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How To Use Downsize In A Sentence

  • ‘We downsized our house and trimmed our needs so we don't need the higher income at all, ‘she says.’
  • In March 2004, the company announced plans to refit 50 stores and downsize its Big W chain to increase profits.
  • The foreign office budget has been halved since 2010, with embassies closed or downsized. Times, Sunday Times
  • The moving specialists' first task is to help the seniors downsize their belongings so they can fit into, say, a retirement-center efficiency or a one-bedroom apartment.
  • The constant nagging from officials to downsize and be more fuel efficient seems to have (ironically) encouraged motorists to go extra large. The Sun
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  • ENO must downsize, refocus and rise again. Times, Sunday Times
  • In his case, on appeal, the Chief Justice for the first time ruled that the defence of chance medley that downsized murder to manslaughter could not be pleaded under British law.
  • Rooms can easily be added or removed, so people can upsize and downsize without having to move home. Times, Sunday Times
  • I got a degree in networking from NYU and worked at a French bank in mid-town until 2001 when they downsized their IT department.
  • In the words of one senior DOD official, The peace dividend requirement forced us to downsize. David Isenberg: Outsourcing War and Peace: Part 1
  • The next morning, parishioners lucky enough to attend churches not downsized by pedophilia payouts, consulted freshly plasticized pew cards for the new wording of their Mass. Kate Clinton: Et Cum Spirit Two Two Oh
  • It is also necessary to downsize the Central and State Governments.
  • Everybody else will be relieved, but there's also what they call survivor's guilt, so if you do have to downsize, you have to do it knowledgeably. State Journal Featured Content
  • Libraries, too, have experienced fiscal challenges that have forced them to downsize and restructure their organizations.
  • Many people will downsize in retirement, releasing some capital. Times, Sunday Times
  • the company downsized its research staff
  • The amounts are a little strange because it was downsized from a 25 cuke original recipe. Got 5 Extra Cucumbers?
  • The automotive industry downsized its cars for improved fuel economy.
  • The buyers include retirees who want to downsize. Times, Sunday Times
  • One reason for this scarcity is the number of older people opting to withdraw money from their homes, rather than sell these houses and downsize. Times, Sunday Times
  • But for every new-found friend ready to stand a drink at the bar, there is a wisecracking motormouth, resentful of a footballer's many blessings, fervently determined to downsize the over-inflated ego attributed to all players.
  • Downsize potatoes, pasta, rice and fatty and sugary foods, and super size fruit and vegetables.
  • And people will still need to relocate, upsize, downsize, change jobs. Times, Sunday Times
  • The new George Clooney film Up in the Air charted that course, taking six years to make it into production, only to find that its story of a corporate downsizer facing a crisis of conscience was even more relevant in a time when few people are taking their jobs for granted. Art coincidentally imitates life in historic, timely 'Invictus'
  • They ‘decruit’, ‘downsize’, ‘rightsize’, ‘de-job’ or ‘de-layer’.
  • Following rivals P&G and Colgate-Palmolive, which downsized some powder detergent brands last year, Unilever will scale down its Wisk and powder starting in July.
  • We'll probably have to downsize this whole department soon to make room for whatever the next big seller is.
  • Avenue Q "downsized" - moving from its Broadway home of six years (the Golden), to Off-Broadway's New World Stages - it lost 306 seats, some of its ticket price, and … that's about it. : News
  • He is now selling to downsize, but is hoping to buy a smaller home on or near the high street. Times, Sunday Times
  • Older people wanting to downsize also complain of a shortage of suitable properties. Times, Sunday Times
  • I downsized it and cropped it slightly to create desktops for both macs (including a tibook size) and PCs here.
  • First-time buyers are unlikely to have as big a deposit as a family or a downsizer. Times, Sunday Times
  • I've completely downsized all my belongings, and can pack all of my clothes into one suitcase.
  • George Clooney plays slick corporate downsizer Ryan Bingham. Timely 'Up in the Air' rises to challenge with humor, heart
  • A few years ago we had to downsize the business. Times, Sunday Times
  • The tapes downsized to cassettes and ultimately CDs.
