
How To Use Doomsday In A Sentence

  • Setting aside such doomsday scenarios, what is really going on? Times, Sunday Times
  • As Louis entered the building, it occurred to him that the catacombs were the perfect place to store his doomsday portraits. The Mercury Visions of Louis Daguerre
  • London Olympics with gusto, Meadows is candid about her fear of the Games and the countdown to what she calls "doomsday". Evening Standard - Home
  • It's the apocalypse, the cataclysm, doomsday, the big firework!
  • Nervous observers sketched doomsday scenarios, but the president received widespread bipartisan support.
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  • It demonised Falun Gong as a doomsday cult that was undermining social stability.
  • If H2O is a NET MAGNIFIER after all forcings/feedbacks, then the AGW proponent models trend towards their doomsday rise — if H2O is not a NET MAGNIFIER never the AGW proponent assumption, even though Dr Lindzen among others presumes as much, then the causational threat is bogus. UCAR Webcast of Bradley, Crowley, Ammann – Apr 6, 2005 « Climate Audit
  • I'm not really sure how he moves from that point to the doomsday scenario he describes, however.
  • We won't see big gains for years to come, but perhaps the imbalances we've discussed won't lead to an economic doomsday either.
  • i think the only way to get people back interested in superman is to do either a live action movie based on "The Death of Superman" (or Doomsday whatever they call it) or the do a live action version of "Worlds Finest" with Christian Bale as Batman with the same gritty feel as Batman Begins and The Dark knight. Warner Brothers and DC Comics Getting Their Shit Together «
  • We found Brexit may not be quite such a doomsday scenario. Times, Sunday Times
  • One doomsday scenario: No Bonds, no stadium.
  • But those short term doomsday scenarios--more active hurricane seasons, droughts etc.--have not materialized, at least not to the point predicted just a short time ago. Evidence of adverse editorial selection by the CRU Email theives
  • So in the last seven years, doomsday has been pushed back at least 13 years.
  • He further contended that this talk of 20,000 extra vehicles was only in the event of a doomsday scenario and was not practical.
  • And if this situation is allowed to continue, it won't be long before the aggressive human species are the only creatures on the planet and surely that will be the doomsday of planet Earth.
  • Such morbid symptoms include false messiahs, doomsday predictions, UFO sightings, pyramid schemes, and so on.
  • ‘Greetings from the Nevada Test Site,’ it proclaimed, showing a collage of doomsday clouds floating above a scraggly desert.
  • We are not seeing the doomsday scenario predicted by some commentators. Times, Sunday Times
  • Further data seems to suggest either other increases or at least inconclusive evidence to bear out the doomsday theory. Times, Sunday Times
  • ‘Greetings from the Nevada Test Site,’ it proclaimed, showing a collage of doomsday clouds floating above a scraggly desert.
  • Further data seems to suggest either other increases or at least inconclusive evidence to bear out the doomsday theory. Times, Sunday Times
  • Many friends and colleagues have been fired or laid off and watching the news or reading the daily paper leads me to believe that doomsday is approaching. Jeep Incapable Of Selling To Man With $24,000 In Cash - The Consumerist
  • Even for the urban couch potatoes addicted to the remote, this might not be doomsday.
  • Ten years later he refined his vision with the gloomily satirical sequel, set almost entirely in a shopping mall the day after doomsday, with zombies as the ultimate docile consumers.
  • About a year ago I bought his posthumous collection To Outlive Eternity, which contained several very good long stories, such as the title novella, “The Day After Doomsday” and “The Big Rain.” Archive 2009-05-01
  • Admittedly, there is now much less reason for invoking this doomsday scenario.
  • A rise in unemployment from 7.8 per cent of the workforce to 13.3 per cent was also part of the doomsday scenario. Times, Sunday Times
  • Rick Perry, however, is among those countering what he calls doomsday reports and proclamations that, 'Oh my God, it's going to be the end of the world.' Chronicle
  • Twain sometimes thought of himself as a modern Noah warning of a doomsday to come.
