How To Use Dormant In A Sentence
Kirkland is a lovely city nestled on Lake Washington, with views of the water, the Seattle skyline, and of course Mount Rainier, which is by far the area's most impressive and hopefully most dormant volcano.
Archive 2007-10-01
It was not unknown for an unexploded portion of an old charge to remain dormant but active for years under such conditions.
Dormant until today, the Olympic tennis stadium suddenly erupted when the Greek heroine came from a set down to gain momentum in the second session.
All retroviruses are similar, and our genome is full of dormant retroviruses - over 2 percent of the genome is retroviral.
Finally, circuits in his brain that had long been dormant lit up.
Times, Sunday Times
They may arise from dormant seeds, or colonise by windblown seeds.
If the catkins remain dormant when the pistillate flowers bloom, they have been winterkilled, and the bent down reserves have to be called up.
Northern Nut Growers Association Incorporated 39th Annual Report at Norris, Tenn. September 13-15 1948
Feed herbs once a week when plants are actively growing, but not when dormant.
These could be courses in the bottom of dormant volcanoes, on isolated islands, or atop unfathomably high mountaintops.
Standards of plants not requiring dormant cycles, such as bougainvillea, hibiscus, ivies or geraniums, have a simple winter culture.
It's anyone's guess, then, why he leaves his instruments dormant for much of this show in favour of splenetic rants and ruthless aggression towards his increasingly miserable audience.
It has a cosmogonic function, in that it rouses dormant energies which them may shape the world.
The really scary part is that, while all these symptoms can clear up by themselves, the disease can lie dormant in your system for decades before damaging vitals such as your nervous system and heart.
They stop work, attend to and resolve before sleep any inharmonious conditions that may arise, knowing that creativity lies dormant while conflict prevails.
His long search had brought him to this haunted city - where ghosts of the past were still not dormant.
TB is a condition which progresses slowly and can lay dormant for months.
You can zoom a bike around one of the many lakes, or follow a walking trail that leads to a dormant volcano.
The Sun
Summer months rushed by; the entire project seemed to lie dormant.
Christianity Today
If, however, it takes place before, the male pronucleus simply remains dormant in the egg while the polar cells are being protruded, and not until after that process is concluded does it begin again to show signs of activity which result in the cell union.
The Story of the Living Machine A Review of the Conclusions of Modern Biology in Regard to the Mechanism Which Controls the Phenomena of Living Activity
And at a given moment one of these, hitherto dormant and unsuspected, would suddenly begin to brew, and go on growing till he was all one senseless panic, blind flight the only catholicon.
Ultima Thule
By this time many cells will have been infected and the virus will lie dormant throughout the body.
Times, Sunday Times
For decades the old garden had lain dormant and almost forgotten as many others of that period often do.
Perhaps the exon is a protogene — one that's effectively dormant until it's switched on by some external factor.
Sagittarius Whorl
There's just enough time to buy provisions for the journey before the long dormant sleeper train pulls up.
With the first frost in the fall, it goes dormant and changes from green in color to a straw or pale yellow-brown.
But there was nothing but the unrelieved monotony of dormant fields, no significant growth yet awakened by the spring.
I was five then, and had never been back, but I wanted to find that house, see if it would awake long dormant memories.
If private credit is not used or rejected, then the operation of law which imposes the irrecusable obligation lies dormant and cannot apply.
My jaw hit the floor when the results came back that I was carrying a dormant cystic fibrosis gene.
The Sun
China has recently revived maritime territorial claims that had been left dormant, and confronted the navies of other nations to assert those claims.
Times, Sunday Times
-- Captain A. Carlton, late of the Light Dragoons, has just succeeded to the title and estates of his great grandfather, the late Earl of Castlemere, which title had lain dormant for several years, in consequence of the only son of the late nobleman never having assumed the title, and died in obscurity abroad, and we, learn that the new Earl is about to lead to the hymenial altar the beautiful Miss
Vellenaux A Novel
It has almost 30 other dormant accounts with at least 50,000 in them.
The Sun
The virus remains dormant in nerve tissue until activated.
