euro, which replaces the old francs, marks, guilders, pesetas, escudos, drachmas, and lire of the European Union, is not yet five years old.
LONDON—As the euro-zone debt crisis intensified in recent months, at least two global banks took steps to install back-up technology systems that could handle trades in old European currencies like drachmas, escudos and lire.
Banks Struggle With Euro Contingencies
The euro, which replaces the old francs, marks, guilders, pesetas, escudos, drachmas, and lire of the European Union, is not yet five years old.
Greece's history in the drachma was an up-and-down history, a roller coaster. -- Top News
The works of Jens Jacobsen and Holger Drachmann contributed to literature, while the Skagen School of Danish painters, so called because they gathered on the Skaw in the 1870s, followed the style of realism in art.
The agio was taken into account by asking the party who traded it to add an extra amount, so that it took seventy iron drachmae, and not sixty, to make up the acceptable equivalent, and hence the real value of a silver mina.
So will British tourists be using the old Greek drachma this summer?
The Sun
The word "dram" translates into English as "money", and is cognate with the Greek drachma.
“I will pay my standard rate of two drachmas a day!”
The One Handed Rower of Myonnesus « A Fly in Amber
Alternatively, prisoners of war might be ransomed, a more laborious yet more profitable process, since a standard ransom of 200 drachmas was a sum which few slaves would fetch.
What I'll treasure the most is my collection of Italian lira, Spanish pesetas, French francs and Greek drachmas, as these are four of the 12 European currencies that have been replaced by the new Euro.
As The New York Times reports today, some economists believe that a default by Greece and return to the drachma might be the best course of action, though the results would be devastating.
The Globe and Mail - Home RSS feed
Trying to live on 1,000 drachmae a day and sleeping rough on beaches?
Times, Sunday Times
The old drachma currency could return.
The Sun
When the news reached the Corinthians that Epidamnus was besieged, they equipped an army and proclaimed that a colony was to be sent thither; all who wished might go and enjoy equal rights of citizenship; but any one who was unwilling to sail at once might remain at Corinth, and, if he made a deposit of fifty Corinthian drachmae, might still have a share in the colony. 28
The History of the Peloponnesian War
Because the drachma does not exist anymore, it cannot be devalued.
Gibbon reports that Julianus paid for the Roman Empire in "drachmas".
America begins slide into third world status
For Greece, the new drachma would be pegged to the euro and that would provide the floor.
Times, Sunday Times
He shelled out the drachmas he'd bought at the hotel exchange and took delivery of his first and only material clue.
In Greece itself, the switch to the new drachma would probably not be announced in advance.
Times, Sunday Times
If a new drachma slumps in value, that means that your mortgage value would decrease relative to sterling.
Times, Sunday Times
Most experts expect a new drachma to drop by at least 50 per cent from its initial value.
Times, Sunday Times
Although we were told that the price of living here had become much more expensive since the euro replaced the drachma, it still seemed pretty cheap to us - especially eating out.
Its rival EBS, which is owned by ICAP PLC, said Sunday that it was testing trades in Greek drachma against both the dollar and the euro as a precautionary measure.
Thomson Reuters FX Systems Ready To Adapt To Euro-Zone Changes
The reintroduction of the drachma would spark currency flight, with investors scrambling to move euros offshore.
Times, Sunday Times
- Qooeirca adfirmave non dilbi* tat aot tetradrachma Alexandri lff« poat hojos morlem » ot Tiaom Pelle* rinio, cosa.
Doctrina numorum veterum
There is the risk that you will be paid in drachmas rather than euros, but, hey, no investment is without a bit of risk.
Waking Up to Greece's Default Position
If you hadn't already noticed, gone are the good old peseta, the franc and the drachma.
In Greece, beggars who ventured out on the streets of Athens on Monday after a three-day cold snap found their cups filling up with both drachmas and euros.