  • They thus exhibit a strong tendency to drag their feet as doomsday draws nearer.
  • Global warming, they have been telling us for years, will prove to be man's undoing, man creating his own doomsday.
  • It is happening on some celebrity talk shows and it could be doomsday for channels in the long run.
  • New villians are introduced Parasite Metallo and possibly intergang or Doomsday. Tuesday Discussion: Where Do You Want to See Superman Go? «
  • The arrests are the culmination of weeks of doomsday preparations. Times, Sunday Times
  • I said it would shorten her life span by years but she waved off my worries and called me a doomsdayer. The Summer I Turned Pretty
  • This conclusion was based on ‘information developed’ that the next doomsday would be within a week.
  • After the first long sermon preaches a doomsday envisionment of religion, where a vindictive God has nothing but wrath for sinners, he is sure that every word was aimed at him.
  • The move heightened fears the pariah regime is hellbent on building up a doomsday armoury. The Sun
  • So what happens when the doomsday warnings come true? The Sun
  • Someone said the same thing was happening in New York and Chicago in a pan-American doomsday.
  • They argued that the British-born professor was a doomsdayer who did not appreciate America's unmatched power. Foreign Policy In Focus
  • Since none of the religious leaders seemed impressed by John's ministry, he had dismissed him as a lunatic, just another doomsday prophet, here today and gone tomorrow.
  • If the ancient prophecies and the 2012 doomsday Planet X hypothesis will soon unfold, mankind is facing a future full of dire prospects. » 2012 Doomsday Planet X – Is The End Of The World Here | Your Guide …
  • Port managers are working feverishly to prevent a dockside doomsday.
  • But as people have said in the past, there are a lot of teenagers out there who have talked about such things, about doomsday, and they don't carry it out.
  • You don't need to be a doomsdayer to know that the worst is yet to come. Canada Free Press
  • The Doomsday Clock is a symbolic clockface maintained since 1947 by the Board of Directors of the Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists at the University of Chicago. HUMANS MAY NOT SURVIVE BUT NATURE WILL SURVIVE AND THRIVE
  • Gold, US treasury short-term bond and USD are the only few that shine in such gloomy and doomsdays week.
  • YOU Matt, with your fearless devotion to revealed truth, have patiently and unalterably mainlined the notion of an increasingly unavoidable doomsday scenario directly into my brain. Matthew Yglesias » The Beautiful People
  • But those doomsdays were the product of faith; reason always used to say the world will continue.
  • The planet eater from the Star Trek episode, The Doomsday Machine. September 2006
  • Swanson draws upon sources as diverse as Aesop's fables and mathematician/statistician John Allen Paulos for examples, covering everything from failed doomsday predictions to the pseudosciences of graphology and horoscopes.
  • But for those in favour of retaining the current playing season - they are in the majority at present - the return of a winter schedule of matches would be equivalent to doomsday.
  • As with the Doomsday scenario, this further militarisation of the police occurred without public debate or accountability.
  • Many will see the Asian disaster as portending the advent of doomsday.
  • Any moment now, we expect Rudy Giuliani, who outdid Romney by spending $59 million for just one delegate, to share some of his own financial wisdom, probably spicing it up with his usual light-handed touch of 9/11 doomsday. Worst Week Ever: Republicans Unhinged
  • Can you post a few examples of those short term doomsday predictions? Evidence of adverse editorial selection by the CRU Email theives
  • This was explicitly the case when it came to their notorious civil service memoranda on the repartition of Ulster and their ‘doomsday’ contingency plans in case of a total dissolution of law and order.
  • Many of them lead to mass suicides of some kind with members killing themselves based on their doomsday beliefs.
  • So here are some sure-fire ways to avoid today's doomsday scenario. Times, Sunday Times
  • More recently, weather and climate have become sources of equally fantastic futurist doomsday scenarios as well.
