How To Use Downsizing In A Sentence
Downsizing produced an increased risk of sickness absence, in line with earlier findings.
But in today's economy, educated, white - collar workers also are vulnerable to downsizing.
Yet in the name of downsizing government Congress wants fewer rather than more central supervisors.
During the downsizing and defense builddown of the 1980s and early 1990s, many traditional IT professionals were laid off.
Expanding Women's Role In Science And Technology
Financially, colleges responded to revenue shortfalls by laying off workers and downsizing operations.

After years of staff downsizing, eliminating editors and staff checkers from the payroll - publishers seem to be having a spate of personal fantasies making it to print as Truth.
Truth AND consequences
Given the growing number of failing establishments that were downsizing their labor forces, the timing was not right to shove a wage increase (even if a small one) down the throat of business.
Downsizing continues apace with radical change thanks to galloping new technology, while the current merger epidemic leads to unpredictable job loss.
There is, however, evidence of genome downsizing in polyploids relative to their diploid progenitors in some cases.
Many Irish companies are downsizing, and the attraction and retention of the best and most efficient workers available has become a key issue for many employers.
We are downsizing our house and pooling our cash.
Times, Sunday Times
Together these tendencies bring increased flexibility, casualisation and insecurity, staff cuts, downsizing and outsourcing.
Its watchwords are free markets, privatisation, deregulation, flexibility, downsizing.
Now they're downsizing to a smaller place in Winchester.
Times, Sunday Times
It's easy to believe that downsizing staff is merely a prelude to a company-wide implosion.
The worst part is always dealing with the problems of downsizing.
Times, Sunday Times
In Louisiana, coastal land loss is literally downsizing the state's coast.
That Ares still faces serious issues with respect to vibrations and pulsation, or that Orion still faces mass challenges even after the recent crew downsizing, is a result of selection of a design with known issues.
Ares Troubles Mount - NASA Watch
Downsizing and rising credentialism are factors that have affected careers during the 1980s and 1990s, resulting in spiral and transitory career patterns becoming more common.
And while many Western companies are downsizing at home, they are boosting hiring at their own labs in India, China, and Eastern Europe.
Some advise in downsizing burearacracy – axe those that try to justify their jobs by creating new regulatory hurdles, programs, paperwork etc which cost us money - keep the ones if we must - that do nothing - they only cost us their salary and benefits
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But I guess it's not so different from a CEO downsizing the auditing department.
This could be done through downsizing or by freeing up some other cash, perhaps by selling a buy-to-let property or drawing on your savings or investments.
Times, Sunday Times
As best I can deduce from reading Paul's repetitive whinges, his main gripe seems to be the adverse impact of labour market practices like casualisation, downsizing and outsourcing on GenXers like himself.
And if that is true then why not admit that Botoxing a wrinkled brow or downsizing a large nose, while cosmetic, may be reasonable choices for some to make as well.
Many of our clients are restructuring and downsizing, so we tend to see less headcount in our restaurants.
Times, Sunday Times
‘It's not a downsizing as much as it is a rightsizing,’ says Ray Lane, a general partner at the firm.
Some argue that downsizing is dissolving the glue that has traditionally held companies together, and without which they may never flourish.
A lot of small businesses are downsizing, giving up their work premises and asking staff to work from home.
Times, Sunday Times
After downsizing of Taiwan Province, the status of local municipality must have been greatly elevated.
Downsizing may seem like a backward step but if, at the end of the year, the reduced enterprise has rid itself of debt and put itself into a profitable position, it will have been the right move.
Is she looking forward to downsizing?
Times, Sunday Times
With many big companies downsizing, it's a great time for small biz to grab prime office space at reduced prices
Unemployment, fed by automakers 'downsizing and plant closings, is 8.9%, the highest rate in the nation.
Arab-American electorate holds political sway in Mich.
With downsizing, rightsizing and just plain working our butts off to do more with less, the velocity of business dealings often masks control weaknesses.
Ronald Reagan pioneered this art form of disrespecting bureaucrats in the name of downsizing government, even as federal deficit spending on government programs he favored grew to epic proportions.
