How To Use Doorway In A Sentence

  • The neo-classical house features a main doorway framed with Ionic pillars and topped by a balustraded balcony complete with carved stone coat of arms.
  • I stood in the doorway for a moment, gathering my energy for polite chitchat. FOOLS GOLD
  • Through the open doorway, he heard the voice of Aline Fulke but her words were unclear.
  • A famous art collector is walking through the city when he notices a mangy cat lapping milk from a saucer in the doorway of a store, and he does a double take.
  • The upper part of the gablet over the centre doorway is of the seventeenth century, and bears the shield of Sir George Hay of Kinfauns, who rented the lands of the bishopric about the beginning of the seventeenth century, the crozier being added to the shield in connection with the lands of the see. [ Scottish Cathedrals and Abbeys
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  • Faye grabs her folder and stands in Don's doorway to annunciate "very good then, you can call me with the details. Janet Turley: Mad Men Season 4, Ep 10: "Get Rid of It"
  • Mac put a heavy hand on her shoulder and pushed her aside to allow Jon to stoop in the doorway and lay a girlish kiss on the girl's badly rouged cheek.
  • Cut simple holiday shapes out of paper or felt, then hang with thread from curtain rods, hanging lamps, doorways or over the outside of a lampshade.
  • A few pedestrians carrying their evening shopping sheltered from the rain in doorways.
  • He was standing in the doorway, wearing a frown and a soiled T-shirt, his large belly protruding over his pants, held up by a pair of suspenders.
  • Josh stood over the threshold the doorway, smiling to be polite.
  • At the end of the path was a doorway, which led into one of the monolithic buildings.
  • The doorway is a 19th century reconstruction of Norman work.
  • This shows that there must have been a doorway which opened at right angles to the line of the bailey wall.
  • Eighty-one steps lead from the ice of the main gliddery to the doorway. The Broken God
  • Ornate doorways offer glimpses of inner courtyards and enticing interiors; many are university buildings, but just as many are candlelit bistros and bars.
  • There are many exquisite details, carved doorways, potted plants framed by shaded windows.
  • [Stops for a moment in doorway and speaks very solemnly.] A WICKED WOMAN (A CURTAIN RAISER)
  • It was only then that she was aware of Nicandra standing silent in the doorway, unwilling to interrupt a conversation.
  • She stepped aside into the doorway of the next room while Luch drifted out and down the stair.
  • Unknown to her, a tall, scraggy man stood in the doorway, watching her.
  • The central doorway must have been of still greater beauty; but the whole of the upper part of it is hidden by the porch and parvise inserted beneath the central arch. The Cathedral Church of Peterborough A Description Of Its Fabric And A Brief History Of The Episcopal See
  • Views through doorways, echoing traditional enfilade arrangements, permit comparisons. Irascible Still
  • The other sniper was crouched behind a rusted workbench close to the main doorway.
  • The most important part of the interior of the temenos is the group of the three figures which are represented in relief on the inside face of the enclosure wall on the farthest part, opposite the doorway. Archaeologia, or, Miscellaneous tracts relating to antiquity [microform]
  • The counter appears longer and slightly lower and now backs on to a solid wall rather than the doorway into a mysterious treasure room as in the previous set up.
  • "I'm home!" I shout, stumbling over old Sylvia's gardening boots as I enter through the squint doorway.
  • Dana arrived just in time to witness Jeremy Devonshire's little fit, and she propped herself in the doorway to wait for the storm to lull.
  • The doorway was so low that he had to stoop.
  • With a determined step she marched purposely toward the blackened doorway.
  • Before entering it, a student must make a formal bow at the doorway as a mark of respect.
  • She backed into a doorway to let the crowds pass by.
  • He passed through the doorway into Ward B.
  • She must have been deep in thought because she didn't even notice Vivian standing in the doorway.
  • She shoved her into the front row before moving to stand in the doorway of the gazebo.
  • In her haste, she almost ran over a ship's lieutenant, who flattened himself against the doorway as she charged past him.
  • When we got there, there was a long hallway with portraits of the past headmasters and headmistresses hanging on the walls and an oak doorway at the end of the hall.
  • ‘You two should come in, before you freeze to death,’ Andrew interrupted gently from the doorway.
  • Then the talk stopped dead as Istra Nash stood agaze in the doorway — pale and intolerant, her red hair twisted high on her head, tall and slim and uncorseted in a gray tight-fitting gown. Our Mr. Wrenn
  • Alongside the enormous snakes, which were so wide it would have been a squeeze for them to get through a doorway, were fossils of turtles and giant crocodile-like dyrosaurs.
