How To Use Dopey In A Sentence
I was feeling sick, and dopey, from the cigarette, from lack of sleep, or from not being able to see the road ahead.
Relief is possible without having to resort to the conventional drugs that make you feel dopey.
The Hayfever Handbook - a summer survival guide
Midnight came and went and suddenly it was 3.00 am, I'd drunk a shedload of Guinness, smoked a fair few fags and was starting to feel dopey.
‘At the time it probably was a dopey thing to do,’ she admits cheerfully.
a dopey answer

The dopey scene, in which her lady-in-waiting, Alice, teaches her English, has been powerfully reinterpreted, with Katherine using her newly acquired vocabulary to taunt her guards.
What more can you say about a gangsta rap superstar who spits, deadpan: ‘Hokey pokey dopey lokey okey dokey’?
She is also smartish, though not book-smart, and pretty funny in a dopey hayseed sort of way.
Michael Conniff: Is Sarah Palin Hot?
The song is pretty good, until the middle, which has this dopey spoken/sung part that's very clumsy.
One former reporter recalls an incident when the senior magistrate of the area was sitting and a particularly dopey defendant was in the dock for a motoring offence.
What is not so dopey, however, is the alternative notion that his one-foot-in-front-of-the-other approach is not only strategic, but actually quite shrewd.
Just hearing his voice was making me feel all dopey and lovesick.
TWO dopey crooks were snared after trying to launder PINK bank notes at betting shops.
The Sun
It was a bit dopey itself.
Times, Sunday Times
It is not a dopey thing to tell yourself over and over again: I'm a good person, I'm a worthwhile person, I can be successful, I'm good enough to do this.
But despite this shift away from the dopey antics of Cheech & Chong, the media persists in belaboring all of the older marijuana stereotypes.
Steve Bloom: Legalization or Bust: A Brief History of Marijuana Prohibition
Relief is possible without having to resort to the conventional drugs that make you feel dopey.
The Hayfever Handbook - a summer survival guide
Tell you what though, Colin Hanks is part of a grand tradition of dopey mouthbreathers.
The plot is loopy, dopey and tiresome, and the comic asides don't elicit the smallest of smiles.
It came out with what sounded like canned laughter from a dopey sitcom.
Times, Sunday Times
He draws two intertwined stick figures with big dopey smiles.
And nothing is scary here - not the glitter ghosts, not the fake cemetery spooks that make Ed Wood's graveyard look downright realistic, and definitely not the dopey looking undead who stumble drunkenly around.
But, since I’m so dopey, is there any way I can email you diropely.
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A computer search of the expression spits out a virtual ocean of bad puns and dopey wordplay.
Please Shut Up
Real people, not models, danced dopey and devil-may-care in real, dirty streets and futzed over relationships, all intercut with name and no-name musicians singing original tunes-blues, doo-wop, rock, country.
I'm thinking that it must be name recognition that got her in the top 100, it sure as hell isn't her looks, unless fat and dopey is all of a sudden the newest, hottest look.
FHM's Top 100
These antimodern voices, and others, represent what Mr. Potter calls "the authenticity hoax in full throat: a dopey nostalgia for a non-existent past, a one-sided suspicion of the modern world, and stagnant and reactionary politics masquerading as something personally meaningful and socially progressive.
Why It's So Hard To Get Real
I went down there and spent ages interviewing the rather dopey and well-meaning young people present.
Times, Sunday Times
There are certain films that are not much fun on our little bitty TV at home limited in its size since it is housed in an antique ice box--namely dopey fun action films.
Archive 2005-10-01
Everybody has a couple of dopey musicals that they are happy to watch over and over while their friends wrinkle their noses and say, ‘You actually like this?’
Not only had I failed in my duties, but some other guy - a dopey, shifty guy we both knew - had sent her flowers with a card attached.
A regime of painkilling drugs was prescribed to make her as comfortable as possible, and my only concern with this was that it made her very dopey, and not her usual bright and alert self.
So I'm dopey and filled with ego and I'll be damned if I'm going to admit defeat and switch to an off-the-shelf solution.
As a personal observation, most heavy users have a dopey look about them.
Some slick new video by some dopey new band comes on, and we instantly bemoan their lack of originality, the grating bellow or shriek of the singer's voice, the ridiculous devil's prong or baldie or Mohawk haircut and the appalling sum of money the entire spectacle obviously cost.
Skanks, But No Skanks
That was one victory for the Harold and Kumar series — the idea that Asian-Americans could star in dopey American comedies, too.
Matthew Yglesias » Netflix Maps
TWO dopey crooks were snared after trying to launder PINK bank notes at betting shops.
The Sun
All I had to do now was sleep for a while… and get rid of this dopey, woozy feeling so I could run.
This dopey, loopy novel not only fails as literature but can't even deliver the cheap, meretricious thrills that make so many popular novels popular.
It's a dopey collector who doesn't get them already.
‘I've had it with these dopey little countries,’ he writes.
When shown in solo practice mode, running literarily hundreds of moves and combinations in elaborate, complex exercises, there is nothing dopey or dumb about him.
Maybe a noble attempt as an antidote to prime time, but it's really just five dopey comedians back in the womby comfort of the college theater department.
The Women of CNBC ��� Return of Seinfeld ��� What's in a Name, Patricia Fili-Krushel?
Sasha Frere-Jones previewed the groups 'Manhattan gig in this week's New Yorker, noting that it would be "dopey" if these two troupes were touring together just because of the "black" in their names.
Riffs: Touring by color
It was a bit dopey itself.
Times, Sunday Times
All I had to do now was sleep for a while… and get rid of this dopey, woozy feeling so I could run.
I know that's dopey, and certainly not very hip.
