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How To Use Doubtless In A Sentence

  • Doubtless his friends and family were working on his behalf and might well be involved with Peggy Say's campaign.
  • This column will doubtless attract accusations of self-indulgence, although you might equally contest that having demanded that my photograph appear at the top of the page and that my name appear in capitals and bold type, that particular ship has sailed. - Telegraph online, Daily Telegraph and Sunday Telegraph
  • They acted like some surreptitious athletics officials who could not wait to be the first to give the media a scoop and doubtless court future favour as a reward.
  • He is as slippery as they come; a quality that has doubtless helped him to survive the controversies that have dogged his political career. Times, Sunday Times
  • This ought to have been fine - if Phaethon had not been like a rock-star's child with a new red Ferrari, scorching off the track, shrivelling crops, turning forest to desert, doubtless melting ice-caps if the Greeks had known about ice-caps, and only stopping when Zeus called a halt with a well-aimed world-saving thunderbolt. Peter Stothard - Times Online - WBLG:
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  • Doubtless the series will spark a rush of transsexuality-centred reality shows that, given the ready and infinite corruptibility of the form, will lose within a year all vestige of the charm of the original and become as mainstream, dreary and degrading to everyone concerned as its other reality brethren. TV review: My Transsexual Summer; Sorority Girls; and Imagine … Simon and Garfunkel: the Harmony Game
  • Doubtless many have written in to point this out, but "nork" is in Australia a slang term for the female breast (as in "nice norks"). The Corner
  • It is also well known that men lie somewhat differently to women, doubtless for sound reasons of evolutionary biology. Times, Sunday Times
  • So ended the memorable 14th of August: it will be, doubtless, remembered by many with far from pleasant feelings; and some who have been "gulled" in England may thank Mr. Petersen that a carrier-pigeon freighted with a cock-and-bull story of blood, fire, wreck, and murder, was not despatched on that memorable day. Stray Leaves from an Arctic Journal; or, Eighteen Months in the Polar Regions, in Search of Sir John Franklin's Expedition, in the Years 1850-51
  • MacGregor --- I carena wha kens it --- And Rob had soon a gallant band; and as it grieved him (he said) to see sic hership and waste and depredation to the south o 'the Hieland line, why, if ony heritor or farmer wad pay him four punds Scots out of each hundred punds of valued rent, whilk was doubtless a moderate consideration, Rob engaged to keep them scaithless; Rob Roy
  • Mr Cronje said offloading delays were in the order of 60 hours and factories were "doubtlessly" experiencing problems in getting materials. ANC Daily News Briefing
  • Doubtless, the bookies will be rubbing their hands with glee no matter what lands the big prize.
  • From the kitchen, she could hear peals of laughter sounding where Robert, the butler, was doubtless entertaining her younger siblings.
  • Reproduction and dispersion are doubtless accomplished by the caducous branchlets.
  • He did not think that a "chiel" was near, "taking notes," and will, doubtless, feel quite angry at having his character touched off in the ragged style of a slave's pen. My Bondage and My Freedom
  • Although there were doubtless feuds and local disputes, society does seem to have maintained its equilibrium. BRITAIN BC: Life In Britain and Ireland before the Romans
  • There will doubtless be continued and determined opposition to the scheme, while a change of government in 2015 could lead to a change in policy. Times, Sunday Times
  • The passion that underlay her opinions - which could seem arbitrary at times, and were often as unpredictable as her temperament - was doubtless genuine.
  • The Met is doubtless reorganizing and retooling to deal with those budget shortfalls.
  • Bought by the club, rather than Roberto Mancini, Johnson was at first hectored from the touchline by City's manager, who doubtless knew little about him, but has impressed his leader with his dash and daring at outside-right. Ten to watch – the World Cup contenders out to convince Fabio Capello
  • This will doubtlessly open the flood gates the of the raw meat christianist fundamentalist cash reservoir, sending waves of campaign donations surging into McDonnell's campaign fund. McDonnell drops F-bomb in live interview
  • McCoy had doubtless not only slipped him a Mickey Finn, but had arranged for his replacement on the bridge as well. Ishmael
  • Although one or two of the merrier, albeit more mischievous, bantlings are absent, the family circle will, doubtless, be found to be somewhat complete.
