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How To Use Doubter In A Sentence

  • The Bill of Rights did much to convince doubters that the new government would not become too powerful. The American Nation: A History of the United States to 1877
  • A rushed move by the blundering board designed to keep any growing doubters quiet. The Sun
  • These are the wreckers of outworn empires and civilizations, doubters, disintegrators, deicides.
  • When a great new revolutionary idea hits the public, there are always doubters, raising niggling ifs and buts.
  • When a great new revolutionary idea hits the public, there are always doubters, raising niggling ifs and buts.
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  • He is the great doubter who gives voice to many of the arguments that Christianity has provoked from within and without.
  • Ipswich fans were reminded of what they are missing while he went a long way towards winning over the many doubters in the away section. The Sun
  • Across Europe, among the sceptics and the doubters and the out-and-out protesters, a pernicious process of elision is taking place.
  • A one-two punch that should sway the doubters, but some are stubbornly unconvinced. Times, Sunday Times
  • Before the recent military operations began in Afghanistan doubters claimed that the enterprise would end in disaster, but the coalition's aims were all met.
  • There were no doubters in the prisons and gulags, where dissidents spread the news, tapping to each other in code what the American President had dared to say.
  • We have the determination to prove our doubters very wrong.
  • Ed needs to prove such doubters on his own side wrong. Times, Sunday Times
  • Cole, though, is convinced he can still win over his many doubters. The Sun
  • You have the steady nerves and sharp wits to pass a test and prove the doubters wrong. The Sun
  • You get a surge of energy and determination to make your home plans work and prove doubters wrong. The Sun
  • I was for many years a supporter of the planning system, then a doubter, now a critic.
  • Yet precisely because so much of how he will govern is uncertain, he has a historic opportunity to confound his doubters and prove himself a genuine reformer. Times, Sunday Times
  • The whole package amounts to a curious blend of high power and domesticity which she hopes will win over doubters.
  • That hasn't convinced the doubters. Times, Sunday Times
  • A rushed move by the blundering board designed to keep any growing doubters quiet. The Sun
  • It silenced his critics, confounded his doubters and forced those knife wielders to return those implements to their dusty habitats for another day.
  • The coaching staff and players finally proved any early season doubters wrong about their ability to succeed this season.
  • This is a great opportunity to prove the doubters wrong. The Sun
  • He accepts there remain sceptics and doubters concerning the present Dublin side.
  • Throw in some shrewd management and a dogged determination to prove the doubters wrong, and the losers can end up raking it in. The Sun
  • Britain under its new management must confound many doubters. Times, Sunday Times
  • And of course there were many doubters as well. Times, Sunday Times
  • Since then the pessimism has subsided and he hears less from the doubters telling him he made one huge mistake in leaving Liverpool.
  • Even the photographs of those who believe MMR to be safe and effective show them to be unsmiling, in contrast with the smiling, benign expressions of the doubters.
  • Now he will have to face the ambitious doubters in his party and deal with pointed questions about his leadership style.
  • He accepts there remain sceptics and doubters concerning the present Dublin side.
  • As the author notes, Maria's case was championed by the Jesuits, while her doubters were the secular or parish clergy.
  • But, just in case, the handheld cameras pointed at the crowds by security police convinced any doubters of the folly of appearing unmoved. The Sun
  • Just let your success prove the doubters wrong. The Sun
  • There is no known record of her name; of her charms of mind and person tradition is silent and the doubter is at liberty to entertain his doubt; but God forbid that I should share it!
  • So what better night than this to convince doubters he has the character to become a leader of this team and justify his staggering transfer fee? The Sun
  • Yet precisely because so much of how he will govern is uncertain, he has a historic opportunity to confound his doubters and prove himself a genuine reformer. Times, Sunday Times
  • Once again, the people proved all the skeptics, all the doubters, all the detractors, wrong, that democracy can work in this part of the world.
  • There are doubters who say his 33 billion turnover business is stuck in the past, despite its fancy makeover. Times, Sunday Times
  • A rushed move by the blundering board designed to keep any growing doubters quiet. The Sun
  • Though Adams was a doubter on many aspects of Christianity, he nonetheless had a decent respect for it.
  • Once again, the people proved all the skeptics, all the doubters, all the detractors, wrong, that democracy can work in this part of the world.
  • It is the perfect stage for the team to find itself - and for the captain to convince the doubters. Times, Sunday Times
  • The doubters think he will have to come back for more. Times, Sunday Times
  • It is not an answer that convinces the doubters. Times, Sunday Times
  • Michael rose to the top, he outsang his cynics, he outdanced his doubters, he outperformed the pessimists. CNN Transcript Jul 7, 2009
  • Instead the doubter finds that in your unconditional love you bless even hopes unborn.