  • I noticed her entrance because she slipped and fell in the doorway.
  • Opposite this doorway is a small granary that is on staddle stones and is the perfect resting place for the Labrador dog that happily ran up to lick our hands!
  • The front door opened onto a large hallway which ran all the way through the rest of the house to the back door; its lime-bleached walls enhanced the reddish patina of the ground-floor windows, as well as the studwork and the polished wood of the doorways. Ellery Queen Mystery Magazine
  • No longer is it the lonely haunted place with alleys and dark doorways ready to hide the criminal and the sleuth.
  • Someone pushed the guy aside and stood in the doorway.
  • They take up every available wall space in the hallway, sandwiched between display cases, squeezed between doorways.
  • A serving maid was standing in the doorway; her hair was sleeked back and plaited. Wildfire
  • As they approached, the Countess, who was dressed in a complete outfit of the green uniform of the Irish Volunteers, including green boots and green cock's feathers, something like those on the Italian bersaglieri, emerged from the central doorway. Six days of the Irish Republic A Narrative and Critical Account of the Latest Phase of Irish Politics
  • On opening the door and passing through the doorway the plaintiff immediately fell down a flight of steps and sustained injury.
  • He stepped into the doorway and swung the gun up to cover the corridor.
  • The "jamb" is the upright or side member; the "lintel" is the cross member of the doorway. Conservapedia - Recent changes [en]
  • When he was fully in the door, a mass of people came flooding out of the doorways in the small entrance hall.
  • Elanor was peering in the doorway, her fur bristling.
  • Car horns beeped, children screamed, cash registers rang through open doorways.
  • His granddaughter, a sweet seventeen, came to the doorway, ‘Yes, grandpapa?’
  • But mine was momentarily dumbstruck when, after his talk, I passed through a doorway inside the Venetian Resort Hotel Casino and entered an air-conditioned simulation of the Grand Canal.
  • Be careful when you back into the garage, the doorway is very narrow.
  • The doorway was so low that we had to stoop to go through it.
  • A young groom, eagerly attired, stands before a doorway, which in turn looks out onto a landscape of sun-scarred desert, aureate sands stretching to a blinding, azure sky.
  • The wooden canopied bimah was not in the middle of the shul, but - in Sephardic fashion - just to the right of the entrance doorway.
  • The sword arced at eye level past the boy in the doorway, who didn't even blink. The Reign of Istar
  • Charming in a soft white ninon gown and a big white hat, she held a tennis-racket in her hand, presenting a pretty picture framed by the dark doorway. Hushed Up! A Mystery of London
  • A crumpled figure lay motionless in the doorway.
  • His police badge glimmered in the bright light of the sun streaming in through the doorway and windows.
  • Oh, the disgusted look on women's faces as they step backwards through a doorway, out of the rain.
  • Then whatever doorway that had opened and let them in clicked shut, and they were gone. Blog Fiction | Sci-Fi | Ripple | Station151
  • He stood in the doorway, towelling his hair dry.
  • They stood in a doorway kissing .
  • The woman was so fat that she couldn't get through the doorway.
  • A light is observed outside the bedroom window and shines in filling the room, aliens generally, though not consistently are referred to as Greys, enter the room either through the doorway or walls. Entertainment magazine The Cheers
  • One was of pretty pink glazed calico and of some other shiny stuff called 'chintz' -- white, with tiny lines of different colours; she also bought some red cotton velvet and neat-looking white spotted muslin, and several yards of very narrow lace of a very small and dainty pattern, and other things, all of which interested Alie very much indeed, though after a while Biddy got tired of looking on, and went and stood at the doorway of the shop. The Rectory Children
  • Through the doorway of the cavern could be seen three entryways.
  • One man, young and bearded and uncomfortable in his seat, crosses and uncrosses his legs, before being pointed towards a doorway.
  • Sotho huts, which have pointed, detachable roofs on walls of mud and wattle, are found throughout the country; these huts have window frames and full doorways.
  • Children came to peep at him round the doorway.
  • Anne and Jane cringed by the doorway as they watched a frazzled looking, bewigged physician chase Katherine around the chamber with the offensive bowl and sharp instrument.
  • Closed doorways flanked either side of the passage while at one end it finished in a latticed window - dark outside - and at the other in the blank wall of a T-junction.
