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How To Use Donor In A Sentence

  • This may be true, but chemically the cyanide will adsorb onto a cell membrane increasing the electron donor or antioxidant capacity of the cell.
  • Non-emergency surgery planned over the next few days had to be cancelled because of the blood donor crisis.
  • Upon completion of the donated public welfare project, the donee shall inform the donor of the construction, use of the funds and checking and acceptance of the construction quality.
  • Freya Stratford had been seriously ill with the bile duct condition biliary atresia and doctors gave her just weeks to live unless a donor organ was found.
  • In Wisconsin, the drugs have been used routinely in organ donors, without problems, for decades.
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  • Objective To evaluate the role of gene CCR5 on donor cells in models where intensive preconditioning of the recipient occurs, thus provide the scientific evidence for clinical experience of allo-HSCT.
  • * [6824] Sensus est de angelis, qui si cum Deo confederantur, aut si eos secum Deus conferat, non habens rationem eorum quæ in illis posuit, et dotium ac donorum quæ in illos contulit, et quibus eos exornavit et illustravit, inveniat eos stolidos. Of Communion with God the Father, Son and Holy Ghost
  • The donor prefers to remain anonymous.
  • Method We have performed the testicular transplantation to cure 6 patients suffered from hypogonadism with the fetal testis as donor.
  • Children can join the register with parental consent and the oldest organ donor in the UK was aged 82.
  • The law required autopsies on donors before removal of organs, delaying the process so that it was usually too late.
  • To some judges, it isn't fair that the donor should always get the ring back, especially if the donee stood ready to go ahead with the marriage and the donor broke it off.
  • Myoblasts from the healthy donors produce dystrophin.
  • A search for a suitable bone marrow or umbilical cord donor for Garrett is under way.
  • Roby got about 70% (appx. $253,000) of her contributions from individual donors, the remainder from the party or PACs Roby Burning Bright in AL-02
  • Human retinal pigment epithelial (RPE) cell cultures are usually obtained from donor eyes; isolation and culture of RPE cells obtained by evisceration has not been reported previously.
  • Will the historian of the future be adequately served if only the internal reports profiling donors survive?
  • There in a window above the altar was Mary and her story, the annunciation and visitation; at the bottom of the window there was also a depiction of the donors, The Guild of Bakers.
  • Donors' outright and deferred gifts also have funded 22 new faculty professorships and chairs.
  • The board should encourage the government to increase the tax breaks available to donors.
  • Corruption takes root when donors expect failure and recipients know that dismal performance will bring no adverse consequences.
  • Canadian Blood Services' plasma donors may undergo apheresis up to 52 times a year while platelet donors may donate 26 times a year.
  • Objective:To find a new donor site for the repair of facial tissue defect and total nose reconstruction.
  • Should we consider known or anonymous donors? The Guide to Lesbian and Gay Parenting
  • The shortage of human donor pancreases for islet cell transplantation has led to a search for alternative sources of islet cells.
  • In some such instances, use of a special technique (hemapheresis) to collect donor granulocytes may permit their transfusion and provide some benefit until the patient's own white cell counts recover.
  • Theyalso challenge the long-cherished idea of donor privacy.
  • By the way, the only thing at this point that will increase the number of liver transplants is an increase in liver donors. Health care battle intensifies for Obama, Congress
  • And since most of his donors have not yet contributed the $2,000 legal maximum, they can likely give and give again as the primary campaign heats up.
  • Hedrick MH, Rice HE, MacGillvray TE, Bealer JF, Zanjani ED, Flake AW: Hematopoietic chimerism achieved by in-utero hematopoietic stem cell injection does not induce donor specific tolerance or renal allografts in sheep. Fetal Stem Cell Transplantation, In Utero Stemm Cell Publications
  • Well, if it is a good electron donor in an electron transfer reaction, if the same element finds itself in a covalent bond, it is going to be a good electron donor, although it is not full transfer.
  • Summary of Background Data. Chronic donor site pain and poor cosmesis have been the major deterrents in using iliac crest for long-segment spinal reconstructions.
