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How To Use Doss In A Sentence

  • Robert Dossie described three categories of watercolor painting — miniature, the most delicate; distemper, which is coarser, uses less expensive colors in a glue or casein binder, and is appropriate for canvas hangings, ceilings, and other interior decorative painting purposes; and fresco. reference As a technique practiced by the Romans, fresco painting was a subject of particularly interest in the antiquity-obsessed eighteenth-century. The Creation of Color in Eighteenth-Century Europe
  • The chimney, usually of lath and plaster, ending overhead in a cone and funnel for the smoke, was so roomy in old cottages as to accommodate almost the whole family sitting around the fire of logs piled in the reredosse in the middle, and there they carried on their winter's work. The Life of Thomas Telford
  • On many dossiers, the pace of law-making could easily advance "very fast", says the ambassador.
  • They played around it as children, dossed around it as teenagers, brought weekend visitors to take pictures around it whenever they came to stay.
  • The PM has compiled a dossier on solicitors who put innocent soldiers through years of anguish. The Sun
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  • If she was this careful and I was fool enough to admit that I dossed in the park she'd probably stick me in some garret over her stables, with that businessman of hers counting the teaspoons every time I went for a pee. The Vatican Rip
  • In this role he had responsibility for compiling intelligence dossiers on its enemies; for planning counter-espionage and for establishing and supervising fascist cells operating in the trade union movement.
  • In other words, it cannot be overlooked in the lawsuit of not using delivery of dossier and the lawsuit of both libelant and paraclete proof-providing.
  • If he were not afraid of him he would long ago have evicted him from the dosshouse. Creatures That Once Were Men, and other stories
  • The inquiry was launched four months after Gotham published a scathing dossier. Times, Sunday Times
  • I suggest that we sit down for a moment on a nearby bench, which is miraculously free of dossers and bank clerks.
  • And that's it, that seems to be the sum total of the 'dodginess' of MacAskill's 'dossier'. Dodgy Dossiers
  • He has reams of paper which he calls the dossier of the crime. Simon the Jester
  • It would be dangerous to view the dossier as having clinched the argument for war.
  • We meet by the river in Cambridge where McGrath dossed his way to a third-class degree and returned to live with his second wife, Nicola. Rory McGrath: 'Look away now, Mum!'
  • He may have signed off on the idea of creating a youth brigade, and put a gold star in the dossier of the sweating toady who proposed the idea.
  • Very beautiful, likewise, are the Maries that he made on the altar-dossal, lamenting the Lives of the Most Eminent Painters Sculptors and Architects Vol. 02 (of 10), Berna to Michelozzo Michelozzi
  • A fabulous bounty from the Bernard Madoff charitable foundation included a stunning WMD intelligence dossier advance 'downpayment'. : Spoof News : Front Page
  • One is, the multitude of chimnies lately erected; whereas in their young days, there were not above two or three, if so many, in most uplandish towns of the realm; (the religious houses and manor-places of their lords always excepted, and peradventure some great personage;) but each made his fire against a reredosse in the hall where he dined and dressed his meat. The History of England in Three Volumes, Vol.I., Part C. From Henry VII. to Mary
  • You must remember our view that the dossier as a whole was quite a decent dossier and represented a reasonable summation.
  • It does not proceed on the pretrial dossier.
  • She reckoned he just wanted to doss off early because it was opening night for a Pinter play. JUST BETWEEN US
  • I believe Gadget wrote about the tendency of many “Police Officers” to do the bare minimum at the front line before trying to find a comfy doss job. If Carlsberg Made Justice Secretaries………… « POLICE INSPECTOR BLOG
  • The secret service probably has a dossier on all of us.
  • For instance today, when Labour released their dossier, CCHQ should've kept schtum and let the media do the work for them. Tony Blair: The Next Labour Prime Minister?
  • I came here expecting a bit of a doss day: quick meeting, one hour tops; write it up; get it agreed; toddle off to enjoy the sunshine and the 32 degree heat.
