
How To Use Donate In A Sentence

  • This time, as we are waiting to see if Rachel can donate one of her kidneys to me, I may only have to dialyse for a couple of months until Blogposts |
  • Upon completion of the donated public welfare project, the donee shall inform the donor of the construction, use of the funds and checking and acceptance of the construction quality.
  • They donated Vicki's heart for research so that experts can learn more about the rare condition.
  • For the five years before her death his widow had donated an annual gift of £3,000 towards Burley - unknown to many in the village.
  • For the 1999-2000 school year EF cashed in some of its stock donated from start-ups and put $325,000 to work for the nonprofit.
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  • We all owe a debt of gratitude to Mrs Stevenson, who kindly donated the money for the project.
  • Donate some coffins to the temple, equal to the number of deaths.
  • Originally, Stanley donated this trophy as an award for Canada's top-ranking amateur hockey club.
  • Well - they are out there somewhere, as they have always been, and the competitive route exampled by the well-established Donatella Flick jamboree may be one way of finding them.
  • The organisers thank all who patronised the function and also everyone who donated prizes for the raffle.
  • I came away with a gladdened heart and a burning desire to lobby the body corporate of my work building to donate an unused display cabinet for similar gallery concept. Unexpected pleasures
  • Q: Mark Zuckerberg donated $100M for use in assisting the public schools in Newark. Mike Green: NFTE: Injecting Entrepreneurship into Inner City Education (VIDEO)
  • We would like to thank everyone who has supported and donated to the appeal.
  • He donated a large sum of money to the orphanage.
  • Some state schools follow the example of private schools in asking parents to donate money.
  • Canadian Blood Services' plasma donors may undergo apheresis up to 52 times a year while platelet donors may donate 26 times a year.
  • Over two matches, we could donate a minimum of 20,000 items for the foodbank. The Sun
  • Boucheron won the day, and will be auctioning an exquisite brooch of diamonds, rock crystal, topaz and emeralds, with the cash donated to the new foundation.
  • Now the company begins a donation matching program and no upper limit, which means, if an employee donates $100, then Microsoft will donate another $100.
  • Every year I give a donation to the Arizona School Choice Trust. 100% of the money so donated is then used to give tuition grants to ecconomically disadvantaged students to help pay for private tuition. The Volokh Conspiracy » The Latest School Choice Controversy Now Before the Supreme Court
  • The second is donated by Ian Allen, the well-known transport book publisher.
  • Many people offered to donate blood and skin for the badly burnt worker.
  • Also, at the last count, you guys donated a whopping $27,695.41 to the relief fund.
  • Jonathan has found a array of aged Shakespere texts in a living room of a Franklin Inn Club which assumingly have been left here during assorted times by members of a Society, as good as he has pleasantly donated or sent during a behind of to their place of proceed these copies of a Bard's plays. Archive 2009-11-01
  • The true charity is not in donate some money, but in we donate, donate our time. CNN Hero: Jorge Munoz
  • Many refugees are using donated clothing to keep their livestock warm as temperatures plunge to near freezing at night.
  • hundreds of thousands of wisconsin union membership residents would be happy to donate. where would you like the checks sent? bitterweed wrote: Reuters: Press Release
  • Bails of lucern, donated by farmers in the Maclear and Ugie areas, were due to be stockpiled for distribution later.
  • If you wish to donate towards our efforts, please go to the Donation page.
  • As I think about the vast dollars spent on stunts like this, as well as the full-page ad they placed in the Washington Post a few months ago in the interest of "protecting the people," I think about the number of kids that could have received donated computers for that money; or how many homes that could have been connected to high-speed Internet and education on the benefits of broadband. Navarrow Wright: Would You Rather Have Waffles or a Better Education?
  • All the Legos used in the project were donated from the Lego Graffiti Styles Convention in Munich. digg this digg this email this email this tweet this tweet this facebook this facebook this Artist Uses LEGO Blocks to Rebuild New York City All the Legos used in the project were donated from the Lego Graffiti Styles Convention in Munich. – Inhabitat
  • For the rest, I recall a gaunt Baptist in wood, said to be by Donatello, on one of the altars to the left of the choir; and the bronze Baptist in the Baptistery, less realistic, by Sansovino; the pretty figures of A Wanderer in Venice
  • Unfortunately for Stanley, these are the footgear of baseball player Clyde Livingstone, who has donated them to a local orphanage.