  • pundonor," the high punctilio, and rarely drew the stiletto in their disputes, but their pride was silent and contumelious. Chronicle of the Conquest of Granada
  • CONCLUSION: Our study shows an impact for only a limited number of brain dead donor resuscitation parameters on DGF duration.
  • Don't forget that VLF is participating in the DonorsChoose Blogger Challenge. Saturday Blog Soup
  • The heart transplant will take place as soon as a suitable donor can be found.
  • The British Bone Marrow Registry, which is run by the National Blood Service, was formed in 1987 and works in conjunction with other UK donor registries.
  • The donor bag was then centrifuged and the platelet-rich plasma transferred to a sterile plastic centrifuge bottle.
  • With 1 percent procaine and a fine sharp 25-gauge needle, raise skin wheals in the donor site - one for each graft and cut out a pinch of skin.
  • Three motives animate them all: loyalty to the king, devotion to the cross, and the _pundonor_: that sensitive personal honour -- the "Castilian pride" of "Hernani," -- which sometimes ran into fantastic excess. A History of English Romanticism in the Nineteenth Century
  • The sense that a candidate is tanking - or on a roll - can make the difference between a potential donor making a contribution or keeping his checkbook in his pocket.
  • These organizations, as well as private donors, sponsored students through their studies and some provided job placements between academic terms.
  • Searching for matched donors within these registries takes only 1-2 days and is done free of charge.
  • The president might have chosen to stop at a public screening of Gas Hole for Earth Day rather than hole up in a movie studio and Brentwood bar privately with moviemaker donors. Jamie Court: Will the President Gridlock West LA as Prelude to Earth Day? He Should Read the Gas Station Signs
  • Fluorescence is detected using an emission path image splitter, outfitted with polarizers, that detects the donor fluorescence as well as two polarizations of the acceptor fluorescence.
  • The excited donor will emit fluorescence, leading to a decrease of efficiency.
  • Nitrates act as donors of nitric oxide, a molecule with a recognized potential for genotoxicity.
  • Long lines of blood donors queued up outside area hospitals.
  • It has nothing to do with that fact that he signs a legal document, a donor waiver agreement - that's just a piece of paper.
  • Split-receipting may be available where a donor gives a gift to a charity or other qualified donee and receives something of value or some other benefit in return.
  • The exact enumeration of the populations is further complicated by the possible modification of both donor and acceptor molecules.
  • A player receiving a card as a result of another player's playing a seven should thank the donor.
  • The development of kinds of commercial hydrogen donor promotes the development of visbreaking technics.
  • She is one of the charity's main donors.
  • No respect for the rule of law, utter narcissism, absolutely untrustworthy to anyone close to them who trusts them (the Clinton/Edwards tradition), unlimited ability to pursue public policies leading to disaster if it provides the ability to pander to their ultra-left donors - all wrapped around with endless self righteousness. Spitzer considering Senate run? …No, really? - Moe_Lane’s blog - RedState
  • The patient's relatives were keen for him to be an organ donor.
  • Are we going to have to raise money privately from donors as we do now to pay for liver transplants and bonemarrow transplants? Heart Replacement—Progress & Problems
  • Miranda : Honey, let's go to the sperm bank to search for a suitable sperm donor.
  • The wild and weedy rice taxa were used as pollen recipients, whereas the cultivated rice was used as the pollen donor.
  • Today, only 3% of ordinary civilians are yet to return to their homes; though they are free to leave, they remain of their own volition until the de-mining/reconstruction work is completed, and the government of Sri Lanka continues to support them through its national welfare programs as well as through its relief organizations and by channeling funds from generous donors. Ru Freeman: A Few Peas Short of a Full Pod: Hillary Clinton & Tamil Nadu's Jayalalitha
  • The donor appoints trustees who can decide when the assets are distributed to the beneficiaries. Times, Sunday Times
  • Many more organ donors, however, are available than are being assessed through existing organ procurement efforts.
  • The pharmacophore included a hydrogen bond receptor, a hydrogen bond donor, a hydrophobic area and a phenyl ring with a chlorine or a bromine atom.