  • It is, doubtless, in humble imitation of such illustrious examples, that an Irishman of the lowest class, when he means to express that he is a member of a committee, says, _I am a committee_; thus consolidating the power, wisdom, and virtue of a whole committee in his own person. Tales and Novels — Volume 04
  • “You, sir, doubtless, are well mounted, and I for the present travel on foot, or on a Highland shelty, that does not help me much faster forward.” Rob Roy
  • By the way, speaking of tonight's debate which I did watch, and will doubtless re-watch, at least in part, I was reminded of nothing so much as that scene from "Broadcast News" wherein Albert Brooks, as Aaron, says ""I say it here, it comes out there" and then, swacked, ends up singing ""I can sing while I read! I think I'm going to have to stop watching "American Idol."
  • The phrase, "all the brethren," accords with a date when he had many travelling companions, he and they having to bear jointly the collection to Jerusalem [Conybeare and Howson]. the churches -- Pessinus and Ancyra were the principal cities; but doubtless there were many other churches in Galatia (Ac 18: 23; 1Co Commentary Critical and Explanatory on the Whole Bible
  • Being tall and a left-hander doubtless helped. Times, Sunday Times
  • This sumptuous bauble, appropriately named the Tor Abbey Jewel, was doubtless made for a wealthy patron.
  • Having heard of the club's quest to seek a replacement for him, he doubtless hopes that his message is understood in the boardroom. Times, Sunday Times
  • Doubtless the belief itself is the cause that cases of shinju do commonly occur in series of three. Glimpses of Unfamiliar Japan First Series
  • Other versions of that story will doubtless appear before long.
  • Doubtless he has been to the ends of the earth in search of all the most rare and disgusting creepy-crawlies.
  • The only men who behaved unhandsomely on the occasion were some of the Irish members, advocates of Repeal, who, with more than national brass, grounded their declinature on the galling yoke of the Saxon, and retreated to Connemara, doubtless exulting that in this instance at least they had freed themselves from "hereditary bonds. Blackwood's Edinburgh Magazine, Volume 62, Number 361, November, 1845.
  • And they said unto him, We can -- Here we see them owning their mother's petition for them as their own; and doubtless they were perfectly sincere in professing their willingness to follow their Commentary Critical and Explanatory on the Whole Bible
  • Doubtless that is true, but the threats must be real, not fictions.
  • Since then, however, the very "ruines" have vanished; the palms have had time to grow; and modern Cairo has doubtless absorbed all the building material that remained from the middle ages. A Thousand Miles Up the Nile
  • Doubtless, it was by half-unconscious, automatic motions of her hands, that this heavy-hearted one performed the final office for Felipe, and planted a rude cross of withered sticks -- no green ones might be had -- at the head of that lonely grave, where rested now in lasting un-complaint and quiet haven he whom untranquil seas had overthrown. The Piazza Tales
  • In his debut novel he sets out to provoke strong reactions and, given his subject matter, doubtless he will succeed.
  • The substantial portion of £18,000 doubtless reflected interalia the disparity of age: Mary Banks was thirty, John Savile twenty-two.
  • I am a whimsical fellow, as you doubtless remember, and have lately grown, they tell me, rather hippish besides. The Evil Guest
  • In case they did not the papers would doubtless be destroyed -- and the charges would continue to be made -- the charges that the subtreasury in New York had shipped the gold to aid the revolutionary junta in making a republic of China. Boy Scouts in a Submarine : or, Searching an Ocean Floor
  • This claim to glory, doubtless exaggerated in stereotypical Gascon fashion, caricatures, indeed cleverly reverses the terms of Soyer's own, far less swashbuckling role in the July Days — Mirobolant would have slain elite troops while standing his ground in the street, whereas Soyer was nearly lynched by a revolutionary mob while fleeing from a palace kitchen. Alexis Soyer and the Rise of the Celebrity Chef
  • His dress comported with his character, for he had almost as much brass and copper without, as nature had stored away within — His coat was crossed and slashed, and carbonadoed, with stripes of copper lace, and swathed round the body with a crimson sash, of the size and texture of a fishing net, doubtless to keep his valiant heart from bursting through his ribs. A History of New York
  • We shall, doubtless, please him by discussing the doctrine he professes, which is that of Jesus crucified. Thais
  • It is commonly assumed that the animals associated with certain deities are sacred because the god was originally theriomorphic; this is doubtless the case in certain instances; but Apollo Smintheus, Encyclopaedia Britannica, 11th Edition, Volume 2, Part 1, Slice 1
  • Such is Mr. Cecchini's cult status, doubtless assisted by Bill Buford's extravagant portrait of the Italian in his book "Heat," that it is a considerable task to enter his modest butcher shop, given the likelihood of having to jostle past German camera crews and crowds from Japan. Dishing on a Classic
  • Dole and dolent are doubtless the exact counterparts of dolore and dolente, so far as mere etymology can go. The Unseen World, and Other Essays
  • ` ` Od, lass, '' said Mrs. Shortcake, weighing it in her hand, and wishing, doubtless, that the too, too solid wax would melt and dissolve itself, ` ` I wad like to ken what's in the inside o 'this, for that Lovel dings a' that ever set foot on the plainstanes o ' The Antiquary
  • The central incident of the play is doubtless connected with the celebration of the death of the year and its resurrection in the spring.
