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How To Use Doppelganger In A Sentence

  • There are rose goblins and kelpies, doppelgangers and kitsune—and the variation is a wonderful thing to behold. Seanan_mcguire: Rosemary and reviews, with bonus party aftermath.
  • Our Olivia was impersonated and her doppelganger slept with the man she was in love with. Ask Matt: Is Modern Family the Best? Plus: Killing, Fringe and More!
  • Fafhrd is distracted with stargazing while Mouser is preoccupied by the smallest things - distractions that could spell their doom as doppelganger assassins are sent to kill them. REVIEW: Fritz Leiber: Selected Stories edited by Charles N. Brown and Jonathan Strahan
  • The answer, judging by last week's response to his modern-day doppelgänger, is that they would've embraced him even more warmly.
  • The doppelganger stands right behind its owner and always moves swiftly to dodge out of sight.
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  • Its doppelgänger among the desserts is the chocolate fundido, a sticky, spicy fondue of melted Oaxacan chocolate, served with a platter of cookies, churros, and fruit for dipping.
  • Why should your beloved canine doppelgänger be restricted to a life of culinary and sartorial monotony while you dine out, groom obsessively, and gussy yourself up all the livelong day?
  • During a heart to heart with Alli aka Jenifer Garner's doppelganger, Crazy Evil Michelle lurked in the shadows, in a long black dress, with ominous music in the background until she'd broken up the conversation. Tasha Gordon-Solmon: The Bachelor Week 3 Recap: Of Hand-Holding and Head Grabbing
  • So what happens if a winery produces both world-class Burgundian doppelgängers - Pinot Noir and Chardonnay (and throw in Riesling, too) - but is half a globe away?
  • Among other syndromes, they mentioned doppelgängers or subjective doubles.
  • And Mark Huddleston is not the only college figurehead with a doppelgänger. College presidents around USA impersonated on Twitter
  • 'The doppelgänger selves reflected in our media are a lot like, but not exactly, ourselves. Times, Sunday Times
  • This is a book in which a doppelganger of the old "Friday the 13th" villain Jason Vorhees, he of the hockey mask, appears again and again, like a totem, achieving a weirdly peaceful mythos by the end.
  • In the Dance section, both dancers cavort with foam-stuffed doppelganger dummies that allow them to dance with themselves or drag and pitch their partners into the wings.
  • Some lookalikes are hired to entertain at clubs and parties: they learn to sing like their doppelgänger so the crowd think they are getting the real thing. Times, Sunday Times
  • You did your best by suggesting that ‘John’ had a doppelgänger.
  • Could there be a doppelgänger, or a convincing mask? Times, Sunday Times
  • This phrase always intrigued Bob; as if the speaker could split herself in two, providing a doppelganger companion.
  • Here Lynch takes advantage of Lara Flynn Boyle's absence to cast Moira Kelly - a doppelganger Donna in a film rife with doubles.
  • Now Charles has a potential doppelgänger on this side of the Atlantic: a cute, mischievous little pug dog named Pugly.
  • I think what is most interesting about “Triptych” are the symbolic metaphors, doppelgangers and other worldly dimensions that intersperse throughout the cinematic reality we see. Current Movie Reviews, Independent Movies - Film Threat
  • In their earlier portfolios, such as those on German "Indians" and the world-wide doppelgangers of Brooklyn's Lubavitcher headquarters, there was a hint of irony. Gopnik's Daily Pic: Black Cowboys
  • She has a doppelgänger who locks her up.
  • As the novel unfolds, the opposed monologues of the mentor and his student betray these ‘co-conspirators in the story’ as grotesque doppelgängers, ‘partners in the performance.’
  • Has he had too many unconscious imitators or literary doppelgängers retroactively sapping his originality?
  • They'll visit young Abe's law office, stand in the crowd at the Lincoln-Douglas debates, and shuffle solemnly up to a coffin where a Lincoln doppelgänger lies in state.
  • The doppelgänger trees were duplicates of the eight-taxon focus tree with sites evolving at the same rates but independently of that tree.
  • Such similarity spells danger, for plantations of doppelganger bananas lack genetic diversity and are therefore at risk of succumbing to disease.
  • Could there be a doppelgänger, or a convincing mask? Times, Sunday Times
  • But it's a pretty fair guess that they'll give their Democratic doppelgänger a run for its money.
  • While it was sweet to have little TV doppelgängers with perfect teeth and long sideburns running around posing as us, it wasn't that fulfilling.
