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How To Use Doric In A Sentence

  • There's the Parthenon, built in 446 B.C., with its colonnade of Doric columns extending around the periphery of the entire structure.
  • Theodoric, and the professions of his successor, in Procopius, The History of the Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire
  • It is an amphiprostyle tetrastyle Doric temple of poros.
  • Sansovino could have designed a rusticated flat arch for the herms to carry, or even a simple Tuscan entablature without metopes and triglyphs, but instead he chose the Doric.
  • _Eugenia malaccensis_; the santol (santor), _Sandóricum indicum_. The Philippine Islands, 1493-1803 — Volume 05 of 55 1582-1583 Explorations by Early Navigators, Descriptions of the Islands and Their Peoples, Their History and Records of the Catholic Missions, as Related in Contemporaneous Books and Manuscripts, Showing
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  • Despite their creativity - whether in modifying Egyptian and Near Eastern forms, or inventing the Doric and Ionic orders of architecture - Greek artists worked in established genres.
  • A more elaborate Doric capital of white marble, with flutes on the necking, is stored west of the building, to the west of the marble throne in room A.
  • Boethius became magister officiorum under Theodoric in about 520.
  • Let the front of a Doric temple, at the place where the columns are put up, be divided, if it is to be tetrastyle, into twenty-seven parts; if hexastyle, into forty-two. The Ten Books on Architecture
  • In the drawing for the full composition, the personification of architecture holds a model of a structure with Doric columns.
  • There is certainly something in this account of Theodoric's death which suggests the idea of arsenical poisoning. Theodoric the Goth Barbarian Champion of Civilisation
  • The former asylum opened in 1816 is a stately quadrangular building of stone with pillars of the Doric order.
  • Alberti was particularly interested in Vitruvius' use of columns (Doric, Ionic, and Corinthian) and arches to express social status and power.
  • [244] Sanctor is called santol (Sandoricum indicum -- Cavanilles), in History of the Philippine Islands
  • Corinthian columns have bases, which Doric columns have not, "and notes that the word"'unshaken' implies that the column itself had fallen, but the base remains. The Works of Lord Byron. Vol. 2
  • Work out for yourself the differences between Corinthian, Ionic and Doric orders.
  • They realised the necessity of compelling barbarians and provincials alike to respect the elementary rights of person and property; Theodoric the Ostrogoth and Gundobad the Burgundian were the authors of new criminal codes, in the one case mainly, in the other partially, derived from Roman jurisprudence. Medieval Europe
  • At least concerning medial positions, Bailey notes in Essays on time-based linguistic analysis (1996), p. 302, fn.4 (see link): "The [tšː] that one might expect in Attic comes from *tw (τϝ) as well as from *ky [cy]; this is found in Attic, Boeotian, Cretan, and some Euboean lects, while other lects (especially Ionic and Doric) had already moved on to σσ [šː]. Fat porkers get sacrificed
  • A Latin edict of Theodoric is still extant, in one hundred and fifty-four articles. The History of the Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire
  • It was, moreover, immeasurably superior to the classic attempts of the architects of the middle Georgian period, who, carried away by the enthusiasm awakened by the perusal of the newly-published "Antiquities" of Stuart and Revett, attempted to adapt Doric porticos, hexastyle, octostyle, etc., to modern domestic architecture. Lippincott's Magazine, November 1885
  • On Bloor Street alone, between Borden and Lansdowne, there were seven nabes: the Bloor, Midtown, Alhambra, Kenwood, Paradise, Metro and Doric.
