How To Use Downshift In A Sentence

  • Regin downshifted, tires squealing as she swerved to dodge a roadkill-bound possum. Dreams of a Dark Warrior
  • I believe the clunk was my rear diff. from the hard downshift?? NASIOC
  • The downshift hits workers of color particularly hard.
  • He downshifted and turned the steering wheel.
  • Two years ago Jeremy Hawkins downshifted from London's financial district, where he had worked for 23 years, to a home-based life.
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  • Some decided to downshift and take cycling less seriously once they became pregnant and had their babies.
  • Do the economics of downshifting to a more frugal car stack up? Times, Sunday Times
  • These gearboxes are a lot different, and I probably didn't do a complete downshift.
  • There also is a perceptible delay when downshifting from fourth to third.
  • But now there is a real move back towards downshifting, taking more time and space. The Sun
  • Baby boomers decide to "downshift" -- fewer CDs. more time -- have figured this out: Owen Byrd and Maria Lines of Palo Alto, Calif., a public-interest lawyer and an engineer, decided to cut their $100,000 income by $20,000 this year to get an extra day at home. Are You Anxious? You're Not Alone
  • If Nash and Nowitzki excel when the Mavs are in high gear, then Finley works best when the team downshifts to second.
  • The engines downshifted and fought us all the way down. The Volokh Conspiracy » Toyota Facing $16 Million Fine …
  • In this mode, the vehicle senses when increased engine braking is required and automatically schedules a downshift.
  • The auto has a paddle-shifter on each side of the steering wheel - right for up, left for down - and uncannily the system has a device called downshift rev matching, causing one passenger to remark: "I thought this was an automatic. - Stuff
  • Fleming managed a convincing attacca downshift from the "éternellement lumineux" young bodies of "La maison" to an intoxicated, drill-sergeant bark for "Les deux guerriers. Archive 2009-04-01
  • Luckily, in downshifting we didn't need one. Times, Sunday Times
  • ‘It's go time,’ I thought to myself, as I downshifted back down to fourth gear, matched my revs and punched the throttle.
  • In China, virtually everything will turn on the ability of the central leadership to downshift the economy without stalling it, " he said.
  • Given the undercounted slack in the labor market and the structural downshift in hiring, a jobless rate at around 4.5% looks to be a 2006 goal.
  • Then, when you are out on a fast, open road you find the engine runs out of puff on hills so you have to downshift and rev it to oblivion.
  • In tight corners you can downshift with just a quick blip of the throttle.
  • The transmission's a beauty - a four mode manual auto with superfast 100ms shifting and auto-double declutching on downshifts. Gizmag Emerging Technology Magazine
  • Perhaps an electronic ‘blip’ of the throttle on the downshift would have helped.
  • After downshift to 20°, 100% of the nuclei underwent mitotic division and then arrested with aberrantly shaped nuclei.
  • Reading the Sangsters' book, which unpicks every last aspect of downshifting, the process itself appears to be as full of trials and tribulations as the daily grind of city life.
  • Like her friend, she has downshifted into a Cool Britannia lifestyle.
  • One retail analyst said many executives can afford to downshift because they've become financially independent through stock options, stock grants and bonuses.
  • Or a dual-mode air card for a laptop that would automatically "downshift" from 4G to 3G when it traveled to an area where the WiMAX rollout hadn't yet arrived. Internet News
  • I find the biggest problem people have is deciding what to do for a living after downshifting.
  • Living better on less money, downshifting and redefining ideas about ambition, success and happiness are some of the subjects covered.
  • When a laird and his wife swapped their Perthshire castle for a tiny Italian farmhouse they were meant to be downshifting on a dramatic scale.
  • These changes mean downshifts and upshifts: If you have a loss of principles in practice, your society will decay.
  • In automatic mode it will sense via accelerometers when to retain a low gear and when to downshift.
  • The body burns fat more effectively with small incremental downshifts in calories.
  • Simply put, we are most impacted by economic downshifts, changes in the job market, and reversals in federal funding allocations.
  • The more disturbing trend, however, was the downshift in capital spending.