  • A curtained doorway separated it from the office.
  • I grabbed a carving knife from a rack beside the sink but the ambulant arm stopped in the doorway. Blood Lite II: Overbite
  • The dog ludicrously albeit lovingly christened Precious Baby by Ted's late wife and resolutely called PB by Ted himself - hesitated at the doorway and blinked out at the street, where the autumn rain was falling in the sort of steady waves that presaged alengthy and bone-chilling storm. A Traitor to Memory
  • to the man sleeping regularly in doorways homelessness is real
  • Then I ascended the narrow stairs to his doorway.
  • Immediately after, he turned aside to a doorway and vomited.
  • Wearing black leather, dark eye makeup, and dyed hair, the punks stand before graffiti-covered brick walls and inside doorways scowling at the camera.
  • It was a long the hall with doorways lining the walls up ahead and they seemed to continue endlessly.
  • Internet bar doorway is sticking a piece of marked annunciate : This Internet bar is about to shut because of policy consideration, sell old computer and fittings.
  • A stone doorway of Gothic form and a kind of almery or safe exist in its cellars. Vanishing England
  • The homeless sleep in doorways and stations - we step over their bodies like so much human flotsam.
  • Whitlock paid the driver then entered the diner, pausing momentarily in the doorway to get his bearings. ALASTAIR MCLEAN'S 'NIGHT WATCH'
  • And Lisette took down her banjo, and sat down in the doorway under the arch of lamarque roses, and began thrumming gayly. Dred; A Tale of the Great Dismal Swamp. Vol. I
  • ‘Woof woof,’ Reiko barked sarcastically from the bathroom doorway.
  • What motivated my desire to write about the homeless from the position of that doorway was a woman named Gerri Willinger.
  • She bumped her head in the doorway and swore loudly.
  • The footsteps halted in the doorway.
  • But on the doorstone he found three drops shaken, dried now but plain to be seen, and on the new and unstained timber with which the left jamb of the doorway had been repaired there was a blurred smear of blood at the level of his own shoulder, where a gashed and bloodied sleeve had brushed past. The Hermit of Eyton Forest
  • Make a detailed plan of the room, measuring into all alcoves and doorways.
  • Note the chair placed near to the doorway and the limpid UJ on the door pillar.
  • The man moved off and Adam stepped through a further doorway and followed him through a maze of green baize covered card tables.
  • A tall figure was standing in the doorway.
  • The city's 130,000 inhabitants chat languidly in doorways, grinning at locals and passing tourists.
  • It was difficult getting the piano through the doorway because we only had a clearance of a few centimetres.
  • Scarcely had the feodary read, re-read, and then destroyed this secret and singular missive, when the "Ho! hollo!" of Her Grace the Princess 'outriders rang on the crisp December air, and there galloped up to the broad doorway of the manor-house, a gayly costumed train of lords and ladies, with huntsmen and falconers and yeomen following on behind. Historic Girls
  • The businessman only looked up when he felt a presence lingering in the doorway.
  • I stood in the doorway for a moment, gathering my energy for polite chitchat. FOOLS GOLD
  • I could barely discern the huddled shape of my parents standing in their doorway.
  • She said she wedged her cot in the open doorway to get it out of a draught. The Sun
  • Poinsettias are sensitive to extreme temperature, so don't place your plant next to a heater or near a drafty window or doorway.
  • Poinsettias are sensitive to extreme temperature, so don't place your plant next to a heater or near a drafty window or doorway.
  • His very appearance was a doorway into his soul; oily skin, greasy hair, and even his silks were in tatters.
  • Of course, she thought, still clinging to the dubious shelter of the doorway. Charcoal burners.
  • The broad pointed arch doorway survives, as does the upper part of the window lighting the great hall and a smaller window lighting the buttery. Times, Sunday Times
  • She stood there, framed against the doorway.
  • This is a ploy by the Chaos Warrior, which uses its tentacled legs to straddle above the doorway and evade detection.
  • Mail was piled up just inside the doorway.
  • When he reached the open doorway he booted the parcel into the room and whirled around to slam the door behind him.
  • Schofield and Mother hit the western wall of the hall and unclipped clasps on their chains—causing the chains to unreel from the ceiling, lowering the two of them to the floor of the room right in front of the doorway leading back to the elevator shaft. Hell Island
  • Dump trucks made over 300 trips carting raw material out before legions of workers began building new stages, stairs, railings and doorways.