  • Suddenly, the challenge ahead seemed so much sterner, especially as he prepared himself for the section of the day he had doubtless dreaded. Times, Sunday Times
  • It is a place he could go to -- where you and others doubtless went -- to, to perpetrate whatever disgusting and illegal acts you favour! THE LAST RAVEN
  • As you can see, the litigation will doubtlessly be directed at the loan servicers who created this next generation of destruction. The 14th Banker: Mortgage Mess Battle Lines Being Drawn
  • Doubtless some of the children who had memorised Perrault's ‘Red Riding Hood’ in their classrooms were able to retell the story verbatim to credulous tale collectors.
  • The _invisible_ life on this planet is unquestionably far greater than the _visible_ but both visible and invisible doubtless belong to the planet earth. Cosmic Consciousness
  • Such a nice bibliomaniacal fancy must have delighted Dibdin; and as he was at one time librarian at Althorpe, he doubtless was the medium of bestowing this charm upon the binding of his own work for his friend. The Atlantic Monthly, Volume 16, No. 97, November, 1865
  • None of it is bad; if you whacked this on in the car, acceleration would doubtless ensue. Times, Sunday Times
  • Doubtless many members of less prominent families were also to find themselves opposed by those of their own blood. The English Civil War: A People's History
  • Before the end of 1890, at least, it began to be rumoured that there was dispeace between the two Malietoas; and doubtless this had an unsettling influence throughout the islands. A Footnote to History Eight Years of Trouble in Samoa
  • Their faces of men and hair like women doubtless signify their boldness on the one hand and their effeminateness on the other. The Revelation Explained
  • There doubtless is some wishful thinking in all this. Online Advertising Is a Lagging Indicator of a Recession - Bits Blog -
  • Doubtless, the rabble-rousers of the Middle Ages who led the persecution of ‘witches’ were fully aware of the viciousness of their acts.
  • That is doubtless a very fine art which desolates countries, destroys habitations, and in a common year causes the death of from forty to a hundred thousand men. A Philosophical Dictionary
  • The first and second vallum can be traced with their ditches, and there was doubtless an inner wall. The Cornwall Coast
  • Doubtless, any of these stories could be denounced as ‘sexist’ because they objectify women's bodies.
  • Castlereagh, Gwydir, and the Dumaresq, with the many minor interfluent waters, which doubtless takes place upon those low levels, forms one or more noble rivers, which may flow across the continent by an almost imperceptible declivity of country to the north of north-west coasts, on certain parts of which, recent surveys have discovered to us extensive openings, by which the largest accumulations of waters might escape to the sea. Two Expeditions into the Interior of Southern Australia — Complete
  • There was a small black dot near the corner of her eye where Leslie had doubtlessly stabbed herself with her mascara wand, and a streak of lip gloss on her glasses.
  • The _invisible_ life on this planet is unquestionably far greater than the _visible_ but both visible and invisible doubtless belong to the planet earth. Cosmic Consciousness
  • He will doubtless arrive by the next train.
  • Doubtless, its four military members are not irremovable in law, but like the two civilian members they enjoy the independence inherent in the Convention's notion of a ‘court’.