Even if you are tired, ill or hung-over and feeling really dopey, the brain is at its most lucid and uncluttered at that time of day.
Then, when they're awake they stagger around all dopey with heavy eyes.
Stephany rolls her eyes at certain dopey newspapers.
Chaos Theory:
He's just going to give up the anchor duties after this next election, and then he's going to hang around and do dopey specials, so he is not going to go anywhere.
He almost becomes one of the family, cheerfully going out gambling with her dopey, reprobate nephew.
Although the group still stressed positivity, there was nothing here of the dopey, grinning hippie stereotype of a year before.
I just thought the same Dopeydm (above) did: the way she speaks says about the native Americans it leads us to think about Emily (since Gianna is far away in Volterra). how come the shooting have already started and I didn’t know that??
Twilight Lexicon » Brenna Lee Roth In New Moon Cast
It could have been a global energy powerhouse by now if its dopey directors of days gone by hadn't been so blinkered in their outlook when it came to oil and gas opportunities.
They give you an injection, it puts you into a densely dopey state for 5 minutes, then you wake up.
With any luck I'll be out like a light (I'm feeling pretty dopey already after a hard weekend of traveling and drinking) and sleep through to 7.00 am.
A head cold hit me like an anvil last week, and that usually means I'm going to feel too dopey or muddled to write a review.
The dopey dame that got Slaughter pink slipped by Uncle Sam turns up to ask for help in dealing with her ex-fiancé, ex-partner, current dope fiend and woodoo wacko.
This means I'm dopey (more than usual), grumpy and disorganised.
Anyone can bulk up, so his beanpole-ness is not a problem, nor is it with anyone on this list. but what i like most about Krasinski is that he kind of has that All American, Normal Rockwell illustration look to him. dopey ears and all.
Who Will Be Captain America? John Krasinski and Six Other Actors Shortlisted | /Film
a dopey kid
Ed 'dopey' Milliband is the most unpopular leader of a UK political party since Iain Duncan Smith and Labour are plotting his downfall already - a huge infight will take place in 2011/12.
The coalition counts on blaming Labour for everything. Bad move| Rafael Behr
The dopey-looking monkey on Strange Adventures is rather underwhelming, between the "medicated" look on his face and the dry dialogue "You will now put those books inside this valise!
Apes on Covers (seen at KEVIN GEEKS OUT ABOUT MONKEYS)
It's such a fiercely unique movie, uncompromising in its visual excitement, that we're inclined to overlook the slightly dopey plot and shaky acting.
Still, I couldn't help but feel that I sounded dopey.
It was a bit dopey itself.
Times, Sunday Times
TWO dopey crooks were snared after trying to launder PINK bank notes at betting shops.
The Sun
In reality, however, they are merely endorsing the dopey brand of entertainment industry tub-thumping that he has done so much to encourage.
The first act deals with the beastly behaviour of bees and act two features avaricious beetles, greedy ducks and dopey crickets with a pronounced Cork accent.
Most books are dopier than television or movies or even advertising (many books tend to be just collateral promotions or the lesser offspring of dopey television, movies, and advertising).
Boycott Books!
The stab at rock stardom, the attempt at talk-show hosting, the game show his brother Mark unapologetically called "dopey," all those dabbles are in the past.
John McEnroe's Next Frontier: Home
In fact, one in five astronauts is a nice-but-dopey lug who yearns to see them Dodgers in the Brooklyn pinstripes again.
Did we learn anything of value about our fellow human beings from the exercise, other than that they get dopey and argumentative when deprived of sleep for up to seven days?
Still, "McEnroe" did last longer than "The Chair," the ABC game show McEnroe hosted through nine episodes two years before and that even younger brother, Mark, in an interview with The Wall Street Journal last summer, called "dopey.
A Rivalry Renewed—Over Drinks
It looks like those dopey movies that we all grew up seeing on late-night TV.
I felt dopey and drowsy after the operation.
Allergies make people dopey and sleepy as well as sneezy.
One can only feel sorry for the West Virginian tourist board who must now be tiring of seeing everyone portrayed as either a redneck degenerate, or dopey member of the sheriff's department who is unable to save the day!
TWO dopey crooks were snared after trying to launder PINK bank notes at betting shops.
The Sun
Beyond that, it promises to provide a weekly primer on dopey and unctuous behavior among upscale hillbillies who dress well.
Relief is possible without having to resort to the conventional drugs that make you feel dopey.
The Hayfever Handbook - a summer survival guide
This dress is actually fairly dopey looking.
The medicine always made him feel dopey and unable to concentrate.
OK, it's just a dopey article about some numbnuts, muttonheaded celebrity campaigning for today's top liberal jerk.
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Puppets can't vote, but these dopey kids who watch you can.
Not only had I failed in my duties, but some other guy - a dopey, shifty guy we both knew - had sent her flowers with a card attached.
The dopey looking 32 year old Labour maggot has little to fall back on but the life of a ligger.
Archive 2007-12-09
With its wobbly sets, sensationalist plots, appalling acting, crude camerawork and dopey dialogue it was uncannily reminiscent of bad soaps in general.
Modern political speech is so dopey, so banal, that it's no wonder why people wish a pox on all houses.
Yeah, okay, that's enough to make anyone dopey.
The medicine always made him feel dopey and unable to concentrate.
I stumbled into work, bleary-eyed and dopey and at the first opportunity purchased a fruit juice smoothie from one of the hundreds of juice bars springing up all over the city.
It came out with what sounded like canned laughter from a dopey sitcom.
Times, Sunday Times
He almost becomes one of the family, cheerfully going out gambling with her dopey, reprobate nephew.
KSM, dressed in a rumpled T-shirt, looks dopey, disheveled, and paunchy, the exact opposite of his own heroic self-conception as the James Bond of Jihad.
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