
How To Use Drab In A Sentence

  • But they - like the infamous somnolent dogs of Bucharest streets, like the drab, grey concrete blocks in the suburbs - are not what Romania's future is about.
  • As many as 30 different species grow, among them Alpine bartsia Bartsia alpina, Alpine bistort Polygonum viviparum, Unalaska fleabane Erigeron humilis and thick-leaved whitlow grass Draba crassifolia. Ilulissat Icefjord, Denmark-Greenland
  • As soon as the door closed behind her I hurried to the dirty window in the front room and I watched as she walked down the street looking remarkably out of place in the drab surroundings in her bright green dress.
  • When you take the colour from things it robs the world of its vitality and wonder, and leaves things drab and lifeless.
  • Several images are striking, but the programme has no hint of a bright outlook, and costuming is consistently drab. Times, Sunday Times
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  • She offered Billy a clear route of escape from his drab existence, even if was hard to understand how she could really be interested in him.
  • He closed the door and wabbled swiftly down the long drab hall of the “railroad flat,” evidently trying to walk straight. Our Mr. Wrenn
  • Rockets of early manufacture are painted battleship gray or dark green; later rockets are olive drab.
  • And this impression is greatly helped by the fantastical finery of his dress: sky-blue satin cravat, yards of gold chain, white French gloves, light drab great-coat lined with velvet of the same colour, invisible inexpressibles, skin-coloured and fitting like a glove, etc., etc. New Letters and Memorials of Jane Welsh Carlyle
  • They were both dressed so that it was easy to mark them down as gypsy kin, their faded but bright clothes easy to spot amongst the normal gray drab of the peasants.
  • They seemed a drab assortment of mediocrities.
  • Her eyebrows were plucked flat, canopying small, olive drab, porcine eyes rimmed with red. Over the Edge
  • A great performance by Polanski as the boring, drab office worker who slowly goes insane, and, consequently, sheds his inhibited personality.
  • The former were drabby-looking creatures, stained in face with oil and dust, clad in thin, shapeless, cotton dresses and shod with more or less worn shoes. Sister Carrie
  • What a nice way to show that dressing modestly doesn't have to mean "dowdy" or "drab"! The Value of Clothing in Creating a Mood
  • Traders and residents are being warned the city will be drab and cheerless if funds are not found to pay for proper illuminations.
  • They are like dead walls and the place they enclose like a vault, and the itinerant drab like a thing in drab cerements (they trail the dust) that ought to be dead wailing for entrance to things, tombed in those walls, that are dead. This Freedom
  • I've noticed a few women friends starting to dress very prettily and femininely, wearing more skirts and makeup in prettier (less drab) colors. 18th and 19th Century Country Women
  • No trace, only my cigarette smoke, hovering like a wraith, betrayed my presence by leaving the shadow of its scent as it passed through drab walls.
  • Part of the overall drabness in this film emerges from the unescapable funnel effect of the visuals, which are doused in a cold blue-steel tint.
  • Handicrafts have been directed not only to fulfil one's daily requirement but to add beauty and brightness in the otherwise dull and drab existence.
  • But those philosophies are being expressed in drips and drabs. David L. Schindler criticizes Christopher West's work with TOTB
  • I feel so drab in this grey uniform.
  • The secret: excellent raw materials and handicraft skills that have somehow survived decades of war and years of egalitarian drabness.
  • A splendid Stalagmite standing 2 to 3 feet high and set apart from the drab brown of the rest of the passage by its white crystalline purity greeted my ascent.
  • Modern feminists don't want to trade in their femininity for drab power suits and a brief case.
  • She walked through the city centre with its drab, grey buildings and felt depressed.
  • Grouping four or five boxwood in one area and using different sized pots make an eyecatching bright green display to brighten up an otherwise drab spot.
