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douche bag

  1. a small syringe with detachable nozzles; used for vaginal lavage and enemas

How To Use douche bag In A Sentence

  • Actually, they just acted like douche bags.
  • Who is the douche bag pasting up those goddamn ‘OBEY’ posters in our fair city?
  • Some douche bag pilfers one of my drumsticks and then has the balls to ask me to sign it.
  • Well, Bill, the resident douche bag and bully, tried to grab my clothes and flush them down the toilet.
  • If that douche bag decided to think about the future instead of the present then none of this would be a problem.
  • The douche bags shot to stratospheric heights of superstardom, and I cringed every time I turned on Saturday Morning Live or Video Hits.
  • There are several posts this week on Missed Connections that I think amply back up my hypothesis that all men are douche bags.
  • ‘Matt is the biggest douche bag in the world,’ Lily confirmed, shedding her coat and draping it over a chair.
  • American: Your boss is such douche bag!
  • These are your typical nouveau riche douche bags bellyaching about how their ritzy lives as actresses, models, investment bankers, and hotshot video directors just don't fulfill their inner child.
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