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How To Use Downgrade In A Sentence

  • He lambasted software companies for piling on marginal features in incessant upgrades that can downgrade user efficiency.
  • Any downgrade in a sovereign credit rating will push up the interest that a country must pay on its debts. Times, Sunday Times
  • Rather, Robertson, skulking ahead, has now downgraded his earlier call to murder and mayhem to mere kidnapping.
  • The gossips say the group is being hit by declining advertising revenue and a drop in market share in its important US college market which could result in further profit downgrades once figures are issued.
  • Greece's rating was downgraded to junk status last year owing to the risk of default. Times, Sunday Times
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  • You might even downgrade it to bar fare, since the only stalks most guys eat are served alongside hot wings or immersed in a Bloody Mary.
  • With the recruitment process still running, the job specification for the role was suddenly downgraded two weeks ago to remove any responsibility for the senior England team. Times, Sunday Times
  • The bonds of both eurozone countries suffered after the downgrades. Times, Sunday Times
  • Jean-Claude Trichet hard line that the ECB collateral rules are graved in stone, therefore beware of downgrades in Greece, Spain, and Latvia. Lawrence G. McDonald: Weekly Market Wrap From Inside Wall Street
  • On the one hand, there is the approach of enforced equalisation, meaning in practice that high standards, that have been achieved through hard work, have to be downgraded to a lower level so that all can become equal. ANC Daily News Briefing
  • If you don't agree with everything written by Paul, or in the creeds (and downgrade them to second-source interpretations) then your own second-source interpretation can only be looked at as another alternative source written in AD 2009 exhorting followers of Christ to do it a different way - the Book of McGrath, if you will (which leads one to question how are you so sure you have it right?) Self-Critical Faith
  • Muni analysts had said the U.S. rating downgrade will most directly affect municipal credits tied closely to U.S. government debt securities, such as pre-refunded bonds backed by escrowed Treasury bonds and agency-backed municipal debt. S&P: State, Local Borrowers Can Still Be Rated Triple-A
  • Fears are growing in Limerick this week that cancer services at the Regional Hospital could be downgraded.
  • The prediction came as forecasts for growth were downgraded. The Sun
  • The UK may have been very close to a downgrade in its credit rating in the aftermath of the crisis. Times, Sunday Times
  • ‘Such a loss of localised services must be opposed because people currently served by those hospitals to be downgraded will obviously suffer,’ he said.
  • I made an executive decision about my life and downgraded my bed to a cheap tatami mat, a traditional straw Japanese mat meant for sleeping.
  • So says J.P. Morgan Chase, which has downgraded the company to "underweight" -- meaning, in its parlance, "sell. Foreign, Energy Bets Start to Haunt Janus
  • The earnings season is generally positive, ratings trends are allowing for more upgrades than downgrades, economic data is supportive that growth will continue, and new issuance in both debt and equity remains limited.
  • I should perhaps slightly downgrade my kneejerk reaction to the word Kraut? Kraut
  • The general manager downgraded the employee.
  • South West Trains tried to remove guards from its trains or downgrade their role, hitting safety.
  • The role and power of political officers were downgraded. Times, Sunday Times
  • S&P put the company on negative credit watch on Sept. 12 for a possible downgrade to noninvestment-grade status.
  • In the process, Google downgraded its autofollow feature to an "autosuggest," and backpedaled on some of its original language about the power of automation. Technology Review RSS Feeds
  • Obviously, this estimate is used to strengthen the case for further downgrades.
  • Some analysts have speculated that GM could face a downgrade of its credit rating to junk status.
  • This recovery was due more to sharp operation on the long downgrade to Hinton than any display of power on the T1's part.
  • Computer and semiconductor stocks slid as three brokerage firms downgraded earnings estimates for Dell Computer.
  • The move downgrades the role of the conductor or guard who previously had responsibility for the train doors. Times, Sunday Times
  • I don't think that the public has in any way downgraded the importance of the latter in pursuit of the former. Times, Sunday Times
  • Still, with the stock battered and rating agencies considering further downgrades, that could rapidly change.
  • Equities faced pressure from a stronger U.S. dollar after Dubai's unresolved debt problems and Fitch Ratings' downgrade of Greece's bond rating dented risk appetite.