  • Above 6,500 feet can be found altocumulus ("clumps or rolls") and altostratus (a "drab and featureless" haze), as well as the storm clouds nimbostratus ("dim, miserable") and cumulonimbus ("the shape of a blacksmith's anvil"). Cirrus Concerns
  • Well, if a drabble is 100 words, and a dribble is 50 words, then how about we say Hint Fiction cannot be anything more than 25 words. Hint Fiction: When Flash Fiction Becomes Just Too Flashy
  • You want an urban flat, but don't want a formulaic development with identikit kitchens and bathrooms, boring layouts and drab fittings?
  • Certainly, the widespread predilection for the fancy and frivolous has its roots in decades of drab socialist conformity.
  • life was drab compared with the more exciting life style overseas
  • The Winter Wren is a tiny woodland bird whose song is as elaborate as its plumage is drab.
  • I believed that such wondrous girls walked around Rome with birds on their heads while I suffered the drab and comfortless interior of boarding school for two whole terms.
  • flowers added a note of cheerfulness to the drab room
  • The meet and the hunt provided a dash of colour in the lives of all during the otherwise drab British winter.
  • Plants with fascinating leaf shapes and variegated foliage can turn your shade garden from a drab, dark place to an intriguing cool retreat.
  • One reality supplants another as a drab home is replaced with opulent apartments and decadent parties.
  • Pinched-faced telephonists in drab maroon overalls intone ‘at your service ‘over and over again.
  • Many of the most fantastic pieces of film are actually the ones that contain vividly colorful elements set in an otherwise drab composition. WWII in HD Blu-ray Review –
  • Every teenage fantasy, frustration and obsession is here as the naive youngsters exchange their drab existences for an alcohol-induced escapism.
  • We need them to safeguard us against drabness and drudgery, against a mechanistic and wearisome utilitarianism.
  • Eleven plant species listed as threatened in the United States 'statutes are found in the park; Palmer amsonia Amsonia palmeri, goldenweed Haplopappus salicinus, Draba asprella var. kaibensis, plains cactus Pediocactus bradyi, scouler catchfly Silene rectiramea, phacelia Phacelia filiformis, wild buckwheats Eriogonum darrovii, E. thompsonae var. atwoodi and E. zionis var. coccineum, primrose Primula hunnewellii and clute penstemon Penstemon clutei. Grand Canyon National Park, United States
  • Unfortunately, much of the drab utilitarianism of urban existence has come to be associated with the design philosophy of functionalism.
  • A drabble is an extremely short work of fiction exactly one hundred words in length, although the term is often misused to indicate a short [...] 18 | March | 2008 | Living the Liminal
  • A Spanish hogfish poses in its zebra-striped nightclothes, but every time I bring it into my lamp beam to frame up its portrait, it instantly changes back to its drab daylight guise.
  • The rising sun slowly turns the drab greys and dull browns of the mountains to patches of pale gold and dusty pinks.
  • It was a long, tiresome walk through the outskirts of the town, where the dwelling-houses were, -- long rows of two-story bricks drabbled with soot-stains. The Atlantic Monthly, Volume 08, No. 48, October, 1861
  • She offers us an invocation of a life so drab, so mundane that, emerging from the final close-sealed video room, our own everyday existence seems incomparably transfigured; ineffably glorious.
  • A drabble is an extremely short work of fiction exactly one hundred words in length, although the term is often misused to indicate a short story of less than 1000 words. Color Me Drabbled | Living the Liminal
  • All about are bondsmen's scalps - bald pates, shaved and shining as this morning's spring-ish dew - while we bonded women wear our best and only sheath of wadmal cloth, gray and drab and of a sweaty woolen, with a flaxen kerchief tied around our brows and braids. Excerpt: The Thrall's Tale by Judith Lindbergh
  • Jim walked warily into the drab institutional room, nodding to the inhabitant.
  • The extravagant plumage of peacocks contrasts with the drabness of peahens.
  • As a mulch, bark is a boon, but its colour can make for a drab garden in winter.
  • Sexually immature and drab colored juveniles represent the first phase.
  • Back with us in just a little bit as these details start to drib in and drab out. CNN Transcript Mar 30, 2006
  • Life in the orphanage was a rather drab existence.