  • And there was afterwards writ a proper and careful treatise, and did set out that there did be ruptures of the Æther, the which did constitute doorways, as those more fanciful ones did name them; and through these shatterings, which might be likened unto openings -- there being no better word to their naming -- there did come into this Particular Condition Of Life, those Monstrous Forces Of Evil, that did dominate the Night, and which many did hold surely to have been given this improper entrance through the foolish and unwise wisdom of those olden men of learning, that did meddle overfar with matters that did reach in the end beyond their understanding. The Night Land: Chapter 7
  • I saw Gary duck into one of the doorways.
  • The homeless are often stereotyped as being tramps or junkies who litter shop doorways.
  • Finally, in order to avoid being rounded up, they pretend to be locked in a passionate embrace in a doorway.
  • Now he's talking about stripping off one wall in the living room, too, so he can realign the two halves of this doorway that's gotten kind of torqued by the settling. Icy Tuesday
  • When she turned, Ridge appeared in the doorway, dressed in snug-fitting jeans and a chambray shirt with a brown, work-stained cowboy hat shading his face. Western Man
  • As I passed a doorway, someone grabbed me by the elbow and dragged me inside, commanding, ‘Buy chicha!’
  • He grabbed a twig from the kindling stacked near his pallet and moved to kneel in the doorway.
  • Foster stood by the doorway of the hotel, next to a potted palm.
  • She was dossing in doorways until the police picked her up.
  • Nailed over the doorway of the ramshackle clapboard frontage of the building was a large rectangular sign.
  • He was suddenly blinded by an intense burst of light from the doorway.
  • She separated it with a double-faced wall of bookcases, but kept the views of downtown clear with a large, open doorway.
  • Once upon a time, the door had been inscribed with several lovely characters and a beautiful floral design encompassed the doorway.
  • The homeless sleep in doorways and stations - we step over their bodies like so much human flotsam.
  • He suddenly appeared in the doorway.
  • From outside-we see this scrawny bloke in the frame of the doorway, in his grey underpants.
  • The judge should throw out this case - and let her sleep in a shop doorway for a week. The Sun
  • Zanzibar doorways, decorated with geometric patterns, offer a glimpse of the island's Arabic history and tradition.
  • Instantly, three athletic-looking youths sprang from a doorway where they'd been idling just a short distance along the road.
  • A volunteer from Project Open Hand was standing in their doorway holding a large box decorated with streamers and balloons.
  • An older woman, pink-cheeked and tweedy, appeared in the doorway.
  • Shelley Singer stood in the doorway, her coat flapping in the chill wind.
  • She turned very slowly at the quiet hail, and offered a smile to the woman standing in her doorway, all dark and powerful and hardened, as opposed to her own light, airy, pale self.
  • Continue your stroll to supper along this narrow cobbled lane, where paintings and sculptures by local artists fill the doorways. Times, Sunday Times
  • In structures at all levels of importance, gates, doors and doorways, together with porches and porticos, are usually much more elaborate than roofs, walls and windows.
  • A slave appeared in the half-open doorway and scurried away at Adriana's emphatic gesture.
  • Outlined against the dim glow from outside, his tall silhouette filled the open doorway.
  • Jim filled his doorway, face half covered in shaving cream, eyebrows creased with concern.
  • The old cobbler who had been mending shoes in the doorway of a building was unexpectedly replaced by a stranger.
  • The nation's press lords waged an endless campaign against anyone who taught it; even the word yoga became a metonym for secret doorways and sex worship. 'The Great Oom'
  • She was dossing in doorways until the police picked her up.
  • The speaker broke off, turning to stare at her as she stood in the doorway.
  • Screams of delight from the young things in the doorways prevented the proper answer and Lute, from under the piano, cried out to young Wainwright, who had appeared: CHAPTER III
  • Pulling out his dazer, Complain got up and went to listen at the doorway. Starship
  • The building is noted for a beautiful Baroque doorway and the heads of the lions in the cymae of the windows.
  • Number 73 was just a doorway between a travel agent and a small grocery store, with three steps leading up to it.
  • Through the open doorway, she could see Hermione and Cedric huddled over a table of tea-things. WEEKEND FOR MURDER
  • Meanwhile, through an open doorway, the reader can see hundreds of crosses lining the general's backyard in neat rows.
  • Raymond's head poked through the doorway.
  • A scrawny dog lay in the doorway of a hut, yawning widely.
