How To Use Doze In A Sentence
I bought a dozen eggs and every one of them was bad.
In 2005, the Mugabe government launched what it called a slum clearance scheme, that bulldozed major shantytowns, brutally displacing hundreds of thousands of people.
CNN Transcript Mar 24, 2007
The dozen pictures she had shot during a recent bath time -- including a few of Nora rinsing with a handheld shower sprayer -- were, for Cynthia, simply part of the vast photographic record she was keeping of her family's life.
Lynn Powell: Pornographer or Soccer Mom?
And I think the resort is about 25% overpriced, considering the worn-down state of the place and the fact you can get a two-night package at the definitely more upmarket Avillion in Port Dickson (also not really PD, but a dozen kilometres south) from about RM800 as well.
Vacations: Tiara Beach Resort — Fusion Despatches
Most rural stations had a staff of at least six, and perhaps up to a dozen, who them carried out the duties of stationmaster, signalman, booking clerk, ticket collector, porter, shunter, lengthman and lampman.

In June 2004, the Post Exchange here was mortared, killing two Soldiers and wounding more than a dozen additional troops.
There are at least a dozen other restrictions aimed at preserving blood supply safety.
Helmeted police fired dozens of rounds of tear gas and kicked and clubbed unarmed protesters — one of whom cowered on the ground, covering his face.
Tunisian leader flees amid protests; PM takes over
Dozens of deep scars and pits ran across the length its snout.
Each was composed of interwoven strands, themselves composed of up to a dozen more.
Tuning the Rig: A Journey to the Arctic
A log cabin, and, occasionally, a stable and corn-crib, and a field of a dozen acres, the timber girdled or "deadened," and fenced, are enough for his occupancy.
The Frontier in American History
The results showed that cumulative OP exposure from about two-dozen foods often exceeded a child's acceptable Reference Dose (RfD).
And then, in the pouring rain, a half-dozen supporters stood around waiting for the media to show up.
There were dozens of glow-in-the-dark stars throbbing there, throwing their unnatural green light down to her.
Dozens of flights from the international airport were delayed as part of the protests and baggage-handling staff held a go-slow.
And evidently this time apart allowed the two to approach their partnership rejuvenated and ready for some serious woodshedding, as they reportedly recorded dozens of tracks before pruning down to these relatively lean 14 songs.
There were toast crumbs in the butter, so I’ve already come up with a dozen ways to kill you; the marmite is just another mitigating circumstance when it comes to trial.
…things that niggle. « Sven’s guide to…
We decamped to Porters, as usual, and took over half a dozen tables or so to drink the night away.
The tree's coppicing habit, the way one specimen can have dozens of trunks, means that in places the pines look like a wall of bamboo, rather than relatives of the giant Araucariaceae that line the foreshores of Sydney beaches.
The World Is Flat" & Co. were cyclones of breeziness, mixing metaphors by the dozens and whipping up slang and clichés and jokey catchphrases of the author's own invention.
Shovel-Ready Shibboleths
Rachel Corrie stands in front of an Israeli army bulldozer wearing an orange jacket so that she can be easily identified and seen.
Dozens of families lived in each building, shared toilets with neighbors and bathed in the kitchens.
Scarcely had I managed, helped by the second mate, Aaron Northrup, to lower away half-a-dozen barrels and kegs, when all cried from the boat that they were casting off.
Chapter 19
About two dozen women qualified as attorneys by the end of the decade.
It had over a dozen different words written on it and all were scratched out except for the last.
More than a dozen appliances, including 10 pumps and a breathing apparatus tender from Bolton, attended the fire which started at about 7pm.
The police have checked out dozens of leads, but have yet to find the killer.
A dozen or so greenish boulders lurked with angular menace below.
Radio Beijing broadcasts on a dozen different frequencies.
In the 1950s, the great and the good - the people who really knew what was in the best interests of the lower orders - decided to bulldoze the slums and decant people into tower blocks.
It documents dozens of cases where security forces opened fire on peaceful protests.
