How To Use Downy In A Sentence

  • If the hair is fairly fine and downy, either on the upper lip or the cheeks, then bleaching is by far the best solution.
  • The re-growth can be any texture and colour, from fine, downy, white hair to your natural look.
  • The timing corresponds with the formation of spores in a funguslike pathogen that attacks the plant and results in a condition known as downy mildew disease. NYT > Home Page
  • The feathers are all fluffy and downy, too soft to even make a pillow out of.
  • Common onion diseases include damping off, botrytis leaf blight, downy mildew, and bacterial blight.
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  • I said I didn't think it would be a big deal, everyone has that fine downy, near-invisible hair.
  • Downy Woodpeckers form monogamous breeding pairs in late winter.
  • White hair blows forward on to his temples, flutters like downy feathers over his ears.
  • Snow fell steadily from the smooth gray sky, coating the ground in downy white.
  • Stingless bees can mummify invading beetles in resin scientists have found that stingless bees are not easy targets for predators, as they can mummify invading parasitic beetles in The Salt Lake TribuneUpdated: 12/21/2009 12: 27: 04 PM MST Downy woodpecker by Paul Higgins Picoides pubescens The downy is the smallest and most widespread of American Medlogs - Recent stories
  • When Christian does not protest and only peers back unblinkingly, Lucas allows his hand to lightly graze the downy skin of Christian's cheek before gingerly laying it upon the blonde's hand.
  • The discovery of a giant meat-eating dinosaur sporting a downy coat has some scientists reimagining the look of Tyrannosaurus rex.
  • In fall you'll see Northern flickers, herons, kingfishers, downy woodpeckers, and lots of ducks (common goldeneyes, mallards, mergansers).
  • Its curiously and irregularly pinnate fronds are borne on slender stalks, terete toward the base, and covered with reddish brown, downy scales, instead of being produced loosely, as in most other Nephrolepises; these are densily crowded, and the outcome of closely clustered crowns. Scientific American Supplement, No. 447, July 26, 1884
  • The downy chicks are similar in markings to those of the shelduck.
  • With green eyes that matched his mother and brother, downy blond hair, and a round, chubby face with nearly dime-sized dimples, he looked every bit identical to Michael when he was a child.
  • Cashmere is the fine, downy wool that grows beneath the coarse outer layer of hair, called the guard hair, of the cashmere goat.
  • Besides a Downy Woodpecker here and a Tufted Titmouse there, avifauna was all but absent.
  • The blankets on her bed were made out of downy, white sheepskin, but the eleven-year-old girl still felt how the covers did not feel like the silky, rich fabric from her home.
  • She pulled his shirt up, and slid her hands beneath it, to caress the warm, granitelike flesh of his back and his ribs, the downy wall of his chest. Pirates
  • Her coat was soft, a curious combination of silky fur and downy feathers near the mane and tail.
  • The leaves stand on long footstalks and are glabrous above and downy white beneath.
  • Concerns about pesticide use have led breeders to develop broccoli varieties with natural resistance to downy mildew.
  • I used to have soft, downy hair on my legs when I was 13, but my peer group persuaded me to shave it off.
  • The only problem is later in June when flowering is over and mildew sets in but that is another time and for the moment we can enjoy the soft downy leaves and clusters of lovely blue flowers.
  • Spring-blooming wildflowers are the broad-leaved spiderwort, downy yellow violet, and hairy phlox.
  • A potentially fatal fungal disease called downy mildew has been attacking basil plants in NPR Topics: News
  • A long time later found Harp lying down in a downy bed with soft, white sheets.
  • But nature could not long endure a pleasure that it so highly provoked without satisfying it: pursuing then its darling end, the battery recommenced with redoubled exertion; nor lay I inactive on my side, but encountering him with all the impetuosity of motion I was mistress of, the downy cloth of our meeting mount was now of real use to break the violence of the tilt; and soon, indeed! the highwrought agitation, the sweet urgency of this to-and-fro friction, raised the titillation on me to its height; so that finding myself on the point of going, and loath to leave the tender partner of my joys behind me, I employed all the forwarding motions and arts my experience suggested to me, to promote his keeping me company to our journey's end. Memoirs Of Fanny Hill A New and Genuine Edition from the Original Text (London, 1749)
  • Insects, especially beetles and ants, are the main food of Downy Woodpeckers.