  • His target now was the doorway two floors below, straight underneath where he stood.
  • The narrow corridor and small doorways also contributes to the claustrophobic effect.
  • Singing spills from an open doorway. Tuning the Rig: A Journey to the Arctic
  • Basingstoke could become the latest town to install urinals that rise from the pavement in a bid to tackle the problem of late-night revellers relieving themselves in shop doorways.
  • Remove unnecessary doors and have open doorways, where possible. Times, Sunday Times
  • This was the end of the wet season, and he sheltered in doorways from the brief storms of the northeast monsoon.
  • For the mushroom fancier the game is now on, with every shape and variety on local stalls, wild boar and young kid appear on the menu and the valleys resound to the huntsman's gun and partridge and quail hang from cottage doorways.
  • It turns out Risaku's mere hunch became reality and an assassin stood there, loitering in the doorway.
  • Indeed, the swart broad-beamed woman who stood, arms akimbo, in the doorway would have daunted the most courageous visitor. IN REMEMBRANCE OF ROSE
  • He laughed softly and directed me out of the chapel, towards the portals of the main doorway and the sunlight in the plaza.
  • Zu-tag squatted upon a great branch close to the bole of the tree and by loosening the girl's arms from about his neck, indicated that she was to find a footing for herself and when she had done so, he turned toward her and pointed repeatedly at the open doorway of a hut upon the opposite side of the street below them. Tarzan the Untamed
  • Dreams are doorways to the subconscious, pathways to the spirit realm and keys to the future.
  • From this main area, a doorway leads to the dining room. Times, Sunday Times
  • The Head RN merely arched a well-plucked eyebrow, and Cassie stood in the doorway as poised and silent as a statue.
  • Everybody in the audience stood up and began to exit the large room via the doorways along the walls.
  • Three of us moved to the next doorway and found one man with his foot in the door gap trying to get to safety. Times, Sunday Times
  • Set in the wall opposite the blockhouse was a tall, arch-shaped doorway and a pair of solid wooden doors. Typhoon Season
  • A doorway to his left was open and threw light into the corridor. Burning Bright
  • n. - beam resting directly on columns; epistyle; moulding at head and sides of window or doorway. Xml's
  • The new, open-concept design includes doorways that go right up to the ceiling to emphasize height. Globe and Mail
  • When we got there, there was a long hallway with portraits of the past headmasters and headmistresses hanging on the walls and an oak doorway at the end of the hall.
  • DOWNSIDE: Beware the low doorways. Times, Sunday Times
  • Cox wrote of the work that "it is visible, through the central doorway, to passers-by from Kasturba Ghandi Marg and constitutes part of the perimeter wall."
  • She'd appeared in the doorway at Harry's Bar in Venice, barelegged but in heels. In Venice
  • Two pint-sized kids emerged from a doorway.
  • The wooden door was open, and in the doorway a craftsman sat with a hammer in his right hand and a bradawl, a small metal tool with a sharp point, in his left. The Pillars of the Earth
  • I looked to see him standing in the doorway with an extremely disappointed look on his face.
  • The boardroom is highly traditional: it is panelled in a late 17 th-century fashion, with pedimented doorways and some rather fine carved swags.
  • His expression narrowed and didn't return to its normal melancholy state until she disappeared behind the doorway.
  • They suddenly heard a sniffle from the doorway and everyone looked up to see Jackie standing in the doorway to the control room. Hunger Moon: Chapter Eleven
  • The separation between the entryway and the living room can be further accentuated by placing a screen near the doorway.
  • Mary suddenly appeared in the doorway.
  • The old lady pointed out of the shop doorway and out onto the street.
  • In this relaxed atmosphere dancers can shop around by hanging out at open doorways and observing dancers and teachers in action.
  • Young people bedded down in doorways.
  • Donna Charito filled the doorway a moment with her large body, then she pulled the door to with a great slam.
  • Behind an apparently innocent piece of wall was a secret doorway that had been plastered over and sealed.
  • We passed through the doorway and found ourselves in a walled garden.
  • They huddled in the shop doorway to shelter from the rain.
  • Spainy planted herself in the doorway, looking for all the world like a tumble-dried hyena with a glandular problem and bone to pick. We got a dad-gummed Houdini here ...
  • It seems to be about to go through a doorway or portal of some sort.
  • Constructing dust-proof partitions, applying tape around doorways, and sealing or disconnecting ductwork leading to occupied areas will greatly reduce the spread of contaminants.

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