  • It is built of Portland stone, and is adorned with a beautiful portico in the centre, consisting of four Doric columns supporting an enriched entablature, decorated with a group of figures in alto-relievo, representing Hibernia and Britannia presenting emblems of peace and liberty. Three Years in Europe Places I Have Seen and People I Have Met
  • The like exercise out of Dorica lingua may be also vsed, if a man take that litle booke of Plato, Timæus Locrus, de Animo et natura, which is written Dorice, and turne it into soch Greeke, as Plato vseth in other workes. The Scholemaster
  • The jargon partook of every accent and intonation the empire boasts of; and from the sharp precision of the North Tweeder to the broad doric of Kerry, every portion, almost every county, of Great Britain had its representative. Charles O'Malley — Volume 1
  • There is a fine old Doric beauty, too, about the padlock and scraper, which is strictly in keeping with the general effect. Sketches by Boz
  • He could have designed a rusticated flat arch for the herms to carry, or even a simple Tuscan entablature without metopes and triglyphs, but instead he chose the Doric.
  • This new temple had the same Doric tetrastyle amphiprostyle plan as the subsequent one.
  • Hercules, Doric order appropriate to, 15; site of temple of, 31; cellae of temple of, 53; The Ten Books on Architecture
  • One the most delightful doric temple of Greece, the Temple of Aphaia is located a top the pine-clad Mesagro hill on the northeast end of the island and it is encircled by excellent views of the saronic gulf and the surrounding area. Recently Uploaded Slideshows
  • Morgan here says you find the abacus between the triglyphs in the frieze section of the entablature of classical Greek Doric temples.
  • Corinthian columns, composed either of the Doric proportions or according to the Ionic usages; for the Corinthian order never had any scheme peculiar to itself for its cornices or other ornaments, but may have mutules in the coronae and guttae on the architraves according to the triglyph system of the Doric style, or, according to Ionic practices, it may be arranged with a frieze adorned with sculptures and accompanied with dentils and coronae. The Ten Books on Architecture
  • The second epitrite was considered the most distinctly Doric. Critical and Historical Essays Lectures delivered at Columbia University
  • Hope's rather scratchy sketch shows the western end of the gallery with two Greek Doric columns framing a view of the organ.
  • Until the original Doric column was conceived and built, all temple pillars had been trees, and the fluted stone, with its foliate embellishment below the roof, audaciously mimicked them. Wildwood
  • Its most prominent feature is a projecting central pavilion with a pediment and four Doric columns.
  • The Doric qualities of his work are becoming recognized also, and he is being read, as he has always been read by his true disciples -- so not inappropriately to name those who have come under his graver spell -- not merely as a _prosateur_ of purple patches, or a sophist of honeyed counsels tragically easy to misapply, but as an artist of the interpretative imagination of rare insight and magic, a writer of deep humanity as well as aesthetic beauty, and the teacher of Vanishing Roads and Other Essays
  • It was said, for instance, that Kingsley ought not to have called Odoacer and Theodoric, Kings of Italy, as they were only lieutenants of the Roman and the Teuton
  • It was, moreover, immeasurably superior to the classic attempts of the architects of the middle Georgian period, who, carried away by the enthusiasm awakened by the perusal of the newly-published "Antiquities" of Stuart and Revett, attempted to adapt Doric porticos, hexastyle, octostyle, etc., to modern domestic architecture. Lippincott's Magazine, November 1885
  • The interior of Syon Hall has a Doric order with high attic and flat-beamed ceiling.
  • The temple is rendered in the abbreviated form, usual in vase paintings, consisting of a Doric column and architrave.
  • If the women refer to the Ionic of the piano nobile above them, then the Zecca doorway with its herms suggests the mixture of rustic and Doric orders of the first floor of the mint.
  • The Greek Doric column has no base. Its massive shaft, generally treated with 20 flutes, terminates in a simple capital composed of a group of annulets.
  • The simplicity of the original Doric baseless column even became the focal point in any discussion on the excellence of Greek art.
  • This is one of the most successful small classical buildings of its period, with a widely spaced Roman Doric hemicycle, and a copper roof with a bulbous finial for the clock.
  • Then Theodoric sat down and began to unbrace his adversary's armour; and while he was doing this, Queen Chriemhild came into the hall with a blazing torch, which she thrust into the mouth of one after another of the prostrate warriors, her brothers, to see if they were already dead, and to slay them if they were still living. Theodoric the Goth Barbarian Champion of Civilisation
  • Theodoric's Statue was written soon after the poet's arrival at Aachen in 829.