  • Charities are based on donations of money and goods and need to be highly responsive to their donors' requirements. Times, Sunday Times
  • The results support the idea that the strength of hydrogen bonding reflects the magnitude of the charges on the associated proton donor and acceptor atoms.
  • Donors will be prominently credited.
  • The donor will then be asked to donate bone marrow.
  • It is governed by an international board made up of representatives from donor and recipient governments, as well as businesses and philanthropic foundations. Times, Sunday Times
  • Donor organs are constantly required for transplant operations.
  • But it makes the whole idea of the endowment more real to attach a name to the donor.
  • We will also pursue further studies delineating immediate early gene/cytokine/chemokine expression in human partial liver grafts utilizing cDNA microarrays on liver biopsies obtained after reperfusion, in both cadaveric and living donor partial grafts. Basic Biliary Atresia Research
  • But we can also activate the cytoplast at the same time as the donor nucleus is introduced.
  • International donors helped fund transit for the delegates, the construction of the peace village where the conferees met, and equipment such as radios for the border security stations set up by the conference.
  • But he needs wiser advice and a larger operation that can only be provided by a donor of unimpeachable integrity. Times, Sunday Times
  • Aldols are bifunctional molecules possessing OH and C=O groups, which are able to act as both hydrogen donors and/or acceptors.
  • That statistic comes from a mail-in survey of 34, 700 blood donors nationwide, he said.
  • The decrease of donor DNA amounts in mixed chimerism foreshowed the early graft rejection or relapse.
  • Mrs Atkins called for the money either to be made available to the nurses for whom it was intended or returned to the original donors.
  • The benefit received from by the donee is claimed to be offset by the substantial amount of compensation provided to the donor, which is even more significant when Westerners pay in their funds. Unconscionable Organ Donations : Law is Cool
  • The device allows the surgeon to maintain full control of the donor lenticule at all stages of insertion. Undefined
  • That’s the same chemical we use in cardioplegia solution, which is perfused into the donor heart just prior to sewing it into the patient. Change of Heart
  • Aegilops tauschii is commonly accepted as the D genome donor of common wheat and contains a much wider genetic background. Therefore, it is important genetic resources in wheat breeding.
  • Resonance energy transfer efficiency is strongly affected by changes in the donor-acceptor distance on the order of a typical globular protein.
  • Last year, the Chinese Eximbank pledged $20bn in development funds for African infrastructure and trade financing over the next three years, funds that outstripped all western donor pledges combined.
  • The donor and the donee sort of have opposing interests, right?
  • Objective To evaluate the role of gene CCR5 on donor cells in models where intensive preconditioning of the recipient occurs, thus provide the scientific evidence for clinical experience of allo-HSCT.
  • The experiments were repeated four times for each of at least five donors, and the average percentage of adherent cells under each condition was determined.
  • The reason that political progeny are so plentiful is simple: a famous last name confers instant recognition among voters — and very often Mom's or Dad's network of donors, too. Down Year for Dynasties
  • The clones were also exact replicas of the egg donors, rather than third parties.
  • One twin is smaller with little amniotic fluid around it and is called the "donor" twin. Glossary
  • The 24-hours centre is manned by trained physically challenged people monitoring the stock in the various blood banks of the city that have been networked and looking up suitable donors from the site.
  • Only about 15 percent of kidney transplants are done with living donors, the other recipients must wait about five years before receiving a kidney from a nonliving donor.
  • Without its own donor list, the charity is at the mercy of the fundraiser. MITCH GOLD
  • For renal transplantation, marginal donors include cadavers from one or more of the following categories.
  • And that is that the president has continued -- and of course, Al Gore was part of the team -- continued to outdistance them, to outmove them every step along the way, whether it was in Donorgate with campaign finance and the failure of Clinton's attorney general to appoint an independent counsel, or later with impeachment or all the many other scandals. CNN Transcript Nov 22, 2000
  • Donor agencies are also putting pressure on the government to control spending and resist demands for further wage hikes.