  • The ecoregion does not include the upland vegetation of the Rhodope Mountains (Rhodope montane mixed forests ecoregion) or the sub-Mediterranean and meso-supra-Mediterranean downy oak forests and meso - to thermo-Mediterranean pine forests to the south of the Rhodopes (part of the Aegean & West Turkey sclerophyllous and mixed forest ecoregion). Balkan mixed forests
  • _why_ wool is soft, and fur fine, and cotton downy, and down downier; and how a flax fiber differs from a dandelion stalk, and how the substance of a mulberry leaf can become velvet for Queen Victoria's crown, and clothing of purple for the housewife of Solomon. On the Old Road, Vol. 2 (of 2) A Collection of Miscellaneous Essays and Articles on Art and Literature
  • By age 10, most were shaving downy body hair to gain extra speed and realizing the reward for a year of hard work was improvement measured in tenths of a second.
  • It was the first time I had ever seen myself with flaws, features, eyelashes, freckles, and most surprising, really soft brown, downy skin.
  • Like downy blue star, this one is native to infertile sandy soils.
  • Along with the photo, my wife sent a sheet of paper and taped to it, a snippet of dark downy hair and a tiny handprint and a footprint no bigger than the end of my thumb.
  • Downy barbs that were initially sampled from the base of these feathers had microscopic characters that consisted of very long barbules.
  • In the boreal region, the most common trees are Scots pine (Pinus sylvestris), Norway spruce (Picea abies), silver birch (Betula pendula), and downy birch (B. pubescens). Land tenure and management in the boreal region
  • The sun was shining brightly, illuminating the soft, downy clouds that floated aimlessly about in the clear blue skies.
  • The fireplace was unsoftened by downy ashes or by sooty brick; the brass fire-irons were of immaculate polish; and the grenadier andirons were like samples in a shop, desolate, unwanted, lifeless things of commerce. Babbit
  • It should be applied shortly after the downy brome emerges and before it tillers in the fall.
  • Common onion diseases include damping off, botrytis leaf blight, downy mildew, and bacterial blight.
  • I sat, leaning against a mound of downy pillows and the high, intricately carved headboard of the massive bed on which I reposed.
  • I stretch out my finger and a brazen parakeet sidles onto it, inclining its head so I can gently stroke its chalk blue ruff, so downy tender that it feels almost moist.
  • The ground chosen for the trial of the kites was a high, downy table-land, with a fine flat surface. Ernest Bracebridge School Days
  • A downy feather of memory drifted back -- the day she and Robert married. MR GOLIGHTLY'S HOLIDAY
  • Compare this bird with the red-headed woodpecker that has a black back, and large white patches on the wings, and the hairy and downy woodpeckers that have a long white stripe down the middle of the back. Mystery bird: red-bellied woodpecker, Melanerpes carolinus
  • Their bodies were covered with downy feathers, which provided insulation in the cooler environment of the trees.
  • Feel soft as downy pillows are '-- and thought they were not strictly true; but now I know that they are perfectly, _perfectly_ so. Canadian Wild Flowers
  • Her small head is covered with downy, dark curls.
  • Eastern growers must also contend with humidity-loving black rot, botrytis, downy mildew, and phomopsis.
  • Disappearing into the grey mist through a small door with iron staples, she soon reissued thence with a hencoop, and, seating herself on the steps of the doorway, and setting the coop on her knees, took between her two large palms some fluttering, chirping, downy, golden chicks, and raised them to her ruddy lips and cheeks with a murmur of: Through Russia
  • It flowers in the latter part of summer and beginning of autumn, the flowers are tubular yellow on the out side, with a bright red spot within, the whole plant has a rough downy appearance, and when pressed by the hand it appears to be covered with a kind of rosin or sticky substance, it has but little smell or taste. The Cherokee Physician, or Indian Guide to Health, as Given by Richard Foreman, a Cherokee Doctor; Comprising a Brief View of Anatomy, With General Rules for Preserving Health without the Use of Medicines. The Diseases of the U. States, with Their Symptom
  • The worst weeds in winter wheat are those that germinate in the fall with the crop - downy brome, jointed goatgrass, volunteer rye, blue mustard, tansy mustard, field pennycress, wild mustard, and shepherd's purse.