  • Anyone who has attractive wild flowers growing in their gardens may like to collect and donate some seeds.
  • Get a head start on spring-cleaning and donate clothes, toys, furniture, household items, and old computers to nonprofits accepting them.
  • The donor will then be asked to donate bone marrow.
  • We donate to the school endowment fund every year.
  • Family and friends clubbed together and donated coupons for food and ingredients.
  • When my brother donated his bicycle to the large scrap drive, I donated our swing set to outdo him.
  • In 1774 she donated £50 for the maintenance of alms women in the town.
  • The RNC has donated very little, Brown is receiving money in modest amounts from the millions and millions of Americans oppossed to the progressive takeover of our country and government and in favor of less government intervention in our lives. Think Progress » Wall Street Investors Lavish Scott Brown’s Campaign With Money, Get Out The Vote Operations
  • Their advice: Rearrange what you have. Donate items to charity.
  • Tons of internationally donated food was distributed to the starving peasants.
  • They are also running their annual Radiothon at the moment, which is the key fundraising event for the station, so if you want to donate or even subscribe, now is the time to do it (cos you can win prizes and stuff).
  • Sort has requested neurologists/neuro surgeons and anaesthesiologists to motivate close relatives of brain-dead patients to donate kidneys and other organs.
  • He suggested they donate a percentage of their revenue to the cause.
  • Even more remarkably, many office goers and industrial workers had worked extra hours and donated their overtime earnings to raise a fund for the victims.
  • Over a period of 20 years, Donatella established herself as a sculptress in the international arena of visual arts.
  • If you have jars or bottles which contain coppers or foreign coins at home you could donate them to the project.
  • Cash donations also allow agencies to avoid the labor-intensive need to store, sort, pack and distribute donated goods.
  • Amy: Very well. If you die and donate your body to science(sentence dictionary), I promise to slice your brain like Canadian bacon.
  • People can donate money to quake - hit areas by sending SMS.
  • Pete Rose and other baseball luminaries have been seen at Donatello, an upscale Italian restaurant.
  • In 1363, for example, Bindo Benini donated to the monastery a relatively modest sum of 120 florins in order to help defray construction and decoration costs of a burial chapel in the chapterhouse.
  • The 2 monks carved in teak donated by Deva Furniture & Art Objects was bought by Kevin Smith for 10,000 baht.
  • The #beatcancer hashtag is funded by Paypal: The company is going to donate $0.05/tweet that mentions it to Livestrong. Dave Taylor: Why #beatcancer Doesn't Help Fight Cancer
  • As a further precaution, should previously transfused people not be allowed to donate blood?
  • Paule, who currently serves on the center's board of directors, donates all royalties from his book to the program.
  • His devoted parents have been trying for several years to have a baby whose donated stem cells might restore him to health.
  • He is hoping people will donate fodder and hay for a convoy for those struggling to feed their stock.
  • Corneal transplantation, known as corneal grafting or penetrating keratoplasty, represents a surgical procedure performed by ophthalmologists, that includes the replacement of a damaged or diseased cornea, the clear part of eye in front of the iris and pupil, with a donated corneal tissue, extracted from a deceased person. Cornea Transplants -Corneal Transplantation Surgical Proceedure
  • Color is light, does haemoglobin slant can little person donate blood?
  • Where the property donated is not preservable or transportable or exceeds the actual need, the donee may sell it, and all the income therefrom shall be used for purposes as designed by donation.
  • Black tube steel was sourced from local foundries, together with telegraph poles and guy wires which were donated by a power supplier.
  • Of course whatever people want to donate separately on top of that is also welcomed.
  • If a multimillionaire donates tens of millions of yuan, this of course can be counted as charity on his part.
  • To donate, please use your Freepost envelope.
  • An anonymous businesswoman donated one million dollars to the charity.