  • Which brings us to the second side-function of this TV drama, its Technicolor illustration of a drab fact: Britain suffers from a bad case of overmighty executive syndrome.
  • By coincidence, I saw my first Rose-breasted grosbeak of the season just yesterday, but it was the relatively drab female. Waldo Jaquith - Rose-breasted Grosbeaks.
  • her drab personality
  • It may not occupy much of the foreground of my life, but the middle - and back-ground would be drabber without it.
  • She walked through the city centre with its drab, grey buildings and felt depressed.
  • It included the insults jade, quean, baggage, harlot, drab, filth, flirt, gill, trull, dirtyheels, draggletail, flap, naughty-pack, slut, squirt and strumpet.
  • We'd started by reading it to him in drips and drabs before bed, but he finally got frustrated with how slowly that was happening that he picked the book up and re-started at the beginning and read straight through to the end in two days. Day in the Life of an Idiot
  • Each footstep raised a small cloud of dusty ochre Virginia clay, turning the olive drab of my fatigues a rusty red.
  • The 47-year-old Mr. Croak says the product sold in dribs and drabs at first. After the One-Hit Wonder
  • We ate good papri chaat and excellent little black hara kebabs made of spinach and green bananas and split peas and a good big tandoori pomfret, but Manpreet was unimpressed by the lifeless paneer pakora and found the chicken drab, too.
  • Overall, I found "Robin Hood" to be a little too drabby, but with its intentions to "keep it real" in the setting of the late 1190's, the look of the film would tend to have a faded out color palette. Home Theater Forum
  • The field was yellow - not drab straw but vibrant van Gogh strokes under the low sun.
  • Another way to reduce sail is to build a sail with removable sections called bonnets and drabbiers.
  • Inside a room, whey-faced men in drab suits sit in cubicles pushing paper about.
  • A grasshopper materialized, then several hornets, two shiny black wasps, a drab brown damselfly, and a large azure-blue dragonfly.
  • Isella was found to be a mother; and then the storm burst upon her and drabbled her in the dust as fearlessly as the summer-wind sweeps down and besmirches the lily it has all summer been wooing and flattering. The Atlantic Monthly, Volume 07, No. 43, May, 1861 Creator
  • The drab but pain-filled room at Baghdad's morgue is a stark reminder of how much this country still suffers. POLITICAL HOT TOPICS: November 16, 2009
  • His was in drab khaki, like that supplied to the military.
  • Mountain dryas, yellow and white draba and arabis species, golden daisy, anemones, and white, rose and yellow heathers make thick carpets of green that cover most of the plateau. Kootenay Rockies - News
  • None of these details cohere into a character; they're merely bits and drabs of information. Michael Giltz: Theater: Under The Radar and Coil Warm Up January
  • Spread the custard over the fruit and then garnish with nuts and mint to spruce up the drabness if you like. July fourth official vegan post « paper fruit
  • On their own, trellises are also a great way of softening an area or masking a drab concrete wall.
  • A drab, austere society had suddenly been plunged into a more competitive, glamorized world in the 1970s and 1980s.
  • Drab, dark-coloured fabrics, favoured by many makers to give their cars a businesslike look and dirt-resistant functionality, are hard-wearing but dreary.
  • The action opens with Vince drinking and drugging his way through an evening in a drab Michigan motel room.
  • Male P. parae come in five genetically determined varieties: yellow, blue, red, parae (which have vertical stripes), and immaculata (which are very drab). Ars Technica
  • Rifles were cocked, and every eye carefully scrutinised the dry drabby-yellow grass through which the lion would be stealing its way, and so much like the withered stems in colour that, unless moving, it was quite possible to miss seeing such a creature as they rode along. Off to the Wilds Being the Adventures of Two Brothers
  • This decision was given the legal sanction in a rather drab ritual at the marriage registrar's office, with a few friends to witness and append their signatures on the documents as required.
  • Everything is a uniform shade of grey, built out of old power station parts and conduits, populated by drab, colourless people.
  • A riot in a drab housing project outside Paris leaves one participant on his deathbed, a victim of police brutality.