2008 Arizona nondormant alfalfa, small grain variety brochures now available
Western Farm Press RSS Feed
Since plumerias are dormant and stored in garages and greenhouses for the winter, I would repot it in a larger container in spring.
The seeds of bristly sarsaparilla, currant, and soapberry lie dormant in the soil and germinate only after being burned; ecologists call the process ‘seed banking.’
Slow firing dormant ion-lights, we rotate counter-clockwise, along the azimuth, putting the Milky Way at our back, shaving seconds per meter off the tumble of our outbound trajectory.
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Part two is main theories about the identification of dormant partners' shareholder qualification.
But all the warnings served only to stir emotions that had been dormant for so long.
Times, Sunday Times
The hair-growth cycle consists of growth, regression (the hair falls out, destroying the lower part of the follicle), rest (the follicle is dormant), and re-initiation of growth (the follicle repairs itself and grows a new hair).
Archive 2006-02-26
There's just enough time to buy provisions for the journey before the long dormant sleeper train pulls up.
In thickly settled nations, with few dormant resources, a long war usually produces industrial disorganization and financial exhaustion.
If not, however, he's definitely tapped into powers that have been long dormant in design.
Within ten to thirty days between twenty to fifty new plants begin to develop from the dormant buds on the rhizome.
The thick of winter is here and the no-longer-dormant Knicks are finally chasing something better than a ping-pong ball.
Knicks Suddenly Doing the Kicking
The subsoil is a store of inert fertility that should not remain dormant.
Crops and Methods for Soil Improvement
They produce numerous biological effects including promotion of leaf senescence and abscission, stomatal closure, inhibition of root growth, and germination of non-dormant seeds.
Tubercle bacilli can remain dormant for years before producing active disease.
China has recently revived maritime territorial claims that had been left dormant, and confronted the navies of other nations to assert those claims.
Times, Sunday Times
I think that Alison's portrait reactivates this dormant aspect of Trafalgar Square.
So long as those auxin signals move out from the growing tips, few - if any - of the dormant buds on the plant will open up and begin to grow.
Running down each side of the valley are mountain peaks dotted with dormant volcanoes.
The bigleaf and oakleaf varieties bloom on last year's, nonblooming growth, while the pannicle and smooth varieties bloom on this year's growth, so pruning the dormant stems takes careful examination before cutting back.
After your roses become dormant in the fall, protect them from severe freezing weather by piling a mound of soil over the canes.
By revitalizing the oft-dormant offense, McNair once again legitimized the Ravens as Super Bowl contenders.
NFL season rewind: Team MVPs
If I were the president of a university I should establish a compulsory course in "How to Use Your Eyes". The professor would try to show his pupils how they could add joy to their lives by really seeing what passes unnoticed before them. He would try to awake their dormant and sluggish faculties.
Sentiments will run deep awakening dormant feelings that were thought to be successfully repressed.
The spectabalis may go dormant in the heat of summer, although some dicentra will hold their foliage.
A whopping bed of bleeding hearts almost made me drive off the side of the road « Sugar Creek Gardens’ Blog
The site went dormant until this week, when it relaunched as a tool offered exclusively to law enforcement officials and ‘intelligence agencies’.
Snow lying on a flat field is fairly dormant, but snow lying on a slope is inherently alive, thanks to the pull of gravity.
It might be something you've always wanted to do but lies dormant inside you, either forgotten or unexplored.
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This championship has seen a re-emergence of an attacking game long dormant, but there have been worrying signs too.
Times, Sunday Times
The effects of an earthquake can be felt hundreds of miles from the epicentre and are powerful enough to wake dormant volcanoes.
Times, Sunday Times
But if Obama doesn't do something to address the debt problems homeowners and the financial system face, the housing market will lie dormant for years, the economy will crawl along anemically for decades and Obama himself may join the ranks of the unemployed in 2012.
John R. Talbott: How Obama Can Fix the Housing Market and the Economy
The term latent typically refers to something that is dormant, not observable, or not yet realized.
Business Wire Travel News
The buds are already dormant within the bulbs and the difference in size will affect the size of the flower.
It might be something you've always wanted to do but lies dormant inside you, either forgotten or unexplored.