  • Benelli's UltraLight 12 gauge was the last word in downy-light autoloaders - until now. 10 New Shotguns from the 2008 SHOT Show
  • The wild peach is like the commercial version, yellow with red blush, downy skin, and gently grooved.
  • Downy Woodpeckers piped softly in the woods, and a flicker yelped once or twice.
  • In the boreal region, the most common trees are Scots pine (Pinus sylvestris), Norway spruce (Picea abies), silver birch (Betula pendula), and downy birch (B. pubescens). Land tenure and management in the boreal region
  • The flowers are produced on forked stems, and are accompanied by finely-cut floral leaves, nearly sessile and palmate; the radical leaves are large, pedate, downy underneath, having long stalks, and remaining green throughout winter. Hardy Perennials and Old Fashioned Flowers Describing the Most Desirable Plants, for Borders, Rockeries, and Shrubberies.
  • Upon which she threw her downy arms about me, and led me to a plat of ground, the pride of nature, deckt with a gay variety of every pleasing object. The Satyricon of Petronius Arbiter
  • Use of Ridomil in this manner (as an eradicant) will probably lead to a rapid buildup of Ridomil-resistant strains of the downy mildew fungus in your vineyard.
  • As chance provided, the white wool of mouflon which was shed naturally by the wild sheep in spring, the unbelievably soft earthy-brown downy wool of musk-ox, and the lighter red rhinoceros underwool were also gathered with great enthusiasm. The Mammoth Hunters
  • The Calamint, or Basil Thyme, grows frequently in [344] our waysides and hedges, a labiate plant, with downy stems and leaves, whilst bearing light purple flowers. Herbal Simples Approved for Modern Uses of Cure
  • He told me to lie down and rest while he cleaned up, so rather than argue with him, I took advantage of the small break and fell upon the pillows, rubbing my burning eyes into the downy cushion.
  • With their long, silky hair and downy undercoat, matting is common.
  • Each impossibly soft, downy robe feels like a little chunk of heaven that's so incredibly snuggly that being swaddled in one is like returning to the womb.
  • With their whimsical ancient names such as corncockle, mousetail, fluellen, fumitory, downy hemp-nettle and lamb's succory, they have music as well as colour.
  • Inconspicuous flowers appear in spring followed by soft, downy, grey-green fruits.
  • He was lying on his back, in the midst of the soft downy blanket.
  • The good overwhelms all of course, as there are still wonderful tulips to enjoy, the new blooms of plants such as fothergilla are out with frilly white fringetree blossoms soon to come, and the soft foliage of copper beeches are emerging with the downy hairs on the edges of leaves glistening in the sun. Undefined
  • These have a distinctive rusty indumentum (downy covering) beneath and tie into the bark. Times, Sunday Times
  • Speaking of hair, Ollie is still losing his first dark locks and some lovely downy light brown hair is taking its place.
  • She would be nestled in the downy pillow she loved so dearly.
