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[ US /ˈdaʊɹ/ ]
[ UK /dˈa‍ʊɐ/ ]
  1. furnish with an endowment
    When she got married, she got dowered
  1. a life estate to which a wife is entitled on the death of her husband
  2. money or property brought by a woman to her husband at marriage

How To Use dower In A Sentence

  • The ci-devant banker, then a widower with an only daughter, Esther, had journeyed to England.
  • The countess of Lincoln, twice widowed, once by Thomas, earl of Lancaster, and once by Ebulo Lestraunge, and therefore with two dowers, as well as being the Lacy heiress in her own right, was a very worthwhile prospect for anyone on the rise.
  • Underwood - a superannuated widower - has two daughters.
  • A married woman may bar her Release of right of dower in land conveyed by her husband or by operation dower° of law by joining in, the deed conveying the land or by releasing the land by a subsequent deed executed either separately or jointly with her husband. Acts and resolves passed by the General Court
  • At any rate, as the years pass, let us on this side of the water be more and more in the one great family, looking to the time when the young Canadian will win the crown of wild olive, that emblem of sweet honour and gray rest, that which is given as a reward and as a guerdon to gallant youth who stands dowered from the night and splendid for the day as the pride and hope of mankind. The Imperial Significance of Games
  • Nor could he sell her right to dower unless she agreed, an enormous limitation because it meant that, without her consent, her dower would operate like a lien on the property.
  • I am reminded of the movie, Rachel and the Stranger, where the widower laments that his wife fought so hard to make their isolated cabin a home and bring beauty to it by insisting on planting flowers in the front yard, bringing her spinet to the West and playing it every evening, buying a metronome for her playing, educating their son in the home and insisting that he show good manners. Archive 2007-09-01
  • The Frenchmen diuerse times required to haue some dower assigned foorth for queene Isabell, but that was at all times vtterlie denied, for that the marriage betwixt hir and king Richard was neuer consummate, by reason whereof she was not dowable. Chronicles (3 of 6): Historie of England (1 of 9) Henrie IV
  • No hope she'd inherit, but perhaps they'd want to dower her with a modest 100,000 acres out around Kynuna or Winton. THE THORN BIRDS
  • Nature thought good sense a handsome dower — but good sense in dependance is like a chef d oeuvres of Raffaelle [10] in a bog house. if the savages of America have fewer luxuries than the slaves of Europe they have fewer miseries — the artificial distinctions of birth & fortune are unknown — distinctions which though the Philosopher must despise, he must want. on the banks of the Oronoko when the young savages is born — his infancy is neither embitterd by fashionable nursing his puberty by absurd education or his life by the anxieties so frequent Letter 66
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