BE YOUR BEST: How Anyone can become Fit, Healthy and Confident
Seeds of some species do not germinate when placed under conditions normally regarded as favourable to germination and are said to be dormant.
The long-dormant volcano has recently shown signs of erupting.
The internet has made available all types of sick and demented images that feed certain desires that would otherwise lay dormant in a person who is prone to becoming a sex offender. Minimal Human Decency Abridged
“Though we talk of the progress that the race has made in learning and enlightenment,” he wrote, “it is alarming to notice … how germs which men deem dead really lurk dormant for ages, and then develop themselves with startling rapidity when they find the proper menstruum”:
A Furnace Afloat
However, it is also a fundamental step in the transition of tumors from a dormant state to a malignant one.
And this means that lazy gardeners have been given extra time to transplant deciduous trees and shrubs since they are still dormant.
The Sun
At least there was an escape route, just in case I felt the dormant volcano erupting.
If I were the president of a university I should establish a compulsory course in "How to Use Your Eyes". The professor would try to show his pupils how they could add joy to their lives by really seeing what passes unnoticed before them. He would try to awake their dormant and sluggish faculties.
Recent research has indicated that the disease can lie dormant for up to 40 years before symptoms show.
Home to the world's largest dormant volcano, Haleakala, the park offers hiking and horseback riding trails and sweeping views.
Experts say such wells can repressurize, much like a dormant volcano can awaken.
Gulf Awash In 27,000 Abandoned Oil And Gas Wells
Currently a third of the world's population carry the bacillus, albeit in a dormant form.
Space probes parked in orbit round the sun might lie dormant yet intact for an immense period of time.
The case had been long dormant for years.
Dormant dahlia tubers can be potted up this month to get them going before planting out in May or June.
Snowdrops hate having their roots disturbed, but dividing them in spring allows their roots to recover and gives the leaves time to feed the bulb before they become dormant later in summer.
If I were the president of a university I should establish a compulsory course in "How to Use Your Eyes". The professor would try to show his pupils how they could add joy to their lives by really seeing what passes unnoticed before them. He would try to awake their dormant and sluggish faculties.
If the disease lay dormant for just over twelve months and only sprang into action at the hint of uncharismatic but otherwise cool presidential candidates.
Objective : To discuss the clinic characteristic of the dormant sclera rupture.
Seeds of some species do not germinate when placed under conditions normally regarded as favourable to germination and are said to be dormant.
Here the enzyme lays dormant until non-toxic drugs, called prodrugs, are given.
All seedlings were dormant in December and had flushed in May.
The big challenge clinicians deal with now in this country when treating HIV patients is keeping the virus locked in a dormant state," Janice Clements, professor of molecular and comparative pathobiology at the Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine, said in a news release.
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Seeds of winter annuals are often dormant at maturity.
Je l'ai eteint en dormant et ne me suis reveillé qu'à 19h00 a cause d'une affreuse odeur de cassoulet a la graisse d'oie que mon pere etait en train de préparer.
Pinku-tk Diary Entry
The worm is now poised to emerge from its dormant phase and begin to spread rapidly by colonising more machines and sites.
Symptoms can lie dormant for 70 years and there is no cure for virtually all cases of mesothelioma, which affects the lining of the lung.
Resting cysts represent a dormant stage in which normal life processes are greatly reduced.
Tame your hair into dreads and don't wash so it eventually reaches the state where it cleans and takes care of itself and washing it would only stir up the dormant dandruff, and cause unnecessary frizz.
This is because the bear market '' assumedly '' has time left to run, after which it will normally remain dormant awhile, then slowly build up to a new bull market, all of which takes time.
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At first I was confused, then euphoric; in both cases my conscience was dormant.
Lassen Peak is semi-active; Mount Rainier is dormant;
The Book of the National Parks
After being shot in the head while leaving the square, his mind is imprisoned in a dormant body, condemned to relive his formative experiences.
Times, Sunday Times
They enjoy a well-drained soil and will stay in leaf until about May, when they die down and lie dormant until the following autumn.
There are more reminders of the past on the hiking trails that weave their way around and up to the dormant volcano.