  • Part of this comes from the business, but part of it comes from creative use of drab colours.
  • The ground-colour is a pale drabby stone-colour, and all about the large end is a broad dense zone of dull brownish purple. The Nests and Eggs of Indian Birds, Volume 1
  • The hallway was a drab grey and the worn carpet was fraying.
  • I'm unsure of the media blackout at the moment, I have seen both conflicting screens of the game, some look awesome - some look drab.
  • As far as Agents, again the characters are mostly drabbed down, the final issue of the mini left a bad taste in my mouth and then perusing through the first issue and seeing them turning over bad guys to the dragon who eats them... 2009: Hits & Misses (so far)!
  • The jester was wearing drab brown, had tied his curly black hair back neatly, and on the whole looked like an entirely different person.
  • Nearer, I distinguished the green slime of ditches mixing with the pale drab of dried clay and shiny, coaly patches. The War of The Worlds
  • Each footstep raised a small cloud of dusty ochre Virginia clay, turning the olive drab of my fatigues a rusty red.
  • A riot in a drab housing project outside Paris leaves one participant on his deathbed, a victim of police brutality.
  • Dust was everywhere, the floor was dingy and the once white walls were now a drab gray.
  • annuitize" - that is, freeze the investment in time and take it out in drips and drabs. Piece Of Mind
  • He uses interiors and outdoor locations which are believably drab yet shot through with unidentifiable menace.
  • The snow pattered down around me as I looked up at her, landing in my hair and covering the dull drabness of my dress with fluffy flakes.
  • Her necklaces, also gold and ivory, seemed plain compared to Sevanna's opulence, her dark woolen skirts and white algode blouse drab, yet of the two women, Faile feared Therava far more than she did Sevanna. Knife of Dreams
  • It included the insults jade, quean, baggage, harlot, drab, filth, flirt, gill, trull, dirtyheels, draggletail, flap, naughty-pack, slut, squirt and strumpet.
  • There's still quite a bit of the Christmas chocolate left over, so tonight we followed dinner with a couple of liqueur chocolates to cheer us up while looking at the room, which suddenly now seems so drab and bare.
  • Instead of pristine white snow, you'll get a drab gray winter wonderland; instead of an inky-black horse, you'll get a gray nag.
  • Sour Grapes '' is nothing to look at -- it's sitcom drab -- but David has the requisite ruthlessness of the true  farceur,   willing to follow the tale's dark logic to its dottiest ends. Gambling Debts
  • The continued the rest of the ride in silence and stepped out onto their drabby floor when the doors dinged open.
  • It was a great concept, a book of trivia to help lift the drab, austere grey days of the mid fifties…
  • The red stems of this bush provide a contrast to the drab brown of the rest of the winter garden.
  • The landscape is drab and infested with brick ovens.
  • In the first part, the author will cast a general glimpse of Drabble's life, and education which serves as the impetus and provides rich material for her literary creation.
  • She bedrabbled her long skirt.
  • Mr. Drabble relied upon two cases in particular in support of his argument that the delays were unlawful.
  • She looked over at his bearish figure, snuff-drabbled waistcoat, and shock of black hair. The Atlantic Monthly, Volume 08, No. 48, October, 1861
  • The characters and monsters are very plain, unappealing folk, partially because they suffer from the drab backwoods fashion of the late 1800s, partially because of their lack of detail.
  • The landscape is drab and infested with brick ovens.
  • After the gate guards cleared us, the bus turned into a sideroad that wound down off the main road and ended up entering a big driveway that wound up a hill, passed a very military-looking building, painted white-flesh white with olive drab trimmings all topped with a steeple with a cross on top; Jesus, a church right here in the middle of this army base. Kill or Be Killed
  • Above 6,500 feet can be found altocumulus ("clumps or rolls") and altostratus (a "drab and featureless" haze), as well as the storm clouds nimbostratus ("dim, miserable") and cumulonimbus ("the shape of a blacksmith's anvil"). Cirrus Concerns
  • A drabble is a story of exactly 100 words that is presented on Norm Sherman’s fiction podcast, The Drabblecast. What the Heck is a Drabble Anyway? | Living the Liminal
  • When the oysters dried out in a couple of hours all this fresh vivid color and the symbiotic communities of microscopic animals would vanish, and these oysters, soon to appear on beds of ice in the display cases of fish stores and supermarkets, would become the drab grey rock-like creatures that most people thought fresh oysters looked like. Working Title: "Third Persons"
  • A sense of pride permeated the afternoon, with the franchise and the fans eager to show off their very own ballpark after being so embarrassed by the drabby Metrodome for nearly three decades.