Times, Sunday Times
After a dozen golden oldies had been sung loudly if untunefully, it was noticed that a number of non-MEOSA guests had fled the premises.
For the Schlachtfest, Stralsunders gathered in hundreds, the women in their dirndls and men in old-fashioned suits, gobbling pig knuckle, leberwurst, knockwurst, dozens of waxy, greasy boiled potatoes, and of course, blutwurst.
Blood Lite II: Overbite
One boy is more trouble than a dozen girls.
Mr. Jackson converted a rustic red barn into a herpetarium with displays for a dozen exotic and venomous snakes, including a Burmese python and a monocled cobra.
On no night did I see more than forty or fifty who might be said to be "soused"; on no night did I see more than a dozen or fifteen who had to be thrown into the accommodation barge with the "dead ones," the helpless ones who were so far gone that they had to be carried up the sides of their ships from the barge which made the last rounds of the fleet.
The U-boat hunters
This is where they have issued what they call a partial activation, not the full crew but about a dozen or so agencies, from fire to some of the other emergency police agencies in the region, in the state.
CNN Transcript Jan 19, 2005
Similarly, it has been decreed that concierges watch television interminably while their rather large cats doze, and that the entrance to the building must smell of pot-au-feu, cabbage soup, or a country-style cassoulet.
Excerpt: The Elegance of the Hedgehog by Muriel Barbery
On another song, she was accompanied by a montage of dozens of her previous incarnations.
At the same time, Breakwater is preparing to bulldoze most of those buildings this summer as part of its clean-up plan.
You may find yourself analyzing a long sentence with half a dozen unexplained ablatives left over at the end.
In the darkened theatre, I asked myself what became of her, but I found her in the seat behind me, gin-soaked and belching while she dozed.
But I did, and managed to pull off, not unhandily, a tale called ` A Wayside Comedy’ where I worked for a certain ` economy of implication,’ and in one phrase of less than a dozen words believed I had succeeded.
At least the State of California limits its total liability to a paltry $5K in exchange for a prohibitively expensive premium, that even if a person chose to insure herself against would not pay the bulldozers pushing the debris to one side or the other, as no amount of money makes these liabilities "insurable" to even the most profligage premium payer.
Dozens of wannabe singers compete for the chance to attain pop stardom.
Times, Sunday Times
Nancy has offered me a choice: of the dozen or so birds of prey she and her falconer husband keep on their rural New Hampshire property, I could work with Jazz or with Emma, the lanner falcon.
Watching the boy toss, turn and slip in and out of a light doze, Laras wondered if he wasn't somehow picking up on his father's tension and frustration in some subtle way.
Let us walk away with the lessons of this," Gray told the crowd of dozens of employees, after adding that such an incident can "intimidate" elected officials from participating in outreach such as Rep. Gabrielle Giffords's event Saturday.
D.C. government observes moment of silence for Ariz. victims
As she entered, I was standing in front of the oversized mirror wedged in between a dozen or so teenaged girls all scrambling to restore their fallen bouffants.
He'd seen this face dozens of times, smiling out from the TV screen, extolling the virtues of shampoo.
The tiny, flickery viewscreen from a public matterfax at the Sont Mikaal gate station, with its scratched plastic case and the smudged dust of a dozen systems.
365 tomorrows » 2008 » May : A New Free Flash Fiction SciFi Story Every Day
Bernice lay contentedly at the edge of a sand embankment white as driven snow, her chin cupped in her hands, watching half a dozen or more mullets drift and swing in the limpid clear water below.
The Mystery at Number Six
EXAMPLE: My brother is a skilled wrangler who can keep a dozen horses calm during a storm.
As for the wine glasses, we live near dozens of restaurants, some world-class, which means their stemware is as thin as their wine lists are thick.
Today more than a dozen transitional whale fossils have been unearthed - an excellent series for such rarely fossilized animals.
[295] Burns's Lines to a Mouse: "a daimen-icker in a thrave," that is, an ear of corn out of two dozen sheaves.