Times, Sunday Times
According to them we can only know something of God by means of the vital immanence, that is, under favourable circumstances the need of the Divine dormant in our subconsciousness becomes conscious and arouses that religious feeling or experience in which God reveals himself to us (see MODERNISM).
The Catholic Encyclopedia, Volume 14: Simony-Tournon
Once present, it is easily spread through seed dispersal – its seeds can remain viable for up to two years and buried seeds can stay dormant for up to 20 years – and as a result of its allelopathic character.
Invasive alien species and development challenges in Africa
By day three we weren't speaking, after a full and frank discussion over a late-night drink revealed seething resentments that had been dormant for years (apparently I'd once hurt her feelings by questioning her choice of new carpet in her front room - well who on earth has shagpile these days?).
The summit of dormant volcano Mauna Kea is home to the world's largest astronomical observatory and most powerful telescope.
Later, however, the parasite can emerge from its dormant state to strike when a patient's immune system is weakened.
The banks have conducted two internal audits and come up with about $ 30 million in dormant accounts.
Because such diseases can lie dormant for 40 years before symptoms appear, many more cases are expected to surface.
It has almost 30 other dormant accounts with at least 50,000 in them.
The Sun
If the soil doesn't freeze where you live, fall is the best time of year to sow seed for a new lawn, to repair bare spots in an old lawn, or to overseed a dormant summer lawn.
Protect your turf: Late season lawn care
Dormant pruning of grapevines can be done at any time between leaf drop in the fall to budbreak in the spring.
Now, the recipe calls for the starter to be "unfed" but I think if you are like me and you have a dormant starter i.e. a starter that hasn't been baked with in a while You will want to feed it at least once before using it just to wake it up.
Bread Baking Babes - Pane Francese
Prune the flowering side shoots to two to three buds above the structural canes during the dormant season.
Place them in a dark, cool cellar where they will dry out and become dormant.
Not having written for pleasure since university, I felt as if I was reconnecting with an important part of myself, which had lain dormant for far too long.
On camera, he frequently looked like a dormant volcano.
Times, Sunday Times
It was at that point, according to court papers, that his alleged spy career went dormant.
There is also a dormant pool of 15,000 qualified nurses in the country who are non-practising, according to a major research report published last month.
The two major pillars for revitalizing the dormant economy are corporate capital spending and private consumption.
Collect seeds from any flower that has a visible seed pod, which becomes obvious as the flowers stop blooming and go dormant in summer or fall.
By contrast, shallow-rooted grasses like bluegrass need plenty of water or go dormant and brown in summer.
The offence remained relatively dormant throughout the third quarter and only gained one point through a punt.
The dormant period is another stage in the life cycle of the plant.
Both can be grown from hardwood cuttings taken when the plants are dormant.
The Sun
Winter is the ideal time to install it, as plants are dormant.
It lay dormant for more than a century, until peace activists, suffragists and labor leaders of the teens, twenties and thirties breathed life into its words with their fiery speeches and broadsides.
Older trees are less subject to sun scald because the thicker bark can insulate dormant tissue from the sun's heat ensuring the tissue will remain dormant and cold hardy.
In winter when the plant is fully dormant.
The Sun
"Renal disease tends to lie dormant and often symptoms don't become apparent until it's too late, " he warned.
In Pre-Christian times, when everything else was brown and dormant in winter, people used evergreen plants to decorate their dwellings as a reminder that life would return to the landscape in spring.
The only explanation seems to be there must have been a white gene in my family that has remained dormant for years.
The Sun
But not all shrubs have dormant buds, and these shrubs won't grow new twigs if pruned too severely.
But he noted that other parts of the world have plenty of dormant volcanoes, including France and Germany.
It's there in the white-clad high priest presiding in the temple at the summit of a dormant volcano.
The latest generation of Nife cells can lie dormant for months, even years, and still spring smartly to attention when called on to do their duty.
Woolf identified in her an essential womanliness which activated the ardent and romantic side of his personality, hitherto almost entirely dormant.
It's extraordinary how we go through life with eyes half shut, with dull ears, with dormant thoughts. Perhaps it’s just as well; and it may be that it is this very dullness that makes life to the incalculable majority so supportable and so welcome. Joseph Conrad
The virus remains dormant in nerve tissue until activated.
