How To Use Down syndrome In A Sentence
Because Down syndrome is determined at conception and leaves its imprint in every cell of the person's body, it raises what philosophers call ontological questions.
Jon Will's Aptitudes
With Down syndrome, an amniocentesis or a blood test can't tell us how severe the disabilities might be.
Among them are speech, sight, hearing, autism, Down syndrome and traumatic injuries.
Embryos that are trisomic contain, instead of matched pairs of chromosomes, one too many of a given chromosome, most commonly chromosome 13, 18, 21 (which is responsible for Down syndrome), X, or Y. Trisomies are the result of a glitch known as nondisjunction, which occurs principally during the creation of egg cells (although sperm cells may also exhibit such errors).
Delayed Childbearing
For example, all mutations that take place in humans result in physical deformities, in infirmities such as mongolism, Down syndrome, albinism, dwarfism , cancer, etc.
Dr Michael Egnor challenges evolution! - The Panda's Thumb
Now they're saying, you know what, we can do this noninvasively; it's very effective, let's screen all women to find out if a woman has a child with down syndrome.
CNN Transcript Jan 2, 2007
Its students have Down syndrome, autism and mental illness.
The counselors were driving on the Meadowbrook Parkway en route to Camp Anchor, a town-run seaside camp for about 600 adults and children with disabilities ranging from quadriplegia to autism to Down syndrome, said Hempstead Town Supervisor Kate Murray.
Meadowbrook Parkway Crash Kills Three Camp Anchor Counselors (VIDEO)
In new film, Down syndrome is no obstacle to prayer new york | Lior Liebling davens everywhere - in the backyard, in school and on the swing set.
J. Weekly
After all, it was only last October when her almost son-in-law Levi Johnston appeared on network television and revealed that Sarah Palin joked about her son Trig’s Down Syndrome, calling him her “retarded baby.”
Think Progress » Will Sarah Palin call on Rush Limbaugh to apologize for saying liberal activists are ‘retards’?
In May they are planning a toddle for Bernardos and an ice cream Sunday party in aid of Irish Down Syndrome.
The Carlow branch of Down Syndrome Ireland has recently been reactivated after being dormant for many years and will be providing localised services for people with this learning disability and their families.
In new film, Down syndrome is no obstacle to prayer by rebecca wolfson, jta new york | Lior Liebling davens everywhere - in the backyard, in school and on the swing set.
J. Weekly
In many areas, Down syndrome - or mongolism - is the most common form of mental slowness, or retardation.
1) Head Control and Use of Senses
It seems that ACOG (The American College of OB/GYN's) you know, your friendly OB who gives pregnant women 25 mcg of mercury in that flu shot, is now offering a screening for Down syndrome to all women of any age - not just via amniocentesis, which is typically used only in women over age 35.
Kim Stagliano: The Appalled Voice of An Autism Mom
Doctors believe that Jensen is only the second person with Down syndrome to receive a heart and lung transplant.
The ultrasound examination looks for a thickening of skin behind the fetal neck, called the nuchal fold, which sometimes occurs in Down syndrome and, possibly, other birth defects.
But what are the long-term prognoses for people with Down syndrome?
CNN Transcript Nov 13, 2007
This hypocrit is upset because Family Guy had a show on sunday night in wich a teen is smitten with a girl who has down syndrome.
Think Progress » Texas State Climatologist disputes his own state’s climate-denier petition.
Down syndrome is sufficient to refute this point, since individuals with trisomy 21 can indeed mate with euploid individuals.
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Proceeds from the calendar will support a documentary for parents of newborns with Down syndrome.
Therapeutic riding instructors offer hippotherapy—also known as equine therapy—services to clients with autism, Down syndrome, spinal bifida, and many other physical, emotional, and developmental disabilities.
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Fetal cells contained in the amniotic fluid will be tested for Down syndrome and other chromosomal abnormalities.
For the record, she says that she kept her pregnancy secret for seven months because there were "neanderthals" out there who would have refused to believe that a pregnant woman could handle her public duties as governor, and because of her own conflicted feelings about having a Down Syndrome child at the age of 44.
Anorak News
But because of laws that her brother unstintingly supported, that same group was ushered out again: the abortion rate for fetuses diagnosed with Down syndrome, for instance, is estimated to be as high as 90 percent.
ProWomanProLife » The Kennedys on abortion
For the same reasons, leprosy is now called Hansen's disease, and mongolism has become Down syndrome; people who were once called crazy, mad, lunatic, demented, etc., are now categorized as sick.
VERBATIM: The Language Quarterly Vol XVIII No 1
We would be looking for hydrocephalus, an endocardial cushion defect or abdominal wall defect, nuchal fold thickening, a short or absent nasal bone, hydronephrosis, echogenic bowel, shortened humeri or femurs—all markers used in the ultrasound diagnosis of Down syndrome.
Handle with Care
Andrea, who has Down Syndrome, has apparently displayed a sort of religious telepathy to the pilgrims who show up.
Why can't he just be a person with down syndrome? keith pollard
Palin hits back at 'malicious' photo
The ultrasound examination looks for a thickening of skin behind the fetal neck, called the nuchal fold, which sometimes occurs in Down syndrome and, possibly, other birth defects.
For example, a family history of multiple relatives with Down syndrome suggests an inherited translocation, not sporadic non-disjunction.
Down syndrome (mongolism) · movements and response slow
1) Head Control and Use of Senses
It is more common in people who have Down syndrome, achondroplasia, Hunter syndrome, Hurler syndrome, Sanfilippo syndrome, spina bifida, and Arnold-Chiari malformation.
The patient who passed away at Cayetano Heredia Hospital was a 50 year old male with Down syndrome, and the other 2 deaths in Essalud Grau Hospital are an epileptical 35 year old woman and a 29 year old male, reportes the press release issued by Minsa.
Living in Peru : News
In a recent episode, the character Chris Griffin dated a girl with Down Syndrome.
Think Progress » Palin attacks Family Guy’s ‘satire’ after excusing Limbaugh’s.
Categorized as "educable," John does not have Down syndrome but more resembles Lennie from "Of Mice and Men" - a giant of a guy with a sweet nature, a thick shock of white hair, beautiful skin that never endured the ravages of alcohol and cigarettes, a low I.Q. and epilepsy.
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Kerry fundraisers will be busy as bees this week as they take to the streets of the county selling pots of honey and lapel pins in aid of Down Syndrome Ireland.
Sarah Palin alerted people because she saw what they wanted to do to people like her son Trig, who the leftist radicals believe should of never been born (right now in this country close to 90% of Down Syndrome babies are aborted).
Health Reform | Obama's New Strategy, Democrats, Republicans
The average life expectancy of a child with Down syndrome was 9 years in 1910.
In particular, we are to read her Evangelical faith, her five children, including a Down Syndrome baby, and her belief that she is an instrument of God's will as absolute proof of her self-transcendency.
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