  • Alighting from a shuttle bus, the merry band of revellers spot a dosser lying prone and fully concealed under a blanket inside a bus shelter.
  • Yet it was on this feeble and dodgy dossier that an entire edifice of advice was built. Times, Sunday Times
  • The Indian government has delivered to Islamabad what it calls a dossier of evidence from the Mumbai attacks. CNN Transcript Jan 7, 2009
  • She knew that Harry liked to doss down in the porch.
  • Such, sir, are you by general confession; such are the things achieved by you, the greatest and most glorious of our countrymen, the director of our public councils, the leader of unconquered armies, the father of your country; for by that title doss every good man hail you with sincere and voluntary praise. Lives of the English Poets : Waller, Milton, Cowley
  • Some rival hackers had "doxed" him, posting a detailed dossier of his family, including their home address and the name of the college his sister attended.
  • Datamining can be panoptic if it is dataveillance — the State or commercial enterprises using computational techniques to establish and track dossiers from myriad tiny bits of information about individuals. Smart Mobs » Blog Archive » Location-aware recommendation system
  • Cut through the politically correct hedging and you find that what the council really wants is an unregistered dosshouse for habitual and unrepentant drunks and dropouts who are likely to be violent and don't want to be helped.
  • And by depriving News International of the dossier which cleared my name and incriminated others, it led to my unfair dismissal. Phone hacking: James Murdoch questioned by MPs - Thursday 10 November
  • I was dossing around in London and someone at the hostel mentioned this bloke who had just come over from the States and could really play the guitar.
  • He commented approvingly on a British government dossier on the matter that is now widely discredited. Times, Sunday Times
  • The dossier was opened for attempted murder and armed robbery. Times, Sunday Times
  • We'd save money by hitching and sleeping in train stations or anywhere we could doss down for a couple of hours.
  • What role did he and the intelligence boffins play in compiling the deceitful dossiers last September and February?
  • The dossier contains three letters from Lawrence. Times, Sunday Times
  • She was dossing in doorways until the police picked her up.
  • They are remarkable for the dosserets carved in bas-relief from various artists.
  • Will the government be gathering dossiers on members of the local women's cooperative for lobbying for federally funded child care?
  • The financially comfortable Murray aside, tents were a luxury that most of Scotland's outdoors community couldn't afford in those pre-wars days, preferring a doss in a cave or on the floor of a roadman's hut.
  • I suppose it's just nice to have the time to myself to do with as I see fit and if this means a couple of lie-ins and dossing around the house, then that's fine with me.
  • License plate numbers and full dossiers of car owners will be printed in future issues to come.
  • He heads for a dirty hut in the country where he can doss down and eke out a living.
  • But the city official in charge of the dossier says it's too soon to know what the city visualizes as the future of the site.
  • He'd been tracked there from a doss-house in Paddington, where a single viewing of the sketch in the hands of a detective constable had prompted a quick identification from a reception clerk eager to rid the building of the noxious police presence. In the Presence of the Enemy
  • He compiled a dossier of observations, conversations and speeches which led to convictions. The Sun
  • A secret dossier from my mole in the company revealed a number of new spots, as well as old favourites, that I had missed on previous visits.
  • Ujjal Dossanjh is certainly the man who epitomizes the entrepreneurial spirit of Indian community in Canada.
  • And a 1755 edition has an account of early vaccinations, with Hans Sloane writing that is "performed by making a very slight incision in the skin of the arm" and putting into it "a dossil dipped in the ripe matter of a favourable kind of small-pox" to protect against later severe natural infection. Moneycontrol Top Headlines
  • Aye, and a chip cob, Wesley said, stretching out for a kip in his doss bag. WHITE LIES
  • She was dossing in doorways until the police picked her up.
  • Six days later He gave evidence and said it was untrue the dossier had been sexed up or that the government had pressured intelligence agencies.