  • Although the weather system was downgraded from a hurricane to a tropical storm as it passed over land it brought more than a foot of rain to some areas.
  • Facebook has updated its algorithms to downgrade fake news and clickbait on users' news feeds. Times, Sunday Times
  • With the recruitment process still running, the job specification for the role was suddenly downgraded two weeks ago to remove any responsibility for the senior England team. Times, Sunday Times
  • But investor confidence is not in rude health, and companies that are not whiter than white in their accountancy practices are being downgraded by the market.
  • Wounded troops who have recovered and returned to work medically downgraded were also to be considered. The Sun
  • The list of thirty-eight downgraded or seriously questioned works has been culled from a wide variety of specialist publications.
  • According to Alec Phillips, a Goldman Sachs political economist based in Washington, the increased momentum toward a deal "reduces the risk of the near-term downgrade of the U.S. sovereign rating. Making the Call on U.S. Credit Rating
  • Writing is downgraded as if it is a clumsy substitute for more efficient means of preserving data and the findings or conclusions.
  • Any downgrade in a sovereign credit rating will push up the interest that a country must pay on its debts. Times, Sunday Times
  • Robbery is now classified as theft from a person; burglary is downgraded to criminal damage. Times, Sunday Times
  • The company has already dismissed its chairman and its original financial advisers and suffered profit downgrades from its own brokers. Times, Sunday Times
  • The hurricane was downgraded to a tropical storm when its speed dropped to 70mph.
  • Steve, a couple of things I noticed in the photos (1) look at picture 18, I don't know when they started letting guy's wear goatees, and another is the hat should have a xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx everybody that is tabbed wears one above the rank here and in Bn. (2) to have been awarded the DSC that would likely mean he was put in for the MOH and it was downgraded. Justin Weiss
  • The surprise downgrade of Italy's sovereign debt overnight by Standard and Poor's exposes the fatal flaws of pushing through draconian austerity measures on a nation experiencing economic weakness.
  • Its British broker, downgraded their rating on the company to neutral from buy yesterday morning.
  • S&P warned that further sanctions could provoke another downgrade. Times, Sunday Times
  • While not a huge surprise it was the second time Dagong had downgraded the U.S. its timing and prescience were seemingly a feather in the cap of the upstart rater.
  • However, Sapolu injured an ankle in the game and on Thursday his status was downgraded from questionable to doubtful.
  • The new Prayer Book of 1552 was avowedly Protestant; altars were turned into tables, clerical vestments were downgraded and religious orthodoxy was enforced by a new and more stringent Act of Uniformity.
  • It’s apparently an image from the troubled James Robinson-written Justice League story, that was originally announced as an ongoing, then downgraded to a miniseries, and has had its title jiggered with slightly here and there. Dear readers, please ogle this underage girl and think about death, won’t you?
  • PSPBrick is a program used to downgrade the firmware … i used it recently to downgrade from 2.00 to 1.50 so i cud home brew some games … after u have downgraded and your bored with home brews you can upgrade again effortlessly with no re precussions! xoxo Meet Trojan.PSPBrick.
  • The company has already dismissed its chairman and its original financial advisers and suffered profit downgrades from its own brokers. Times, Sunday Times
  • Banks and insurers, effectively backstopped by the U.S. government, could also face downgrades and find it more costly to borrow money. Downgrade Threat Looms
  • They fear that ministers intend to downgrade their economic role and enhance the powers of local enterprise companies.
  • Should the legal classification of the drug Ecstasy be downgraded? Times, Sunday Times
  • Investors took that as a hint that a downgrade to junk status may be in the offing.
  • The White House ridiculed the agency's decision - with one senior official attacking S&P's "amateurism" - while Obama re-election strategist David Axelrod took a swipe at Republicans for the "Tea Party downgrade. The Globe and Mail - Home RSS feed
  • All the countries that were downgraded will inevitably face higher interest costs on money they borrow. Times, Sunday Times
  • Several of these monoline companies are now seeing their credit ratings being downgraded. The Sun
  • One civil servant has retired on ill health grounds and two downgraded.
  • The hallucinogenic LSD could now be downgraded after the advisory body confirmed it plans to review that drug next.
  • Lower screen resolutions and camera downgrades in most cases. Times, Sunday Times
  • A communiqué issued by the leaders downgraded climate change from a global ‘threat’ to a ‘challenge’.