  • Firms don't fire, they downsize, rightsize, offshore, streamline, rationalise and carry out 'targeted restructuring'. Times, Sunday Times
  • The draft of the Executive Yuan Organization Act would downsize the Cabinet from the current 35 administrative entities to 23, plus four independent institutions.
  • She was laid off together with hundreds of other workers when the company downsized
  • One reason for this scarcity is the number of older people opting to withdraw money from their homes, rather than sell these houses and downsize. Times, Sunday Times
  • Her turn as an up-and-coming corporate downsizer opposite George Clooney in "Up in the Air" has awards-season prognosticators shouting, "Oscar! ‘Up In The Air’ Director Jason Reitman ‘Wrote This Role For’ Anna Kendrick » MTV Movies Blog
  • It was one of many niche labels shuttered or downsized in Hollywood recently, plagued by high costs and few commercial hits despite their occasional critical success. Mirimax SOLD: Disney Sells Miramax Films To Ronald Tutor's Filmyard Holding For $660 Million
  • Miramax was one of many niche labels shuttered or downsized in Hollywood recently, plagued by high costs and few commercial hits despite their occasional critical success.
  • Also unlike a hybrid, this system would bring back the bank of batteries used in EVs, but greatly downsize it to reduce cost and weight and increase usable packaging space.
  • Existing programs must be consolidated, downsized, or eliminated to meet current or reduced budget restraints.
  • The only way out is to downsize the company, shedding extraneous staff and departments. Times, Sunday Times
  • This came about following a decision by the company to downsize the Carlow plant as one of its product lines was being moved to China.
  • Having a downsize in employment in a sector that pays very well is not welcome news," Mr. DiNapoli said, citing what he called the "multiplier effect," whereby each lost Wall Street job results in two additional lost jobs in other sectors in the city. NYT > Home Page
  • And people will still need to relocate, upsize, downsize, change jobs. Times, Sunday Times
  • The intention of the policy is to encourage people to downsize to smaller properties. Times, Sunday Times
  • They were expressing their concern at the company's announcement that Dundalk Packaging is to close and Dundalk Brewery will be downsized.
  • More of us might downsize if our roads permitted a less uncomfortable ride in smaller cars. Times, Sunday Times
  • Charities have warned that in some areas there are not enough smaller homes to allow people to downsize. Times, Sunday Times
  • More of us might downsize if our roads permitted a less uncomfortable ride in smaller cars. Times, Sunday Times
  • The night before, other F-l6s, the CG version, the new and somewhat downsized version of the F-4G Wild Weasel, had gone into China and struck at the line of border radar transmitters, hitting them with HARM antiradar missiles and knocking most of them off the air. The Bear and the Dragon
  • The high level of automation of missile preparation and launches helped rationalize alert duty missions and downsize alert crews.
  • II-listed farmhouse with six bedrooms, but their three daughters have grown up and they are in the process of selling up so they can downsize. Times, Sunday Times
  • Many motorists are aiming to downsize to smaller, more economical vehicles. The Sun
  • Many people will downsize in retirement, releasing some capital. Times, Sunday Times
  • Company car drivers are beginning to downsize their cars to reduce Benefit-in-Kind liability, according to Lex Vehicle Leasing.
  • One friend also did a midlife downsize following a retreat back to London. Times, Sunday Times
  • In the movie, he's a corporate downsizer; in the novel, he was the out-placement expert who worked with the downsized. Marshall Fine: Walter Kirn Is Feeling Up in the Air
  • This approach will make it possible to reduce the overall consumption of missiles during firing, downsize the impact zone and give a chance to use more efficiently the zone's depth.
  • He is now selling to downsize, but is hoping to buy a smaller home on or near the high street. Times, Sunday Times
  • The following morning, ScottishPower announced a £60m restructuring to downsize the company after the sale of PacifiCorp, including the board reshuffle.
  • Service providers can allow customers to change service packages whenever they choose and upsize or downsize services as needed.
  • It's this hustle and bustle that appeals to a certain type of downsizer. Times, Sunday Times
  • Well, the truth be told, it is a bit of a squeeze finding a spot on our downsized coffee table for the coffee pot and that big fat newspaper, especially if the idea of bagels and cream cheese enters the picture. Chicken Soup for the Soul: Think Positive
  • Companies downsized, diversified, and increased their exposure to export markets.