  • Thorax: the posterior margin of the prothorax rounded; the mesothorax with a longitudinal fuscous stripe on each side, widest anteriorly; the metathorax truncate; above, transversely striate; the tibiæ and tarsi spinose; wings dark fuscous, with a pale semitransparent macula at the base of the second discoidal cell and a dark fuscous macula beyond; the insect entirely covered with a fine orange-red downy pile. Journal of the Proceedings of the Linnean Society - Vol. 3 Zoology
  • A sighting of the enormous, unpredictable rhinos, with two horns, the front one long and low-slung, and two coats of reddish fur, a soft downy underwool and an outer layer of long guard hair, always brought exclamations of wonder. The Mammoth Hunters
  • The timing corresponds with the formation of spores in a funguslike pathogen that attacks the plant and results in a condition known as downy mildew disease. NYT > Home Page
  • The ecoregion does not include the upland vegetation of the Rhodope Mountains (Rhodope montane mixed forests ecoregion) or the sub-Mediterranean and meso-supra-Mediterranean downy oak forests and meso - to thermo-Mediterranean pine forests to the south of the Rhodopes (part of the Aegean & West Turkey sclerophyllous and mixed forest ecoregion). Balkan mixed forests
  • It controls pennycress, shepherdspurse, tansy mustard, jointed goatgrass and downy brome.
  • Both artists emphasized Rosina's downy hair and regal profile - her straight nose, full lips, and firm chin.
  • I'll let you have it in a minute," whined "Downy," who was apparently afraid to show what he had in his pocket, the dark gentleman's eye being upon him. Crown and Anchor Under the Pen'ant
  • Autumn stroked her chestnut mane and buried her face in the mare's downy coat. ROSES ARE FOR THE RICH
  • Forth from the frigid mews come easily swinging carriages guided by short – legged coachmen in flaxen wigs, deep sunk into downy hammercloths, and up behind mount luscious Mercuries bearing sticks of state and wearing cocked hats broadwise, a spectacle for the angels. Bleak House
  • Also, it: is more active, and the mother might begin feeling movement is covered in fine, downy hair called lanugo and a waxy coating called vernix which protects the baby's skin forming underneath. has eyebrows, eyelashes, fingernails, and toenails can hear and swallow CreationWiki - Recent changes [en]
  • Falling back against the downy pillows, he rolled over to the phone and picked it up.
  • But there's also another theory that perhaps there were creatures actually living in the trees that had the downy feathering as well and flight started as an adaptation of the gliding between trees.
  • Picking up a nearby downy pillow Lee hurled it at him.
  • The latter two are almost counterparts of each other, although the downy is the more common. The Log of the Sun A Chronicle of Nature's Year
  • There is cuddly fur and downy fluff to stroke, rubber-like blubber and armour-like scales to feel - mammals certainly come in all manner of wonderful varieties.
  • the budding breasts of a pubescent girl and the downy chin of pubescent boy
  • Half of the field will be planted with native ash, along with cherry, rowan and hazel trees, sessile oaks and downy birches.
  • Their young, downy leaves do not show yet, although a few of last year's growth are found in a half-evergreen state. Rural Hours
  • The chapter on the challenges of bird identification explains how to differentiate similar species, such as the downy and the hairy woodpecker.
  • downy milkweed seeds
  • Downy blue star (A. ciliata) is native to sterile sandy soils in the southern states.
  • = -- Bark of trunk dark gray, thick, hard, close, and rough, becoming narrow-rugged-furrowed; crinkly on small trunks and branches; leaf-scars prominent; season's shoots stout, brown, downy or dusty puberulent, dotted, resinous-scented. Handbook of the Trees of New England
  • GREVILLEA FLORIBUNDA may have been an allied species, for the leaves were more downy, almost tomentose above. Journal of an Expedition into the Interior of Tropical Australia
  • Does this not suggest that early feathers must have had pennaceous vanes at least distally, if the downy bases, or down feathers, were to be effective for insulation?
  • He walked upstairs and set his alarm to wake him before the sun then laid on his downy soft, white bed.
  • Looking into her eyes and reaching up a bit nervously, I take my hand and rub the backs of my fingers through the soft downy fur of her cheek, avoiding her whiskers which might be sensitive, and the blood on her muzzle.
  • The bee on the Cerastium looks like he has got onto a queen sized bed and is snuggling up into a white downy quilt.
  • Verbascum bombyciferum, for example, will grow 1.8m / 6ft tall or more with long spikes covered in soft yellow flowers rising from rosettes of large, downy leaves.
  • His feathers are downy and fluffy, juvenile like a fledgling bird.