  • The Archaic temple had the same Doric tetrastyle amphiprostyle plan as the subsequent one.
  • Justin I in Constantinople was an orthodox Christian whereas Theodoric was an Arian.
  • Sansovino could have designed a rusticated flat arch for the herms to carry, or even a simple Tuscan entablature without metopes and triglyphs, but instead he chose the Doric.
  • Identical north and south entrances featured one-story porticoes supported by massive Greek Doric columns, each carved from a single shaft of sandstone.
  • They came from the Parthenon, which marks the highest pinnacle of classical Doric architecture.
  • [2996] Amphilochius's doubt may have arisen from the fact that phagos, the Doric form of phegos, the esculent oak of Homer, is oxytone. NPNF2-08. Basil: Letters and Select Works
  • This constant oscillation in the reading of figure-ground is heightened further by the memory of the trabeated system to which the Doric columns allude.
  • The house has a fine pedimented front with doric columns flanking a recessed porch. Times, Sunday Times
  • The bracketed shelf above the door was probably a later addition, as were the Doric columns flanking the sidelights.
  • Witness his explanation of the Italian mode of reckoning the hours of the day, as growing out of the Italian climate; of the obelisk of Egypt, as growing out of a common natural fracture in the granite parallelopiped in Upper Egypt; of the Doric architecture, and the Uncollected Prose
  • The Doric architrave framing the door and the carved cornice are both wood.
  • It had a red brick (not brownstone) facade, which reflected longstanding Greek revival traditions, and the front doorway was flanked by Doric pilasters supporting a triglyph-adorned entablature.
  • Odoricus fui ibi per tres annos, et multotiens in istis festis suis fui, quià nos fratres minores in sua curia habemus locum nobis deputatum, et oportet nos semper ire, et dare sibi nostram benedictionem: et inquisiui ab illis de curia, de numero illorum qui sunt in curia domini, et responderunt mihi quod de histrionibus sunt bene 18. The Journal of Friar Odoric
  • It is unclear whether Alcmaeon wrote in the Doric dialect of Croton or in the Ionic Greek of the first Presocratics.
  • Magnificent Greek Doric temples abounded in the latter and a full spectrum of Doric, Ionic, and Corinthian style was allowed to flourish on the Aegian coast.
  • VViaC nowc rcmaineth to the paffion of Chrift, but to be anexampkof redempti6, whereby wc may learne to be our owne redcmersPChrift himfelfc, when in the Supper he fealeth the confidence of pardon, doth not bid bis difciplcs to fticke in that doings, but fendeth them away to*he facrifice of his death: lignifying that the Supper is a mo - nimcnt or memoriall (as the common fpech is) whereby they may Icarnc that the fatisfadoric denfing facrifice, by which the Father was to be appeafed, muft haue bene offred but ones. The institution of christian religion
  • The biggest is over eight feet in girth, with an enormous open hollowed bolling like a madly exaggerated cartoon of a Doric column. Wildwood
  • Let the front of a Doric temple, at the place where the columns are put up, be divided, if it is to be tetrastyle, into twenty-seven parts; if hexastyle, into forty-two. The Ten Books on Architecture
  • In ancient Greek, there were three main styles in architecture, they are: The Doric style, the Ionic style and the Corinthian style.
  • Each of the four straight arches is flanked on either side by an engaged Doric column and surmounted by an entablature.
  • Open House London Close to St. James Park is the normally off-limits Victorian-era Foreign Office and Indian Office complex, whose highlight—the dazzling Italy-meets-India Durbar Court—is a three-story riot of Doric and Ionic columns capped by a magnificently frescoed vaulted ceiling. Open House
  • Arch; pediment; Ionic, Doric and Corinthian columns; ornamental motifs such as dentils and scrolls; and types of roofs such as mansard, pyramidal, domed and gabled.