  • The bleeding from the circumflex, subscapular, and posterior scapular arteries can easily be arrested by a dossil of lint till the great vessel is tied, and they can be secured. A Manual of the Operations of Surgery For the Use of Senior Students, House Surgeons, and Junior Practitioners
  • What would people think if they saw him rummaging through rubbish like some old dosser? Ellery Queen Mystery Magazine
  • There had been an exchange of insults between them with allegations of each being a dosser.
  • The dossal was up - in all its purple glory.
  • An Unfortunate could not get out of the weather and find a bit of food unless she could convince a man to take her in or give her small change so she could rent a bed for the night in a common lodging house called a doss-house. Portrait of a Killer
  • They'd be the perfect doss-house for a vagrant, wouldn't they? In the Presence of the Enemy
  • Above for your enjoyment, via Ridiculous Politics, is the famous Calamity Clegg dossier from clubable Buff Huhne. Libdemologists: Hoaxer Leech Finally Makes His Mind Up
  • It's a quick and simple process that offers a full range of deposit account types, with the ability to open an account from anywhere at any time of the day - all you need is a computer with Internet access to get started," said ASCU President and CE. David E. Doss. National Business News - Local Business News | bizjournals
  • To pound one's wife to a jelly and break a few of her ribs is a trivial offence compared with sleeping out under the naked stars because one has not the price of a doss. PROPERTY VERSUS PERSON
  • When he came to the street Mr. Mack touched a finger to his hat, but the happy dosser paid him no regard. At Swim, Two Boys
  • The wedding invitation, once the model of a certain kind of brevity, is now often a mere component of a thick dossier with multiple stamps. The Wedding Merchants
  • Promoted to Headline (H2) on 3/30/09: The U.S. has 'no moral standing' to criticize Iran: Zunes yahooBuzzArticleHeadline = 'The U.S. has \'no moral standing\' to criticize Iran: Zunes '; yahooBuzzArticleSummary =' Article: An interview with the Middle East analyst and expert, Prof. Stephen Zunes, on the U.S. double standards against Iran\'s nuclear dossier, Palestinians\ 'plight and regional conflicts.' The U.S. has 'no moral standing' to criticize Iran: Zunes
  • From a no-hope dosser from a poor area of England's north east I learnt that no matter where you came from or what had happened to you the future was yours to grasp and shape. On Thursday, the Legg report will be published along with...
  • The interior is divided into nave and aisles by Corinthian columns with high dosserets that rise to pointed arches.
  • I've been at work this morning and, what with finishing by midday, I've essentially been paid to do something that I've enjoyed, during a time when I'd usually be dossing about the house in my pyjamas.
  • Who else would buy up 6250 cans, only to give all the cans away to dossers?
  • We reached this spot just as night was falling, and "dossed" down. Reminiscences of a South African Pioneer
  • Another work with Petrine iconography is a thirteenth-century dossal for, most likely, the little Florentine church.
  • I've been dossing for so long that my hair has all fallen out and I'm willing to bet my makeup has crumbled as well.
  • It said the dossier published by the Government on Monday ‘does not constitute evidence of immediate threat and therefore is not a justification for precipitate military action’.
  • He was a joker, and I was a dosser - always having a laugh, not taking it seriously either.
  • I had read about doss-houses (they are never called doss-houses, by the way), and I supposed that one could get a bed for fourpence or thereabouts. Down and Out in Paris and London
  • Cos I work most nights until three or four in the morning, there was always some bastard jemmying the padlock off the doors: kids, dossers. Above Suspicion
  • Baxter's role was primarily as a producer, but he did direct a final re-make of Doss House, retitled Judgment Deferred and featuring a debut performance by Joan Collins.
  • Embankment; but things looked brighter for next week, and he might possibly get in a few days 'work and have a bed in some doss-house. CORONATION DAY
  • Manufacturers would be required to maintain dossiers in a standard format on each product, a measure designed to facilitate safety checks.