  • The boy's condition has been downgraded from critical to serious.
  • The auction came one day after Moody's warned Spain of a possible downgrade to its triple-A rating, a move that was described as unsurprising but nonetheless unfortunate in its timing. Spanish Bond Auction Dispels Worries
  • The move downgrades the role of the conductor or guard who previously had responsibility for the train doors. Times, Sunday Times
  • The bonds of both eurozone countries suffered after the downgrades. Times, Sunday Times
  • While Gustav was downgraded to a category one , Jacques, here, was simply…well…ummm…..downgraded to humilation! Beat 360° 09/02/08
  • With no suitable alternative location being offered by the Council the removal of the taxi rank is a downgrade in the taxi service of Ballina.
  • It's apparently an image from the troubled James Robinson-written Justice League story, that was originally announced as an ongoing, then downgraded to a miniseries, and has had its title jiggered with slightly here and there. Blog@Newsarama
  • Police often downgrade the seriousness of violence against women in the home.
  • The Democratic president explicitly blamed Republicans for the country's recent rating downgrade, saying it "could have been entirely avoided if there had been a willingness to compromise in Congress" which he later described as a "self-inflicted wound. Obama Defends Job Initiatives
  • Greece suffered a further downgrade of its credit rating, leaving its debt one notch above junk status. Times, Sunday Times
  • It would also make investment less viable, a beautiful place would be downgraded and there would be health risks.
  • Police often downgrade the seriousness of violence against women in the home.
  • More securities with the label subprime or Alt-A attached to them are deemed too controversial to own, particularly with the constant threat of express-train credit downgrades taking their ratings many notches lower. Making A Mint
  • Economist Carmen Reinhart of the Peterson Institute for International Economics in Washington predicts a downgrade will accelerate efforts by governments on both sides of the Atlantic to de-emphasize rating-firm opinions, a particularly convenient move at a time when governments are borrowing so heavily. Would a Credit Downgrade Matter?
  • Or worse, deliberately downgraded roads to other businesses. by emporer palpatine your not living in a republic no more after all, its called plutocracy govt by corporation musilini did it hitler did it Techdirt
  • All the countries that were downgraded will inevitably face higher interest costs on money they borrow. Times, Sunday Times
  • Coming on the back of an inevitable credit rating downgrade, the government would want to avoid it. Times, Sunday Times
  • American crocs are a threatened species, downgraded from the endangered list last year. The Mid-Life Slam
  • Coming on the back of an inevitable credit rating downgrade, the government would want to avoid it. Times, Sunday Times
  • The removal of the headquarters effectively downgrades York's military status.
  • This is one powerful storm, even in downgraded form, and has caused a good deal of damage. Tropical Storm RICK
  • Get ready for additional downgrades in California debt ratings, in cuts with almost the shocking speed of the utilities’ plunge to junk status.
  • It may get worse when they get close to Baghdad, but, again, heavy Air Force bombing day after day appears to have, to use the Army's word, attrited, that is to say, badly downgraded the units which are supposed to be defending Baghdad. CNN Transcript Apr 2, 2003
  • Soon after they resumed, the road crested a hill and began switching back and forth sharply, for the downgrade was very steep.
  • I don't think that the public has in any way downgraded the importance of the latter in pursuit of the former. Times, Sunday Times
  • The boy's condition has been downgraded from critical to serious.
  • Portugal's credit rating was downgraded to junk status yesterday as a 24-hour general strike brought the country to a near standstill. Times, Sunday Times
  • That conviction was downgraded to manslaughter on appeal and he was given a five-year sentence.
  • US growth was also downgraded from 2.5 per cent to 2.2 per cent for next year. Times, Sunday Times
  • Broker downgrades elsewhere were also increasing pressure on equities. Times, Sunday Times
  • Over the course of development, that number was downgraded to roughly 1,300 spots.
  • Apart from the ease of apparently authentic numbering, holograms have been globally downgraded as a protection.
  • In this actual world a churchless community, a community where men have abandoned and scoffed at or ignored their religious needs, is a community on the rapid downgrade. The Courage To Be Christian
  • This was the original Montreal-Toronto mainline (legally the Ontario & Quebec Railway) and a roller coaster of upgrades and downgrades.