  • Casse continues: Mr. Caplan also claims that voters revile a corporation that downsizes at home and sends jobs abroad, a business decision that most economists view as socially productive. Do Voters' Biases Bias Policy?, Bryan Caplan | EconLog | Library of Economics and Liberty
  • It was one of many niche labels shuttered or downsized in - Local News
  • They are working hard; they are working hard for nest eggs for that day when they can retire and live that good life they've been told is due them, if they're still in good health when that day comes or if they don't get fired suddenly or downsized or outplaced or forced to take an early retirement unexpectedly. My Little Red Top, You've Got Me Spinning...Spinning A-round
  • Judge James Zagel switched the trial to April 20 from January, saying he agreed with Blagojevich's attorneys that the sharply downsized defense team needed more time to "retool" its defense "in substance, tone and tenure" after jurors deadlocked on most counts during the first trial. Blagojevich Lawyers Want Retrial Delayed
  • After being downsized from her last corporate job, she decided to become her own boss.
  • The department had been redesigned, delayered, downsized, and the people were operating as a self-managed team.
  • The intention of the policy is to encourage people to downsize to smaller properties. Times, Sunday Times
  • Consequently, in the bid for competitive advantage, organizations have downsized, restructured, merged or acquired.
  • In reality, these factors rarely offset increased costs, which can force unprepared organizations to downsize or even fold.
  • During the 1989-90 recession, for example, there was a torrid need for financial consultants as companies downsized.
  • GM may remerge as a downsized company with losing parts closed down. Volcker Needed As Financial Czar, Not as Auto-crat
  • The multi-institutional team, led by UCSF professor Shuvo Roy, formerly of the Cleveland Clinic, is the first to demonstrate technology that could be feasibly downsized into a transplant device.
  • Even the previously sacrosanct "first responders" police and firefighters are being downsized, laid off, "furloughed," or forced out with early retirement. Joseph A. Palermo: There's No Good News for Democrats Because There's No Good News
  • Finally, firms that were more dependent on constituencies that valued conformance with legitimate practices should have been less likely to downsize.
  • The Nation, unmortgaged to any economic interest or political power, will continue to challenge our downsized politics of excluded alternatives, propose bold ideas, ferret out the truth, expose corruption and abuse of power, and hold our politicians accountable. Katrina vanden Heuvel: A Transformational Presidency?
  • What happens for many people when they're downsized is they drop out for awhile," Rosenberg says. How To Get A Job When You're Over 50
  • Why don't they sell their house and downsize to fund the search like most responsible parents would? The Sun
  • We are in a shrinking market as colleges and universities downsize their agricultural faculties.
  • Stamp duty acts as a powerful disincentive to downsize. Times, Sunday Times
  • The couple now wanted to downsize and port the deal to the new home. Times, Sunday Times
  • However, the sales and marketing director was unequivocal in saying that there were no plans to downsize the Wiltshire operation.
  • Meanwhile some downsized staff have been re-engaged at lower costs (no holiday pay or superannuation costs) as outside contractors.
  • The only way out is to downsize the company, shedding extraneous staff and departments. Times, Sunday Times
  • Those who are no longer essential to the main program - the flawed programs - are downsized and discarded.
  • The constant nagging from officials to downsize and be more fuel efficient seems to have (ironically) encouraged motorists to go extra large. The Sun
  • The more than 100,000 employees he downsized can testify that he is not a touchy-feely kind of guy.
  • But a few who are still laden with debt will be forced to downsize. Times, Sunday Times
  • Libraries, too, have experienced fiscal challenges that have forced them to downsize and restructure their organizations.
  • David Denby, the critic from the New Yorker, announced that his review of "The Girl With The Dragon Tattoo" would be published in the coming week's issue, a full eight days before the embargo date to which critics belonging to the New York Film Critics Circle agreed to hold their verdicts. letter to Rudin, Denby largely blamed both the studio's schedule -- "Grown-ups are ignored for much of the year, cast out like downsized workers, and then given eight good movies all at once in the last five weeks of the year," he wrote -- and his magazine's double issue conflict with the NYFCC's moved up awards voting schedule this year, which he called "idiotic" and said he "furiously opposed. The Full Feed from
  • The airline has downsized its workforce by 30%.