  • Despite the snarky sideway snickers of my sister, ever the doubter, I refused to dumb down dinner, and committed to cook as I always have, with no special orders of PB&J. Karen Kelly: Babies and Dinnertime: It Can Be Done
  • Brown did claim the SPFA Player of the Year prize in 2009 which seemed to silence his doubters, but his form was more uneven last term reopening the argument about how much he does for Celtic. TEAMtalk Football News
  • An idealist tempered by realism, Holland was a doer, not a doubter.
  • I'd urge doubters to think big. The Sun
  • Gautier could cast himself as a seeker of truth unencumbered by alliances with established scientists, a doubter who discovered faults in prevailing theories but was prevented from receiving the acclaim he deserved. reference The presentation in Chroa-génésie is so convoluted that it is unintelligible without a good knowledge of the physics and mathematics that render its deficiencies obvious. The Creation of Color in Eighteenth-Century Europe
  • There are more trusters than doubters, but the gap is perilously close for such a high-risk war plan.
  • The cynics and the mockers and the doubters can say what they like, but that's what these protests are about.
  • A rushed move by the blundering board designed to keep any growing doubters quiet. The Sun
  • The term multicultural and its perceived focus on frills has turned off many of the doubters I know. Christianity Today
  • Yesterday's numbers were fair but may not satisfy the doubters who fear that the wobble has further to go. Times, Sunday Times
  • Some doubters fear this news may not be as good as it appears.
  • And yet, they are agnostics, doubters and explorers.
  • The movie is brilliantly scripted by Aaron Sorkin, author of the courtroom drama A Few Good Men and the TV series The West Wing, and incisively directed by David Fincher, whose films (among them Se7en, Fight Club, The Game and Zodiac) show him to be a doubter of outward appearance, a questioner of accepted realities. The Social Network – review
  • Brown insists his doubters are wrong, and that he will pursue the path of continued reform.
  • An idealist tempered by realism, Holland was a doer, not a doubter.
  • It was the more provoking, as Bunce himself could write his name legibly, and one of those three doubting souls had for years boasted of like power, and possessed, indeed, a Bible, in which he was proud to show his name written by himself some thirty years ago -- "Job Skulpit;" but it was thought that Job Skulpit, having forgotten his scholarship, on that account recoiled from the petition, and that the other doubters would follow as he led them. The Warden
  • Scrounging time for faith nourishment can press a doubter into drivenness—so that in our wild attempts to make the most of every minute of our time, we may lose eternity. If I Really Believe, Why Do I Have These Doubts?
  • This turns biography into hagiography: the subject isn't a mere artist working through his aesthetic ideas, he's Christ among the doubters and Pharisees.
  • It is up to them to prove the doubters wrong and this will only happen over time. Times, Sunday Times
  • The Deacon could quote scripture in a manner which put Biblical professors to the blush, and every principle of his creed so bristled with texts, confirmatory, sustentive and aggressive, that doubters were rebuked and free-thinkers were speedily reduced to speechless humility or rage. Romance of California Life
  • There will be doubters saying I only did it because of track conditions. The Sun
  • You have the steady nerves and sharp wits to pass a test and prove the doubters wrong. The Sun
  • An idealist tempered by realism, Holland was a doer, not a doubter.
  • I am a doubter, a questioner, a skeptic.
  • He was overly ambitious before and some doubters remain. Times, Sunday Times
  • Some doubters hold that it, too, must have been a splake instead of a brook trout.
  • Throw in some shrewd management and a dogged determination to prove the doubters wrong, and the losers can end up raking it in. The Sun
  • Given their relative inexperience can England prove doubters wrong? Times, Sunday Times
  • Coming from a rival club you are always going to have doubters thinking that you are here for certain reasons. Times, Sunday Times
  • The challenge now is to convert the doubters into believers.
  • He says proving his doubters wrong drives him on. Times, Sunday Times
  • Doubters suggest, for example, that if we claim ownership in the ideas of a book (rather than in the book itself), we might just as well claim property in the "colouring of a picture, but none in the canvas on which that colouring is laid. Introduction: Juridical Texts and Transgressive Containment
  • But it was destroyed by doubters and the internecine strife between Edinburgh and Glasgow.
  • The latest data point that's got the doubters in a dizzy is a new LA Times poll that shows that Kerry's slipped a couple of points in the wake of the Swift Boat Liars leaky raft. I can't believe...
  • The biggest error the doubters make, Shapiro says, is to believe that dramatists and other authors in Shakespeare's day made a habit of autobiographically inserting themselves into their own works. Taking On The Doubters
  • Across Europe, among the sceptics and the doubters and the out-and-out protesters, a pernicious process of elision is taking place.
  • You have the determination you need to make a success of a healthy eating plan and can prove doubters wrong. The Sun
  • Opener Cook has already proved many doubters wrong by adapting his batsmanship effectively from the demands of five days to one day - and he believes he can take it into the shortest format too. Evening Standard - Home
  • The doubters think his best days are behind him. Times, Sunday Times
  • While all three novellas center on alienated and deracinated people -- doubters, outcasts, the detritus of biblical stories -- they are slight and unmemorable as fictional characters.

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