  • The organisers also honoured individual donors who had donated blood more than ten times.
  • Two who heard the program, Marty Vibul and Linda Patterson, wanted to donate funds to help the project, and with the added assistance of store owners Tim and Margie Griffiths of Wild Birds Unlimited the Peaks decided to supplement their 17 bluebird nest boxes at Audubon Park with some boxes specifically tailored to the prothonotary warbler, which is considered as endangered in some areas of North America. Stories
  • It's true that an antioxidant becomes a free radical after it donates an electron to quench another free radical.
  • If you wish to donate towards our efforts, please go to the Donation page.
  • That's so delightfully brazen - and small-bore, given that the kid is gonna drive 1,500 miles across the country - that I think I might actually donate 10 bucks.
  • The winning entries would be auctioned and the proceeds donated to charity.
  • In fact, even the sealskins used in the practical courses had to be donated!
  • Hambling, the portraitist and sculptor, will join James Lloyd, a former winner of the BP Portrait award, painter Emrys Williams and Royal Academician Chris Orr, along with the writers Pullman and Willy Russell, in a sale of original images, all donated to promote the cause of drawing. Artists' self-portraits to raise money for drawing campaign
  • Outside Mr. Vilna's office sits a steam-shovel -- donated by Taiwan -- that could restore the irrigation canals. Food Crisis Forces New Look at Farming
  • He underwent a transplant operation four-and-a-half years ago, but the kidney donated by his father was rejected.
  • The degree of relief is alto-rilievo, like those on the Roman sarcophagi and the pulpits of the Pisani; in shape it is almost as high as it is long; this unusual proportion is similar to some of the divisions of the bronze reliefs in the Donatello pulpits at San Lorenzo. Michael Angelo Buonarroti
  • Christa was able to stretch our donated money to the limit and so we were able to purchase 11 new instruments including three trumpets, a pocket trumpet, a tuba, alto and baritone horn, a trombone, euphonium, a snare and a base drum. Ye Band Dideth Expand « Peace Corps South Africa
  • More recently, my delight in finding some lovely sun blushed tomatoes which don't actually taste like bits of carpet someone has spilt tomato puree on has been hampered by a patronising little addition to the label informing me that 10p from every 'special pack' is being donated to Comic Relief. Archive 2007-02-01
  • Give It allows friends and relatives to donate a sum of money to a good cause instead of buying a shoddy piece of tat that's destined for the charity shop.
  • I agree with you! corey on Jul 10, 2009 im glad chris pine as leonardo brad pitt as rapheal robbie amell as donatello nick palatas as michealengo kate melton as venus jet li as the shredder htis will be a good ninja turtle movie so iglad im a ninja turtle fan so i will see the new teenage mutant ninja turtles movie in theatres 2011 see ya. andries price on Aug 7, 2009 Rumor: Return of the Live Action Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles?! «
  • A common response to a problem of this magnitude might be to donate some cash to a charity or to leave a bagful of staples -- rice, pasta, canned tomatoes, for example -- in the new bins for the hungry at the exit to your supermarket after you've done your own shopping. Diana Farr Louis: Food Aid Takes Off in Athens
  • Glasgow's Barrowlands has been host to many a star, from Donatella Versace and Lulu to Simple Minds and Runrig.
  • Canadian Blood Services' plasma donors may undergo apheresis up to 52 times a year while platelet donors may donate 26 times a year.
  • The group could hold its first auction within the next two weeks if enough cars are donated, she added.
  • I owuld donate the whole amount of money to Orbis annoymously to support beneficence.
  • Erma Bombeck touched so many lives that scores of readers offered to donate kidneys to replace her failing organs.
  • But to win your case you have to promise to donate your winnings to charity. 9.
  • the company donated a miserable $100 for flood relief
  • Unless you have an identical twin with extra hair to donate, you must serve as your own donor.
  • A few of us decided to get together and try and raise money above and beyond what people had already kindly donated.
  • In reality, there is a great shortage of donated organs, but organ donation is a careful, well-documented medical procedure.
  • The odonates were removed and preserved in 70% ethanol for later identification and counting.
