How To Use Doubler In A Sentence

  • redoubler d'efforts = to strive harder than ever redoubler une classe = to repeat a year or a grade, to be held back redoubler de prudence/de vigilance = to be extra careful/vigilant redoubler le chagrin de quelqu'un = to add to someone's grief Pensées
  • The 355 nm line of a Continuum NY - 61 Nd: YAG laser equipped with a quadruple frequency doubler was used for quantum yield determinations.
  • Declarer should recognise that this is a desperation double, and redouble it (if it really came from a good hand, the doubler would have doubled the other players as well).
  • C'est le naturel du coeur humain de redoubler ses efforts pour retenir le bien qu'on lui ôte. Pensées
  • In (1), the doubler will have a goodish opening hand (goodish, because partner has to bid at the three-level). Times, Sunday Times
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  • Mom’s system: Single cotton microfiber inserts thin during the day, sometimes adding a hemp "doubler" insert if we will be out-of-the-house for several hours. Part 2: Dr. Strangepoop: Our Diaper Gear | Thingamababy
  • The doubler plate is very securely riveted to the boiler barrel but close inspection shows that water has been leaking for some time and has cause serious external corrosion of the outer surface of the barrel - particularly where the two barrel sections telescope into each other.
  • By vicinity; Volta's electrophorus and Bennet's doubler. Contents
  • Bientot je fis prendre a mon malade une forte tasse de mon elixir de vie; il le but avec avidite, et voulait redoubler; mais j'exigeai un, ajournement de deux heures, et lui servis une seconde dose avant de me retirer. The Physiology of Taste
  • Connecting the sense pin to the ground pin allows the XC9801 / 02 to be used as a voltage doubler.
  • It is a penny share with massive potential - possibly even another money "doubler". Undefined
  • In the past, crews have repaired cracks in the external tank by removing the cracked aluminum and replacing it with a "doubler" -- a twice-as-thick section -- before replacing the foam insulation.
  • Adhesive bonding, instead of riveting, is employed by some designers for attaching doublers and stiffeners to the skin sheet.
  • Ye haue one sorte of repetition, which we call the doubler, and is as the next before, a speedie iteration of one word, but with some little intermission by inserting one or two words betweene, as in a most excellent dittie written by Sir Walter Raleigh these two closing verses: The Arte of English Poesie
  • If you call of school or close early ... doubleR: I see where our Harvard-educated Narcissist-in-Chief not once, but twice pronounced the word corpsman as "Corpse-man" during a speech. stories
  • In the 1970s DSTO, with the strong support of the RAAF, pioneered the use of bonded carbon and boron fibre doublers to repair cracked metal structures.
  • The doublereeder exists in just these two varieties - oboist and bassoonist.
  • By vicinity; Volta's electrophorus and Rennet's doubler. The Temple of Nature; or, the Origin of Society A Poem, with Philosophical Notes
  • redoubler (ruh-doo-blay) verb 1. to increase, to intensify, to step up, to redouble 2. to repeat a year (school) Pensées
  • Afterward if the thread was for tram it went direct to the doublers, to be made stronger; but if it was for organzine it was spun again after leaving the doubling frames, and was given a much tighter twisting. The Story of Silk
  • However, no one talks about the experimental result:if a doubler with a pair of parallel light pass surfaces cut in Brewster angle can reduce reflective losses in frequency conversion?
  • From what we know, we would expect to have to replace frames or frame sections, skins, stringers and doublers in the damaged areas.
  • If you experience wetting problems, buy small "doubler" pads to add as needed. Part 2: Dr. Strangepoop: Our Diaper Gear | Thingamababy
  • Crews have repaired similar cracks during external tank production by removing the cracked aluminum and replacing it with a "doubler," which is a twice-as-thick stringer section before replacing the foam insulation. Gizmodo
  • Managers and engineers are reviewing the data and evaluating the repair options that may include adding a doubler or stop drilling to prevent the crack from spreading. STS-125 Mission Update - Radiator Crack Observed - NASA Watch
  • Expressions: redoubler d'efforts = to strive harder than ever redoubler une classe = to repeat a year or a grade, to be held back redoubler de prudence/de vigilance = to be extra careful/vigilant redoubler le chagrin de quelqu'un = to add to someone's grief Pensées
  • The phase jitter of output signal of the PLL ( phase locked loop ) frequency doubler is analyzed.
  • Bientot je fis prendre a mon malade une forte tasse de mon elixir de vie; il le but avec avidite, et voulait redoubler; mais j’exigeai un, ajournement de deux heures, et lui servis une seconde dose avant de me retirer. The physiology of taste; or Transcendental gastronomy. Illustrated by anecdotes of distinguished artists and statesmen of both continents by Jean Anthelme Brillat-Savarin. Translated from the last Paris edition by Fayette Robinson.
  • The article does mention a possible voltage doubler circuit, depending on the design, so in that case 140 vs 120 volts might make a difference. Voltage
  • (The English version follows the French.) redoubler (ruh-doo-blay) verb Pensées

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