  • The great natural features of Asben, also, are doubtless by this time impressed on the mind of the reader. Narrative of a Mission to Central Africa Performed in the Years 1850-51, Volume 2 Under the Orders and at the Expense of Her Majesty's Government
  • Being tall and a left-hander doubtless helped. Times, Sunday Times
  • His office has been _attorned_ to me by _Saving Scylla_, who would doubtless see his _protracted devotion_ rewarded with that _freedom_ from _concerns_ which is the _perfumed ointment_ of _superannuity_. Exodus From The Long Sun
  • They were built on ground which abounded, doubtless, as all that region now does, in bitumen or naphtha, which is easily kindled, and which burns with great intensity. Barnes New Testament Notes
  • He explains that his offence was mild and purely mental, that in an infaust moment he glanced (doubtless stared soldier-fashion) at "Mistris Sabbath in Puritan New England
  • The first of what will doubtless be many must-reads at the Corner are here and here.
  • The only solid and lasting peace between a man and his wife is, doubtless, a separation. Lord Chesterfield 
  • The nine following cases (Nos. 37-45) were anomalies of the lower limbs: Nos. 37, 38, and 42 may have been spontaneous amputations; Nos. 39 and 40 were doubtless instances of webbed toes (syndactyly), and the deformity indicated in No. 45 was presumably talipes equinus. Anomalies and Curiosities of Medicine
  • The future comes wrapped with many possibilities, and she will doubtless go on to be many things to many people.
  • By this time he had decided to act, and doubtless the fervid Jacobinism of the soldiery was the chief cause determining his action. The Life of Napoleon I (Volume 1 of 2)
  • The ship has not yet arrived, but will doubtless be here in a few moments, the bad weather having delayed her; and my luggage is all hurried down to the tender, where I should be sent, too, did I not wail with hunger. In Seven Stages: A Flying Trip Around the World
  • No answer was immediately forthcoming to the delicate question but investigations will now doubtless continue amid fears of a Government cover-up.
  • He doubtless heard from his wife how tired she was feeling.
  • Kossuth has doubtless made a great mistake in taking his position here; it is the mistake of a word-maker and of a relier on words, and he has not mended the matter by defining. Autobiography and Letters of Orville Dewey, D.D. Edited by his Daughter
  • The potential 25-30 million cash bung doubtless helped to sway them. Times, Sunday Times
  • In this strategy I am thankfully aided by Floyd, who is doubtless the most perverse sexual deviant ever to reside in our fair city of Wellington.
  • Theserf-owning magnificoes of the capital would doubtless embrace a policy of romantic opposition to reform. FORGE OF EMPIRES 1861-1871
  • To the _grammatist_, who was doubtless an evolution from an earlier tribal scribe, he went to learn to read and write and count. The History of Education; educational practice and progress considered as a phase of the development and spread of western civilization
  • And although your Lordship will doubtless proceed, I must warn you through my experience of European affairs, heedfully, that the reasons that operate in this small presidio, which is surrounded by barbarians and hostile nations, have no place in populous cities. The Philippine Islands, 1493-1898 — Volume 25 of 55 1635-36 Explorations by Early Navigators, Descriptions of the Islands and Their Peoples, Their History and Records of the Catholic Missions, As Related in Contemporaneous Books and Manuscripts, Showing t
  • Within the calm and inexpressive facades above are the teaching areas in which spaces are divided according to needs of individual departments that will doubtless change over time.
  • The lampers do not all die," said Denny, "because they do not all spawn;" and I observed that the dead ones were all of one size and doubtless of the same age. The Writings of John Burroughs — Volume 05: Pepacton
  • She was in lunging motion before Mark had recovered his wits, sliding like a snake southwestward towards Carnarvon and Abermenai, where doubtless her companions were now in harbour or moored in the roads outside the dunes. His Disposition
  • The true figure is doubtless higher. Times, Sunday Times
  • They have, says the reverend author, what one would not expect, many light toyish books (novels and plays, doubtless), others on Rosycrucian subjects, and of an abstruse mystical character; but they have no Bibles or works of devotion. Letters on Demonology and Witchcraft
  • Mr. Bird says, in the letter just mentioned, "The name Moro is doubtless the same as Amrou or Omar, the final o or u being only a vowel point". Autobiography of Omar ibn Said, Slave in North Carolina, 1831. Ed. John Franklin Jameson. From The American Historical Review, 30, No. 4. (July 1925), 787-795
  • The power to regulate commerce among the several States can not include a power to construct roads and canals, and to improve the navigation of water courses in order to facilitate, promote, and secure such commerce with a latitude of construction departing from the ordinary import of the terms strengthened by the known inconveniences which doubtless led to the grant of this remedial power to Congress. San Francisco Chronicle Op Ed: The Unholy Lust of Scientists « Climate Audit
  • Suddenly, the challenge ahead seemed so much sterner, especially as he prepared himself for the section of the day he had doubtless dreaded. Times, Sunday Times
  • A pair of athletes, scienced to the tips of their vibrating digits, compelled to appeal to the courtesy of a wild and well-whiskered Legislature, would doubtless appear inconsistent to gentlemen of the National Sporting Club of London, who were anxious to have the big fight settled within earshot of Bow Bells, in the luxurious rooms of the London National Sporting Club. The Confessions of a Caricaturist, Vol 2 (of 2)
  • She watched how Keldan moved, darting from one piece of cover to the next, doubtless to deny his target a chance to use a ranged weapon.