  • So the war in Afghanistan must be gradually downshifted to the Left's pre-Iraq take on it: the "improvident" "quagmire" that "really solves nothing" and has only (as Obama said of the Bush approach) "given a huge boost to terrorist recruitment in countries that say, 'Look, this is how the United States treats Muslims.' National Review Online
  • This was manifested as a decrease in the transition enthalpy and a downshift in the transition temperature of the main phase transition and the pretransition, as well as a concomitant broadening of both transitions.
  • After the birth of Skylar, software engineer Bryan decided to downshift his career and only work four days a week.
  • Everyone has to add value, to move, to upsize or downshift.
  • These effects are most pronounced for gel-like bilayer structures and support the observed downshift in the phase-transition temperature.
  • Acceleration for this vehicle is found to be ample despite occasional transmission delays in full-throttle downshifts.
  • Heel and toe: Driving the sporty GTI, we zipped through our serpentine handling course using the heel-and-toe technique to rapidly downshift, blipping the throttle while braking before each corner. Track test: How does brake-override affect enthusiast driving?
  • The trend towards downshifting, where employees swap the stress of corporate life for more quality time, tempted 6% of the UK workforce last year.
  • Mr. Nicolau had earlier this year said the company had the flexibility to ramp up 2010 production to 2.7 million ounces but Monday said that wouldn't be appropriate, given the recent "downshift" in the global economic recovery. Gold Sinks as Market Worries Ebb
  • Downshifters are being tempted to leave the sophisticated city and go simple.
  • I downshifted into first, and goosed the throttle.
  • Unfortunately, though, the sequential changes are tad sloppy on the upshift and slightly jerky on the downshift.
  • It's good, steady leasing, but it's downshifted," says John Lutzius , an analyst at Green Street Advisors. City of London Downshift In Leasing Poses Hurdles
  • Like the V8 it mates to a five-speed automatic with adaptive shift control and a manual mode that matches engine revs on downshifts.
  • The latest lifestyle trend is downshifting.
  • He tries to downshift, but he's already in his 25.
  • According to them, authors of Getting A Life, one in eight people in work have taken steps towards simplifying their lives - downshifting - or are thinking of doing so.
  • A downshift in the quality of acting also has something to do with this.
  • ‘It's go time,’ I thought to myself, as I downshifted back down to fourth gear, matched my revs and punched the throttle.
  • She was coming off the track now, not bothering to downshift; he heard the gears whine into neutral, and recognized the sound of aging synchromesh.
  • Separately, a New York Fed paper suggested that there has been a downshift in the volatility of the business cycle.
  • Again, the engines downshifted and fought us all the way down. The Volokh Conspiracy » Toyota Facing $16 Million Fine …
  • The peak torque of 200Nm occurs at 1500 rpm, and it will pull cleanly from 1200 rpm or so, whereas the PSA HDi unit would hunt and demand a downshift.
  • This is a slightly detuned, more refined version of the 147/156 GTA motor, and its easy, creamy power delivery lets you amble at low speeds without demanding a downshift if the traffic suddenly vanishes.
  • In Sport, Sport Plus and Manual modes, every automatic or paddled downshift is accompanied by precisely metered double-declutching, which matches engine revs to deliver the new gear extremely smoothly. Gizmag Emerging Technology Magazine
  • The trend towards downshifting, where employees swap the stress of corporate life for more quality time, tempted 6% of the UK workforce last year.
  • You're going to brake for Turn 10 just as the pavement changes (from asphalt to concrete at the start of the corner) and then downshift to second gear from fourth.
  • In ‘Nijisseiki’, propylene-treated fruit exhibited a downshift of UA in the water-soluble fraction but non-treated fruit did not.
  • Temperature downshift from 30° to 15° before death permitted nearly all of them to develop to fertile adults.
  • ‘Everybody downshifts when things look to slow down or just look dodgy,’ she says.
  • He says downshifting is not about the seachangers, because it does not include retirees or those who have been retrenched.
  • On the other hand, if the Chl d formyl C = O is H-bonded then larger 2 H-induced downshifts could be expected.
  • Unlike traditional transmissions, the 7-speed will skip up to three gear ratios if necessary during downshifts, providing quick, smooth acceleration.
  • ‘I would like people to be able to carry on working and gradually downshift into full time retirement,’ he said yesterday.
  • A slowdown in technology spending following the Internet bubble-burst in 2000 contributed greatly to the downshift in the economy, which in turn led to a significant decrease in business travel.
