- celebration in the Eastern Orthodox Church of the Virgin Mary's being taken up into heaven when her earthly life ended; corresponds to the Assumption in the Roman Catholic Church and is also celebrated on August 15th
How To Use Dormition In A Sentence
- The altar, intricately carved in limewood, painted and gilded, represents the Dormition of the Virgin, and took its creator 12 years to make.
- 6.3 Book of John concerning the dormition of Mary (transitus mariæ) * Yahoo! Answers: Latest Questions
- Then we consult him upon matters of doctrine, and quiz him tenderly about his powers of dormition, and flatter him, or rather his age, with such phrases as, “The water from thy hand is of the Waters of Personal Narrative of a Pilgrimage to Al-Madinah and Meccah
- It is a position anciently known, and modern experience hath allowed it for a sad truth, that absence and time, -- like cold weather, and an unnatural dormition -- will blast and wear out of memory the most endearing obligations; and hence it was that some politicians in love have looked upon the former of these two as a main remedy against the fondness of that passion. Poems of Henry Vaughan, Silurist, Volume II
- The farmer and our taxi drivers obligingly moved some of the corn bales to reveal amazing frescoes of the Dormition and the Entry into Jerusalem, the paint having been unwittingly preserved by the bales.
- Mary asked that the Twelve Apostles be brought to her, then fell into a deep sleep, the dormition, and died peacefully. A Handbook of Symbols in Christian Art
- People who are not accustomed to the position, should be careful when trying to sit seiza, as the position can reduce blood circulation in the lower limbs, resulting in pain and eventually obdormition, or the limbs "going to sleep. Conservapedia - Recent changes [en]
- Thy departing hence ne thy dormition shall not be without witness. The Golden Legend, vol. 4
- The decisive turning point in the scholarship of early El Greco came out of the blue in 1983, when the Dormition of the Virgin shown in the London exhibition was found.
- In the eighth century, for example, John Damascene, establishing a direct relationship between the 'dormition' of Mary and the death of Jesus, explicitly affirms the truth of her bodily assumption. Archive 2008-08-10