  • Why bother to wriggle out of accepting that Ecclestone was a fat donor?
  • Rate It esticide maker owned by political donor The company that makes one of the pesticides state officials are considering spraying over the Bay Area to fight the light brown apple moth is owned by a wealthy California agribusinessman who has been a generous contributor to Gov. OpEdNews - Quicklink: US: Pesticide maker owned by political donor
  • The application of the donor - acceptor interaction between neutral aromatic subunits in supramolecular construction is reviewed.
  • We view so called elective ventilation of patients who might become potential organ donors with some trepidation.
  • An attempt to implant an embryo using an egg from an anonymous woman donor was unsuccessful.
  • He urged donors to step up their efforts to send aid to Somalia.
  • It involves a relation between me as the donor (donans), and another person as the donatory (donatarius), in accordance with the principle of private right, by which what is mine is transferred to the latter, on his acceptance of it, as a gift (donum). The Science of Right
  • Such measurements should be independent of the local concentrations of donor and acceptor molecules.
  • But it did not cede Taiwan because among legal experts, there is a consensus that cession requires the stipulation of both donor and recipient.
  • In the process, a small amount of blood is taken from the donor and typed.
  • Objective To investigate the Clinical significance and the changes of serum parathormone (PTH) in the platelet donors with long-term donation.
  • PAUL ROMER, MANAGING DIRECTOR, ENDERMOL NETHERLANDS: We did the show because there's a huge shortage of donors in the Netherlands. CNN Transcript Jun 1, 2007
  • Medical evaluation including sexually transmitted disease testing and genetic screening will be required of donor participants.
  • An international search for a bone marrow donor led to Janet Pope, a doctor's receptionist from Princes Risborough.
  • When the donor died the home help produced a will, signed six months earlier, making her a significant beneficiary and sole executor. Times, Sunday Times
  • He said: 'There is a shortage of donors across the country. The Sun
  • What are your feelings about being a blood donor? Times, Sunday Times
  • Only a few tools are needed to remove the donor car's body panels and fit the new kit. Times, Sunday Times
  • If the donor bears the tax, the value of gift has to be grossed up to include the tax.
  • By demanding quantifiable results, donors may force programme managers to choose easily achieved targets over less measurable actions that accord with sound humanitarian principles.
  • In the MCS, each excited donor can then either transfer its energy to an acceptor or emit fluorescence, according to the rules listed above.
  • And most of us have probably ingested meat and dairy products from livestock cloned by natural reproduction (monozygotic siblings), mechanical embryo-splitting or even nuclear transfer from an embryonic donor cell into an enucleated oocyte. The Cloned Cow Has Left the Barn
  • The number of organ transplants carried out in Scotland has dropped by almost a fifth in the past five years because of a growing shortage of suitable donors.
  • In Britain, AIDS tests are now performed on all people who offer to become blood donors.
  • She vowed if it was humanly possible, no other patient would suffer a similar fate through lack of a suitable donor.
  • But the dad of two found a bone marrow donor - and the transplant in October cured him. The Sun
  • The fertility service running the donor pool was making the choice. The Guide to Lesbian and Gay Parenting
  • Prior to the transfer of rights to the gift property, the donor may revoke the gift.
  • While the individuals pertaining to those groups may argue that they feel they are viable blood donors, why take the risk?
  • Donors would also be able to specify how they want money to be used.
  • The doctors then suck out a little bit of the contents of the donor egg - the cytoplasm - using a microscopic needle manipulated by tiny robotic arms.
  • We're investigating what they describe as bogus donors. CNN Transcript Oct 10, 2008
  • The bimolecular quenching rate constants are less than that of diffusion controlled and decrease as the one-electron reduction potential of the donor radical increases.
  • His donors are already bickering over who is most responsible for his dismal showing. Times, Sunday Times
  • We may also have been exposed to the virus in the past through blood transfusion or donor inseminations.
  • Objective To establish the xenogeneic heart transplantation model in operation of donor guinea-pig to recipient rat and observe the hyperacute rejection on it.