Rena Steinzor: Bureaucracy Bashing, Obama-Style
It is now preparing to cut another 10% of space by downsizing more shops.
Times, Sunday Times
Another year, another downsizing, and this time a monster.
Does anyone ever succeeded in downsizing an administration? common sense
What Civil Space Agency Would You Create? - NASA Watch
An option being seriously considered by most vehicle manufacturers is downsizing the engine as that offers significant advantages with respect to fuel consumption and emissions.
With companies busy downsizing - oops, rightsizing is the politically correct word - dressing down has become the order of the day.
A lot of boomers have been downsizing into new homes, and when you move into a new home, you need to redecorate, which is a very good thing for us," says Ellen Moreau, vice president of marketing for What's News US
And a fifth of parents are downsizing to be able to afford that price hike.
The Sun
With companies busy downsizing - oops, rightsizing is the politically correct word - dressing down has become the order of the day.
‘When all those companies were downsizing, we never missed a week of work,’ he adds.
The cost savings associated with downsizing the chilled water plant capacity was amplified because the emergency generators were likewise reduced in capacity.
Q We are selling our house and are downsizing to a flat.
Times, Sunday Times
Another trend is motorists downsizing to smaller, more fuel-efficient cars because of rising petrol prices.
The Sun
But one big vendor, GE Capital, is downsizing its wager by taking back some of the planes it has leased to both carriers.
American manufacturing organizations have been downsizing their factories.
But companies converted to the religion of efficiency, based on downsizing and re-engineering.
By preaching the merits of downsizing, they have provided bosses with arguments for measures that tough economic times have required anyway.
These days, most Internet start-ups are hoarding their cash and downsizing their dreams.
Amid downsizing and delayering, most employees face both fewer opportunities for promotion and little hope of escape to some new employer.
The downsizing Navy is training fighter pilots elsewhere.
It did because it drew the connection between the whole range of concerns and frustrations about downsizing and disempowerment which is a big theme of this book, and the way that economic forces, as well as cultural forces, contribute to the erosion of community and citizenship.
Democracy's Discontent: America in Search of a Public Philosophy
Many of us were concerned about his increasing forgetfulness, but he had been unreceptive to gentle suggestions about downsizing or getting help.
Policies based on downsizing the public sector and the imposition of tight monetary policies had often undermined growth and hampered technological progress.
After all the paradigm-shifting and diversity training and outsourcing and TQMing and synergizing and empowering and value adding and globalizing and downsizing and full-frontal lobotomizing, maybe finger puppets are just the logical terminus.
It is also a big draw for retiring couples downsizing from the country.
Times, Sunday Times
We compare the economics of downsizing with equity release, an alternative way of turning your home into a piggy bank.
Times, Sunday Times
Most of them are downsizing the workforce, sending our jobs abroad, reducing work here to temporary and part-time status and holding wages down.
OEMs have the option of downsizing their current starter motors, or using a more frequent stop/start schedule with their current designs.
I am downsizing to a single room and experiencing the liberation of getting rid of stuff.
If additions to suppliers' workforces had been included in the statistics, the downsizings would have been much less dramatic.
This is the period when we look to downsizing to reset the balance of resources in the company.
With the downsizing of hospitals, I was less certain about a future in clinical dietetics.
And a fifth of parents are downsizing to be able to afford that price hike.
The Sun
Employment at Shannon Free Zone reduced by 6% to 7,373 at the end of 2002 with many companies downsizing due to the global economic downturn.
‘A lot of companies are downsizing and they're taking up a lot of our space at the moment,’ she said.
In the era of downsizing and portfolio careers, work no longer provides a secure economic or social identity.
If you're downsizing the time you'll be together, you all better schedule a restructuring meeting.
But then I recalled the word downsizing, and remembered the Bush tax cuts which allowed these freet trade corporations to export jobs overseas, and get a tax cut all at the same time.
The Tragedy Of The Bush Presidency
It -- the term downsizing really became a big story when it started happening to reporters, at which point it was too late, really.