  • The one common reason that permeates all these outlook downgrades is the volatility of stock markets and the insurer's overexposure in equity assets.
  • Moments ago, in fact, we just told you it was downgraded to a tropical storm.
  • The danger is that the Tralee hospital will be starved of investment and, by implication, be downgraded by stealth over a period of time.
  • The recent downgrade of the UK's sovereign credit rating is not an argument for relaxing fiscal discipline. Times, Sunday Times
  • The price is still £149 but the previous virus update service has been downgraded from monthly to quarterly intervals.
  • She was downgraded to assistant manager.
  • In September giant pandas were downgraded from endangered to vulnerable on the risk of extinction list. The Sun
  • Due to factors ranging from the unedifying squabble over the federal debt ceiling to Standard & Poor's August downgrade of the U.S. credit rating, the dollar hasn't been looking pretty either. Euro Remains Short of Friends
  • Campaigners fighting to maintain services at the hospital took this as a sign the hospital would not be downgraded.
  • The boy's condition has been downgraded from critical to serious.
  • Portugal's credit rating was downgraded to junk status yesterday as a 24-hour general strike brought the country to a near standstill. Times, Sunday Times
  • It downgraded the stock to'neutral '. Times, Sunday Times
  • The bank announced a profits downgrade last month and analysts are expecting interims this week to confirm that it has lost market share.
  • We knew that in general terms, psychotherapy had been downgraded as a treatment in British and American mental hospitals over the previous twenty years and displaced by greater reliance on medication because the utility of such therapy was difficult to prove, and it was both labour-intensive and highly expensive. Henry’s Demons
  • If its rating is downgraded to junk in December the cost of borrowing will rise. Times, Sunday Times
  • The prediction came as forecasts for growth were downgraded. The Sun
  • The union is so angered by the appraisal system, which it says has unfairly downgraded many workers, that it is taking High Court action against the Government.
  • If its rating is downgraded to junk in December the cost of borrowing will rise. Times, Sunday Times
  • Moits left in the fleece downgrade it considerably.
  • The downgrade also comes in the wake of the failure of APP's Indonesian operating subsidiaries to make interest and principal payments on various unrated debt.
  • In July, its sovereign credit rating was downgraded.
  • Despite the downgrade to a club level sport, Cross believes Macalester's skiers will still be able to compete in intercollegiate competition.
  • The downgrade is two notches above junk status, which keeps it in the investment grade. Times, Sunday Times
  • The numbers will almost certainly reflect a downgrade from the steady growth scenario the officials envisioned in forecasts released in July. Five questions for the Fed on the eve of QE2
  • Shopper traffic took a nosedive causing retailers to downgrade their sales and profit projections for the remainder of 2001.
  • Several years ago, casino king Donald Trump almost lost his fiefdom when the ratings companies downgraded his bonds.
  • In any case, Obama paid great attention to dismissing any talk of downgraded relations, nearly touching Brown on the arm as he spoke of their growing personal kinship and using the term prized by Britons _ a "special relationship" _ three times. Home RSS feed
  • Having downgraded the news section two years ago, he now feels that ‘frankly there should be more news’.
  • But the spreads are too wide because of the rating downgrades. Times, Sunday Times
  • Hurricane Bob has been downgraded to a tropical storm.
  • Their concern is that the quality of service will be downgraded if the proposals are implemented.
  • One civil servant has retired on ill health grounds and two downgraded.
  • An apparently minor problem, such as a flurry of downgrades, could quickly engulf the financial system by sending markets into a tailspin, wiping out hedge funds, and dragging down banks that lent them money.
  • On steeper downgrades, a higher acceleration will be achievable through the assistance of gravity.
  • The prediction came as forecasts for growth were downgraded. The Sun
  • Changes in employment that have downgraded the status and pay of many of the old white-collar professions have rendered this term almost meaningless.
  • The biologist said developers of housing subdivisions and industrial parks often approach him for amphibian-tunnel advice but then downgrade the designs in order to save money.
  • But now that governments face being downgraded, politicians insist that the ratings mean little. Times, Sunday Times
  • Moody's downgraded Buena Vista's credit rating in June to junk from 'low credit risk, ' citing 'uncertainty about the city's willingness to meet its obligations.'