  • Despite some concerns, brake override doesn't impede a boy racer from using fancy footwork like heel-and-toe downshifting or left-foot braking to tease a car through fast turns or from pulling off those crowd-pleasing, tire-smoking, "brake stand" burnouts. Track test: How does brake-override affect enthusiast driving?
  • We did a good job and the car worked well apart from a slight problem with the downshift, which cost me a little bit of time.
  • On the up shift, you lift (off the gas) and shift; on the downshift, you blip and shift.
  • She was coming off the track now, not bothering to downshift; he heard the gears whine into neutral, and recognized the sound of aging synchromesh.
  • Best of all, the engine revs joyously through downshifts, providing a great exhaust note while telling the world this isn't your average TT.
  • Although the motor blipped perfectly under load such as when doing a heel and toe downshift, blipping the throttle at idle often produced a big hole in response before the motor picked up.
  • After 15 years in the fastest lane, he downshifted to a slower one, surfing with single-minded devotion and opening his shop.
  • Taking on hairpin turns, drivers downshift from seventh gear to first within seconds, putting transmissions under strains that have spelled ruin for many a team's hopes for victory.
  • It is all part of the grand plan to sell Avon Cottage in four years time, clear our debts and downshift to Italy.
  • Lynda now sees many of her clients downshifting in search of a new way of living.
  • For safety's sake it will downshift to first if you forget to do it before pulling away from rest.
  • And how about heel-and-toe downshifting my old Lotus Super 7? Tapping Accelerator, Brakes at the Same Time
  • Surprisingly, even the under 35s have had enough of stressful living with 1.3 million them hoping to downshift in the next decade.
  • Lynda now sees many of her clients downshifting in search of a new way of living.
  • One can continue to be an Upper in good standing by downsizing and downshifting from a house in Holland Park to a cottage in mid-Wales, from £200,000 a year in the City to £10,000 a year as a carpenter or potter.
  • He nearly wrecked the bike and downshifted to third gear before glancing up again. Osama Retires
  • But Thorn had come courting, playing a delicate game, and he had to remind himself to downshift his rage, keep Janey's face out of his head. OFF THE CHART
  • Downshifters are being tempted to leave the sophisticated city and go simple.
  • Fighting constantly to "downshift" our family routine. The Full Feed from
  • It's smooth and responsive, quickly downshifting when the gas is mashed, and upshifting late or early depending on what the driver is doing with the throttle.
  • Lynda now sees many of her clients downshifting in search of a new way of living.
  • The trend towards downshifting, where employees swap the stress of corporate life for more quality time, tempted 6% of the UK workforce last year.
  • to downshift into a lower gear.
  • On 11, you have to brake hard and downshift all the way to first gear - it's a hairpin, right-hand turn.
  • What's critical is whether this slowdown is symptomatic of a permanent downshift.
  • But the second-quarter dip in growth far overstates the downshift.
  • I let go of the pedal, and slowly began to downshift and tap the brake.
  • Alternatively, the Fe-CN bond may only be weakened in an electronically excited state, possibly of (d, d) character, leading to a downshift of the C = N stretch frequency.
  • With only ten days left in office, the Archbishop of York, Dr David Hope, is preparing to downshift on January 15, moving to Ilkley to become parish priest there.
  • The economy seems to be downshifting.
  • Everyone has to add value, to move, to upsize or downshift.
  • Quite often, though, downshifting turns out to be much harder than anticipated. Times, Sunday Times
  • There's still room for error when shifting gears, use them when they downshift - especially when coming into the pits-and when starting from complete stops.
  • The decision to downshift from a stress-filled job with long hours and demanding targets is rarely an easy one.
  • The vast majority of the tapes are recorded in "pre-detection" mode, which means that the data was downshifted in frequency from S-band to a 10 Mhz IF and then written to the tapes before the data was demodulated. Lunar Orbiter Image Recovery Project Update (LOIRP) 20 January 2009 - NASA Watch
  • Even if it did produce lovely vroom-vroom noises on downshifts.
  • This near-critical behavior is relevant for balanced growth of Escherichia coli cells in media that lack amino acids and for adaptation of E. coli cells after downshifts from amino-acid-containing to amino-acid-lacking growth media.