  • His neck size doubtlessly contributed to his aversion for neckties of any kind, and from age 50 onward, Brahms wore the collarless shirt of a hunter.
  • Some of these cases were doubtless instances of echinococcus, trichinæ, or the result of rectovesical fistula, but Riverius 13.38 mentions an instance in which, after drinking water containing worms, a person passed worms in the urine. Anomalies and Curiosities of Medicine
  • Doubtless many members of less prominent families were also to find themselves opposed by those of their own blood. The English Civil War: A People's History
  • The coming availability of multiple invertebrate chordate genomes Broad has completed another Ciona species and JGI has sequenced the lancelet will doubtless catalyze the discovery of more interesting changes that led to “vertebrate” features. Insight Into Eye Evolution Deals Blow To Intelligent Design - The Panda's Thumb
  • The year 1866 was signalised by a remarkable incident, a mysterious and puzzling phenomenon, which doubtless no one has yet forgotten.
  • Doubtless many members of less prominent families were also to find themselves opposed by those of their own blood. The English Civil War: A People's History
  • Doubtless dozens, if not hundreds of other celebrities do the same thing.
  • This harsh lesson has doubtless sunk in right across the academic world. Times, Sunday Times
  • He will doubtless try and persuade his colleagues to change their minds.
  • The various other families of aculeate _Hymenoptera_ are doubtless more abundant than the species recorded indicate, and it may be safely reckoned that the parasitic _Hymenoptera_ in Ceylon far exceed one thousand species in number, though they are yet only known by means of about two dozen kinds collected at Kandy by Mr. Thwaites. Sketches of the Natural History of Ceylon
  • All of which is doubtless music to a workflow planner's ears but somehow unpersuasive. Times, Sunday Times
  • Doubtless they hunted horses there, as well as the roaming bison, woolly rhino and hyena.
  • I've doubtless many more to discover: please tweet me suggestions. Times, Sunday Times
  • They will obviously use most of it to clear their debts but he will doubtless be seeking some to strengthen his squad.
  • I have since wondered if he knew how beautiful he was, and I am sure that, if he did not, all the women there did, and that was doubtless enough for the young officer of 'bersaglieri'. Short Stories and Essays (from Literature and Life)
  • They will doubtless protest, but there's nothing they can do.
  • The fathers of the English _church_, forbade selling on trust at a higher price than for ready money, which was the same thing in effect as to _forbid trust_; and this was doubtless one of the great objects those wise and pious men had in view; for they were fathers in legislation and morals, as well as in religion. The Young Man's Guide
  • “They make up a balanced account with Heaven, as our old cellarer used to call his ciphering, as fair as Isaac the Jew keeps with his debtors, and, like him, give out a very little, and take large credit for doing so; reckoning, doubtless, on their own behalf the seven-fold usury which the blessed text hath promised to charitable loans.” Ivanhoe
  • But, though the term Canaan would doubtless be more correct than Palestine, the latter has become so purely geographical in meaning that we can employ it without reference to history or date. Patriarchal Palestine
  • Thrull, drill, thrill, thirl, and thurl, are all current elsewhere -- all from Saxon [Greek text].) {82} Of course there should be forty-eight signatures, as appended, doubtless, to the original document. Iron Making in the Olden Times as instanced in the Ancient Mines, Forges, and Furnaces of The Forest of Dean
  • He seized the assets of all those he held, doubtless exceeding his authority in cases of the very wealthy.