By this time many cells will have been infected and the virus will lie dormant throughout the body.
Times, Sunday Times
This technique is more reliable than tetrazolium chloride for this species, because some deeply dormant viable seeds show minimal staining with tetrazolium.
A human thirst for revenge, long dead, awakened in dormant parts of the brainstem.
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The system is designed to send vibrations to sensitive parts of the driver's body, and it could excite feelings in them that have long lain dormant.
Once fire was reintroduced, the dormant seeds germinated and grew on the newly revitalized habitat.
Diabetes mellitus, chronic renal failure and cirrhosis of the liver seem to predispose the activation to disease of the otherwise dormant latent infection.
Popular-yet-dormant brands, and tried and tested formulae are revived and revisited all the time.
It's extraordinary how we go through life with eyes half shut, with dull ears, with dormant thoughts. Perhaps it’s just as well; and it may be that it is this very dullness that makes life to the incalculable majority so supportable and so welcome. Joseph Conrad
The fall-winter wheat pasture produced by dual-purpose wheat is a valuable source of high-quality forage when perennial pastures are dormant.
We had some windows where the market was strong and some where it was dormant, but in totality, the quality and breadth were quite encouraging.
Wall Street Rides Wave of Stock, Bond Rallies
The immune system either kills the germs, or "walls off" the TB bacilli where they can lie dormant for years.
The term dormant volcano is applied during the period between eruptions to those volcanoes thought to be potentially active.
In contemporary cricket, one force reckoned to be a dormant volcano is erupting now.
I "republished" this in soc. politics, which has been dormant lately.
April 1st, 2007
The pupae remain dormant in the soil until they emerge as adult moths in the winter.
One could liken it to a dormant volcano, asleep for now but all the while bubbling with life beneath the surface; ready to erupt at any time.
Haleakala, the dormant volcano reaching to 10,023 feet, is home to ‘Science City’, a research facility and observatory.
Glutamyl peptidase activity has been detected in leaves, roots, and bulbs of growing onions, but not in dormant bulbs of variety Southport White Globe.
The pupae remain dormant in the soil until they emerge as adult moths in the winter.
Many living things are dormant in winter.
Whenever he came into a new territory, he established what he called his chamber of claims, a most convenient device, by which he inquired whether the conquered country or province had any dormant or disputed claimsany cause of complaintany unsettled demand upon any other state or provinceupon which he might wage war upon such state, thereby discover again ground for new devastation, and gratify his ambition by new acquisitions.
IV. On the Refusal to Negotiate with France
Plants are dormant and deciduous ones will have lost their leaves so there is a clear view of what needs to be done.
Insects possess a biological clock that programmes the insect's growth,reproduction and dormant periods.
During the winter the seeds lie dormant in the soil.
For example, the air-breathing lungfishes Protopterus amphibious and P. annectens can survive in a dormant state for over a year in cocoons underneath dried mud.
Biological diversity in the coastal forests of Eastern Africa
The idea remained dormant for more than 25 years until Miller dusted it off and tried it on.
Pregnant heifers were rotated on native range pastures during the dormant season.
Steward claims she would not have been able to compete in the marathon without the crystal to awaken her dormant mind power.
What this clip shows is that it with a submissive rhetoric you can be mock racist but, there's such a internal reaction about anti-semitism because a majority of the world "who are silent anti-semitics" have not yet been submissive and admitted to it, as nationalties apologised or confronted the reality unlike the resolution process that has occured with racism in general, Jews still have this issue to resolve, Little Britain reminds us that we still owe a debt to Judaism and it's world citizens, for the anti-semitism which lays dormant and unspoke in every area from government to boardroom, from the work place to the classromm, from the media to our homes, if as they have proved it is more uncomfortable an issue it is an issue that is yet to be resolved and Little Britain just reminded everybody.
Aish Weekly Articles
Reaching into the past, it must recall words that will fire up the cell cycle and motivate the dormant; billing and cooing, it must recruit and educate the immature.
Many likened the situation to a dormant volcano that may erupt violently if matters are left unresolved.
