How To Use Dozy In A Sentence
The Government for a start, which is commissioning research into dozy citizenship.
She almost hit the sheets again in her dozy stupor, but then Julia bounded in, hopping with the energy you'd expect from a hyper seven-year old.
Often he would be apathetic and dozy, particularly for the first hour after he had left Beckton, but then he would start to perk up, speaking intelligently and coherently and showing curiosity about the world around him.
Henry’s Demons
The contradiction in this case is that Gilligan's bombshell was initially reported in such a dozy, unsensational manner, with all those ‘erms’ and the infamous ‘probably’.
Future historians sifting through the cinematic detritus of the last 100 years might find themselves wondering whether some dozy assistant had mislabelled the reels for the early 21st century.
The Artist and the rise of retrovision

I too have been plagued by unusually warm weather and a "dozy" young driver but she got our mailbox instead of my car, so it wasn't too bad.
Gone to.....
Actually, what she means is that she thinks I'm a sucker for a prolonged cuddle in my dozy state.
So one night's jet-lagged sleep, and one day's dozy practice, and at Ballymore on 12 May they were beaten by Queensland by 15-11, after which the Queensland coach and former Wallaby international, Des Connor, contemptuously pronounced the certainty: "These Lions are hopeless; they are undoubtedly the worst team ever to be sent to New Zealand".
Des Connor's 1971 Lions-bait remains absolutely priceless | Frank Keating
And there she remained, moaning quietly, until late the following morning when her dozy brood managed to stagger out of bed to ask what was for breakfast.
Halfway through I felt dozy, so I hit the drive-through at Starbucks.
Dozy Britons accidentially drop 885 , 000 mobile phones down the toilet each year.
Halfway through I felt dozy, so I hit the drive-through at Starbucks.
With Graham off in Wales, searching out estate and letting agents and looking at house details, Harry and Dolly and I have had a completely shameless, dozy day.
Despite what one would think even though Jamie was so incredibly sleepy, sluggish, drowsy, and dozy, he didn't seem to mind.
Despite what one would think even though Jamie was so incredibly sleepy, sluggish, drowsy, and dozy, he didn't seem to mind.
While he is dozy from drink, the ‘Little Nurse’ passes a cloth, on which she has dropped some liquid chloroform, in front of his face.
If I were working in an office today, I'd be full of good intentions and dozy distraction.
Maybe I eat too much and that's what makes me dozy.
A Brain scientist has teamed up with electronics wizards to design a system for giving dozy drivers a wake-up call.
a tired dozy child
The dozy pair believed her - and ran off empty-handed.
Apart from the fact that the real moral of the Kolo Touré story was never trust a dozy husband with his wife's medicine cupboard, what happened to the old romantic Wenger, the one that was part football genius and part Leonard Cohen?
Tarnished FA Cup needs a Manchester derby's drama | Paul Wilson
After the terrifying three-hour ordeal they discovered the gun-toting cops had initially only wanted to speak to them because their dozy van driver had been parked illegally.
The Sun
The usual complaints about the presentation of Match of the Day by a cozy, dozy gang of highly remunerated ex-pros were reinforced on Saturday night after the programme had shown an interview in which Neil Warnock very pointedly accusing Robin van Persie of making persistent fouling part of his modus operandi.
Sir Alex Ferguson wants three more years, but he might not get them | Richard Williams
The press, dozy as ever, would have missed the story en masse.
All in all it was a fraught weekend and a salutary lesson always to keep your dog on the lead for its own protection against ‘trained’ attack dogs and their dozy owners.
Ms Germain was often "dozy", which he put down to the medication.
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I went on to eat a light breakfast and to get my morning writing session done, then felt decidedly dozy.
After the terrifying three-hour ordeal they discovered the gun-toting cops had initially only wanted to speak to them because their dozy van driver had been parked illegally.
The Sun
I've given her a light sedative, she'll be dozy and will hopefully sleep through the night
I said there was no point, I was on morphine, drugged up and dozy in the hospital.
Some motorway blackspots are known as ‘the sleepy corridor’ and ‘the nod-off zone’ by traffic police who have to clear up the carnage caused by dozy drivers.
The audience listened intently, strolled among the plants, watched the dozy fish, sipped tea, snoozed, read books: it was quite magical.
And that one sloppy, dozy, cosy thing leads tragically to another.
Murdoch could let the News of the World rise again
I went on to eat a light breakfast and to get my morning writing session done, then felt decidedly dozy.
Note also that Adams is so dozy as to include in his blitzkrieg on the overuse of ‘basically’ a sentence that commits precisely the same sort of lexical naughtiness.
“Attacks” on the language are greatly misunderstood
After a few dozy miles, road-roar broke the peace.
The house seemed to be full of dozy, half-dead insects trying to get in from the cold.
If the dozy mare who sits in the booth by the ticket barrier looked up from reading her Metro occasionally, like when yet another teenager is escaping through the luggage gate without paying, we wouldn't need half as many cameras.
I'm feeling a bit dozy this afternoon.
But there will be plenty of lighter fare for dozy afternoons.
This week's standout is a Sun front page featuring a dozy police officer, and a file relating to 2012 security which he or she left on a train to Dartford.
London Olympics security panics deserve their place in the Sun | Marina Hyde
Drinking a beer at lunchtime makes me feel dozy all afternoon.
Now you're ready for some dozy, late-afternoon slacking.
The more downbeat and slight Lloyd, meanwhile, is the family's lodger, who, while a trifle dozy, at least brings some money into the house courtesy of his job at a local factory.
I don't recall all that much about the climb - we were dozy with sleep, midges feasted off us and rain and low cloud completely obscured the views.
Divers even pick up these dozy little sharks, but if you do that you will find yourself with a suddenly alert fish that is probably a bit narked at being disturbed.
Every day, the dozy dozen face a series of challenges and tasks designed to test the sleep-deprived.
A normally terminally dozy island, it has a buzz about it.
But a tiny hidden camera gave officers a perfect picture of the dozy thief.
The Sun
The dozy woman had screwed the network card to the back panel on the PC but didn't plug it into the motherboard as she said she had.
Then the sun fell asleep beneath a rug of dozy cloud.
He was nursing a cup of strong black coffee, revelling in the bittersweet, acrid tang and the caffeine rush it provided to his dozy brain.
But a tiny hidden camera gave officers a perfect picture of the dozy thief.
The Sun
The blushing bride-to-be had come across as winsome but shy, and - because she seemed to have so little to say for herself - perhaps just a teeny bit dozy.
It's not a particularly desirable place now unless you really want to hide-away in dozy and thoroughly low-key French Caribbean style.
Life proceeds at a dozy Caribbean pace: an occasional dog, dozing, will cock an eyebrow as you go by, then let out a long breath and doze off again.
The dozy ponce wants women-only shortlists, doesn't have a word to say about immigration, has got more 'quiff' than Blair and not one solitary noteworthy policy but a gazzillion soundbites.
Army Rumour Service
In a country accustomed to a dozy social peace the prospect of weekly demonstrations and labour unrest fills many voters with alarm.
I'm feeling a bit dozy this afternoon.
So, perhaps staying up so late last night to get the tax done wasn't such a good idea after all, as it left me dozy all day today - the last day of the issue when there were more pages to read then ever.