How To Use Donation In A Sentence
Even a small donation can do a lot of good.
If the mother is allowed to refuse a kidney donation that would keep her child alive once the child is born, why should she be preluded from having an abortion if she wants one in order to save one of her kidneys?
The Volokh Conspiracy » “Should a Parent Be Required To Donate a Kidney to a Child Who Needs a Life-Saving Transplant?”
The livestock scheme is run on commercial lines rather than donations.
Times, Sunday Times
The donation he made was a deductible on his tax form.
The dinner has highlighted the difficulty for the duke and duchess of how careful they should be about where their charitable donations come from.
Times, Sunday Times

Vanessa raised hundreds of pounds for the charity by playing requests in exchange for donations to the appeal.
Today, because of that initial donation, we have been able to raise additional funding for the now formidable Salone Microfinance Trust to fund microcredits for over 7,000 Sierra Leonean women and men!
Tiffany Persons: The Never-ending Story of One Donation
Why, I'm sure that Saint John the Do-As-I-Say-Not-As-I-Do Populist's votes had nothing to do with the corporate interests in North Carolina that he might find necessary to court later (or pay back for an earlier campaign donation).
Tonight: The Jefferson-Jackson Dinner
The pictures were collected after the staff wrote to a number of celebrities asking for donations.
Property and equipment are stated at cost at the date of acquisition or estimated fair value at the date of donation.
It's a clever business tactic: Not only is the donation tax-deductible, but participating nonprofits bring in their lists, and shoppers are incentivized to buy, knowing the profits go to worthy causes.
Artful Style on the Bowery
We are totally reliant on voluntary donations.
The Sun
Local cable and satellite affiliates will distribute the food donations to local food banks.
We are appealing for financial support to produce flyers, posters, election advertising and other materials and for donations towards our campaign fund of €10,000.
The scaleup has been made largely possible by rising donations and falling price for drugs, which have plummeted from 10,000 dollars to 300 dollars per person per year in three years.
ANC Daily News Briefing
Jan. 22/PRNewswire-USNewswire/-- With a generous donation from Eyre Bus, Tour & medical professionals and volunteers from the D.C. and New - Articles related to Where America Gives Its Money
Would you like to make a donation to our charity appeal?
Inspector Rajaram Pardeshi, in-charge of the Junnar police station said the suspects in Shivneri cut three iron grills of the temple window with a sharp object and decamped with a mangalsutra and a nath (nose ring) and some money (totalling Rs 10,725) by breaking open the donation box sometime between Monday night and early Tuesday morning.
Are We Losing Our Faith in Tough Times?
It will cost about £25,000 extra a month to keep airborne and all the money is raised by public donations.
As well as financial contributions, the group is urging volunteer gardeners to come forward or offer donations of gardening tools and equipment.
It has accepted sizeable donations from the financier as the party has campaigned heavily against the privatisation of the British health service.
Times, Sunday Times
Return the enclosed Donation Form today in the prepaid envelope provided.
The second beneficiary, the Suffolk Accident Rescue Service, relies totally on charitable donations for its desperately-needed equipment.
Employees make regular donations to charity.
The organisers would appreciate any donations of knitting wool, patterns, knitting needles, crochet hooks or any old material.
So not boo, hiss, pay up as in your good selves making a donation to me.
Times, Sunday Times
Bob Walker said the Brimble Hill School would be able to do things he had never dreamed of after receiving the donation from local firm Arval Ltd.
The government has promised to match any private donations to the earthquake fund.
That sounds like condonation of sloth, indiscipline, unethical behaviour, and disregard of responsibility.
Donation of a reliquiae or an organ should be an independent lawful decision and not be treated as a common gift.
Now the company begins a donation matching program and no upper limit, which means, if an employee donates $100, then Microsoft will donate another $100.
The organisation is also looking for donations from philanthropists for a suitable site here to have its own building.
Every year I give a donation to the Arizona School Choice Trust. 100% of the money so donated is then used to give tuition grants to ecconomically disadvantaged students to help pay for private tuition.
The Volokh Conspiracy » The Latest School Choice Controversy Now Before the Supreme Court
The financing structure is not just a bunch of charitable institutions collecting donations and dispensing funds.
In return for the donation, said Bunau-Varilla, Hanna had seen to it that the Republican platform called for the construction of an “isthmian” canal, rather than specifying one at Nicaragua, as the Democrats had done.