The Journal of Sir Walter Scott From the Original Manuscript at Abbotsford
You may have a dozen important things to tell him but the moment of his arrival is not the time.
A recent such program drew about two dozen pilots of high-performance and turbocharged Mooneys for a weekend in Washington, D.C. Some of the airplanes this group flies - all unpressurized - have service ceilings as high as 28,000 feet.
Phthalates are a large family of industrial chemicals used for their plasticizing properties in nail polishes and in dozens of plastic products, from shower curtains to food wrap; and for their scent-prolonging feature in fragrances.
A sooty tern: dozens were spotted in New Jersey – far north of their tropical home – after Hurricane Floyd in September 1999.
Weatherwatch: Birds of the hurricane
The vessel is surrounded by half a dozen American warships but no moves have been made to board it.
Times, Sunday Times
But some two dozen states collect delinquent taxes on property by holding lien certificate auctions.
The enticement of an exploration permit was strong enough to draw a half-dozen miners to the sidewalk.
Instantly a dozen knowing eyes were fixed on it, and a buzz of voices was heard; and soon Gerard saw the prior point more than once, and the monk came back, looking as proud as Punch, with a savoury crustade ryal, or game pie gravied and spiced, for Gerard, and a silver grace cup full of rich pimentum.
The Cloister and the Hearth
Arnold Schwarzenegger, Donald Trump, Vice-President Dick Cheney, and dozens of others on the long-running sketch series, tells GossipCop. com that “retired from the show last year.”
“SNL” Conan/Leno Parody, Featuring Larry King & David Letterman [VIDEO]
During the same period fallow deer numbers multiplied from a dozen or so to over 250.
Soon the guard - about half a dozen soldiers and NCOs in all - marched out with an extremely rapid step and exaggerated movements; they came to a halt with a massive goose-step.
THE former Kop boss gets half a dozen of his biggest pals together in a room to ask them to be ushers at his wedding.
The Sun
There are dozens of different ways to make it, but I enjoy it with a squeeze of lime.
As they closed a hatch, a dozen of men appeared on the platform, but their blasters could not do any harm to the metal shell of the vehicle.
Ten people were arrested after police swooped on a dozen addresses in south Manchester.
Whenever we go up there, we often stop off just to buy a half-dozen to take back to Canberra.
Police detained dozens of protest marchers in Bombay.
Times, Sunday Times
The label identified the picture as The Dirty Dozen.
A Dance at the Slaughterhouse.html
During the course of the laser pulse, the electric field of the light wave oscillates about a dozen times.
For a half-dozen albums, the sentimental chanteuse has avoided mimicking other people's songs, opting instead to bend and deconstruct the material to fit her mood.
Outside the front door, a bulldozer is clearing up the mess caused when a heavily laden lorry crashed into the wall and gatepost.
We cannot divert from a quest that may hold answers to key secrets about the nature of the universal order to track down a few dozen petty brigands.
Novels like this one are a dime a dozen: write something original!
The photo is one of dozens in an online series showing animals trapped in unlikely places.
The Sun
He convinced the Army that it was better served by letting Caterpillar continue to manufacture bulldozers and tractors.
A few hard-core telemarkers skim the hill; a lone boarder surfs in for a burger; a dozen alpine skiers brave the ungroomed crud.
There was the bullfighter, he was easy to recognize, and the bespectacled guy with half dozen cameras hanging from his neck was obviously the shutterbug.
A celebrity, the Zu-Zu, the last coryphee whom Bertie had translated from a sphere of garret bread-and-cheese to a sphere of villa champagne and chicken (and who, of course, in proportion to the previous scarcity of her bread-and-cheese, grew immediately intolerant of any wine less than 90s the dozen), said the Cecil cared for nothing longer than a fortnight, unless it was his horse, Forest King.
Under Two Flags
He received dozens of honorary degrees and awards.
Times, Sunday Times
Without waiting for a reply, Mr. McGuffey dropped back into his department and Captain Scraggs, his soul filled with rage and dire forebodings, repaired to the galley, and "candled" four dozen eggs.