  • (ICRISAT) achieved excellent control of downy mildew by treating planting seed with a newly developed systemic fungicide from Ciba Geigy known as GCA 48/988. Chapter 10
  • Weeds like pennycress, downy brome, mustards, cheatgrass, and shepherd's purse are common in first cut alfalfa.
  • I scooched into my bedroom and buried myself in my downy comforter.
  • It earns its name (meunier is French for miller) because the underside of its downy leaves can look as though they have been dusted with flour.
  • This new fossil suggests that these dinosaurs may not have had scaly, reptile-like skin, but perhaps had a softer, downy coat.
  • The intriguing thing about ‘Ever Red’ is its spring growth, which emerges covered with fine, downy hairs so that the emerging growth looks almost gray.
  • Thorax: the posterior margin of the prothorax rounded; the mesothorax with a longitudinal fuscous stripe on each side, widest anteriorly; the metathorax truncate; above, transversely striate; the tibiæ and tarsi spinose; wings dark fuscous, with a pale semitransparent macula at the base of the second discoidal cell and a dark fuscous macula beyond; the insect entirely covered with a fine orange-red downy pile. Journal of the Proceedings of the Linnean Society - Vol. 3 Zoology
  • All downy oaks had a taproot plus shallow horizontal roots.
  • I should be in a padded room with a soft downy bed and a botanical garden.
  • The small of her back, where the downy hair stands upright like wheat in the summer light made me think: pistil and stamen, as if back in biology class. The Small of Her Back
  • The chicks had been downy and charming, and cheeped sweetly with their permanently open mouths.
  • They were spun of the same downy goat fur as our blankets, and were wonderfully soft. THE LIGHTSTONE: BOOK ONE, PART ONE OF THE EA CYCLE
  • I kissed his forehead, and saw that I had dampened some of his soft, downy hair on his head.
  • She cried as she flopped down onto the soft, over-stuffed, feather mattress and covered herself in the downy pillows.
  • He was rewarded by seeing Maggie let her work fall, and gradually get so absorbed in his wonderful geological story that she sat looking at him, leaning forward with crossed arms, and with an entire absence of self-consciousness, as if he had been the snuffiest of old professors, and she a downy-lipped alumna. II. First Impressions. Book VI—The Great Temptation
  • This historic chick, warm golden brown, with a short bill not yet black but pinkish orange, resembles a large downy pullet with no tail.
  • Looking into her eyes and reaching up a bit nervously, I take my hand and rub the backs of my fingers through the soft downy fur of her cheek, avoiding her whiskers which might be sensitive, and the blood on her muzzle.
  • For example, copper ions (from copper oxychloride) are toxic to the zoospores of grapevine downy mildew, thus preventing infection.
  • Eighty new trees will be planted, Kousa dogwood, Eastern redbud, downy serviceberry, sourwood, Yoshino cherry, and tulip poplar among them.
  • Amy nodded deferentially and kicked off her shoes, settling into the soft, downy bed, leaving the door flung wide open.
  • Eighty new trees will be planted, Kousa dogwood, Eastern redbud, downy serviceberry, sourwood, Yoshino cherry, and tulip poplar among them.
  • Perhaps to aid the casting of a movie adaptation, Lucy looks exactly like a full-blooded human being except that, up close, she has downy dark hairs on her limbs. "Lucy," a half-ape/half-human thriller by Laurence Gonzales
  • The back and sides of the head are covered with downy feathers of a silky brown and silvery gray, and the front of the neck with piliform feathers of a ruddy brown. Scientific American Supplement, No. 360, November 25, 1882
  • Lower leaves have downy hairs and clasp the stem.
  • Both powdery mildew and downy mildew often infect squash plants as autumn nights grow cooler and dew keeps the foliage moist through the night.
  • The first to develop is the lanugo, a layer of downy, slender hairs that begin growing in the third or fourth month of fetal life and are entirely shed either before or shortly after birth.
  • For grassy weeds, especially winter annual grasses like downy brome, cheatgrass, and volunteer wheat, use Poast Plus or Select herbicides before grasses are 4 inches tall.