His work lay dormant for many years
Clause 86 will remain dormant until the government chooses to enact it by order-in-council.
Bill C-27 debate ‘alternately predictable, bizarre’
This championship has seen a re-emergence of an attacking game long dormant, but there have been worrying signs too.
Times, Sunday Times
If I were the president of a university I should establish a compulsory course in "How to Use Your Eyes". The professor would try to show his pupils how they could add joy to their lives by really seeing what passes unnoticed before them. He would try to awake their dormant and sluggish faculties.
Diabetes mellitus, chronic renal failure and cirrhosis of the liver seem to predispose the activation to disease of the otherwise dormant latent infection.
The firm's court-appointed receiver, Lee Richards, said the move "greatly reduced" the assets of the company, which he described as a dormant entity with no clients that served solely as a proprietary trading unit, Bloomberg reports.
Bobsguide News
Jan 09, 2009 | not rated yet | no comments yet A new study sheds light on a little understood biological process called quiescence, which enables blood-forming stem cells to exist in a dormant or inactive state in which they are not growing or dividing. - latest science and technology news stories
Maybe the burning channeled a pyromania that exists in everyone but is usually dormant.
When you get chickenpox, the virus lies dormant, tucked away in a nerve root.
TB is a condition which progresses slowly and can lay dormant for months.
The dormant cells tend to take up more energy in the form of glycogen than healthy cells.
Times, Sunday Times
During the winter the seeds lie dormant in the soil.
In 1996 the log shafts had been replaced by concrete caissons, but the mine was essentially dormant.
Quince and mulberries can be started from hardwood or greenwood - pencil-thin tree cuttings from the dormant or nondormant fruit tree.
SFGate: Top News Stories
But my doctor says the virus can lie dormant for years.
The Sun
Some tumors will grow to a certain size and become relatively dormant.
Nor had those antagonistic forces been dormant, which are always at work wearing down the surface of the land; the great piles of strata had been intersected by many wide valleys, and the trees, now changed into silex, were exposed projecting from the volcanic soil, now changed into rock, whence formerly, in a green and budding state, they had raised their lofty heads.
Journal of researches into the geology and natural history of the various countries visited by H.M.S. Beagle
If I were the president of a university I should establish a compulsory course in "How to Use Your Eyes". The professor would try to show his pupils how they could add joy to their lives by really seeing what passes unnoticed before them. He would try to awake their dormant and sluggish faculties.
Her talent might have lain dormant had it not been for her aunt's encouragement.
Insurers and other companies that fail to find the owners of dormant accounts or uncashed paychecks eventually turn those funds over to the state with the last known address for the person, usually after two to five years.
What Do Jolie and Giuliani Have in Common? Unclaimed Funds
I live under the shadow of Mount Taranaki in New Zealand, a dormant but certainly not dead volcano.
Al Gore on C-Span « Climate Audit
Poa bulbosa becomes dormant quite early in the growth season, well before the end of the rainy period.
* Canceled the dormant Route 460 PPTA process, and are in the process of evaluating 3 new proposals for the critical congestion reducing and emergency and military preparedness project;
More than oil and natural gas – McDonnell admin has more plans for transportation projects and funding
Second, work on most species of trees, especially broadleaves, is best done in winter when the leaves are off and the tree is dormant.
Ticks that can lay dormant for decade underground and, catching a whiff of your carbon dioxide, emerge to suck you dry.
Between the river and the mountains was a landscape of dormant vegetation overlaying a flysch zone of sandstone.
The Plains of Passage
It was a mineralogical oasis in the land of cotton and corn, a swath of hard, jagged terrain through central Alabama whose riches lay dormant for thousands of years.
As far as UCD is concerned, I see it as nothing more except one of many helper tool's/mechanism's to induce and "activate" the next dormant prescribed "blueprint".
Behe, Common Descent, & UD
A harsher critic would have gone for the jugular and claimed that this was a blunt reiteration of those dormant adolescent prejudices.
Kukicha: Also called winter tea, kukicha is made from twigs and old leaves pruned from the tea plant during its dormant season and dry-roasted over a fire.
All about Tea