  • As mentioned in an earlier crit, the unusual presentation of a drab and colourless sixties really creates an atmosphere of sordidity and the authentic sets added to this (... don't you just HATE it when you mumble under your breath We Blog A Lot
  • The shape-changer looked down at himself, observing drab brown feathers, barred and speckled, that covered a body half the size of the bird before him.
  • But tucked in amongst the rocky ledges and crevices was a rich variety of flowers, including two rare, strictly-alpine species, arctic draba and Lyall's rockress, that until now had eluded me. Aspen Times - Top Stories
  • It had begun to drizzle, as it so often does during the winter in Northern France, and this man wore a bedrabbled cloak -- a brigandish-looking cloak -- over his blue smock. Ruth Fielding at the War Front or, The Hunt for the Lost Soldier
  • The National Art Collections Fund has mounted an exhibition, impressive even in the drab purlieus of the Hayward Gallery, of some of the most notable works it has helped to retain in Great Britain during the past hundred years.
  • After months in the desert, surrounded by drab camouflage gear, the soldiers smiled broadly at the flight attendants as they boarded the plane.
  • The war in 1939 perforce ushered in an era of more grime and drabness.
  • The red stems of this bush provide a contrast to the drab brown of the rest of the winter garden.
  • They are depressing, alien environments, made more dismal by drab walls and endless corridors.
  • For the costumes they had gone quite traditional Isreali with long skirts for both sexes and very drab colours.
  • Despite its drab colour, Tokyo is immaculately clean.
  • Combining documentation with the aestheticism of abstract colour, the work transfigures even the drabbest residential blocks.
  • They are colored to blend in with their sandy environment: most are whitish or drab brown, and many have red-tinged or dark mottling along the back and head.
  • The newcomer's plum, saccular head nods in the old song of cloths and tatters, drab and sand-stippled, those blowzy streaks of thinned hair swishing about in an onrush of current.
  • The very ground the houses stood on seemed weary and drabbled, almost asking for rusty tin cans. Kangaroo
  • It continues to thrive on juxtapositions, the mixture of the shiny new gems and the bright life behind the drab facades of the old buildings.
  • The game looked to be petering out to a drab draw, until Aidan McCarron, the flying Mary's full-forward, was wrestled to the ground inside the square.
  • Above 6,500 feet can be found altocumulus ("clumps or rolls") and altostratus (a "drab and featureless" haze), as well as the storm clouds nimbostratus ("dim, miserable") and cumulonimbus ("the shape of a blacksmith's anvil"). Cirrus Concerns
  • When a greater spread of sail was required, a piece called a bonnet was added to the foot of the sail, and a further piece called a drabbler could be added to that.
  • DELHI: TDP chief N Chandrababu Naidu has demanded a CBI inquiry to probe all "illegalities" involved in Obulapuram - Articles related to Fear of litigation halts SEZ de-notification: Goa CM
  • But they'll have to do it in due course, do it in a timely way and do it in a way I told you earlier that doesn't open us to the charge that we get yelled at all the time for dribbing and drabbing information out -- and we're not going to do something piecemeal. Press Briefing By Mike Mccurry
  • Because vast amounts of information have to be translated, sifting the seized materials will take a long time and threat information will likely come out in dribs and drabs, counterterrorism officials said, predicting it would take weeks just to do a preliminary assessment of the material. Al Qaeda Sought to Target U.S. Train Network
  • Ambition is madness; and desire of distinction is criminal vanity; and glory is bosh; and fair fame is idleness; and nothing is true but two and two; and the color of all the world is drab; and all men are equal; and one man is as tall as another; and one man is as good as another — and a great dale betther, as the Irish philosopher said. Roundabout Papers
  • You just have to admire a guy who brings style and panache to the otherwise drab world of bank robbery.