  • It's the economic doomsday scenario, inflation at four per cent and interest rates at 6.5 per cent by the end of next year.
  • I have a book at home, which I call my doomsday-book, where The Palmy Days of Nance Oldfield
  • Most of all, Beck worries that the end, doomsday, is coming, soon, and it won't be pretty. Glenn Beck, and something to cry about
  • There's a great opportunity ahead to regreen Haiti -- and turn the doomsday clock back. TreeHugger
  • Like in Doomsday, eye to eyestalk with the Dalek ... she said, Do you get that? A word or two about the Doctor's girl, Rose Marion Tyler!
  • Many will see the Asian disaster as portending the advent of doomsday.
  • And if that's the case then the scare stories will be just another doomsday that didn't dawn.
  • Don't doomsday and alarmist theories need evidence to support their tenability, also?
  • I mean, it would have been doomsday if that happened.
  • The saner elements are likely to sulk and the economists are bound to predict doomsday.
  • * And please be advised your doomsday seed vault is functioning perfectly. Thurs. « Gerry Canavan
  • She can hold Cambodian babies from now until doomsday but anyone who lives the sort of wretched excess of Jolie and hers have no standing to walk among people living under the conditions of many of the recipients of her phot-ops. Lunchtime Poll: Brad Pitt shaved Paradise to put up a parking lot for cool breezes, future facial hair |
  • Everyone else is - they are seeing it as a doomsday scenario. Times, Sunday Times
  • However, I must question whether the doomsday scenario painted by you and some fellow diarists is at all credible.
  • As it stands, it is that doomsday scenario that appears most likely. Times, Sunday Times
  • Here was something with an appropriately apocalyptic, doomsday flavour.
  • Failure to do so, he asserts, would be a Doomsday scenario.
  • One doomsday scenario: No Bonds, no stadium.
  • It is doubtful at this time that anyone who saw the image simply ignored it, since it resembled a rip or a tear strongly enough to cause predictions of doomsday from every church in the city.
  • People feel their confidence boosted by that event; it's the experience of hearing a doomsday scenario and finding out it wasn't so bad.
  • There are many holes in this doomsday prediction. Times, Sunday Times
  • The Doomsday Machine itself, the humongous planet killer, has been variously described in Freudian terms or else as a "gigantic horn of plenty. Look what they've done to my Trek, ma
  • Congress is preparing for a doomsday scenario.
  • Obviously, this means that the whole question of "decompressed" vs. "compressed" storytelling isn't easy to answer; on the one hand, much of the "decompression" of modern comics tends to be about extending sequences in order to heighten tension, instead of actually telling more complex stories the death of Superman, for example, featured a whole issue of splash pages of Superman and Doomsday hitting each other. John Seavey’s Storytelling Engines: Wonder Woman | Comics Should Be Good! @ Comic Book Resources
  • The only thing that is ‘inevitable’ is that these preparations for doomsday will waste our time and scare us witless.
  • ‘Greetings from the Nevada Test Site,’ it proclaimed, showing a collage of doomsday clouds floating above a scraggly desert.
  • Yet, there are people who argue as if doomsday is near at hand when they confront evidence of such increase.
  • So, in terms of the Minutemen (Missiles) and Dr. Manhattan (Project) and Watchmen (as in "My father was a watchmaker, but I gave it up when I realized time could not be kept"), Dr. Manhattan returning for his watchin order to be trapped and"atomized" into quantum particles,and the "Doomsday Clock"- and in terms of a product of the 1950's, like Ernie Kovacs, like Dr. Strangelove - like Dr. Manhattan's effort to make sense of the universe in his watchlike Mars palace - Watchmen is a great film, as its inspiration is the greatest of graphic novels. March 2009
  • This programme rakes over the most spectacular doomsday scenarios that we've seen on screen. Times, Sunday Times
  • The threats are many, and range from an ancient civilization's prophesies of doomsday to an only-slightly-less-ancient "definer of civilization's" persistent fear of an electromagnetic pulse attack. Daniel Cluchey: Unsolicited New Year's Resolutions
  • There is also a doomsday scenario. The Sun
  • After all, the boy is carrying around Peter's DNA, so Walternate could easily dose his own grandkid with the Cortexiphan that was extracted from Olivia during her captivity and send Junior over here to activate that doomsday device. Watercooler: Oh Baby! Fringe's Name Game
  • The opening passage of a thousand-year-old Christian prayer book discovered in Ireland does not say that doomsday is near.