Captain Scraggs or, The Green-Pea Pirates
Stepped out of the cane grass, not a dozen feet away, and whopped at me.
One of those passive protests, where one lies down nobly in front of the bulldozers.
Times, Sunday Times
She had a little doze after lunch.
Mostly they analyze data from seismometers deployed around the globe, as well as data from the two dozen satellites that make up the Global Positioning System.
There is the usual election paraphernalia around; dozens of billboard adverts and flyers posted on lamp-posts.
She was later released, then arrested again (along with a dozen others) when police busted a house orgy a week later.
The coalition bulldozed the resolution through the plenary session.
This documentary took four years to produce, using more than a dozen cinematographers filming on every continent of the planet.
Only a few looked inhabited -- lawns bestrewn with gadgets, excavations begun with small bulldozers and abandoned, Pack or Swarm or Family flags flying from the mainmasts.
Boing Boing: January 16, 2005 - January 22, 2005 Archives
Vintner receipts show he bought dozens of bottles of cognac and a similar amount of whisky.
Clocking in at just over a dozen jobs, players will have warriors, red, black, and white mages, paladins, thieves, samurai, ninjas, dragoons, monks, summoners, beast masters, and dark knights at their disposal.
Now, there are at least a dozen DJ crews with enormous speaker systems putting on more than 100 bailes every weekend.
Half a dozen creatures'manlike except for the snakiest necks either had ever seen-came thundering along the corridor, waving spears and shouting.
Fortress Of Frost And Fire
Hi -- I would like to commend the courage and patriotism of several of your citizens, the three dozen employees of Americall who, when asked to telemarket and read a script of blatant and out-of-bounds lies to recipients, refused, and left their jobs, without pay, as a matter of principle.
Dozens Of Call Center Workers Walk Off Job In Protest Rather Than Read McCain Script Attacking Obama
There were about a dozen blue-cheeked bee-eaters, a common babbler and the ubiquitous white-cheeked bulbuls.
In the kitchen there are dozens of jars of ground chiles and hot sauces, strings of whole peppers, and baskets of fresh ones.
A dozen sixth-years poured out from the far end, their lanterns swinging haphazardly from their jarring gait.
Soon the hotel began to resemble an infirmary, with dozens of guests in various stages of illness strewn around the lobby every night.
The audio is sure to give the venue's newly upgraded sound system a thorough breaking-in, while the images transport with a hypnogogic flow of abstract patterns conjured through digital manipulations of a dozen shots of what looks like crumpled aluminum foil.
Sad Sacks and Barrels of Laughs
I counted half a dozen chrysalises outside this morning, and those caterpillars may take months to complete the metamorphosis because of the cold weather, but because of the warm, cozy conditions this one's found, I expect it to emerge as a beautiful Gulf fritillary butterfly sometime within the next two weeks.
Archive 2009-12-01
It turned out the lawyers were referring to dozens of adult magazines seized from his home.
We present for your inspection, and then debunk, or paw at in desultory fashion, a dozen of the choicest conspiracy theories to gain traction since Jan. 20.
Keeping Up with the Wingnuts
As Mr. Adams dons trail clothes—"shirt with dozens of pockets, drip-dry pants that zip off into shorts, floppy hat with a cord pulled tight under the chin"—he realizes, too late, that he looks as though he is trick-or-treating as Ernest Hemingway.
In a Lost City, Finding Yourself
She documents herself pulling on dozens of pairs of nylons, one on top of the other.
The group is known to have been holding at least a dozen western hostages.
Times, Sunday Times
By the late 1970s, there were any number of places in San Francisco that gay men could go to have anonymous sex with dozens of partners anight.
The Volokh Conspiracy » Here Comes the Soda Tax?
On the horizon, several dozen long greenhouses dot the landscape.
For a smaller investor, half a dozen may suffice.
Times, Sunday Times
The long-range airliners have suffered at least three dozen similar failures involving faulty speed readings, it has emerged over the past month.