  • Aside from a pair of drab grey curtains which covered the window over the sink, the room was free of decorations.
  • But look down that vista of charity children in slate coloured Quaker bonnets, stuck one against the other in drab, like pins in a paper, but not so bright; are they going to stand there for ever, with their governess at their head, looking as smug and fubsy as the squat house at the end? The Mirror of Literature, Amusement, and Instruction Volume 14, No. 385, August 15, 1829
  • One Dalit intellectual, Chandrabhan Prasad, thinks his community should worship "English" as a goddess. The Untouchable Case for Indian Capitalism
  • The earthy matter in the pocosin of Onslow is very fine, and of drab color, in which respects it is similar to the best lands of Hyde. Report of the North-Carolina Geological Survey. Agriculture of the Eastern Counties: Together with Descriptions of the Fossils of the Marl Beds
  • Life was now drab compared with the more exciting life style overseas.
  • They wore winter drabs, and I couldn't decide whether they were Australasian or Hoary-headed grebes.
  • Originally quite a good song with a pretty melody it's now some drab techno.
  • They seemed a drab assortment of mediocrities.
  • ‘Never mind him or the dook; he is drabbed; come away, or we shall be grabbed — both of us.’ Lavengro
  • Turn on a television anywhere from Idaho to Irkutsk and there he'll be, still leering away and chasing squealing nymphets across drab stretches of suburban parkland.
  • In a clear departure from the dull and drab appearance that Government publications are usually identified with, the newsletters sport a jaunty look.
  • We figured it was a bonus for having to put up with that drab Sunday issue.
  • Bill goes off five mornings a week to Redbrick University exactly as he went to Back Street Council School and Drabtown Municipal School for Boys - and he goes on his bicycle, to save the twopenny tram fare.
  • This sunny, summer evening, we are watching small dogs scrabble around on a drab linoleum floor.
  • If the editor knows that the drabness is intentional, then it’s a sign of the colorist’s ability to set the mood, NOT incompetence. Superhero Nation: how to write superhero novels and comic books » An easy mistake for prospective novelists and comic book writers…
  • What should have been a fast flowing cat-and-mouse chase, with the highs and lows of your stomach on a bumpy sea ride, manoeuvres into two-and-a-half hours of drab mishmash.
  • But most of its output was nothing like that: it was drab, ordinary, commercial style programming with no visible public service value.
  • The 46-year-old, who has long lived in relative quiet, sat down with a journalist in a drab motel room to try to dispel his lingering public image as a hatemonger.
  • Drab, dark-coloured fabrics, favoured by many makers to give their cars a businesslike look and dirt-resistant functionality, are hard-wearing but dreary.
  • At first she is dressed with drab functionality, so we recognize her purchase of the famously ridiculous hat (actually based on a sketch by Garbo herself) as a significant emotional milepost.
  • Each episode contains a longer piece, a 100-word drabble, and a 100-character twitterfic. SFF Podcasts
  • The planes were parked on the ramp and given a coat of Olive Drab camouflage along with period markings.
  • The purpose of the drabble is brevity and to test the author’s ability to express interesting and meaningful ideas in an extremely confined space. Color Me Drabbled | Living the Liminal
  • She used to come to school with such smooth, clean pantalets, while mine were splashed with mud, drabbled by the wet grass, or all wrinkles from having been rolled up. The Continental Monthly, Vol. 2, No 3, September, 1862 Devoted to Literature and National Policy.