Virtuous Reality: How America Surrendered Discussion of Moral Values to Opportunists, Nitwits & Blockheads like William Bennett
Both GM and Chrysler are downsizing - with GM potentially joining Chrysler in bankruptcy - and closing plants.
Ironically, corporate downsizing may actually work to your advantage.
Companies are downsizing and closing, leaving workers vulnerable to poverty.
Downsizing, delayering, and rising credentialism are factors that have careers during the 1980s and 1990s, resulting in spiral and transitory career patterns becoming more common.
As part of the restructure, Southcorp is downsizing its Hunter Valley operations, including the closure of a Rosemount bottling plant at Denman.
One can continue to be an Upper in good standing by downsizing and downshifting from a house in Holland Park to a cottage in mid-Wales, from £200,000 a year in the City to £10,000 a year as a carpenter or potter.
So taking equity out of the house when you retire and downsizing your lifestyle is a problem.
Under the watchword of making Australian industry competitive, successive governments have backed corporations in undertaking massive downsizing.
Ironically, corporate downsizing may actually work to your advantage.
Downsizing is never popular with workforces and as senior producers attempt to mothball or close marginal mines and retrench miners they run into conflict with labor groups made up of people who themselves are in the squeeze.
After two days of staff meetings, the Government Reform Committee finished its preliminary blueprint for downsizing the Cabinet.
Statistics show that 'downsizing' your marketing during tough times inevitably weakens your brand and your market position - and that's exactly the WRONG position to take when in a down market.
A lot of small businesses are downsizing, giving up their work premises and asking staff to work from home.
Times, Sunday Times
The vendors are downsizing because the garden is too large for them to manage.
Times, Sunday Times
A first-time concert promoter, the former Cape St. George resident - who makes his home in New Brunswick and works in Alberta - says he came up with the idea to host a weekend concert on the peninsula after hearing about what he calls a downsizing of the French folk festival that takes place there each year.
The Georgian: News
Some career-transition companies, such as outplacement firm Lee Hecht Harrison, offer the service to workers who have been downsized - and the company doing the downsizing picks up the tab, says Rob Saam, the firm's chief career officer.
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Movies are incredibly expensive to create; cyber enterprises are hymns to downsizing.
Downsizing often cut out coordinators, the people most important to these informal networks, leaving them in serious danger of collapse.
Q We are selling our house and are downsizing to a flat.
Times, Sunday Times
Saw a preview for the Lone Gunman that made me wince, hard; perhaps I had better start downsizing my expectations there as well.
You also get some benefit from downsizing the engine and making it a little more efficient, but you lose towing capacity.
We compare the economics of downsizing with equity release, an alternative way of turning your home into a piggy bank.
Times, Sunday Times
Develop and execute plans and policies for builddown of officer/warrant officer corps during Army downsizing.
It also slows down the downsizing (and upsizing) needed if the housing market is to work properly.
Times, Sunday Times
The cuts may not be only a temporary downsizing, but rather a long-term retrenchment of the nation's second-largest transit system. -
His family has grown up and he and his wife are downsizing.
Times, Sunday Times
It implies that flexibility is much more important than downsizing expectations.
Stronger competition," said Mitra, "which would facilitate convergence in the CIS countries, would also accelerate downsizing in state-owned and privatized firms.
We are downsizing our house and pooling our cash.
Times, Sunday Times
He was telling me how his employer was sending around a survey to find out what tasks people were spending time on at work, all for the purpose of efficiency and downsizing the workforce.
For instance, many downsizing employers invest in outplacement services, helping laid-off workers to find new jobs or to acquire new skills.
Most repairs result in downsizing the effective orifice area in order to increase coaptation with the available cusp area.
It is also a big draw for retiring couples downsizing from the country.
Times, Sunday Times
If advertising wants to avoid a Jivaro-like downsizing, it needs to listen to the clock: It's ticking away.
Why is digital advertising so lousy? Industry is too smug to innovate.
The response of all the transnationals is one of mergers, corporate restructuring and downsizing, resulting in the loss of tens of thousands of jobs worldwide.