  • He is also the man whose former deputy produced a dossier on financial mismanagement and corruption and was dismissed as a result. Times, Sunday Times
  • The company also suspended operations from its Bristol HQ after being handed our dossier of evidence. The Sun
  • In the new dossier is a video of an assistant manager at a top club accepting 5,000 in a dodgy deal. The Sun
  • Our report, of course, centers on two dossiers - the first, the dossier of September 24 of last year.
  • performed by making a very slight incision in the skin of the arm" and putting into it "a dossil dipped in the ripe matter of a favorable kind of small-pox" to protect against later severe natural infection. The Economic Times
  • The low-key manner is analytical, confiding, with a touch of the dosshouse philosopher engrossed in offbeat speculation.
  • Feinstein shares the widespread concern about identity theft and the creation of profiles or dossiers on individuals without their knowledge.
  • As historian Erica Doss has shown, in the 1960s the Black Panther leadership, heirs no less to this legacy than the Diggers, drew on it to create an image of masculine aggression and streetwise militance in their dress, art, and political culture .... Manhood in the Age of Aquarius: Masculinity in Two Countercultural Communities, 1965–83
  • He commented approvingly on a British government dossier on the matter that is now widely discredited. Times, Sunday Times
  • But there is a ferocious chief sub somewhere, perhaps retired, possibly dead, whose voice was ringing in Alastair's ears as he read that original dossier.
  • He swept on his travel-stained green cloak and fastened it with a copper brooch that Odosse had not seen before. THE RIVER KINGS’ ROAD
  • The house itself was of course unoccupied, but this shed, formerly a blacksmith's forge, was now turned into a "dosshouse," kept by a retired Captain named Creatures That Once Were Men
  • Loads of unsigned bands turn up and doss about for a week, basically.
  • Then I dossed on the bed again until it was time to start getting ready for my appointment with George and the paella. Some by Fire
  • They will be transferred to the Department of Transport with a dossier of evidence about our campaign.
  • And more and more hotheaded youths flocked to hear the exciting preacher with his rebel message, his exciting-sounding 'combat training weekends' and his credit-card fraud and benefit-cheating base in the dosshouse set up - where the women's worship area in the Mosque basement had once been, in happier days. Some background reading...
  • a _dossal_ -- a decorated curtain of as rich material as circumstances will allow. The Worship of the Church and The Beauty of Holiness
  • I am slowly but surely gathering a dossier of photographs that I could use against Travis, I say 'use against', but I actually mean 'humiliate'. ;- in event of him ever obtaining high office. The Trav Randall Caption Competition
  • Firstly, it improves productivity by prevent staff dossing or e-mailing pals in Boston all afternoon.
  • Still, when all around were dining on quails' eggs, Orwell was roughing it in the kitchens of swanky hotels, dossing down in flea pits and blundering in the Spanish Civil war.
  • She had her own bedroom while the girls slept in bunks in the living room and the young men dossed down in an outbuilding.
  • But, of course, there is also the possibility the Dossiers Secrets were deliberately designed to create exactly this impression, weaving together otherwise unrelated occurrences that just happen to have something such as the name Sion in common and that reinforce one or another of the major themes of the Dossiers. The Sion Revelation
  • Manufacturers could choose the country that they would wish to be the initiating or reference country Schedule 4 includes 33 benzodiazepines (tema - to forward their dossier into the multistate proce - zepam is now in Schedule 3) and pemoline, dure. Recently Uploaded Slideshows
  • The FO press manager decides on his own initiative right out of the blue just to pass the time away, you understand to write a "dossier" - and Lo and Behold! Spin Doctor Wrote the 'Dodgy' Dossier Says MP
  • Maybe they assumed that I wasn't married, or I was taking money from the state, or I was dossing in work.
  • His dossier was This man's crypton Sovbloc Red, and suggests that he still provides high octane material via a relative who is known as Croesus. Final Resting Place of The Pen
  • Nor are folk expected to doss down on a pair of planks across the bath.
  • She was dossing in doorways until the police picked her up.