  • Also on the summit are twisted-arm draba and James 'snowlover, two of the 15 alpine species identified as "rare" in the must-have book for amateur botanists, Rare Plants of Colorado. Aspen Times - Top Stories
  • We are just now seeing on dribs and drabs of info about the Chilean wine industry because the first problem and immediate focus is on resuce and survival. Chilean earthquake: wineries, barrels, bottles damaged or demolished | Dr Vino's wine blog
  • It's like that one date your bookkeeper set you up with, a shlumpy drab dresser with winding breezily delivered stories about pizza delivery and cats and whatshisface and whodidwhatnow and thank god that's over, please pass the tequila. 2007 -- The Year that Time Forgot
  • drab faded curtains
  • I about-faced, and it was him: braids replaced by a processed pageboy, teale-and-black basketball jersey, baggy olive-drab shorts.
  • The woods began to move, too; and, with the familiar trample of horse hooves, an army clad in drab array appeared at its edge.
  • Certainly, the widespread predilection for the fancy and frivolous has its roots in decades of drab socialist conformity.
  • The Muslim Governer of Hydrabad in southern India rebelled and established a separate Shi'a state, he also reintroduced religious toleration.
  • Every teenage fantasy, frustration and obsession is here as the naive youngsters exchange their drab existences for an alcohol-induced escapism.
  • Station: Cataracts which stopped the Expedition* discover the Sources of the Nile by * Kirira River & Bari Kingdom heard of* the draba south of the Equator.] What Led to the Discovery of the Source of the Nile
  • The lovely jeprdyfrndly challenged me to write an entire one shot in drabble format. A Couple of Squees
  • What huge fellows they were! almost as huge as the hogs for which they higgled; the generality of them dressed in brown sporting coats, drab breeches, yellow-topped boots, splashed all over with mud, and with low-crowned broad-brimmed hats. Wild Wales : Its People, Language and Scenery
  • Females are more drab with brown and white colouring.
  • Georgian prose, raised from early Georgian "drabness" by the efforts of Johnson, Gibbon, and Burke, but not proceeding to the extremes of any of the three, was still the academic standard; but when a certain freedom on the one side, and a certain grace and colour on the other, were being taken from the new experiments of nineteenth-century prose proper. Matthew Arnold
  • Some were, as usual, in snow-white smock-frocks of Russia duck, and some in whitey-brown ones of drabbet -- marked on the wrists, breasts, backs, and sleeves with honeycomb-work. Far from the Madding Crowd
  • He hadn't been married a year before all the seven were shady; the colors ran into each other till even Sundays became a kind of grayish drab. The Combined Maze
  • This dusty and tedious little patch of time -- could she safely label it "drab" and have done with it, or would she find herself one day living through a period so relentlessly subfusc that this present lozenge would seem, by contrast, gay? Mrs. Miniver
  • I picked up his hand, laid the oil-drabbled amulet across his palm, and closed his fingers round it. Drums of Autumn
  • But this differs to be mixed frowzily at sinking drab, contrast is need, basically be the degree that should master good contrast.
  • The front of the studio building used to be a drab slab of rundown Victorian brickwork.
  • He who is connected with a "daw," or drab, has many troubles to put up with. The Proverbs of Scotland
  • Along with olive drab uniforms and combat boots, these could go to everyone upon enlistment.
  • Everything is a uniform shade of grey, built out of old power station parts and conduits, populated by drab, colourless people.
  • He has transformed his house from drab and ordinary into an artist's retreat.
  • This is what has led to such drab and lifeless showing by usually great teams.
  • she dresses drably
  • The speaker is able to engage sensuously with the brilliant carp, nature's highlights, only if the reach of nature into darker places where dwell the suckerfish, the ‘drainers of dregs, drab makers of clarity’ are set in Jungian balance.
  • They seemed to be called away from whatever task they happened to be doing, dressed in drab blacks, browns, and blues.
  • Mountain dryas, yellow and white draba and arabis species, golden daisy, anemones, and white, rose and yellow heathers make thick carpets of green that cover most of the plateau. Kootenay Rockies - News
  • Outside of the breeding season, the male is drab brown with hints of yellow and white wing-bars.
  • Although drab in winter, males spend much of the year resplendent in bright lemon-yellow plumage set off by black and white wings, cap, and tail.

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