  • Over the weekend, Mr. Kerry showed a sharper edge, blaming House Republicans for blocking a broad deficit-reduction deal that would have included tax increases and using the term tea party downgrade'' to describe a credit firm's decision to strip U.S. debt of its triple-A rating. Reid Names First Debt-Panel Picks
  • Fitch Ratings said Wednesday Portugal needs financial support and a "timely and credible" economic program from the European Union and the International Monetary Fund to avoid a likely near-term downgrade to its credit rating. European Stocks End Higher
  • In wake of the liquidity and cash flow problems, rating agencies are closely monitoring the institution for a possible downgrade.
  • The latest figures issued on Friday on the economy's performance may appear to be a fractional downgrade of no great importance.
  • The general manager downgraded the employee.
  • Clearly a French downgrade would deepen the crisis in the core of the euro zone," said Nicholas Spiro , managing director at Spiro Sovereign Strategy in London. Ratings Firm Warns on French Debt
  • My job's been downgraded to that of ordinary editor.
  • The downgrade accounted for rising debt levels and budget deficits, the S&P said, adding "we believe there is a material risk that U.S. policy makers might not reach an agreement on how to address medium- and long-term budgetary challenges by 2013. Gold and Silver Prices Soar
  • With the heat going out of the economy, many half-completed deals are being unstitched because their profit forecasts are being downgraded.
  • Insurance companies, which are seeing their asset values shredded, could be vulnerable to ratings agency downgrades that could pitch them into a downward spiral. Times, Sunday Times
  • Citing concerns about BP's costs and legal liabilities, Fitch Ratings downgraded BP's long-term default rating and senior unsecured debt to AA from AA-plus.
  • Even the whisper of new equity or debt offerings provokes warnings of downgrades from rating agencies and investor stampedes.
  • However, under this legislation we have downgraded safety to the same level as sustainability.
  • This downgrading sequence is extremely similar to what we saw a few years ago with the Sony PSP portable game console, where later firmware releases closed various security holes, but means were found to downgrade to earlier "unfixed" firmware and still maintain the more advanced functionalities via modified firmware versions. Lauren Weinstein's Blog
  • Don was downgraded to a tropical depression as what remained of it came ashore in a sparsely populated area of ranch lands near Baffin Bay late Friday. Tropical system leaves little rain in dry Texas
  • The boy's condition has been downgraded from critical to serious.
  • His shock departure added to concerns that the country's sovereign bonds could soon be downgraded to junk status. Times, Sunday Times
  • WISCONSINITES SPLIT ON WALKER RECALL - A Wisconsin Public Radio / St. Norbert College survey finds that Wisconsin voters are evenly split on whether to recall Governor Scott Walker for the bill he supported that will likely downgrade state workers' health plans to a dally allowance of one doctor-repelling apple. HUFFPOST HILL - Ensign Investigation Won't End
  • The imperial court in Kyoto was downgraded to a purely titular power.
  • Zynga executive Andrew Trader, who a month ago had his title downgraded, has left the company, Boston Business News - Local Boston News | Boston Business Journal
  • Ten-year yields set a record low this week as investors snapped up Treasuries on signs of slowing growth and a widening debt crisis in Europe, undeterred by Standard & Poor's decision to downgrade the U.S. Bill Gross at Pacific Investment Management Co. said in a Twitter posting that investors should "be leery" of what he called "exuberance" that sent stocks up and bonds down yesterday. -- Top News
  • Last month its status was downgraded to junk. The Sun
  • Yet post Deane, he also wanted the role downgraded to a merely ceremonial one.
  • Is the Remington x-mark pro triggers a downgrade from the old remington triggers? SciFi, Fantasy & Horror Collectibles - Part 6518
  • Both concentrate on supply-side policy, using the stick of ‘employability’ as an excuse to downgrade welfare benefits.
  • During the 1960s, when the New York art world tended to downgrade virtually all contemporary art that wasn't made by New York male abstractionists, you pointedly invited European and Asian artists into your festivals.
  • The downgrades applied to a variety of debt issues linked to the federal government, including pre-refunded bonds backed by escrowed Treasury notes, public finance housing authority issuers, and public finance debt issues with mortgage insurance from the Federal Housing Administration and mortgage revenue invested in short-term instruments guaranteed by the U.S. government. S&P Cuts Ratings on 11,000 Muni Issues
  • Portugal's credit rating was downgraded to junk status yesterday as a 24-hour general strike brought the country to a near standstill. Times, Sunday Times
  • A top 10 hit is merely a college radio staple, and I'm downgraded from a Benz to a beater.