The Path Between the Seas
The money is a welcome boost to the donations and pledges of cash already made since the appeal's launch in September.
But crew training should be centrally funded, not relying upon donations from the general public.
At this time of year the demands on our welfare organisations are always stretched and a small donation from you can make the world of difference to not only them but also a needy family.
The charity issued a call for donations to assist victims of the earthquake.
During the donation, Professor Poon Chung-kwong also Zhangjiajie Jishou University campus to give lectures and carry out the visit.
We are totally reliant on voluntary donations.
The Sun
We are very grateful for the family asking for donations for us instead of flowers.
With pledges and donations throughout the day he has raised £140 but hopes the amount will increase.
Trade unions are also required to hold a ballot to confirm that its members wish to make donations to political parties.
Business Studies Basic Facts
The cash was raised by the group's flood fund appeal through donations and a variety of charity events.
The devices are shaped like classic charity donation buckets and can accept coins and notes as well as a 2 contactless card donation.
Times, Sunday Times
As a result, the family requested mourners to make donations to the Wiltshire Air Ambulance appeal in lieu of flowers.
Teas will be served during the afternoon and the organisers will welcome donations of food, cakes, and savouries.
This will doubtlessly open the flood gates the of the raw meat christianist fundamentalist cash reservoir, sending waves of campaign donations surging into McDonnell's campaign fund.
McDonnell drops F-bomb in live interview
If you wish to donate towards our efforts, please go to the Donation page.
This donation brings the total up to $6 000.
First, most people make donations to a charity because they wish to contribute to a good cause.
Times, Sunday Times
He made large charitable donations to the school until his death.
The fact is: There is a terrible shortage of organ donations.
The most common donation for each purchase is 0.25 per cent thereafter.
Times, Sunday Times
Charities are based on donations of money and goods and need to be highly responsive to their donors' requirements.
Times, Sunday Times
The king hearing the pope named, waxed maruellous angrie: for they of Rome began alreadie to demand donations and contributions, more impudentlie than they were hitherto accustomed.
Chronicles of England, Scotland and Ireland (2 of 6): England (2 of 12) William Rufus
Communal solicit contribution refers to a special donation conducted for the interest of a specific natural person and realized through the contract between collector and donator.
The community should provide adequate programs to help juvenile delinquents setup criminal lexus company brick rear donation school stuff direct detective cover factory brake pony cement man church admission feet attack sim politics tiger audi boyfriend home actor flat blast keyboard wolf case display samurai technologies laptop acura block monte will read it later.
Firefighters Union Initially Snubbed Giuliani For "Disgraceful Lack Of Respect" After 9/11...And Other Campaign Updates
Another problem is that donations to religious entities as a percentage of income have been declining.
In December 1997, the executive banned branches from affiliating to, or making donations to the union.
The press has done a public service exposing this government's fondness for spin, rich businessmen and fat donation cheques.
We know that many relatives say no to organ donation simply because they do not know what their loved one would have wanted.
The company's donation was surely motivated by self-interest, as it attracted a lot of media attention.
So far £114,957 has been raised including a generous donation this week of £3,000 from the Hedley Foundation, a charitable trust.
Visits to Amnesty's US website reportedly increased sixfold, donations threefold and the rate of new memberships twofold.
And the nice thing about this donation is apparently, reportedly, it will be conditioned or be targeted to certain reforms.
Taking the Pledge
Leaving it up to individuals to allow charities to reclaim tax on their personal donations is more costly for charities.
Times, Sunday Times
A gambler would probably ask how many zeroes need to be added to the donation for all traces of morality to disappear.
He said average donations appeared to be down and it's probable more people were not at home when doorknocked.
The neurophysiological effect of the messenger, and possible resultant behavioral change in the organism, depend on whether there is a net receipt or donation of energy by the organism.
Cash donations also allow agencies to avoid the labor-intensive need to store, sort, pack and distribute donated goods.
Actually, the opponent, Dan Meuser, occasionally gives to politicians who are important to his company, but 91 percent of his personal donations go to Republicans.
Giving Till They're Blue?
I should also be interested to know what value of donation on my part would ensure that the church bells remain unrestored and forever silent.
The easiest way to make regular charitable donations is payroll giving.
Times, Sunday Times
Objective To investigate the Clinical significance and the changes of serum parathormone (PTH) in the platelet donors with long-term donation.