  • the car makers downsized the SUVs when fuel became very expensive
  • three secretaries were downsized during the financial crisis
  • The push to downsize the military and privatize functions means government contracts are a growth industry.
  • The three counties regiment is one of those under threat as a result of continuing defence cuts and plans to downsize the Army.
  • Prices were fairly strong at the sale, which featured a significantly downsized catalog with an emphasis on weanlings from young sires.
  • The couple now wanted to downsize and port the deal to the new home. Times, Sunday Times
  • People downsize here from country houses near by. Times, Sunday Times
  • Then there are the downsizers — empty-nester couples looking to trade in their four- or five-bedroom family home for something smaller. Times, Sunday Times
  • It looks the business but it shares another trait with those allconquering racecars of old - downsized, turbocharged engines. The Sun
  • The constant nagging from officials to downsize and be more fuel efficient seems to have (ironically) encouraged motorists to go extra large. The Sun
  • We might have to trim and downsize our ministry.
  • Even the downsized engine delivers good performance and economy. The Sun
  • Is it right to encourage older people to downsize? Times, Sunday Times
  • It looks the business but it shares another trait with those allconquering racecars of old - downsized, turbocharged engines. The Sun
  • I've downsized my office furniture, even though the desk makes me feel smaller.
  • People downsize here from country houses near by. Times, Sunday Times
  • There was a further discussion on this plan at a Board Meeting on 10 October 1997 at which it was minuted that Mr Deckman and Mr Saucier ‘noted that the strategy contemplated a much downsized and profitable operation’.
  • So, we downsized, moved, changed schools forour son and reinvented our lives. Tales of Hamster Wheels, Birthday Candles and Knitting Needles « Denmeister
  • ‘I've been downsized, laid off and rightsized six times since 1993,’ she says.
  • She explains'we're about to downsize our house and that means packing up the plants. Times, Sunday Times
  • Some career-transition companies, such as outplacement firm Lee Hecht Harrison, offer the service to workers who have been downsized - and the company doing the downsizing picks up the tab, says Rob Saam, the firm's chief career officer. Newsvine - Get Smarter Here
  • Enter a new kind of buyer: the shared-ownership downsizer. Times, Sunday Times
  • Evidence of this mass return of the downsizer is not purely anecdotal. Times, Sunday Times
  • A few years ago we had to downsize the business. Times, Sunday Times
  • It was ‘downsized’ from its original 186 carats to 105.6 carat oval-shaped stone and it currently adorns the Crown of the Queen Mother.
  • The plight of the Asian economy is forcing businesses to downsize.
  • Older people wanting to downsize also complain of a shortage of suitable properties. Times, Sunday Times
  • More of us might downsize if our roads permitted a less uncomfortable ride in smaller cars. Times, Sunday Times
  • For more than 40,000 lives lost in downsized automobiles because of CAFE standards, Coyote Blog » Blog Archive » Dangers of a Monoculture — Reactions to the CRU Emails
  • They will also downsize their operations and cut back on both capital and advertising spend.
  • Does this mean that a research organization cannot downsize and still remain productive?
  • The major point in the contract is that the employees who will be downsized three years before their retirement age will receive a 9-wage severance package.
  • At home in business class: George Clooney, a corporate downsizer who travels to offices to lay workers off, has a one-night stand with a fellow traveler played by Vera Farmiga, but it doesn't end there. Timely 'Up in the Air' rises to challenge with humor, heart
  • Is it right to encourage older people to downsize? Times, Sunday Times
  • Related Article Another Theater for S&P Drama Port Town's Prosecutors Probe S&P, Moody's Earlier Call to Downsize Giants of Ratings 08/10/2011 To give their ratings what they call "stability," the ratings firms tend to focus on static indicators that change slowly, like current-account balances. Raters Fail to See Defaults Coming
  • She explains'we're about to downsize our house and that means packing up the plants. Times, Sunday Times
  • When Standard Chartered Nakathorn Bank wanted to downsize its 68-branch Bangkok network last year, it looked to the sky for clues about which offices to shutter.
  • However, as the political sphere is itself downsized and privatized, the state system is left with fewer tools, outside of increased repression, to handle disorder.