  • True, but vacuous, weasel-worded, fact-free, faux-expert prognostications by contemptible establishmentarian hacks rank pretty low on the list of charities I donate to. Matthew Yglesias » Staggeringly Off-the-Mark Forecasts of European Economic Preeminence
  • Six of Edmonton's most scrumptious purveyors of comestibles along with a dessert and scotch supplier will donate some of their best wares to the event.
  • A new trophy, a silver tankard donated by the former captain and president, was awarded to the winning team.
  • The idea is to make it convenient to donate blood.
  • Would opening a market in donated organs be a Pareto improvement, or would it make some people worse off? Organ Transplant Market?, Arnold Kling | EconLog | Library of Economics and Liberty
  • They just wanted me to donate, monthly, the equivalent amount to half a bag of tea-bags.
  • Eye-friendly columns, neatly typed, show amounts donated in 2008, the Blago “LOW GOAL” for future donations from each listee, and the “HIGH GOAL,” sometimes up to $100,000. Fitzgerald Subpoenaed Blagojevich for Dirt on Obama Contacts, leaving out Blagojevich donors
  • The big-hearted team, which is based at Bumpers Farm, Chippenham, donated £250 to the appeal last week, after reading of Lydia's plight in the Gazette.
  • Committee members were asked to donate baking. 4.
  • She has donated money to establish a pharmaceutical laboratory.
  • Over two matches, we could donate a minimum of 20,000 items for the foodbank. The Sun
  • A Girl Scout troop sold valentines and donated $300.
  • It has been pointed out that Nawab Shuja-ud-din in his time donated 50 bighas of land to Hindus to build a temple - the second holy one in Ayodhya - to Hanuman.
  • The person that there is hypoglycemia symptom whether donate blood?
  • Pheasant, Skeet, Hawgs (Donate the meat don; t carre for it myself). With the big game season winding down in most areas. What is everyone doing to keep sharp and break the monotony of winter?
  • More than 40 items have already been donated for two auctions.
  • Cote de Lapin Wine Club invites our member to participate this charity. No matter how much you donated that will be appreciated. Cote de Lapin Wine Club will be the delegate to make donation.
  • Will Palin donate a measley $1000 to his campaign or merely ignore him? jack Palin stars in new Rand Paul commercial
  • It was, back then, the best thrift store in the world, the purveyor of top-flight vintage goods donated by wealthy and well-clothed suburbanites from the upscale towns that surround Paterson. Pamela Redmond Satran: Wonder Why There Are No Good Clothes in Thrift Stores Anymore?
  • More seriously they were helping to raise funds for the tsunami appeal, raffling a superb prize donated by Nestlé of a day's motor racing.
  • Another late eighteenth-century palampore was generously donated recently.
  • Most of the time, the enticement was a cheaper rate, but sometime it was a promise to donate a certain amount per call to a church charity. Canada Free Press
  • Colbert donated proceeds to the Yellow Ribbon Fund, a Bethesda, Md., non-profit that helps injured military service members and their families.
  • Instead of the traditional wedding gifts Rachel and Matthew asked their guests to donate a book which had touched that guest's life and inscribe it with a special message.
  • Labels: chimera, donated spam, geep, spam headers comments: robot_vs_vampyr@livejournal said ... Cloven Chimera Buyers
  • Toy Drive on Dec. 19; donate a new toy and ski for only $ 5.
  • Smith & Wesson donated four pistols as prizes to the top four winners along with match commemoratives to all the competitors.
  • Yet even with the arrival in the city of outsiders such as Donatello, Raphael and Signorelli, Trecento mysticism lingered well into the 16th century in the strange, boneless figures, extravagant gestures and intense colours of Domenico Beccafumi. Archive 2007-10-01
  • Those who confuse innovation and entrepreneurship are also prone to forget the most important difference between earned revenue and donated revenue.
  • Now scientists are turning their attention to the genome of the domestic cat, and it is Cinnamon's turn to donate a blood sample.
  • Mr. Laing donated the winners' quaich.
  • A silent auction featured many items donated by local businesses.
  • Now they are relying on visitors to generously donate money while admiring the beautiful petunias, begonias and busy lizzy flowers.
