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domino effect

  1. the consequence of one event setting off a chain of similar events (like a falling domino causing a whole row of upended dominos to fall)

How To Use domino effect In A Sentence

  • I've seldom been to a performance at the Globe where somebody doesn't faint, and at Titus Andronicus a few years back there was a domino effect in the Yard with people going down like ninepins; guessing who would be next was almost as compelling as the cannibalism happening on stage. How to survive six hours of Henry IV at the Globe
  • Employers fear a domino effect if the strike is successful .
  • The toxic domino effect took down the economy 70 years ago has come back with a vengeance, with the aid of greedy speculators, oft finically illiterate homeowners and investors and an industry-friendly, emasculated regulatory system. Is SEC ideology or structure at the root of the regulation fiasco?
  • Sure enough ten minutes later they came through the door when Luke stopped at the entry of the door and all the boys were knocked over… like the domino effect.
  • If deliveries and installations fall behind, the domino effect will cause your entire project to be delayed.
  • But this can have a domino effect on the relationship with many other problems resulting. Times, Sunday Times
  • A slowdown in the capital would have a domino effect elsewhere. Times, Sunday Times
  • Chiefdoms and clans attacked each other from the east coast right up to the highveld, creating a domino effect and incredible human suffering.
  • Its capture had a domino effect on neighbouring castles and towns. Malory: The Life and Times of King Arthur's Chronicler
  • The domino effect if one train is cancelled is enormous.
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