Two large individual donations have also been announced for the school's new home.
We have set up donation boxes at the toilets and every little bit helps.
A cash-strapped football club for deaf people will be able to continue thanks to a £2,000 donation
Most of the Donations express their motive, "appropinquante mundi fine.
History of the Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire — Volume 1
For those who want to leave their cars on the sidelines and try out something a more racy, a £20 donation will get you a spin in a Porsche or Noble.
In the event that the succession or donation happens to the Borrower, the responsibilities and obligations under the contract must be succeeded to the heir or the donee.
This agency is handicapped, however, because its funding is voluntary and contributors may earmark their donations for specific programs.
The family thanks them all for their many kindnesses, good wishes, and expressions of sympathy; and wishes that in lieu of flowers, they make a donation to a charity of their choice.
And if that's not bad enough, now I've got telephone solicitors calling me for charity donations.
They get a lot of mileage out of their donations and are having some amazing successes.
This principle is mainly applied to two kinds of situations: negotiorum gestio and donation, and principle of waiver and estoppel.
Where the property donated is not preservable or transportable or exceeds the actual need, the donee may sell it, and all the income therefrom shall be used for purposes as designed by donation.
- you'll find updates on their latest projects and can make donations online by clicking "Help the ICRC," that's in the upper right-hand corner.
CNN Transcript Mar 7, 2004
Although lands owned by educational institutions were at first exempted from nationalization, other sources of support, such as impropriated tithes and standard donations from chapters and monasteries, dried up.
It is my honorary responsibility to receive donations, subscriptions and offerings sent to the group.
My rule is to never add noncash donations to the regular donor statements.
Christianity Today
The headmaster and students were very appreciative of the Braillewriters, however, they could still benefit from the donation of additional Braillewriters.
Darlington borough council is to be approached for a donation.
His eye-catching donations show that Mr Gates has a deep interest in development.
At any rate, with spending caps plus the elimination of big donations, the minority parties had more of a chance.
Measures for the motivation and organization for blood donation by active-duty service personnel shall be worked out by the competent department of health of the Chinese People's Liberation Army.
We have sent a donation out of our as yet meagre little store of funds.
Were all those collecting credit cards like confetti merely trying to pay for school fees or increase their charitable donations?
Times, Sunday Times
Donations in wills are deducted before the tax.
Times, Sunday Times
Saturday-Sunday walks for organized groups only, Mount Rainier National Park; $4/person donation; park-entrance fee $15/vehicle 360-569-2211, ext. 3314 or
The Seattle Times
A donation to ACW would enable this work to flourish.
Archive 2009-06-01
The Japanese donation will support a Kathmandu Metropolitan City project to improve the environment and beautify the site.
Just fill in the coupon above and send it off with a £5 donation.
If you wish to donate towards our efforts, please go to the Donation page.
These items were joined by donations of needlework, silhouettes, mirrors, and other decorative arts by her daughters.
The group depends on grants, donations and parental contributions to keep going.
The push for more donations from entrepreneurs is becoming gradually apparent in society as the gap between rich and poor widens.
Vanessa raised hundreds of pounds for the charity by playing requests in exchange for donations to the appeal.
The Director of the Red Cross was forced to resign in shamed because they (Red Cross) scimmed several millions from donations to the victims to replace their communication system.
Think Progress » “Embattled FEMA head Mike Brown
This indicates a very lean organization where your donation will be put to work, rather than recycled into fundraising efforts.
Donations and pledges from fans neared £13,000.
The founder member of a branch of an army organisation has been commemorated with a donation towards cancer research.
By supporting the work of the Benevolent Fund through a donation or Deed of Covenant.
But it has to rely entirely on public donations.
‘We've had more corporate donations and it's just mind-blowing the support we've received,’ Emma continued.
She turned her nose up at my small donation.
He would be worth more but for large donations to charity.
Times, Sunday Times
You could also simply make a donation or bring some Christmas cheer by sending a child a personal letter from Father Christmas.
From various patrons they may receive outright gifts, sponsorships, bequests, donations in kind and money.
A team of six staff helped shoppers pack their groceries in return for donations to the charity.
Our much-appreciated donations would be better spent caring for unwanted pets, abused and neglected animals, and sick or injured wildlife.
Please help us with a donation or legacy in our favour.
We were given donations to build the orphanage and now we have this beautiful building.
The Sun
But donations to help elect or defeat political candidates have been denied such a subsidy since 1954.