  • Despite the doomsday rhetoric, I have yet to see a single example of how a particular class of citizens sanctifying their union via marriage will wreck that institution.
  • As things stood, it was something of a doomsday scenario. Times, Sunday Times
  • Stanley Kubrick did not "hypothesize" a doomsday device, they actually existed. Strangelove
  • It would be unrealistic to ignore the dire prediction of the "doomsdayer" as to assume that they were inevitable. An International Response to the Human Environment
  • He must also contend with a house phone on which the chef buzzes him with a Wagnerian ring, as insistent as the Doomsday trumps.
  • And some lawmakers are calling it a pure doomsday scenario.
  • In case you missed the details: Camping's latest Doomsday prediction stemmed from what he described as an intricate mathematical formulation taken directly from numbers in the Bible. Diane Dimond: False Prophets and Their Profits
  • Yonkers Mayor Phil Amicone Wednesday released what he termed a bare-bones proposed budget that will avoid doomsday job, school and service cuts, but will h ... NY Daily News
  • This is not a doomsday scenario, but long ago became reality. Times, Sunday Times
  • The third doomsday scenario is based on pollution.
  • In Doomsday Book the twenty-first century is stricken by yet another pandemic, almost as deadly as the Black Death was in the fourteenth.
  • They need to prove their critics, the doomsday predictors and the cynics wrong.
  • But his indictments against Schiff have less to do with the Inflation vs. Hyperinflation argument than with allegations that Schiff's actual performance as an investment advisor has not been so stellar as one might have inferred from his high-profile exposure as a doomsdayer. Latest Articles
  • That it will probably never work is one of those silly technicalities that shouldn't stand in the way of us investing our time and resources in something that we want to believe will protect us from doomsday.
  • Recent reports that up to 30,000 jobs could be under threat in the tourism sector in the North West region have been described as being ‘akin to a doomsday scenario’.
  • It is, as Martin Wolf of the Financial Times says, a doomsday machine that transfers wealth from outsiders to insiders while imperilling the wider economy. Debate this: how do we fix a broken economy?
  • Khama stood for presidency and won with the BDP under is 4 year term botswana became more seclusionist withrawing from the borders to control only administration zones 1,6 and 7 having withdrawn from zone 2 in the last year and the other zones following doomsday. Elections - fresh news by
  • This job's going to take me till doomsday.
  • She would go to heaven on doomsday, so therefore why not merry?
  • Be serious to your remanent life. Unfortunately-we cannot witness the doomsday, we can only see the end of our lives, damn!
  • Thus, the estimated 100,000 mainland visitors on National Day will spell doomsday.
  • They thus exhibit a strong tendency to drag their feet as doomsday draws nearer.
  • Last year's stress tests put the biggest banks and building societies through a doomsday scenario focused on domestic shocks. Times, Sunday Times
  • But I don't see it as a doomsday scenario. Times, Sunday Times
  • Far from the stereotyped image of a kooky doomsday prepper, he was matter-of-fact and said that prepping was a kind of insurance.
  • Dr. Riccabocca was about to enter into a third course of reasoning, which, had it come to an end, would doubtless have settled the matter, and reconciled Lenny to sitting in the stocks till doomsday, when the captive, with the quick ear and eye of terror and calamity, became conscious that church was over, that the congregation in a few seconds more would be flocking thitherwards. The International Magazine, Volume 2, No. 3, February, 1851
  • Yes, the wilderness is vanishing, and cultures are fading, but what saves them are not dry statistics and doomsday scenarios, but rather the emotional sumptuousness and connection that comes from visitation. Richard Bangs: Naked in Brazil
  • As with the Doomsday scenario, this further militarisation of the police occurred without public debate or accountability.