  • AIM: To discuss the preventive function of zinc on human sperms from being injured by sodium nitroprusside (SNP), an external NO donor.
  • My rule is to never add noncash donations to the regular donor statements. Christianity Today
  • Routinely, donors specify how they want their contributions spent.
  • They held him for more than five months until an anonymous donor paid his ransom. Christianity Today
  • The energetics of proton transfer can be envisaged as a double-well potential where the proton is transferred from a donor to the acceptor.
  • Now her family are gambling on yet another operation, this time with her father, David as the donor.
  • A pilot project in Zambezia province aims to decentralize and integrate management of donor and provincial funds.
  • Glutamate is also a principal amino donor to other amino acids in subsequent transamination reactions.
  • Most local NGOs are dependent on donor funds; their sustainability without such funds is doubtful.
  • She has a different coat than her genetic donor, Rainbow, a calico domestic shorthair.
  • * [3200] Sensus est de angelis, qui si cum Deo confederantur, aut si eos secum Deus conferat, non habens rationem eorum quæ in illis posuit, et dotium ac donorum quæ in illos contulit, et quibus eos exornavit et illustravit, inveniat eos stolidos. Of Communion with God the Father, Son and Holy Ghost
  • Because the stem cells are grown around a synthetic scaffold, patients can receive a new organ without having to wait for a suitable donor. Times, Sunday Times
  • The organisers also honoured individual donors who had donated blood more than ten times.
  • The international supply is already at a low reserve level, which is why most ARC, bloodmobile, and hospital donor centers have “Critical Need” signs out. EP083: Ulla
  • Three species of primates are endemic to the Eastern Arc Mountains and Southern Rift, the Sanje mangabey (Cercocebus sanjei, EN), the Udzungwa red colobus (Procolobus gordonorum, VU) and the mountain dwarf galago (Galagoides orinus). Biological diversity in the Eastern Afromontane
  • Objective To summarize experience of selection of donors of living related liver transplantation (LRLT) for Wilson's Disease.
  • The charity will go under unless a generous donor can be found within the next few months.
  • The other disturbing thing is the nature of the treatment donors are helping to fund. Times, Sunday Times
  • The speaker later wrote a letter on behalf of that donor to a federal agency.
  • Some require anonymous donors who perceive their role as similar to that of blood donors.
  • Following surgery, the donor and recipient were treated with praziquantel. No proglottid or worm ovum was detected by dung detection within 3 months, without any discomfortable symptom.
  • When the donor died the home help produced a will, signed six months earlier, making her a significant beneficiary and sole executor. Times, Sunday Times
  • The rah-rah atmosphere seems particularly strange given that, according to employees, the bulk of prospective donors are elderly.
  • Pratten, who now works as a journalist in Toronto, filed her lawsuit in 2008, seeking to have the Adoption Act declared unconstitutional because it discriminates against children who are born through "gamete" donors, which includes sperm and egg donors. Top Stories
  • Fundraising then was principally about raising big money from a small number of major donors. Times, Sunday Times
  • Her slim chance for survival lay in finding a bone marrow donor.
  • She’s adopted a strategy all too common among Dems in reddish districts: don’t worry about the views of the voters, just build up a financial advantage by attending to the needs of corporate donors. Matthew Yglesias » Halter’s Long Odds
  • Clinics, built by foreign donors, have stood empty for years, lacking staff and equipment.
  • Science fact is that IVF with donor eggs is a tried and tested way to help infertile couples have children.
  • The steady spending late last year makes the donors well-positioned now to call on the members they helped reelect to assault or defend elements of the reform that matter to their bottom line. Health-related money continues to flow to members of Congress
  • In most organic donor-acceptor systems, ET from a ground-state donor to a ground-state acceptor is usually not favorable because of energy reasons.
  • Agencies for Development Assistance provides profiles of international donor agencies as well as guidelines on how to submit support proposals to them.
  • The morbidity and mortality associated with donor pneumonectomy pose significant ethical considerations.
  • Regrettably the customer's daughter died following unsuccessful attempts to find a suitable donor for a heart-lung transplant.