If you send a donation be sure to include your name ao I can post a list of the contributers and also return your money if this does not work out.
OK guys if you would like to donate a few dollars to buy Wesley a shotgun. You can send it to Delwin Akins at 2311 W.
The benevolent fund needs donations so it can continue to combat isolation.
News media shall conduct nonprofit publicity about blood donation in society.
One day as he leisurely strolls through London, he bumps into Pamela, a beautiful woman who is collecting donations for some charity.
While I’m sure my version would horrify a purist, I’m hoping Kate Hill of the blog of the same name and French Kitchen Adventures would find it an acceptable variation, since it was her donation to Menu for Hope 4 a handmade cassole, or cassoulet pot, with beans and recipes and her passion for the food of southwest France that made me hunger for some kind of cassoulet.
Archive 2007-12-01
He sent Prophet Samuel a five-hundred-dollar donation and a brochure advertising his banking services.
Since opening in March, the home has mostly relied on private donations from charitable organizations.
For a nation that prides itself on giving generous donations to bolster up a welfare service that ought to be the primary care of government, this kind of treatment is deplorable.
She referred to a number of donations received during the year, also the successful activities the clients were engaged in.
We were given donations to build the orphanage and now we have this beautiful building.
The Sun
Women made donations to the poor, to hospitals, confraternities and synagogues.
Italy, Early Modern.
This is due to the role folate plays in methyl donation in the body.
Like DeWine, other lawmakers shared their personal experiences with organ donation on Tuesday.
Recent surveys show that charity donations maintain a steady pace and that some giving to some charities by some people is increasing.
Donation and inheritance transactions accounted for a relatively small area of the farmland transferred to disadvantaged people.
The committee has been given a £200 donation from Texaco Britain which was to be used to buy a new drysuit.
Donations are continuing to pour in to the Yorkshire Post Hidden Disability appeal from big-hearted readers keen to help autistic children have the chance of a better life.
He made a generous donation to the charity.
A wealthy sponsor came to our rescue with a generous donation.
Non-profit groups across the country say they are hurting from a recession-fueled decline in thrift store donations, and the pain is being passed down to thrifty shoppers, who increasingly rely on second-hand stores to stretch in hard times.
Thrift stores struggle to stay open, fund programs
This country belonged formerly to the Jews, and became useful for shipping from the donations of Hiram king of Tyre; for he sent a sufficient number of men thither for pilots, and such as were skillful in navigation, to whom Solomon gave this command: That they should go along with his own stewards to the land that was of old called Ophir, but now the Aurea Chersonesus, which belongs to India, to fetch him gold.
Antiquities of the Jews
After donations to the Homes, the net costs amounted to £501,415 and £106,875 respectively.
Ingraham on Sebelius "lowballing" donations from abortionist George Tiller
Catholic Fire
In reality, there is a great shortage of donated organs, but organ donation is a careful, well-documented medical procedure.
WHY do people not understand that charities outsource their donation work to businesses that are formed for the purpose of fundraising?
The Sun
Anyone without a bank account can make a cash donation by placing it in an envelope marked Christmas Care and give it to reception at the Information Centre.
A man's cogitable donations, his physical heredity, his moral and mental instincts and capacities are the results of the thoughts and feelings of his previous births.
The devices are shaped like classic charity donation buckets and can accept coins and notes as well as a 2 contactless card donation.
Times, Sunday Times
The company has chipped in with a $200 donation.
The donation was in the form of breakfast cereal given to students to ensure that their first meal of the day was nutritious.
Paul gestured towards the biggest muntjac suspended from the carrying pole and made an elaborate gesture of donation.
`The donation required to dedicate a site of this size would be $30,000.
Eye-friendly columns, neatly typed, show amounts donated in 2008, the Blago “LOW GOAL” for future donations from each listee, and the “HIGH GOAL,” sometimes up to $100,000.
Fitzgerald Subpoenaed Blagojevich for Dirt on Obama Contacts, leaving out Blagojevich donors
You can reclaim income tax on the donations to a trust and tax is not payable on its investment income.
Times, Sunday Times
The decision will bring in donations from public school teachers and their unions - but could lose votes both in the burbs and the inner city.
Twelve of the country's 325 municipalities banned blood donations at the weekend.
Times, Sunday Times
Six donor countries and 13 recipient countries have now developed their own drug donation guidelines.