  • Since the fur is only semi-long and lacks the downy undercoat, the coat doesn't tangle and even show cats require little grooming.
  • A Study on the Control of Cucumber Downy Mildew with Sodium Humate.
  • And so it was that the first night passed, and Marigold found herself settling down into the softest downy mattress.
  • In the spring add atrazine to glyphosate or paraquat to control late emerging downy brome.
  • The men share the troubles of nursing with the women, and the babies, tied on their mother's or father's back, seem as content as if they were rocked in downy cradles. Six Months in Mexico
  • Her blue eyes shone at him; her downy cheeks were pink; she smelled of some soft cologne that made him nostalgic, though he didn't know for what or whom.
  • With that Nat suddenly produced from inside his jacket a little downy bird, who blinked and ruffled his feathers, looking very plump and sleepy and scared.
  • Enemies: Sucking insects forming white downy patches on the bark and twigs, the _white pine weevil_, a boring insect, and the _white pine blister rust_, a fungus, are among its principal enemies. Studies of Trees
  • The cobweb houseleek Sempervivum arachnoideum has a fine covering of downy white hairs and is a good contrast to the darker forms.
  • Heads that are so downy soft as to keep my hand in motion, patting, stroking, taking and giving comfort at the same time as it is drawn to the tenderness of skin, the downiness of the hair. Archive 2008-09-01
  • Common onion diseases include damping off, botrytis leaf blight, downy mildew, and bacterial blight.
  • Common diseases of sunflowers (Helianthus annuus) such as downy mildew, septoria leaf spot, rust and sclerotinia wilt are regarded as potential problems. Chapter 20
  • Resemble the lamplight with general and downy sunshine, the antependium with natural qualitative hemp, the cany chair of reservation of of primitive simplicity.
  • _leetle_ higher raised up above their gaping babies, as they wax from downy infancy into plumier childhood, which they do how swiftly! and how soon have they flown! Recreations of Christopher North, Volume 2
  • Pensile on window edge, desk lamp is acted the role of also can downy atmosphere.
  • Colour wants downy: The colour both neither of the study wants too boast eye, should not be too dim again, and ought to take downy and tonal polychromy .
  • The young twigs of the true cinnamon tree are not downy, like those of the cassia bark. The Commercial Products of the Vegetable Kingdom Considered in Their Various Uses to Man and in Their Relation to the Arts and Manufactures; Forming a Practical Treatise & Handbook of Reference for the Colonist, Manufacturer, Merchant, and Consumer, o
  • He squeezed Squire tightly, holding him in his muscular arms, letting Squire's cheek rub against his downy neck.
  • And in the black, black silence of the country night, "the sweep of easy wind and downy flake" is deafeningly beautiful. Stopping by woods on a snowy evening
  • Mold is the common term used to describe a downy or furry growth on the surface or organic matter, caused by fungi, especially in the presence of dampness and decay.
  • We cannot recall ever having such large families of cardinals, downy and hairy woodpeckers, English sparrows, blue jays, titmice and chickadees.
  • Lanugo - a coat of delicate, downy hairs, especially those that cover a human infant.
  • Their small, flat heads and long necks are downy and their plump bodies are covered with soft feathers.
  • The floor of the mortar gallery having been already laid down by Mr. Watt and his men on a former visit, was merely soaked with the sprays; but the joisting-beams which supported it had, in the course of the winter, been covered with a fine downy conferva produced by the range of the sea. Records of a Family of Engineers
  • The leaves are covered with a white, downy coating that, before the introduction of cotton to Britain, was used to make candle wicks.
  • The newcorner was slim, and Rogers felt that he might break him between his hands if he could only get a proper grip; but the drunken drover -- for it was he -- was as sinuous as an eel, and a moment later Joe was on the broad of his back with the 'darbies' on his wrists and a trooper kneeling on his chest, while the drover, transformed into Detective Downy, stood over them, mopping his face with his big false beard. The Gold-Stealers A Story of Waddy
  • Long, spindly, red legs ending in long toed, taloned feet stretch up from the ground, meeting the bird's downy underplumage a couple feet above the sand.