  • And the Earl's old hawk, with its feathers all stiff and sparse, perched on the dossal of the Earl's chair and the floor was pranked with rushes and sweet herbs -- the first of the spring; and Githa's feet were on her stool, and she leaned her proud face on the small hand which proved her descent from the Dane, and rocked herself to and fro, and thought of her son Wolnoth in the court of the Harold : the Last of the Saxon Kings — Complete
  • He knew that the ruling class are in some ways as much outsiders as vagrants and dossers, which is why the landowner has a sneaking sympathy for the poacher.
  • The naves are divided by columns topped with dosserets and decorated with bas-reliefs.
  • Dressed like a dosser, he shuffles about, teaching Caviezel how to make banal lines sound halfway decent.
  • I was a pastor several years ago, but never knew if we had dossals.
  • performed by making a very slight incision in the skin of the arm" and putting into it "a dossil dipped in the ripe matter of a favourable kind of small-pox" to protect against later severe natural infection. - Stuff
  • The bus skirted the town, passing a cluster of dossers drinking out of brown paper bags.
  • Everyone dosses about in geography classes.
  • The process passes into its second stage when the prosecutor submits his dossier to an examining magistrate.
  • The name popped into my head with a brief glimpse of her instead of a full dossier. Crossed
  • Now it turns out I have to co-ordinate strikes and represent these dossers.
  • The Frontispiece shows the high altar of Westminster Abbey vested for Lent in a frontal, frontlet, and dossal of white linen.
  • It is generally perceived to be a bit of a doss job and well paid to boot.
  • It was like dossing off school, but without the fear of getting caught.
  • Here, too, is a larger question than who wrote which words into a dossier, and who misreported that shard of truth.
  • I'll be dossing round the house until the football season starts again.
  • The UK dossier is the least specific regarding the diversity of Iraq†™ s existing or potential arsenal; it states that Iraq has an unspecified useable chemical weapons capability, which has included recent production of chemical agents. Think Progress » The Intelligence Agencies Didn’t Get It Wrong, The Bush Administration Did
  • On the north, the lowest of these marks is an X on the fourth course of the west dosseret of north wall of the aisle.
  • She said the complete dossiers along with the evidence were handed over to her office by the police last month.
  • But I think he displays a real understanding and sympathy for his coster girls, criminals and dosshouse vagrants.
  • Otherwise, his case was plausible, if you discount the toytown security dossier compiled by the internet pirates of Downing Street.
  • During the second week of the geomorphological survey, Etienne Paulissen and his collaborators Veronique De Laet, who grew muscles handling the Ramguts drill, and Koen Dossche, continued trying to solve the puzzle of the colluviation/alluviation history in the basin of the Aglasun Cay, to which Sagalassos belongs. Interactive Dig Sagalassos 2003 - Geomorphological Survey Report 2
  • Wherefore he presented the scene that he had wrought in bronze to Cosimo de 'Medici, who after a time had it placed on the dossal of the altar in the old S.cristy of S. Lorenzo, where it is to be found at present; and that of Donato was placed in the Lives of the Most Eminent Painters Sculptors and Architects Vol. 02 (of 10), Berna to Michelozzo Michelozzi
  • Altar cloths and Communion lines were replaced regularly, it seemed, and dossals or backdrops have come and gone.
  • Most of the time, however, there were always a few left empty, and this gave us the chance to do what thirteen year old kids loved to do: doss around on someone else's property.
  • At one point, a dossier of evidence against him and his management style was handed to council officials.
  • While the possibility for trials in these cases remains unclear, the dossiers on past human rights violations will remain the property of this nation.
  • Review of completed dossiers will begin immediately and continue until the positions are filled.
  • But that someone had dossed here briefly and recently ... In the Presence of the Enemy
  • He could have chosen to do other, less famous people, and has done that on many occasions, such as dossers and other working-class figures.