  • Did she look good, this doppelgänger? Times, Sunday Times
  • As its slyly punning title suggests, this 1999 documentary is Herzog's tribute to his doppelganger.
  • ‘Each actor had a different reaction to having his or her doppelgänger around,’ he says.
  •   "You getting snockered and I die of mortification, or you have a doppelganger and drown in the Bay of Spezia with Shelley? My Drifter Doppelganger
  • If the Doppelgänger is indeed gendered male, then it frequently embodies gender trouble for the masculine subject.
  • Gotta to agree with everyone else: hands down the best podcast on the 'net. rory mc great podcast, and in that pic Stephen a doppelganger for Hayden Christensen! The Tobolowsky Files Ep. 5 - The Middle Chapters | /Film
  • Her belletristic analysis of bin Laden as "the American president's dark doppelganger" crosses over into Sillyville. The Voices Of Dissent
  • By stepping through the reveal of Giacomo Rossi-Stuart's doppelgänger, I noticed that the green light that suddenly illuminates the side of his face flares up a beat or two after he turns to face the hero -- as if it was already on, waiting for a piece of cardboard to drop away, or a lighting "barndoor" to open and expose it. Archive 2007-01-28
  • His slow realizations of the genetic memories he shares with his sociopathic doppelgänger move the plot along in a not entirely conventional way.
  • Their debut album Doppelganger, which was written and recorded in just three months, is out on Monday.
  • Some lookalikes are hired to entertain at clubs and parties: they learn to sing like their doppelgänger so the crowd think they are getting the real thing. Times, Sunday Times
  • Nestled deep within the human brain lies a pair of small, almond-shaped structures that bear the Greek name for their doppelgänger: amygdala.
  • But others don't care if it's scientific nonsense because, hey, it's just a conceit, and there's a lot of thematic intricacy to be wrought in mirroring the protagonist through a non-supernatural analogue of the fantasy/horror doppelganger: switch critical faculties to "metaphor", roll up the sleeves, and get stuck into interpreting the text. Narrative Grammars
  • 'The doppelgänger selves reflected in our media are a lot like, but not exactly, ourselves. Times, Sunday Times
  • The history of doppelgängers and doubles, you see, is intimately bound up with human mortality and the origins of image making.
  • If the actress is merely a doppelgänger, you have not offended your cousin with the idea that you thought such a thing was possible.
  • It is a compelling tale of doppelgängers and magicians.
  • Their debut album Doppelganger, which was written and recorded in just three months, is out on Monday.
  • As such, video game enemies in sibling-based stories are more likely to be doppelgängers, shadows or doubles of the player-characters.
  • Sick of his persona - delicate emotions paired off with caustic cynicism - he creates a bogus doppelganger to hide behind.
  • Among other syndromes, they mentioned doppelgängers or subjective doubles.
  • writer's block round& round this empty block again& again i go double, triple lost each awful keystroke a doppelganger sabotage twice meeting itself this nauseous elliptical process of so little unfolding consequence anticipation wearing too tight shoes cigarettes and coffee smirking in the background hemingway& faulkner offering whiskey still the unsolved crime: Writer’s block
  • The history of doppelgängers and doubles, you see, is intimately bound up with human mortality and the origins of image making.
  • For the present, the German ratter has trounced its Irish doppelganger. Dog days for British breeds
  • The doppelgänger leapt over the spikes and hopped onto the wall as the others followed.
  • The painting is part of his new exhibit called Doppelganger, which translates from German to mean the double of a living person.
  • Did she look good, this doppelgänger? Times, Sunday Times
  • The plot is set in motion by a man who falls out of a 30-storey office building, and as he is falling past, people recognize the man as their doppelgänger, or alter ego.
  • The dressing-up theme for tonight is Top Of The Pops, so barring the disturbing thought of a club stuffed with cigar-wiggling Jimmy Savile doppelgangers, a splendid time seems guaranteed. Clubs picks of the week
  • I either saw someone who was Robyn's doppelganger today, or it was actually Robyn and she blanked me.
  • It was about fifteen inches long, a healthy length for a mature kokanee, but smaller than its coastal doppelgänger, the sockeye.
  • Along the way, he meets his doppelgänger at the toy store.
  • And the winner is... contemporary dancer Melanie, the 19-year-old Ginnifer Goodwin doppelganger whom we called a frontrunner from the beginning. And the Winner of So You Think You Can Dance Is...
  • As such, video game enemies in sibling-based stories are more likely to be doppelgängers, shadows or doubles of the player-characters.
  • A doppelganger is invisible except to its owner and is not reflected in a mirror.

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