Times, Sunday Times
That's just one apocryphal Bergman factoid (Webster's dates "dramaturg" back to 1870) that theater producer Andrew Higgie has collected over the half dozen years it has taken him to get the filmmaker's "Through a Glass Darkly" screenplay up and running as a stage play at London's
Conservatives in the judiciary shut these publications, beginning in April, and jailed at least half a dozen editors and commentators.
Emmy Rossum showed up to the black carpet early with some friends to be one of the first to take a 20-minute hayride through dozens of horrifying scenes.
The Daily Truffle: Celebrities Turn Out for Opening Night of Haunted Hayride in Griffith Park
He made a dozen new signings and it is only natural they will take time to gel.
The Sun
(they are catalogued for us, and placed in rows in the shop windows); we purchase _lachryma Christi_ by the dozen; and, for a few sous, may become possessed of the whole paraphernalia of the Holy Manger.
Normandy Picturesque
But after that, full health is restored and young gentlemen are ready for a luncheon of a dozen lamb chops and a battered pudding.
At every football game on TV, we can see dozens of sideline photographers resting their heavy telephoto lenses on a monopod.
Their haul included golden crowns, precious chalices, tabots, altar slabs, beautiful processional crosses, dozens of fine manuscripts and his hair.
- some in locks of sable silvered, and some of silver sabled, -- do you remember, as you doze over this, those after-dinners at the
Autocrat of the Breakfast Table
And there's this new idea that we've heard about that you're going to kind of bulldoze and blow up everything around the government center and kind of make a park or a green zone.
CNN Transcript Jul 5, 2006
She'd boil a dozen eggs to use later for deviled eggs - hers were zingy with mayo, sharp mustard, bit of vinegar, the perfunctory paprika.
The machine had some other features to increase the complexity: There was a plugboard to further scramble the letters, and the machine came equipped with half a dozen or so rotors, of which 3 (later 4) were inserted at any one time.
Conservapedia - Recent changes [en]
He stayed in the shadows while the scant dozen passengers disembarked from the wooden-hulled steam-powered passenger ferry Virginia V, just in from Seattle via the Colvos Passage.
Excerpt: Spade & Archer by Joe Gores
The red-coated, many-antlered buck acknowledged the lordship of the spirit of the place and dozed knee-deep in the cool, shaded pool.
All Gold Canon
The town has another curiosity - the farm shop, which has ballooned into Britain's poshest supermarket, complete with wicker trugs instead of shopping trolleys and quails' eggs by the dozen.
I've reread the story a dozen times and each time it makes less sense.
Times, Sunday Times
An Israeli official says Palestinian militants fired on Israeli soldiers from the courtyard of a U.N. school where dozens of people died in fiery explosions.
Coming Soon? Hamas' Media Massacre
They can take a buyout package and get out of the way of the bulldozers, or wait for the city to condemn their property and force them out.
There were about half-a-dozen other starters on offer, with the bite-size mushroom pakoras and onion bhajis being especially nice and not too greasy.
These were a dozen or so stoppered glass bottles containing a selection of Wakelate's most virulent and inventive poisons.
However, Fauci noted that at least a dozen different teams around the world are studying the approach - which he calls structured intermittent therapy - and it will be at least a year before doctors know whether it is safe.
ANC Daily News Briefing
When they stopped by the Inn, Debbye had asked Wendy about the possibility of some nut meringues, and the vixen had happily supplied her with four dozen of the crunchy delicacies.
Her voice hung behind her on the landing and Ann added another dozen or so comics to the rubbish pile.
Only a privileged few elephant seal bulls will become beach masters, controlling dozens of females and reproducing abundantly.
In a cramped conference room known as the "submarine" inside the fortresslike New York Fed, more than a dozen employees who constituted the institution's AIG task force were working marathon days, crammed elbow to elbow around a long wooden conference table.
AIG, a symbol of financial crisis, repays bailout loan and finds new foothold
Dozens of other prominent dignitaries attended from the United States and Europe.
