How To Use Double-quick In A Sentence
Packers 17-10 Bears, 8:49 3rd quarter The Bears front seven might just be getting tired here - suddenly Ryan Grant is finding huge gaps to run through here as he leads the Packers down to the Chicago 12 in double-quick time.
Green Bay Packers 27-17 Chicago Bears - as it happened | Paolo Bandini
The US, and more recently China, have gradually latched on to the growing global market for solar and have been setting up factories in double-quick time.
Low-cost imports from China fuel boom in solar panels
It was not so fast as the running step of the Italian bersagliere, but as fast as our "double-quick.
With the Allies
In regimental reviews, they like to sweep past at the double-quick, their faces ashine with sweat and pride.
Such a bill would be shot down in double-quick time, and do great political damage to Obama on its way down the toilet. steve Says:
Matthew Yglesias » Geithner vs Axelrod

Don't worry. We'll have you out of here double-quick.
Numerical control technology specialty has now become a specialty of double-quick development.
Furlong began to feel very uncomfortable; the conversation ended; down came the servant, to whom Furlong was about to address himself, when the man said, "He would be with him in a minit," and vanished; a sort of reconnoitering party, one by one, then passed through the hall, eyeing the stranger very suspiciously, any of them to whom Furlong ventured a word scurrying off in double-quick time.
Handy Andy, Volume One A Tale of Irish Life, in Two Volumes
We opened for business, with Susie dressed like a dog's dinner queening it in the hall, her cashier in an office to one side, and a broken-down medico in a little room on the other - "for the only thing they're goin 'to leave here is cash," says she, "an 'if they don't like bein' looked at by the pox-spotter, they can take themselves off, double-quick.
If they find out you're planning to up-stage the headliners, they'll zap you double-quick.
He made an attempt to speak but I patted his good arm and told him, `Save it, we'll have you out of here double-quick.
Don't worry. We'll have you out of here double-quick.
The brave Negro troops went forward at a double-quick; the skirmishers were the first to reach the embankments, and were greeted with a shower of bullets which tumbled many headlong and lifeless into the pits.
A School History of the Negro Race in America, from 1619 to 1890, With a Short Introduction as to the Origin of the Race; Also a Short Sketch of Liberia.
now let's play the piece again double-quick
Obama needs to remove his head from his anus, double-quick, it he wants to have a prayer of being a two-term President.
Matthew Yglesias » A Flawed Stimulus is Better than No Stimulus
It wasn't noble, but I scarpered double-quick.
But Yunanian realized that Zaid would call for him in any case, and the guards and the courtiers would have to find him, double-quick.
At the time of the incident, the controller said, he was fatigued because he "had to be up all night long on a double-quick turnaround.
Controller fatigue an ongoing concern
Ages 11+ Twenty-one-year-old star chef Sam Stern's recipe book for the time-pressed teen is crammed full of ideas for whipping up good food double-quick.
Recommended reads: nonfiction for ages 8+
I was over the fence in double-quick time.
It appeared that the visitor was at any rate physically strong since he emptied the Traveller in double-quick time.
The eight men on the ground, still four hundred yards from the nearest fires, made their next decision in double-quick time.
Under a terrible storm of shot and shell the line pressed forward steadily through the timber, and as it emerged on the plain took the double-quick and with fixed bayonets rushed at the enemy's first line.
She Makes Her Mouth Small & Round & Other Stories
Because this public global shaming is very effective in making them respond double-quick to your gripe.
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