And in 2006 and 2008, direct donations to Democrats via netroot channels such as ActBlue (bookmark it!) swamped the opposition in many close races.
Think Progress » Steele says he wrote his new book ‘before’ he ‘became chairman.’
The devices are shaped like classic charity donation buckets and can accept coins and notes as well as a 2 contactless card donation.
Times, Sunday Times
The quicker Coe finishes the marathon the larger the donation.
Donations have decreased significantly over the past few years.
The donation aggregated to.
So not boo, hiss, pay up as in your good selves making a donation to me.
Times, Sunday Times
“Balada Solidária” (Solidarity Party, pt), promoted by Cynthia Costa with the aim to direct part of the profit of bars and restaurants in the Piauí State's capital Teresina into the acquisition of food and donations is a highlight among the initiatives currently in place.
Global Voices in English » Brazil: When climate change meets cyber-activism
Therefore this is your last opportunity to make that all-important gift or cash donation to the charity.
She made a personal donation to the fund.
Cote de Lapin Wine Club invites our member to participate this charity. No matter how much you donated that will be appreciated. Cote de Lapin Wine Club will be the delegate to make donation.
Here, mating partners repeatedly alternate donation of a small parcel of unfertilized eggs, which is then immediately fertilized by their mate, who subsequently assumes the female role.
Before the churches were filled with donations and offerings and gifts to charity and the clergy had more and could help the needy.
A Social History of Modern Spain
You're also going to see more and more so-called embedded giving, which inserts a charitable donation into a commercial transaction.
If you haven't been tested for bone marrow donation, consider getting tested.
To what extent does its dependence on charitable donations make it an involuntary party in the game of denial?
Liver organ donations are limited in this country so transplants are used only to save lives.
Times, Sunday Times
Other donations from the hotel group were channeled through the Accor office in Jakarta, to be delivered to victims through a television charity program.
a generous donation
Posted in Gloaming Announcements, tagged admin, beggary, blog, donations, website on November 26, 2009 | Leave a Comment »
November « 2009 « In The Gloaming Podcasts
By sending out our Christmas greetings by e-mail, ABP South Wales have been able to make donations to two local charities.
The Kimse Yok Mu association, founded after a TV show with the same title aired on Samanyolu TV, has served as a bridge to take the donations to the poor and the needy since
While contributions are technically considered donations, backers are rewarded with everything from free digital downloads to dinner with the directors.
But just bring the donations to the right places, such as reformatories or orphanages.
I don't care if he appeared in the ad in return for a donation to the Terrence Higgins Trust.
This latest donation means the auxiliary has raised almost $180,000 to help look after sick people.
Mince pies and mulled wine was provided and served by Huby Women's Institute in the village hall, thanks to a financial donation by the parish council.
Buddhism receives donations for its temples which are automatically docked from the wages of civil servants.
Leaving it up to individuals to allow charities to reclaim tax on their personal donations is more costly for charities.
Times, Sunday Times
They are unelected activists, funded by private donations from wealthy individuals and foundations.
A representative of Wrigley ( China ) presents donations to pupils in Gansu Province.
The Information Centre in Regent Street will also take donations of clothing and bedding.
Donations can be made in Cale or Kathleen Darling's name at local Global Credit Union branches, inside Yoke's grocery stores on Road 68 in Pasco and 27th Avenue in Kennewick, and in the flashcube building on Clearwater Avenue in Kennewick.
The News Tribune Blogs
He sent Prophet Samuel a five-hundred-dollar donation and a brochure advertising his banking services.
A project to recreate a piece of Bolton's industrial heritage is steaming ahead thanks to a 5,000 donation.
He is also expected to announce tax relief for overseas donations of existing drugs by pharmaceutical companies.
Although the museum has been helpful in soliciting donations, according to center officials, it has been a constant money loser.
If it seems fair that we put forth these demands on behalf of a potential life why not demand organ and bonemarrow donations of people on behalf of actually existing life?
“I’m glad you’ve decided not to kill it”
And that means loss of campaign donations, duh! oh wait, never mind, the orca is the essence of seattle. actually, chijully is the essence of seattle put him on the orca, standing at a microphone to give public input, because that's the essence of seattle. everything should express the essence of seattle and our values. coming next: rebranding city light as city light as city orcachihulysalmonmetronaturalsaywa -- that's our essence!
Fully Prepared and Totally Ready « PubliCola