  • I did, however, buy four cheaper books, of which you will doubtless hear more in time.
  • Observe, It is no disparagement for those who have power to be condescending, and sometimes even to beseech, where, in strictness of right, they might command; so does Paul here, though an apostle: he entreats where he might enjoin, he argues from love rather than authority, which doubtless must carry engaging influence with it. Commentary on the Whole Bible Volume VI (Acts to Revelation)
  • Doubtless some form of government guarantee would be required. Times, Sunday Times
  • One is a variety to which doubtless a great many people have contributed. Food Watch
  • Captain Ed, J. B. Doubtless and I all hooted at that scenario.
  • I've doubtless many more to discover: please tweet me suggestions. Times, Sunday Times
  • Doubtless, they'll be glad to rest for a couple of weeks before the hard graft of the championship.
  • He doubtless hoped to stir up tactical complications, but the inherent weakness of his queenside after this rash thrust, leaves him struggling. Times, Sunday Times
  • Shakespeare doubtless knew his roses, but let's face it, in a world without HFCS, invert sugar, dextrose, maltose or agave nectar, he was a novice regarding sweet stuff. David Katz, M.D.: HFCS Name Change: Good, Bad or In Between?
  • Doubtless many members of less prominent families were also to find themselves opposed by those of their own blood. The English Civil War: A People's History
  • He doubtless hoped to stir up tactical complications, but the inherent weakness of his queenside after this rash thrust, leaves him struggling. Times, Sunday Times
  • Doubtless many talk-show hosts simply read the synopsis on the cover. Times, Sunday Times
  • You doubtless recall that school yard brain teaser: which weighs more, a pound of feathers or a pound of iron? David Katz, M.D.: Why Calorie Posting Isn't Enough
  • The potential 25-30 million cash bung doubtless helped to sway them. Times, Sunday Times
  • Doubtless a rich merchant escaping with as much treasure as he could lay frantic hands on.
  • Doubtless, the wealthiest and most successful members of American society expected their jewellery and tableware to proclaim their own increasing sophistication.
  • The sport will doubtless continue to change over the next 25 years, for better or worse. Times, Sunday Times
  • Fu-ch'ai's surviving friends had indeed a very lively stimulus indeed-the fear of instant death-to drive them tumultuously over the seas; and doubtless, as they must have been perfectly harmless after tossing about hungry in open boats for weeks together, they would be as welcome to the Japanese king, or to the petty chief or chiefs who received the waifs, as in our own times was the honest sailor Will Adams when he drifted friendless to Japan, and whose statue now adorns a great Japanese city as that of a man who was, in a humble way, also a "civilizer" of Japan (600 A.D.). Ancient China Simplified
  • Air Tatlises had taken himself off somewhere in his dinner suit, doubtless to phone his fellow MABILians and give them the word that times were about to be a'changin '. With No One as Witness
  • It is a place he could go to -- where you and others doubtless went -- to, to perpetrate whatever disgusting and illegal acts you favour! THE LAST RAVEN
  • He was fascinated by behavioural patterns and society's obedience to authority and New Yorkers were doubtless delighted when his research revealed them to be so obliging.
  • Doubtless such data could prove very useful to owners of shopping malls, sports stadiums and the like. Times, Sunday Times
  • Though of course many people there are good, civilized sorts, there is also below the surface for many people an attitude of ‘every man for himself’ which doubtless comes from a society which has been poor and oppressed for a long, long time. Ukraine Travelogue, part 1: Travel is hell! « Skulls in the Stars
  • Had the nurse of Moses been an Egyptian idolatress, the character of the man had doubtless been very different. Notable Women of Olden Time
  • Doubtless the heaviest burden of our contemporaries is a consciousness of a divergence between our democratic theory on the one hand, that working people have a right to the intellectual resources of society, and the actual fact on the other hand, that thousands of them are so overburdened with toil that there is no leisure nor energy left for the cultivation of the mind. Twenty Years at Hull-House, With Autobiographical Notes
  • As for hoopoe, I will quote The Century Dictionary, definition and all, with its abbreviations expanded: "The form hoopoe was doubtless originally pronounced like hoopoo, which, with hoophoop, first appears about 1667-78; an imitative variant or clipped reduplication of the earlier hoop, apparently after Latin upaupa …. OUPblog
  • Of course doubtless everything has been put in a big burning bin by the BBC.