  • The truth is that Doric is simply in speech the vernacular and in writing the demotic.
  • `I didn't realize Archimedes spoke in the Doric ," I smiled. THREE KINDS OF KISSING - SCOTTISH SHORT STORIES
  • The imposing entrance portico supported by six fluted Doric columns was probably the first exercise in classicism in Deadwood.
  • You find the abacus between the triglyphs in the frieze section of the entablature of classical Greek Doric temples.
  • Close to St. James Park is the normally off-limits Victorian-era Foreign Office and Indian Office complex, whose highlight—the dazzling Italy-meets-India Durbar Court—is a three-story riot of Doric and Ionic columns capped by a magnificently frescoed vaulted ceiling. Come in, We're Open
  • Liber Sacramentorum" of Ratoldus, of the tenth century, likewise contains numerous blessings; but the most complete benedictional is that found in two manuscripts (Nos. 62, 63) of the monastery of St. Theodoric, near Reims, written about 900. The Catholic Encyclopedia, Volume 2: Assizes-Browne
  • In general Theodoric continued Odovacar's policy, substituting Ostrogoths for Odovacar's Germans, and assigning one-third of the Roman estates (as Odovacar had probably done) to his own people. D. The Ostrogoths in Italy
  • The Ionic Order is quite similar to the Doric; it consists of the three steps, stereobate and stylobate.
  • A more elaborate Doric capital of white marble, with flutes on the necking, is stored west of the building, to the west of the marble throne in room A.
  • Ego autem Odoricus audiens factum et martyrium illorum fratrum, iui illuc, et corpora eorum effodi, et ossa omnia mecum accepi, et in pulchris towallijs colligaui, et in Indiam superiorem ad vnum locum fratrum nostrorum ea deportaui, habens mecum socium, et vnum famulum. The Journal of Friar Odoric
  • It was a peripteral octostyle, of the Doric order, with seventeen columns on the sides, each six feet two inches in diameter at the base, and thirty-four feet in height, elevated on three steps. The International Monthly Magazine, Volume 5, No. 1, January, 1852
  • The entasis of this skyscraper, like that of a Doric column, leads to a new kind of propositional beauty, one worked out digitally.
  • Beyond this point there is nothing of any special interest to arrest our attention, till we come to a considerable mass of ruins, consisting of broken Doric columns of peperino, part of a rough mosaic floor and brick pavement, and fragments of walls lined with tufa squares in the _opus reticulatum_ pattern. Roman Mosaics Or, Studies in Rome and Its Neighbourhood
  • Evidence for this interpretation comes from the representation of a hexastyle Doric temple dedicated to the Gens Iulia on an issue of Corinthian bronze coins struck during the reign of Tiberius in A.D.32 / 3 or 33 / 4.
  • It was in the Doric style, peripteral and hypethral, and raised upon three steps.
  • Painted by Lippo and not Simone, the Guidoriccio remains a superb work of art and a glorious monument to Siena's Golden Age.
  • This Doric temple was created in the Peloponnese in the middle or later seventh century.
  • The exultant father, from his place in the Senate, expressed his thanks to Theodoric in an oration of panegyric, which is now no longer extant, but was considered by contemporaries a masterpiece of brilliant rhetoric. Theodoric the Goth Barbarian Champion of Civilisation
  • The portico was composed of two superimposed arcades carried on sixteen piers faced with an engaged trabeated system, Doric below and Ionic above, based on the Theater of Marcellus, a play on Cervini's first name.
  • Also during the late republican or early imperial period, the sanctuary of the Doric semicolumns was equipped with a new temple, Temple K was rebuilt, and a tetrastyle temple was constructed over some Punic and late Republican houses; this last may be the Capitolium, erected in conjunction with the city's elevation to municipal status.
  • Three narrow chambers side by side formed a cella nearly square in plan, preceded by a hexastyle porch of huge Doric, or rather Tuscan, columns arranged in three aisles, widely spaced and carrying ponderous wooden architraves. A Text-Book of the History of Architecture Seventh Edition, revised
  • The emergence of the Greek revival style is evidenced by the rear piazza, which was supported by four Roman Doric columns, each hewn from a solid log.