  • We are making our dossier, including covert video recordings, available to police. The Sun
  • He sought - and found - a piece of suspect journalism to divert fire from his own discreditable role in the second dossier.
  • Interesting are also some easel works by Titian, Tiepolo, Giorgione and by Tintoretto himself, as well as the dossals by Giovanni Marchiori and the wooden sculptures by Francesco Pianta.
  • What can they see in the multitudes of dossiers that will inspire an invitation for an interview at a scholarly meeting and eventually a campus visit?
  • So he continued his meandering way down the wet street, allowing his shoulder to bump against the sooty bricks to guide and steady him on his way, making for the hidey hole he used when there was no money for a doss-house bed. Ripping Time
  • But when their targets turned up they were met by the team of adults equipped with video cameras and a dossier of evidence. Times, Sunday Times
  • So how come a waiter in a back-alley doss-house — albeit a regular stopover Phineus used for his clients at Delphi — still knew of Polystratus? See Delphi and Die
  • My “pet hate” current dossier in this regard is the soil directive. The Volokh Conspiracy » European Libertarians and Federalism
  • And he would; right now his doss was a stable garret, cheap enough and cool enough even by day, now it was summer, but boring. Take A Thief
  • The dodgy dossier, need I say more? The Sun
  • For more flexibility use the Editor to edit the DOSSHELL.INI file.
  • Two years before I had traveled through the Atacama for weeks, much of it in a jeep with a peripatetic Australian man I had tripped over in the corridor of a doss-house. Terra Incognita
  • Then he just dossed as he does when he gets to the front.
  • If any of them cares to contact me, I will happily reveal my dossier on this sad affair.
  • The dossier was sent to newspapers, in one case with the 45-minute claim highlighted with a marker pen.
  • Suspect certain people of dossing online or e-mailing mates in Sydney?
  • J'attendais donc ma mere dans la rue, j'etais adossé au mur et je regardais un peu autour de moi pour me passer le temps quoi .... comme tout l'monde c vrai quand ta 10 minutes d'attente et qu'ta rien sous la main pour te tenir compagnie ben tu regardes aux alentours! Pinku-tk Diary Entry
  • Very tasteful dossals of purple and white hung the walls on either side of the altar.
  • On the mantlepiece was a little old daguerreotype, slightly pinked in the cheeks, of his grandfather — ‘Superior Dosset’ set in a deep, enamelled frame. Swan Song
  • But one thing is clear: there will not be any more dodgy dossiers or politicised intelligence, even behind closed doors.
  • The CIA "white paper" and the British Iraq "dossier" were compiled in close proximity, with British officials bringing drafts to discuss in Washington, trans-Atlantic videoconferences, and cabled updates. John Prados: Reframing the Iraq War
  • They added a loom in the mid-1960's and she made dossals, tapestries, pillows, lampshades and other handmade fabric wares.
  • This means they are walking out of the prison gates to life on the streets or dossing on friends' floors.
  • I knew he wasn't going to show; but I also knew I couldn't go back to just dossing about the house and waiting for six weeks to click past.
  • Built in 1883, it served a brief period as a dosshouse before its relaunch as part of this sophisticated hotel chain.
  • The people who dossed around in school or got pregnant too early and never studied in their evenings have now been raised up to parity with some people at least who did study hard, who kept their legs together before marriage or at least remembered how to count to 28 when they didn't and were lucky, I must admit. [incentives] or one size fits all
  • Failing that, his wife will have a sizable dossier with evidence of infidelity to confront him with. Times, Sunday Times
  • He was eventually exposed and arrested but not before compiling a dossier of evidence using hidden cameras.
  • When the ciboria over the altar fell into disuse a curtain was suspended at the back of the altar. called a dossel, or dorsal, and two others, one at each side of it. The Catholic Encyclopedia, Volume 1: Aachen-Assize
  • I have used inappropriate words through my radio coms i.e. inbred, dick, dosser etc. Bigotgate – the Diversity Trainers nightmare. « POLICE INSPECTOR BLOG
  • So saying; the old Earl arose, and walked forth with a firm step; and his old hound sprang up, pricked its ears, and followed him; the blinded falcon turned its head towards the clapping door, but did not stir from the dossel. Harold : the Last of the Saxon Kings — Volume 05
  • As we revealed earlier this month, the dossier was almost entirely compiled from information freely available on the internet.