  • Rakoff's essays about having Hodgkins disease and hunting down the sperm he once donated are classics.
  • Little Monsters, show your support for Japan with this 'We Pray For Japan' wristband!" her website said, encouraging her fans to donate.
  • Become the CEO of some massively large company and then force that company to never again donate money to political campaigns. Think Progress » Chuck Todd: ‘The Tea Party gets a big benefit’ from Fox News’ promotion.
  • A firkin of the four per cent beer has already been donated to the players but whether they will use it to toast their success or drown their sorrows remains to be seen.
  • The philanthropist donates for fear of being labelled a miser just as the miser hoards for fear of donating. Spectre12 Diary Entry
  • One of my corporate sponsors had kindly donated a night's free accommodation in a proper hotel.
  • In the whole of the UK last year 332 live kidneys were donated by blood relatives or spouses.
  • We donate to the school endowment fund every year.
  • The acidity of a substance is determined by how readily it donates hydrogen ions or protons.
  • Nathan Trowbridge Pulsifer, who donated his Beachwood Boulevard bungalow in memory of his late wife for use as the Beachwood Library, where it continues to operate today. Beachwood Community Calendar, December 11th – December 17th, 2009 « Beachwood Historical Alliance
  • The professor donated his books to the library.
  • As an amateur, she was ineligible for prize money, and her winnings were donated to the Special Olympics.
  • A top Chinese singer is to donate ticket-sales proceeds from one of her world tour performances to the Church-run hospital where she was born.
  • The second is donated by Ian Allen, the well-known transport book publisher.
  • Hey moneybags, do you want to donate to the poor, overworked and underpaid resident foundation?
  • People who donate time or money to charity, or who altruistically assist people in need, report improvements in their own happiness.
  • I donated blood to the Red Cross for the victims of the earthquake
  • They are encountered infrequently even in the heart of their range, and are among the most poorly known odonates in North America.
  • In 1850, Gill's school was replaced by a dual-purpose hall built specially as a school room and chapel on land donated by Thomas Matthews.
  • Mr. Fitzpatrick said Mr. Grassley's scrutiny, which he described as understandable given the attention paid to potential conflicts of interest in medicine, had led his organization to begin posting on its Web site the names of companies that donate $5,000 or more. Undefined
  • method for donate blood, including plastic shell and paper tape.
  • The company will maintain patients' confidentiality by assigning a numeric code to the donated tissue.
  • Last year, Hill and her friend Lita Warren set up Pink Barrette, a nonprofit that has donated about 60 wigs, worth $30, 000.
  • My quick survey of the antennal structure of extant odonates and mayflies indicates that the flagellum is structurally different.
  • Well why not donate the money you were going to spend on those shoes to a charity.
  • My guess is that the 2006 CPO 990 will reveal a big drop in contributions for 2006 because money couldbe donated directly to the Edwards campaign. Edwards Campaign Blasts New York Times Over Poverty Story
  • Also examined is the use of donated ova from aborted fetuses and cadavers.
  • Now, Becky donates just platelets and plasma via a process called apheresis.
  • The United States corporations donate to charity and other nonprofit purposes some $ 1,600 million annually.
  • As part of his mission, the Grammy-nominated Al Haj donated the proceeds from his last album, which featured a stellar cast of international musicians, to Doctors without Borders to help Iraqi relief.
  • All carbocations are strong alkylating agents with a high affinity for groups which donate or share their electrons, such as halide ions, hydroxyl anions and amines.
  • He suggested they donate a percentage of their revenue to the cause.
  • There are many ill people who will die unless someone donates an organ or bonemarrow. Pro-choice and pregnant
  • He donated large sums of money to charity and established scholarship trusts to help Asian students come to Scotland to study.
  • A cash-strapped Sea Cadet unit has had its donated minibus torched by vandals, months after all the unit's windows were smashed.
  • He frequently donates large sums to charity.
  • The exhibition, at the old Truman Brewery in Brick Lane, East London, uses a technique called plastination to preserve donated bodies.
  • Maybe the community could donate services.
  • "Some dear friends from a Verdi opera were kind enough to donate these.