  • The doric-pillared portico entrance leads to a hallway with modern lighting, artwork and ornate corniced ceilings. Times, Sunday Times
  • The mausoleum of Theodoric, a decagonal structure, covered with a great monolith thirty-six feet in diameter, is the monument that reveals Roman art in its purest form, at once austere and graceful. The Catholic Encyclopedia, Volume 12: Philip II-Reuss
  • A massive pediment with entablature is supported by four Roman Doric columns on granite bases.
  • It consisted of Doric columns, around an open area, forming an ample portico for this purpose, whilst under it were arranged _cellae_, or apartments, amongst which were a soap manufactory, oil mill, corn mill, and prison. A History of Pantomime
  • We set Hector and Fred up in a nice temple with Doric columns and rich Corinthian leather, and a supply of virgins of proper genetic makeup, selected with an eye (and a tape measure) toward their “group differences” are first hectored by Hector about having children, and then quickly whicked over to the inner chamber, where Fred is waiting to make those “group differences” even greater. Matthew Yglesias » Jessica Valenti on Anti-Feminists and So-Called “Hook-up Culture”
  • Justin I in Constantinople was an orthodox Christian whereas Theodoric was an Arian.
  • Theodoric killed Odovacar with his own hands and had his troops massacred. D. The Ostrogoths in Italy
  • In the Doric frieze above, six of the roundels decorating the metopes display figural reliefs that are very hard to decipher in the gloom into which the door is plunged by the barrel vault above.
  • This famous building, originally painted in gold, red and blue, achieves the classical Greek sense of harmony and illustrates the three orders of Greek columns: Doric, Ionic and Corinthian.
  • The Doric entablature the herms carry on their hairy heads provided Sansovino with metopes that he could fill with figural sculpture.
  • The former asylum opened in 1816 is a stately quadrangular building of stone with pillars of the Doric order.
  • This is one of the most successful small classical buildings of its period, with a widely spaced Roman Doric hemicycle, and a copper roof with a bulbous finial for the clock.
  • In the Doric frieze above, six of the roundels decorating the metopes display figural reliefs that are very hard to decipher in the gloom into which the door is plunged by the barrel vault above.
  • Santol Sandoricum koetjape: Although a native of Laos, Cambodia and Malaysia, santol has spread all throughout the Philippines and Tagum has an abundance of it. Archive 2005-07-01
  • Therefore, the precise provenances and functions of the two Doric capitals found in this building (parts of colonnades, supports for benches, or material for the lime kiln?) must remain indeterminate.
  • This Doric temple was created in the Peloponnese in the middle or later seventh century.
  • The lofty portico and four tall graceful white columns of the kind called Doric, smooth and featureless as telephone poles. I'LL TAKE YOU THERE
  • Sansovino could have designed a rusticated flat arch for the herms to carry, or even a simple Tuscan entablature without metopes and triglyphs, but instead he chose the Doric.
  • There were three types of columns, which were Doric, Ionic, and Corinthian.
  • We know the Doric mood sounds gravity and sobriety; the Lydian, buxomness and freedom; the Æolic, sweet stillness and quiet composure; the Phrygian, jollity and youthful levity; the Ionic is a stiller of storms and disturbances arising from passion; and why may we not reasonably suppose, that those whose speech naturally runs into the notes peculiar to any of these moods, are likewise in nature hereunto congenerous? Curiosities of Literature, Vol. 1 (of 3)
  • Above the cymatium of the lintel, place the frieze of the doorway, of the same height as the lintel, and having a Doric cymatium and Lesbian astragal carved upon it. The Ten Books on Architecture
  • The former asylum is a stately quadrangular building of stone with pillars of the Doric order.
  • It was in the Doric style, peripteral and hypethral, and raised upon three steps.

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