  • Examples of a temporary covering are cadaveric allograft from an unrelated donor, xenograft (such as pigskin), synthetic products, and cultured epithelial autograft.
  • Mr. Hunsden gave him a mastiff cub, which he called Yorke, after the donor; it grew to a superb dog, whose fierceness, however, was much modified by the companionship and caresses of its young master. The Professor, by Charlotte Bronte
  • In order for a transfusion to work it is essential that the agglutinogens on the surface of the donor's blood cells match the agglutinogens on the surface of the recipient's blood cells.
  • If they would leave well enough alone and just put basic guidelines in place without convoluting the law to serve their corporate donors and associated special interests, we'd be in far better shape! Scenes from the Capitol: Maggie the cow goes to Washington
  • Surgeons implanted the device until a donor organ could be found.
  • Canadian Blood Services' plasma donors may undergo apheresis up to 52 times a year while platelet donors may donate 26 times a year.
  • As the number of big donors is fairly static at the moment, this is a way to increase their numbers. Times, Sunday Times
  • Peranteau WH, Heaton TE, Gu YC, Volk SW, Bauer TR, Alcorn K, Tuschong LM, Johnson MP, Hickstein DD, Flake AW. Haploidentical in utero hematopoietic cell transplantation improves phenotype and can induce tolerance for postnatal same-donor transplants in the canine leukocyte adhesion deficiency. CHOP stem cells publications
  • In 1987, the agency had directed blood banks to similarly disqualify donors who have received pituitary-derived growth hormone.
  • Finding a liver donor may be difficult.
  • Transplant patients are given the option of being put in touch with the the donor's family so Dave sent a thank-you card to his donor's partner Lyn McLean.
  • The tube is then subjected to a detonative shock from a high explosive donor charge.
  • Children can join the register with parental consent and the oldest organ donor in the UK was aged 82.
  • The proposals will prompt accusations that voters are being asked to bail out political parties, who have tried to hide their millionaire donors from public scrutiny. Times, Sunday Times
  • They worry that paying donors will discourage altruistic people from signing up, possibly leading to an overall decline in prospective donors. Lawsuit urges payment for bone marrow donors
  • Six-year-old Stewart Davies carried a donor card everywhere with him, heartbroken dad Brian revealed.
  • The company says calico cats are an ‘unusual case’ and ‘will always look different from their donors.’
  • The cytoplasmic male sterility (CMS) was transferred into leaf mustard by inter varietal hybridization and subsequent backcrosses cms donor as using tuber mustard.
  • Unless you have an identical twin with extra hair to donate, you must serve as your own donor.
  • The money for the new hospital was put up by an anonymous donor.
  • However, special attention must be paid to the donor chromosome segment around the target gene.
  • InfoDev enables the poorest countries to "leapfrog" from no technology to innovative technology in a way that offers "real possibilities for lifting living standards" and creating jobs, Bond told a news conference after a meeting of donors. ANC Daily News Briefing
  • But they are unlikely to tell donors that the research chain is larded with folks who will make money on something that they are giving away.
  • The 56-year-old Northamptonshire woman received fertility treatment using donor eggs and her husband's sperm.
  • New and regular donors are now needed in order to help keep pace with demand from the region's hospitals.
  • Each donor received a copy of the page and memorial card, and was invited to the short remembrance service at the Dumers Lane hospice.
  • But it also became a major aid donor to India.
  • He says relief agencies desperately need more help from international organizations and donor countries.
  • Methods:Using digoxigenin-labeled probe, 75 sera of known or unknown etiology, and 17 blood donors were detected by dot blot hybridization.
  • The declaration urged governments and donor agencies to increase their official development assistance, creating and supporting strong, sustainable reproductive health and sexual health programs.
  • The donor community contributed to initial reserves and participant countries paid one-time participation fees.
  • How does a donor lose and a recipient gain?
  • But the demand for transplant organs still outstrips the number of suitable donors available. Times, Sunday Times
  • Men had been undermined and emasculated to such an extent in a woman-dominated world that they would soon be little more than ‘sperm donors’, the article claimed.

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