  • Clothing left over at the end of the swap is donated to Project H.O.M.E. a non-profit organization helping the homeless in Philadelphia. Sign of the times: Going swapping, not shopping
  • On that day, the Chinese Society for Chinese Medicine Department of the Beijing Olympic Organizing Committee volunteers donated a "volunteer Xiaoshu Chinese herb tea" formula.
  • Mr. Lee, a close-fisted man, never wants to donate anything for charity.
  • Instead of giving presents to friends, donate the same amount to individual charities and give people a vibe of the Christmas spirit.
  • The new dormitory is smart, though furnished, bizarrely, with superannuated conservatory chairs donated by a nearby hotel.
  • A woman who persuades a friend to donate oocytes will not get them herself.
  • Cement versions of Virgin Mary have been donated by different towns such as Colima, Tepic, Zapopan, and others, and they line the wide sidewalk from the arch into town. From Talpa to Puerto Vallarta in the 1800s
  • Women who sleep with men who have slept with other men only have to wait 12 months to donate blood.
  • Donations are rounded up each night for food, and local church groups often donate food.
  • We did try to get the current owner of the locomotive to donate one of the nameplates which could be displayed at Blackpool North.
  • When Donatella Versace finishes one of her glitzy fashion collections she rewards herself for her hard work with a coloured diamond or two.
  • Now the Trust is appealing for gardening enthusiasts to grow plants and donate them in time for the Fair.
  • Until leasing prospects improve, property owners should donate the space to nonprofit groups and cultural institutions.
  • The descendant was also an alumna of the school, and she agreed to donate samples of her blood for the project.
  • As a result, an Australian company Quantum Technology, the manufacturer of the Mountbatten, an electronic multi-sensory braillewriter, has donated a Mountbatten with recorded Spanish.
  • Pictures of starving children have sent many people scurrying to donate money.
  • Base: Any substance that can donate electron pair.
  • Among companies receiving government bailout money, Bank of America again donated in 2009, but prior donors AIG, Citigroup, General Motors and Freddie Mac did not give in 2009. Clinton Foundation's 2009 donor list revealed
  • I agree to donate the deposit of HK $ 100 to The Community Chest.
  • To learn the art of kodan, he studied open-reel tapes of his father that had been donated to the Theater Museum.
  • The recipient entity shall control the cost of management, make clear the proportion of the cost of management to the Donated Project, and ensure rational application of funds.
  • Will all the money I donate through UNICEF go to survivals in China?
  • Pro-choice supporters donate money to the clinic for each picket who shows up.
  • Each person who volunteers to donate blood goes through several screening steps before getting stuck with a needle.
  • Stars of classical theatre and the world of entertainment will donate their time and talents for two performances at the new Rose of Kingston theatre next month to help to raise funds for its completion.
  • We want to encourage people to donate their time and energy to voluntary activities and we want to see voluntary organisations free to do the work they are set up to do.
  • To contain the existing problem military personnel thoroughly sprayed the decaying animals with the insecticides methyl carbamate and "Baygon" (a propxur produced by Bayer, the aspirin makers); "Sevin" (a carbaryl produced by Aventis, a French company and smallpox vaccine maker that donated close to $2 million to the Bush camp in 2000); and "Lannate" (a methomyl produced by the chemical making machine DuPont). R. B. Stuart: Honoring Our Nations Veterans as Cancer Stricken Soldiers Go Ignored
  • Proceeds in excess of 1000 were donated to Colaiste Lorcain Parent's Association to be used for the pastoral care of pupils.
  • The hospices have been donated a brand-new car to give away as the star prize of the raffle but they need more help selling the raffle tickets.
  • I have no doubt that some of these patients will one day get a gift of life from someone who donates their organ for transplantation after death.
  • In the 1992 General Election, the tobacco industry donated all its advertising hoardings to the Conservative Party, for campaign messages.
  • A former student has donated a munificent sum of money to the college.
  • All the Legos used in the project were donated from the Lego Graffiti Styles Convention in Munich. Artist Uses LEGO Blocks to Rebuild New York City | Inhabitat

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