  • We have to halt at a village without eating place and only a doss house.
  • Doss depends on short and crisp stories of social issues.
  • As an instance of their despatch, they will take your bedding ashore in the morning, and by tea-time you will receive it ready for turning in, the blanket washed and dried, the hair teazed and made so soft that you would scarcely fancy it was the same old "doss" again. In Eastern Seas Or, the Commission of H.M.S. 'Iron Duke,' flag-ship in China, 1878-83
  • To pound one's wife to a jelly and break a few of her ribs is a trivial offence compared with sleeping out under the naked stars because one has not the price of a doss. PROPERTY VERSUS PERSON
  • Lots of us will be settling down in shacks - baches or cribs - or dossing by the beach or sleeping in our cars.
  • Yesterday we handed our dossier and the covert video recordings to the police. The Sun
  • In the new dossier is a video of an assistant manager at a top club accepting 5,000 in a dodgy deal. The Sun
  • She reckoned he just wanted to doss off early because it was opening night for a Pinter play. JUST BETWEEN US
  • The dossier contains photographs of kerbside rubbish, unswept roads, leaf litter and uncollected bin bags at sites across the city.
  • Ma perché le cose prendano la strada del paradosso non ci vorrà più di tanto: il tempo che buoni e cattivi facciano la loro comparsa. No Fat Clips!!! : Missing Pages (amended version) – [1/3]
  • We continued our discussion by switching to the long-term tedious nuclear dossier of Iran. The U.S. has 'no moral standing' to criticize Iran: Zunes
  • When viewing voting constituencies, the most dossal and inactive people are found among the retired military members and their dependents. NewsByUs
  • Of course, not having any income or a regular job meant that I was always broke and after a while it got embarrassing to doss down at friends' pads.
  • Publication of the dossier was a dramatic move calculated to head off opposition from critics of a military strike on Baghdad - some of whom protested outside Parliament on an open-topped bus today.
  • We will be presenting our dossier of evidence to Ofgem. Times, Sunday Times
  • It donated the framed dossals of St. Francis and St. Clare, which were blessed and placed in the Eucharistic Chapel in November 1996.
  • Now a dossier of evidence is being presented to insurance companies and a police investigation could follow.
  • Haringey has suspended an official over the mislaid dossier and is carrying out a probe. The Sun
  • Promoted to Headline (H2) on 3/30/09: The U.S. has 'no moral standing' to criticize Iran: Zunes yahooBuzzArticleHeadline = 'The U.S. has \'no moral standing\' to criticize Iran: Zunes '; yahooBuzzArticleSummary =' Article: An interview with the Middle East analyst and expert, Prof. Stephen Zunes, on the U.S. double standards against Iran\'s nuclear dossier, Palestinians\ 'plight and regional conflicts.' The U.S. has 'no moral standing' to criticize Iran: Zunes
  • She was dossing in doorways until the police picked her up.
  • The committee published the dossier yesterday. Times, Sunday Times
  • We were in inner-city Brisbane, open for people travelling through, and some of you here may have dossed on our floor at some point, I don't know.
  • Behind the altar hang the dossals or draperies.
  • With the dossier we sent to the FSA was a letter signed by me.
  • It was made ready, its stage transformed into a sanctuary and choir, an altar erected with dossals and riddles, hanging crucifix and candles.
  • Aye, and a chip cob, Wesley said, stretching out for a kip in his doss bag. WHITE LIES
  • He either put some beggar against him, or himself threatened to rob and beat him, till the frightened mujik would disappear from the dosshouse and never more be seen. Creatures That Once Were Men, and other stories

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