  • Doubtless it is sent upon us for our sins; but had we not already a plague of inveracity? The Shadow On The Dial, and Other Essays 1909
  • Intimating, that doubtless that was the occasion of all this confusion, and disorder of mind, and of his shiness of the Divine pretence, An Essay on the Mosaic Account of the Creation and Fall of Man.
  • The male prostitutes were called Kadesh the holy, the women being Kadeshah, and doubtless gave themselves up to great excesses. Arabian nights. English
  • He's had a major riot in his lifer wing; suddenly he's in the hot seat, doubtless under a lot of pressure from Whitehall. RIOT
  • Aspects of human society, in the Durham area and Merseyside of course and doubtless around the Taff, and both the Stours, have suffered, since about 20 years ago, and are in slowish recovery. From toxic sewer to natural haven, the river Wear's return from the dead
  • Its impact was doubtless helped by being shown on Remembrance Sunday. Times, Sunday Times
  • Now we know what had been churning in his doubtless active mind.
  • Before that, the Young Vic hosted his two-hour adaptation of Hamlet starring Adrian Lester, which was more than iconoclasm, and doubtless an exercise in brevity only achievable by Brook himself.
  • Either way, the revolution that is Secret Support will doubtless make life so much easier and is available in a range of vests, bodies and t-shirts in a variety of colours and fabrics.
  • In such a case the compliance would doubtless be a strong factor in mitigation of sentence.
  • It is also well known that men lie somewhat differently to women, doubtless for sound reasons of evolutionary biology. Times, Sunday Times
  • Latin name of the diver, or didapper, ‘mergus,’ by saying that it was so called, ‘a mergendo,’ from its diving, which doubtless was the origin of the name, though not taking its rise in the fiction here related by the Poet.] The Metamorphoses of Ovid Literally Translated into English Prose, with Copious Notes and Explanations
  • This astonishing announcement was doubtless induced by the fact that Patty had been unable to resist his wheedlesome voice and frank, ingenuous manner, and she had indulged in one of her most dimpled smiles. Patty's Butterfly Days
  • This has what was doubtless the desired effect: a mouthful of gin and tonic comes back out through my nose.
  • Fifteen minutes alone were dedicated to teaching it the name Frege, which his laptop interpreted as ‘radio’ – an amusing misapprehension which Frege himself would have doubtless been well-placed to appreciate. The Vogon Poetry Of Voice Recognition Software « shattersnipe: malcontent & rainbows
  • Its leader, an old grotesque-looking fellow, dressed in a priest's vestments -- doubtless a part of the plunder of the night -- and seated on a barrel on wheels, like a Silenus, from which, at their several halts, he harangued his followers, and drank to the 'downfal of the Bourbons,' soon let me into the history of the last twelve hours. Blackwood's Edinburgh Magazine — Volume 54, No. 333, July 1843
  • Donations by pious laymen doubtless continued, and Glastonbury and Canterbury not only survived, but did so as wealthy churches.
  • Of course, any land that is valuable today was doubtless once worthless.
  • They would not doubtless have the advantages of the wicks which are impregnated with boracic acid, and which vitrify as they burn and are entirely consumed, but Cyrus Harding having manufactured a beautiful pair of snuffers, these candles would be greatly appreciated during the long evenings in Granite House. The Mysterious Island
  • The Baron resumed his favourite topic — ‘However it may please you to derogate from the honour of your burgonet, Colonel Talbot, which is doubtless your humour, as I have seen in other gentlemen of birth and honour in your country, I must again repeat it as a most ancient and distinguished bearing, as well as that of my young friend Francis Stanley, which is the eagle and child.’ Waverley
  • John Witherow, will doubtless recall that his paper's cash-for-questions investigation in 1994 The Guardian World News
  • This ingenuousness is doubtless dependent upon several factors, such as the primitiveness of the world, the isolation and uniqueness of the cities, the disparateness of cultures and the tenuousness of communication. Magicians of Gor
  • If history is any guide a lot of this diplomacy was doubtless clumsily done, in alternations between proffers of carrots and threats of the stick.