  • US growth was also downgraded from 2.5 per cent to 2.2 per cent for next year. Times, Sunday Times
  • You might even downgrade it to bar fare, since the only stalks most guys eat are served alongside hot wings or immersed in a Bloody Mary.
  • Portugal's credit rating was downgraded to junk status yesterday as a 24-hour general strike brought the country to a near standstill. Times, Sunday Times
  • The downgrades emphasize the self-feeding downward financial cycle in the euro area. Spain and Italy Hit by Downgrades
  • Tropics: Tropical Storm Paula, downgraded from a hurricane this morning, continues to meander around the northwest Cuba coast. PM Update: Nor'easter moving out
  • The move downgrades the role of the conductor or guard who previously had responsibility for the train doors. Times, Sunday Times
  • To the extent that there are unexpected levels of downgrades, we may not need to see any loss for there to be some sort of credit event.
  • The code of conduct threatens penalties ranging from administrative sanctions and temporary suspension of duty, to rank downgrades and dismissal.
  • Yesterday's downgrade ends eight quarters of double-digit growth from the emerging world. Times, Sunday Times
  • Lower screen resolutions and camera downgrades in most cases. Times, Sunday Times
  • Evacuees were not paying council tax and some bandings had been downgraded, reducing the amount of rates collected.
  • In other markets, there could be a high level of earnings disappointment which has led to some downgrades.
  • They fear that ministers intend to downgrade their economic role and enhance the powers of local enterprise companies.
  • The role and power of political officers were downgraded. Times, Sunday Times
  • The company has until April to submit plans to credit rating agencies, or risk having its debt rating downgraded.
  • Although she does have a nanny and a supportive husband who downgraded his career to help hers.
  • Mr. Allan, whose firm has $6.5 billion in assets under management, says he began preparing clients for a downgrade and a subsequent short-term dive in equity and bond markets weeks ago. What a Downgrade Means for You
  • The downgrade is two notches above junk status, which keeps it in the investment grade. Times, Sunday Times
  • The general manager downgraded the employee.
  • Mr. Kemp, who manages more than $11 billion in client assets, is worried that the apparent abandonment of more ambitious plans to deal with the debt in the short term raises the likelihood of a downgrade-induced stock selloff. What a Downgrade Means for You
  • Five years ago Selby police station's cells were downgraded due to cutbacks, and prisoners could only spend six hours there.
  • It also downgraded Allianz, the €30.6 billion German financial bancassurer which owns Dresdner Bank.
  • If you were a competent analyst and were told that by a company, would you (a) crawl into a hole in embarrassment at being a simpleton and give the company you couldn't understand a glowing rating; or (b) downgrade the company? Malcolm Gladwell on Enron, Arnold Kling | EconLog | Library of Economics and Liberty
  • But the spreads are too wide because of the rating downgrades. Times, Sunday Times
  • The biggest question mark in Washington's response to the downgrade is the so-called "super-committee" created by the legislation last week that raised the nation's statutory borrowing limit. Political Perils Have a Broad Reach
  • They downgraded the match from an international to a challenge.
  • Even when cannabis is downgraded from a Class B to a Class C drug next year, her relative could still face charges for buying the drug.
  • Though it's worth noting that Fitch downgraded Aflac's issuer default rating from A+ to A earlier this year, citing overleverage. Duck a la Fool: Star Aflac duck visits Motley Fool HQ
  • It downgraded the stock to'neutral '. Times, Sunday Times
  • Earlier this month, another credit rating agency downgraded United States government debt for the first time. Standard and Poor's blamed the political fight over the nation's debt.
  • Banks might have to raise fresh capital or pull back from trading, the ratings agency said, and some could face downgrades. Times, Sunday Times
  • With the recent debt downgrade, the government cannot subsidize federal jobs; therefore, I am appointing John Bryon, my Secretary of Commerce nominee and a former CEO, as Jobs Czar to work closely with American employers, large and small alike, to stimulate domestic investment and create 10 million jobs over the next decade. Bill George: What the President Should Say on Jobs and the Economy

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