Economists and poverty researchers say multiple factors may account for the increase in needy college graduates: Not only a rise in college attendance, but also a shortage of high-end jobs, stagnant wages and eroding health benefits, downsizing and outsourcing — as well as the growing number of immigrants and single mothers.
Study: Growing Number of College Graduates Classified as Poor | Impact Lab
The problem with relying on downsizing to release capital is that property is now very expensive across the country.
Times, Sunday Times
Downsizing, however, cuts deep and employees with a decade or more of service are laid off, while the firm retains those with greater seniority.
Nonetheless, the chapters in this book, and the literature more generally, address not only organizational turnarounds but also organizational decline, crisis, retrenching, and downsizing.
President Clinton correctly says that NAFTA has become a "flypaper" for many economic discontents, from corporate "downsizing" to low wages, that have nothing to do with Mexico.
The Isolationist Illusion
And a fifth of parents are downsizing to be able to afford that price hike.
The Sun
Stronger competition," said Mitra, "which would facilitate convergence in the CIS countries, would also accelerate downsizing in state-owned and privatized firms.
It focuses on the key variables offered by the traditional model as components of household financial distress: first, high levels of household indebtedness; second, unemployment and downsizing; third, divorce; and fourth, health problems, health care costs, and lack of health insurance.
While some companies might look at downsizing in a tightening economy other companies might upskill and provide more training.
The problem with relying on downsizing to release capital is that property is now very expensive across the country.
Times, Sunday Times
Some argue that downsizing is dissolving the glue that has traditionally held companies together, and without which they may never flourish.
Or tax incentives encourage companies to stretch out downsizing and keep more jobs at home?
She paused a moment, then expanded on the word "downsizing. Chronicle
Many companies are downsizing, reducing layers of management, and automating routine jobs.
Another trend is motorists downsizing to smaller, more fuel-efficient cars because of rising petrol prices.
The Sun
They like the idea of downsizing to a property with only 5.3 acres.
Times, Sunday Times
The auto industry faces a global crisis of overcapacity and every major automaker is involved in mergers, corporate restructuring and downsizing.
They've been through downsizing and rightsizing.
Such interest in the UK might be perceived as flattering if it were not for the fact that acquisition is often followed by downsizing, rightsizing, or whatever the latest euphemism for job cuts happens to be.
Now they're downsizing to a smaller place in Winchester.
Times, Sunday Times
A Markham couple downsizing for retirement got a rude lesson recently in Chinese numerology. - Home Page
Consumer downsizing is a term automakers use to describe the current trend in car buying.
Autoblog Green
There was also speculation that the group was bringing together senior store managers to discuss a downsizing of the group, prompting investors to take flight.
Times, Sunday Times
The suburban three-bedroom house has become the point at which upsizing families meet downsizing migrants from the city centre.
Times, Sunday Times
With academic downsizing, not all programs are necessarily subject to consolidation, downsizing, or elimination.
We have made the tough structural changes, during the '80s and' 90s, things like tax reform, deregulation, downsizing, re-engineering, etc. that have made our economy so competitive.
Liquidity Trap or Statism Trap?, Arnold Kling | EconLog | Library of Economics and Liberty
If your company is downsizing, rather than succumbing to panic, redo your resume take a course, put out job feelers.
The political barriers to this strategy are formidable, the consequences to some parts of the NASA center/supplier infrastructure are harsh, but some remaining downsizing from the Apollo era is long overdue.
Candid Comments on the Constellation Program - NASA Watch
The management of EuroPharm UK decided to re-engineer the business rather than seek short-term gains by downsizing.
Coincidently, government cuts were ordered and commercialisation, rationalisation, efficiency reviews, downsizing, rightsizing and redundancies became the words of the '90s.
Growing numbers are downsizing to free up money to fund the move.
The Sun
Downsizing continues apace with radical change thanks to galloping new technology, while the current merger epidemic leads to unpredictable job loss.
As disillusionment set in, re-engineering became a synonym for redundancy and downsizing.
Times, Sunday Times
This latest downsizing is NASA's essential admission of that fact.
Orion Slims Down - NASA Watch