  • Doubtless 40 years ago there were moral objections to mixed-race marriages. Times, Sunday Times
  • The only solid and lasting peace between a man and his wife is, doubtless, a separation. Lord Chesterfield 
  • Doubtless they assumed that everyone would be using self-adhesive labels, not writing on the envelope the way I do (either to save stationery costs or because I can't find my labels).
  • The capacity of these countries to control their integration into the world economy is doubtless related to their size, resources, geostrategic advantages, and economic strength.
  • I've been wrong or silly about no end of things in my time, and doubtless still am. Times, Sunday Times
  • Creation of a Common Council in Lynn doubtless is largely responsible for raising the average age of jurats, by setting an additional rung in the ladder.
  • The fact that his resignation comes five days after a currency hedge went badly wrong for Sports Direct is doubtless entirely coincidental. Times, Sunday Times
  • Doubtless he had been detained, or had misread her hurriedly scrawled note, taking the four for a five. The House of Mirth
  • This is the work of a very fine storyteller indeed, one who has already won prizes for her fiction and doubtless will go on to win more. Times, Sunday Times
  • Each of these factors doubtless contributes to our prodigious ability to learn.
  • This has already prompted some treaty changes and a new fiscal pact and will doubtless result in more. Times, Sunday Times
  • The codfish backed me up at every step, and other codfishes swam the green sea, with hats doubtless brought from unseen coral caves. Set in Silver
  • Why ought he to know?" asked Imogene, doubtless with that impulse to temporise which is natural to the human soul in questions of right and interest. Indian Summer
  • Bog Walk Gorge is a special place indeed, full of memories for me and doubtless for many other Jamaicans.
  • The chicks came down and spent a lot of time on the ground, doubtless looking for beetles or other insects. Times, Sunday Times
  • He doubtless will go on about the need to replenish reserves from far-flung parts of the world. Times, Sunday Times
  • It is doubtless unfortunate for the split to appear at this stage, with an election on the horizon.
  • The fathers of the Church (I mean the ancient ones), and also the canons of the Church, forbade selling on trust at a higher price than for ready money, which was in effect to forbid _trust_; and this, doubtless, was one of the great objects which those wise and pious men had in view; for they were fathers in legislation and morals as well as in religion. Advice to Young Men And (Incidentally) to Young Women in the Middle and Higher Ranks of Life. In a Series of Letters, Addressed to a Youth, a Bachelor, a Lover, a Husband, a Father, a Citizen, or a Subject.
  • Having heard of the club's quest to seek a replacement for him, he doubtless hopes that his message is understood in the boardroom. Times, Sunday Times
  • Doubtless they hunted horses there, as well as the roaming bison, woolly rhino and hyena.
  • Doubtless he had come to realize how unjust he had been in hotheadedly branding his daughter a traitor, but he could not press her to leave this sensitive area without risking that she raise the matter once more. Through Wolfs Eyes
  • Beethoven claimed to Goethe that he had rapped Rudolph over the knuckles for keeping him waiting in an anteroom, and doubtless the composition lessons became increasingly irksome.
  • Mary, remitted from beloved friends to an uncongenial stepmother, was doubtless on her part pining for sympathy. Biography in the DNB
  • He is as slippery as they come; a quality that has doubtless helped him to survive the controversies that have dogged his political career. Times, Sunday Times
  • Doubtless, the PM's strategy also depends on an increasing weariness over the subject among voters.
  • But, as Irwine would doubtless point out, sorrowfully but firmly, the security of England's institutions is more important than the fate of a light-headed milkmaid.
  • It was Reilly's first goal for Newry since his January move and he will doubtless struggle to score a better one.
  • 'Doubtless,' says Risdon, 'in the Saxons' heptarchy, it was a town of some note, that felt the furious rage of the merciless Danes. ' Devon, Its Moorlands, Streams and Coasts
  • The Cavaliere, indeed, as became a poet, paragoned her in his song to all the pagan goddesses of antiquity; and doubtless these were finer to look at than mere women; but so, it seemed, was she; for, to believe my grandmother, she made other women look no more than the big French fashion-doll that used to be shown on Ascension days in the Piazza. The Duchess at Prayer
  • Otherwise our first recollection would doubtless be of the grimly flushed large face of a resolute parent, bending hotly downward in effort to make both ends meet while we wambled and waggled in innocent, maddening sport. Pipefuls

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