  • Rooms can easily be added or removed, so people can upsize and downsize without having to move home. Times, Sunday Times
  • George Clooney plays Ryan Bingham, a traveling "downsizer" who lives for frequent flyer miles, airport executive clubs, and his next businessman's holiday. - Local News
  • Firms don't fire, they downsize, rightsize, offshore, streamline, rationalise and carry out 'targeted restructuring'. Times, Sunday Times
  • Why don't they sell their house and downsize to fund the search like most responsible parents would? The Sun
  • For many of them, the value has grown over the years and is only realised when they come to downsize or the property is inherited and sold. The Sun
  • As cars are hybridized, homes are downsized, and diets are localized, perhaps we should extend the eco-scorn heaped on Hummers, McMansions, and factory beef to a deeply ingrained American institution: the daily shower. Tamar Haspel: Save the Planet: Wash Less
  • For many of them, the value has grown over the years and is only realised when they come to downsize or the property is inherited and sold. The Sun
  • ENO must downsize, refocus and rise again. Times, Sunday Times
  • Gordon calculated, about 10 million workers would have been freed -- none dare call it "downsized" -- to do something more valuable in the economy (which almost anything other than implementing a wasteful strategy would be), realizing a possible "corporate bureaucratic dividend" of some half a trillion dollars. What Election '96 Should be About
  • And while we are at it don't forget the employees at Shaw's who were also laid off as that company downsizes until its Tullow Street headquarters have been rebuilt - or those at Celtic Linen.
  • A token amount of plot -- Ryan Bingham (George Clooney) is a corporate downsizer, flying cross-country in order to lay off employees when their supervisors are unwilling to do the deed. HuffPost Review: Up in the Air
  • Companies downsize, relocate and collapse all the time.
  • II-listed farmhouse with six bedrooms, but their three daughters have grown up and they are in the process of selling up so they can downsize. Times, Sunday Times
  • Based upon the total recompensation package received by all Workers, including those who were not Outsourced, Downsized, or Pension-shriven. Are Workers Getting Good Jobs?, Arnold Kling | EconLog | Library of Economics and Liberty
  • The buyers include retirees who want to downsize. Times, Sunday Times
  • Numerous downsized banks, insurers and retail chains have seen their customers' satisfaction plummet.
  • Gone are the days when "Supersize Me" was the buzzword - "supersize" and its image of overindulgence have been replaced by the unfortunate opposite, "Downsize Me. Home
  • The automotive industry downsized its cars for improved fuel economy.
  • The other side of that equation is that, as the system currently works, people in the cushiest council homes hang on to them even when they ought to move on or downsize, which prevents properties being passed on to needier applicants. Tinkering with tenancy is no solution to the housing shortage
  • Customers who've yanked old couches and baby cribs from the cubes to save money have been replaced by folks who had to downsize because of home foreclosure or job loss. Ad Track: Self-store units are still filling their spaces
  • One friend also did a midlife downsize following a retreat back to London. Times, Sunday Times
  • In "Up in the Air" Ryan Bingham (George Clooney) is a corporate downsizer who fires people for a living. Erica Abeel: Stealth Politics
  • For many of them, the value has grown over the years and is only realised when they come to downsize or the property is inherited and sold. The Sun
  • From what I understand, the key chain downsized the images to save space, any image you have will be small anyway. SciFi, Fantasy & Horror Collectibles - Part 5893
  • It's one of only a few estate superminis on the market and is particularly suitable for young families looking for a load lugger or drivers looking to downsize.
  • The local downsizer market is strong too. Times, Sunday Times
  • Since 2002's Highwire, The Neufeld-Occhipinti Jazz Orchestra have downsized from 16 members to a svelte nonet.
  • The weekend is downsized to being a jazzy, glitzy flamboyant festival.
  • Numerous downsized banks, insurers and retail chains have seen their customers' satisfaction plummet.
  • He said that increasingly, smaller businesses are coming to dominate economies as big companies downsize and outsource, leading to opportunities and a myriad of small suppliers.
  • And more and more people who used to be in big structural bureaucracies are finding themselves downsized, which is a cruel way of saying you're middle-aged and out of work. Remarks By President Regarding Empowerment Zones
  • Charities have warned that in some areas there are not enough smaller homes to allow people to downsize. Times, Sunday Times

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