Ali Safavi: Listen to Iranian Voices of Dissent
The couple began hosting Burgundy symposia for passionate amateurs in 1997, welcoming a dozen guests to Bouilland for an intensive week of tasting and touring, enlisting such experts as Clive Coates and Alan Meadows to assist.
In the Domain of the Earth Mother of Burgundy
You can relax just as easily in a lay-by the side of the road that is home to three-dozen cars, a toilet block and an ice cream van.
More than a dozen of these model conferences are held annually across Canada.
Bulldozers have begun demolishing the terrace in front of the bowling green in readiness for the building of a members' long room and 36 executive boxes.
The President has uttered the phrase dozens of times over the past year.
Scott Paul: "Made in America" and the State of the Union
Experts calculated up to a dozen blows were struck.
The bird, a lovely white-and-brown speckled ring-necked dove, dozed off from the comfortable heat of the room as she wrote her letter.
Draught horses are led around the smaller ring, and nearby dozens of stationary engines chuff, splutter and bounce on individual pitches.
Country diary: Stithians, Cornwall
The first big winter storm will often deposit half a dozen boats (often with their inadequate moorings still attached) on the beach.
As I scurried to retrieve my smalls, the whirr of a dozen camera motor drives signalled that the whole unhappy episode was being captured on film.
The City decided that the area needed to be "revitalized" and they did eminent domain on the entire area and bulldozed hundreds of Craftsman style homes.
<a href="" title=""The great thing about America, is that once you own property, you own
Some 25 years ago, plans were afoot to bulldoze one of the most significant buildings in Manchester.
Mr. Wilharm is one of at least several dozen people who have posted an online video of a "plasectomy," a term credited to Dave Ramsey, a radio talk-show host with Fox Business News.
Credit Cards Get the Ax -- and Blender
Here people would just stand in front of bulldozers to change that law.
The dozens of recorded conversations between Ms. Chiesi and Mr. Kurland are replete with examples of Kurland encouraging her to get information, of Kurland belittling her ability to analyze financial data, of Kurland being the New Castle decision maker regarding investment decisions," said Alan Kaufman , her lawyer, in a court filing.
Chiesi Seeks Lighter Sentence in Insider Case
Stew the apples in a little water till they become a pulp, placing with them half a dozen cloves and half a dozen strips of the yellow part only of the outside of the rind of a _fresh_ lemon of the size and thickness of the thumb-nail; sweeten with brown sugar, that known as Porto Rico being the most economical.
Cassell's Vegetarian Cookery A Manual of Cheap and Wholesome Diet
Dozens of folk had leaky roofs fixed or heating installed without knowing who their benefactor was.
Times, Sunday Times
After midnight, outspanning in a piercing wind, we formed square; main guard was posted over the General's car, and those lucky enough to escape turn of duty huddled together under cloaks and dozed fitfully until two-thirty.
With Botha in the Field
At least a dozen councils are yet to supply ballot packs to the Royal Mail ready for posting.
His decision not to hold a poll is a "nakedly cynical" calculation that he can "bulldoze" the treaty into law.
Archive 2007-09-01
The bed itself was tented with a dozen pillows scattered on it, again looking as though it had been arranged to await the photographers.
Their thirty and forty - thousand-ton battleships slowed down half a dozen miles offshore and maneuvered in ponderous evolutions, while tiny scout-boats (lean, six-funneled destroyers) ran in, cutting blackly the flashing sea like so many sharks.
More than a dozen large eggs were arrayed around the pool, close enough to incubate, but not so close as to cook the young.
Cranes and bulldozers were brought in to clear the streets while 18 teams of rescue workers dug with pickaxes and shovels.
It said the ‘state thugs’ beat people with batons and electric cattle prods, injuring around a dozen people, including one person whose foot was broken.
BELLEVILLE, Ontario — A commander who was a rising star in Canada's military pleaded guilty Monday to the murders of two women, the sexual assaults of two others and dozens of breaking and entering charges in which he stole panties from the bedrooms of girls as young as 11.