  • Principal forest species include Scots pine Pinus silvestris, Norway spruce Picea abies, hornbeam Carpinus betulus, little-leaved lime Tilia cordata, oak Quercus robur, sycamore Acer platanoides, maple Acer spp., ash Fraxinus excelsior, downy and white birch Betula pubescens and B. verrucosa, aspen Populus tremula and black alder Alnus glutinosa. Belovezhskaya Pushcha National Park, Belarus
  • The budding trees also offered Tufted Titmouse, Ruby-crowned Kinglet, Eastern Phoebe, and Downy Woodpecker.
  • Unripe fruit have a downy skin, while ripened fruit have the smooth texture of its relatives.
  • All that I could see was that sandy blonde downy fluff, the baby fat, and those crystal blue eyes that would probably change.
  • I heard small chirps and peeps almost as soon as I stepped to the marsh's edge, but it required my vigilance to finally see what I'd been hearing - a Downy Woodpecker.
  • He used the razor's bevelled tip to sever the downy hair follicles almost one by one. THE BROKEN GOD
  • Relieved that he had finally left, she went over to the baby and caressed his downy cheek.
  • Fine, downy hair called lanugo develops on her arms, legs, and back. Pregnancy, Childbirth, and the Newborn
  • It controls pennycress, shepherd's purse, tansy mustard, jointed goatgrass and downy brome.
  • They might call it chick-lit, but the Scribbler reckons that some talons are emerging from underneath that cutesy downy fluff.
  • Beds have mega downy pillows and soft cotton sheets changed daily.
  • Mugwort is also tall by now, and very conspicuous with the downy-white undersides to its masses of leaves. Times, Sunday Times
  • It is an elegant tree with green and white downy leaves.
  • Consider instead the delicate beading of perspiration on a downy lip.
  • The male has red only on the back of its head. the smaller downy woodpecker is black with a distinctive white patch in the middle of its back, white underparts, no white streaks on its crown, and its black malar and eye stripes don't merge. Mystery bird: Ladder-backed woodpecker, Picoides scalaris | @GrrlScientist
  • The boy was identical to her in features save that his hair was downy and shoulder length.
  • The downy cloth of our meeting mounts was now of real use to break the violence of the tilt; and soon, too soon indeed! the highwrought agitation, the sweet urgency of this to-and-fro friction, raised the titillation on me to its height; so that finding myself on the point of going, and loath to leave the tender partner of my joys behind me, I employed all the forwarding motions and arts my experience suggested to me, to promote his keeping me company to our journey's end. Fanny Hill, Part V
  • Consider instead the delicate beading of perspiration on a downy lip.
  • It's called downy mildew, an aggressive new disease that has wiped out basil crops in parts of the U.S. and was recently spotted in Ontario. - Home Page
  • Somewhere or other that downy bird Kipling observes that the lesson of the island race is to put away all emotion and entrap the alien at the proper time. 16 I learned it in my cradle, long before he wrote it, and have practised it all my life with some success, and only this difference, that for "entrap" I prefer to substitute "escape". Watershed
  • As the car wound its way through the sidestreets, I looked out and noticed a family of Canada geese, complete with downy babies, following the edge of the road into another park.
  • These units include several vegetation units from Bohn et al. These include areas of lowland to submontane beech and mixed beech forests, lowland to submontane acidophilous oak and mixed oak forests, sub-Mediterranean and meso-supra-Mediterranean downy oak forests, fen and swamp forests, as well as floodplain, estuarine, and freshwater polder vegetation in the Aquitanian Plain, Armorican Massif, Paris Basin, and Netherlands. Atlantic mixed forests
  • I can only say that at sundown we passed out of the Rebel lines, and at ten o'clock that night stretched our tired limbs on the "downy" cots in General The Atlantic Monthly, Volume 14, No. 83, September, 1864
  • Décor is classic repro antique comfort, beds have mega downy pillows and soft cotton sheets changed daily.
  • Fine, downy wool growing beneath the outer hair of the Cashmere goat.

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