  • But the Cryptoterrestrial Hypothesis is grounded in a more familiar context; I'm not suggesting unseen dimensions or the need for ufonauts to "downshift" to our level our consciousness. Archive 2006-12-01
  • Going downhill the Ford took a little more pressure on the brake pedal to downshift than did the Chevy with the Allison Automatic transmission.
  • They are not ‘resigning to spend more time with their family ‘, but downshifting to a happier and less stressful lifestyle.’
  • The latest lifestyle trend is downshifting.
  • You can flick up and down the box with a flex of the fingers, the downshifts including a perfectly-timed throttle blip.
  • But the S6 taught me new joys of turning in on the brakes and downshifting without moving my hands.
  • They had recently taken some fuel out to reduce the two foot long gobs of flame exiting the exhausts on each downshift, introducing some kangaroo factor at pit exit speed.
  • But a parts failure in the opening round caused his car to abruptly downshift from 2nd gear, giving way to Steve to score.
  • That's why this plan focuses on a gradual downshift in calories (over the first three weeks) until you hit weight-loss mode (which will happen for most women in the fourth week of our diet plan).
  • We want to be able to downshift to the point where we can then have the freedom to choose how we're going to sustain ourselves and not be dependent on, you know, on anybody or any kind of income at that point.
  • We tested it at VIR and, again it's so easy to shift, but I think that's part of the problem is that the thing is so easy to shift that maybe you're over-confident and you're not matching the revs on the downshift.
  • to downshift into a lower gear.
  • A former assistant secretary in the department of industry, Frithiofson has downshifted to ferrying tourists around the islands and taking them on fishing trips.
  • In tow haul mode it will even perform multiple downshifts for controlled deceleration, all of which tested well on the loaded trucks we tried.
  • She had nothing better to do, she thought as she downshifted and zipped around a little Toyota convertible.
  • But Thorn had come courting, playing a delicate game, and he had to remind himself to downshift his rage, keep Janey's face out of his head. OFF THE CHART
  • The other major difference is that the downshifts come one at a time, so a run from the 23-tooth cog down to the 12 will take eight clicks, and a few seconds.
  • Time to downshift from the Bush Derangement Syndrome, folks. burritoboy Says: Matthew Yglesias » What Bush Got Right
  • Properties coming on the market because of bereavement, divorce, repossession or downshifting are at the mercy of current sentiment. Times, Sunday Times
  • But one of the many questions begged by this increasingly commonplace downshift in ratings outlook across the board is how much of this may be due to changes in assessment by the agencies themselves.
  • One of the biggest barriers to downshifting to the country for many people is not simply financial or professional, but a well-established life.
  • On the whole, people go on holiday to downshift, to go back a few centuries and to get away from commerce and industry.
  • But these downshifts do not bring you any closer to full-time Downers because they are voluntary moves that form a legitimate part of a self-chosen life project.
  • And as the music downshifted to its slowest, most glacial thump, fans would throw their hands over their heads, as if tossing a soccer ball into play. In concert: The DMV Bounce Beat Teen Awards at D.C. Armory
  • So you have to save as much as you can and maybe when you hit 50 downshift to a less stressful or part-time job, which will still provide you with some kind of income.
  • Today 'downshifting' - choosing an alternative way of life over the trappings of consumerism - is quite common. Times, Sunday Times
  • It also works for travelling down grades, holding a gear and/or downshifting when the brake is tapped.
  • This goes back to careful thought around the future and what you hope to attain through the downshift.
  • The new SMG gearbox also offers safety benefits when downshifting on slippery surfaces.
  • This is a slightly detuned, more refined version of the 147/156 GTA motor, and its easy, creamy power delivery lets you amble at low speeds without demanding a downshift if the traffic suddenly vanishes.
  • If growth downshifts to a 3-4% rate, will the job-killing recovery return?
  • Downshifting in this car evokes racy off-throttle overrun sounds—a phlegmy, overheated cough, like Amy Winehouse after a 100-yard dash. A Boss on the Road With a Peon's Interior
  • For example, if the system detects a drop in vehicle speed prior to entering a turn or a lane change, up to two downshifts can occur to provide the driver with maximum engine response.
  • Depending on the vibrational motion, it could be either an upshift or a downshift.

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