Russell Williams, Top Canadian Military Commander, Pleads Guilty To Murder, Sexual Assault
Organisers estimated more than 130,000 people visited Peel Park to hear dozens of free shows and sample the renowned mela food, ranging from pakoras and chana to chocolate crêpes and candyfloss.
The lumpen city mayor, meanwhile, has a plan: bulldoze the former homes of the poor, introduce city-wide internet access and build seven new casinos.
Plans were announced to buy a dozen planes from China with financial help from the regional government.
Times, Sunday Times
Usually he dozes off sometime around 11 P.M., only to wake when his roommates get home around 2 A.M. The days stretch out in front of him excruciatingly.
The Sorcerer’s Apprentices
The new company bought another dozen businesses in two years.
Times, Sunday Times
But if you look to the links section on the homepage sidebar you'll see a link for my ‘personal faves’ section, which has a dozen or so of my sentimental faves.
There are a half dozen or so documents that authorize unit personnel, equipment, and supplies for Army forces.
The president of Francisco Marroquin University drove me and a half dozen other American reporters to his campus in an armored vehicle preceded by a sapper squad, checking for potential land mines in its path.
Murray Fromson: A Footnote to History
An inventory of the National Gallery's furniture in 1856 lists only seven and a half dozen oak chairs and one rough deal table.
In dozens of cities, empty shells of destroyed buildings were clouded with smoke from fires that still smoldered.
Burial for a King
The jury watched the tape dozens of times in slow motion and in freeze frame.
Strange, though Ian, how half-a-dozen years can turn a crass old banger into a collectable classic.
They do not even eat the eggs, but sell them to an "eggler," and invest the money in Indian corn meal, a stone of which goes much farther than a dozen or a dozen and a half of eggs.
Disturbed Ireland Being the Letters Written During the Winter of 1880-81.
THOUSANDS of runners may have clocked invalid times because dozens of courses are short, it was feared yesterday.
The Sun
This form of poetry comprising more than a dozen couplets in the same metre has come a long way and so have ghazal singers.
It would be possible to negotiate deals to work for a dozen companies' all in one day!
They needed a bulldozer to dislodge the rock.
His data on these matters are accentuated here by dozens of Rasmussen's microphotographs.
Underneath some shabby canvas tarps on the cargo deck were stacked a dozen bulky mattresses and twenty thick pine boards.
Across the street, half a dozen guys spilled out of a yuppie bar, two of them mouthing off at each other, the others watching.
In addition to tall and slim models mincing along the cat-walk, one occasionally sees a dozen or so women in their 50s and even 60s clothed in their best twisting their bodies on stage.
A votive candle is placed on the dozen or so tables, part of the ritual of late afternoon tea.
You can find dozens more by searching "bullyboy" on the site.
News Hounds
I squeaked in surprise, flinging my hand sideways and knocking half a dozen books off the shelf.
At last the rabbiter fell into a doze, and when he awoke the auspicious music filled the tent.
A dozen mounted police rode into the square.
We have had a least half-a-dozen properties severely damaged by flood water.
The dozen or so of Danny's friends, convinced that the two Daniels did not commit a hate crime are so unattuned to the historical context of their words that it gave me pause.
Reflections on a Rally
A quick Google search provided over a dozen domestic websites scattered across Iran from Rasht, a coastal city in the north, to the southern city of Ahwaz.
A Craze for Pooches in Iran Dogs the Morality Police
In all, more than two dozen tilt stations, GPS stations and seismometers will cover the Three Sisters area if the mission goes as planned.
Many researchers believe there was a collision that occurred one billion years ago between a dwarf planet in the Kuiper Belt known as Haumea and another object that caused Haumea's icy mantle to break into a dozen or so smaller bodies, including 55636.
Space Tourism, Space Transport and Space Exploration News
With dozens of cases of ‘ecotage’ amounting to tens of millions of dollars in damages, the FBI has publicly denounced the ELF as ‘the nation's most dangerous domestic terror organisation.’
At the Information Ministry, also on the river's west bank, civilians armed with rocket-propelled grenade rifles stood by and a half-dozen soldiers manned sandbagged positions.