How To Use Down-bow In A Sentence
The process is reversed when playing a down-bow [Symbol: down-bow] harmonic.
Violin Mastery Talks with Master Violinists and Teachers
The fiddlers best qualified to speak with authority will often disagree absolutely regarding the use of a string, position, up-bow or down-bow.
Violin Mastery Talks with Master Violinists and Teachers
A quick down-bow follows with an immediate release of the string.
Violin Mastery Talks with Master Violinists and Teachers
Loeffler showed me what every good fiddler _must_ learn to do: to leap from the end of the down-bow to the up-bow and _vice versa_ and then hesitate the fraction of a moment, thus securing a smooth, clean-cut tone, without any vibration of the intermediate string.
Violin Mastery Talks with Master Violinists and Teachers
When no bowing is indicated, a phrase beginning with a weak beat commonly has an up-bow for the first tone, while one beginning on a strong beat has a down-bow; but this principle has many exceptions.
Essentials in Conducting
The change from up-bow to down-bow and _vice versa_ should be made without a break, exclusively through skillful manipulation of the wrist.
Violin Mastery Talks with Master Violinists and Teachers
Artists of the German school are more apt to begin a phrase with a down-bow; the French start playing a good deal at the point.
Violin Mastery Talks with Master Violinists and Teachers
He starts his tremolo after a long down-bow wind-up, then seems to be going half the speed of the rest of the section.
Alan Gilbert at the San Francisco Symphony
And the violinist should never think: 'I must play this up-bow or down-bow.'
Violin Mastery Talks with Master Violinists and Teachers
The down-bow and up-bow should be seen and felt as almost one, unending movement.
In cello music the down-bow sign is sometimes written [cello down-bow symbol].
Music Notation and Terminology