  • I have, however, just finished The Doomsday Book, which is as much a thought-provoker as anything one of those books Harold Bloom likes purports to be. A study of liberal reading habits
  • He can't come across as the bad news bear, lest people decide they don't want to listen to doomsday prophesies for the next four years.
  • The possibility of a doomsday scenario is once again on everyone's mind.
  • Youtube generally insists that its witnesses are mistaken and blames its oleaginous slurs on what I call obtrusive doomsday prophets. Yahoo! Answers: Latest Questions
  • It was like doomsday, rendering the local populace helpless as the tsunami leveled both regions' coastal areas in only ten minutes.
  • The agency's response was to enact what it called a doomsday budget, with 25 to 30 per cent fare increases and substantial service reductions. Yonkers Tribune
  • Even some US writers forecast a potential economic doomsday if current trends continue too long.
  • The move heightened fears the pariah regime is hellbent on building up a doomsday armoury. The Sun
  • He was a big, beardy chap who looked like nothing so much as the leader of a doomsday cult.
  • Johnson, who admits that he is "unanxious" about a doomsday scenario, has two reasons for writing the paper: first, to present a kind of case study for debate among lawyers; and second, to prepare to solve such a legal case in real life. - latest science and technology news stories
  • It features a doomsday scenario in which cyberwarfare shuts down the electricity grids and other networks of entire countries, using computer malware. Times, Sunday Times
  • Further data seems to suggest either other increases or at least inconclusive evidence to bear out the doomsday theory. Times, Sunday Times
  • Doomsday was not on the agenda when the chimes struck midnight and 2000 was born.
  • The report envisaged a doomsday scenario where thousands would lose limbs and sight. Times, Sunday Times
  • On Thursday night governments took back the key to the doomsday machine. Times, Sunday Times
  • A newly discovered asteroid has zero chance of colliding with Earth in 11 years, although preliminary data had suggested such a doomsday scenario was possible, astronomers said this week.
  • In the latter case, he warned, a doomsday scenario is likely to follow.
  • Around the world, investors were terrified of a doomsday scenario.
  • They thus exhibit a strong tendency to drag their feet as doomsday draws nearer.
  • It's too early to know the impact Rita will have on the Gulf Coast refineries or on fuel prices as of yet, but at least one analyst says the nation will probably avoid what he calls a doomsday scenario of gasoline soaring to $5 a gallon. CNN Transcript Sep 25, 2005
  • But then Sadesky drops his own bombshell: the Russians have designed and built a Doomsday Device as a deterrent.
  • The intensity of the latter desire renders the doomsday and infertility scenarios profoundly depressing. The Times Literary Supplement
  • You wouldn't expect scientists to agree on how and when doomsday will come, especially when the earth is still a mystery.
  • MINISTERS have hit back at police chiefs' doomsday warnings on planned cutbacks. The Sun
  • And the doomsday scenario of both teams suffering the drop is still a distinct possibility. The Sun
  • The three scenarios include a best-case situation, a middle-case and a doomsday scenario.
  • A year ago, few people were talking about such a doomsday scenario.
  • Behind these constant rehearsals for doomsday lies a deep paranoia.
  • It is by no means sure this doomsday scenario will come to pass. Times, Sunday Times
  • But the media portrayal of its collapse will suggest doomsday is upon us, and to the extent that we typically consult the media today more than ourselves or our neighbours, we are likely to be swept up in the breathless alarm.
  • The keepers of the "Doomsday Clock" plan to move its hands forward next Wednesday to reflect what they call worsening nuclear and climate threats to the world. Posthuman Blues

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