
How To Use Dominic In A Sentence

  • The Dominican Republic's mountainous interior and long stretches of unimproved roads make for perfect fat-tire odysseys.
  • The students would stay at the thirteenth-century Dominican priory while the brothers took a brief holiday; Mass would be said each day in the priory's chapter room.
  • The next stop was the Dominican Republic, where Mays’s All-Stars were met by so many at the airport in Ciudad Trujillo, the team’s traveling secretary said, “They must have declared a holiday.” WILLIE MAYS
  • Mr. Dominico respectfully informs the ladies and gentlemen of Washington, Georgetown, and their vicinages, that every exertion shall be used to render his performance entertaining.
  • ‘It's just a matter of hours before she gives birth,’ Dominic Moss says excitedly as he peers at the bontebok's swollen belly.
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  • Belliard's October success hasn't surprised manager Tony La Russa, who said his second baseman is accustomed to playing in pressure situations because he does so every winter in the Dominican Republic. Belliard plays up to Cards' expectations
  • But Dominic Iglesias made effort to comfort him, speaking not uncheerfully, determining even to fight the fatigue and weakness which, as he could not but own, daily increased on him, if only for the sake of this faithful and simple adherent. The Far Horizon
  • Above Dominic's bed hangs the watercolour painting he made as a gift for his twin sister Rebecca and the letters sent to him by relatives and friends.
  • One of Stan Kasten's final missions as team president of the Nationals was assisting Major League Baseball in its ongoing effort to cleanse from the Dominican Republic corrupt practices in signing youthful players. Catching up with Stan Kasten on the Dominican issue, etc.
  • He was 17 when the Expos acquired the high school dropout off the Dominican sandlots in March 1993.
  • ‘If you are going to have the same chalupa in the Dominican Republic as in Jacksonville, the meat is going to come from the United States,’ he says.
  • Those of us who had the honour and the rare advantage of knowing him intimately and well over many years find, upon looking back upon that vast experience, something unique, over and above the learning, over and above the application of that learning to Thomism, which is surely the very heart of the Dominican affair. Belloc Speaks - To the Undying Memory
  • HPConfig. blog_id = 0; var ads_page_type = 'bpage'; var zone_info = "huffpost. politics/blog; politics = 1; nickname = huff-tv; entry_id = 302691; @yus-news = 1; arianna-huffington = 1; pete-dominick = 1; pigs-at-the-trough = 1; radio = 1; sirius = 1; sirius-xm = 1; stand-up = 1"; if (top! Huff TV: Arianna Discusses Health Care Reform, Special-Interest Influence In Congress On Pete Dominick Show (AUDIO)
  • Each reading, which costs $50 per half-hour, is conducted in the Hastings-on-Hudson office of her husband, Dominick Lopriore, a real estate broker.
  • As Malcolm had said years ago, Dominic was playing a game, slowly moving Jeremy into a leadership role, while holding fast to the reins of power.
  • In Gove's case, Tory insiders say Andy Coulson, Cameron's communications chief, blackballed his choice of policy spad, a clever maverick called Dominic Cummings despite Gove's threat to resign. For Gove, not forgotten
  • Individuals were chosen from different orders and secular clergy, but primarily they came from the Dominican Order.
  • Band mainstay Dominic O'Neill (vox, guitar, piano) and most recent recruit Katie Richardson (vox) tell us the story so far.
  • He was on his way to visit his brother Raimond, who was a monk in the Dominican monastery there.
  • I've seen many a young dominick rooster, but I never saw one with finer feathers than yours. A Dream of Empire Or, The House of Blennerhassett
  • Loca" is hip-hop merengue performed in two languages, with assistance from Dominican rapper El Cata and English rapper Dizzee Rascal, with little appreciable difference between the versions; "Lo Que Más" is one of a handful of doleful ballads; the Pitbull-assisted "Rabiosa" is giddy, rapid-fire Latin pop. Album review: Shakira, "Sale el Sol"
  • Their mom was a dark-skinned black woman and their dad a fair-skinned Dominican. True You
  • Horizontal episemas and and especially the ictus are of course not found in the Dominican and Cistercian Chant tradition to name just two Chant families, and there is a reason-they weren't needed. Archive 2008-05-18
  • the rule of St. Dominic
  • His small, vertiginous banana farm, fringed with avocado and palm trees, is at Marigot on Dominica.
  • In that setting, Rodriguez said that a cousin -- later identified as Yuri Sucart -- repeatedly injected him with a banned substance known as "boli," brought to the U.S. from the Dominican Republic. Undefined
  • Mian and Mulla (1982a) compared the ovicidal effectiveness of triflumuron, diflubenzuron and methoprene on wheat flour and wheat at 5 ppm, using Oryzoephilus surinamensis, Tribolium castaneum, Rhyzopertha dominica and Sitophilus oryzae. Chapter 7
  • A Cordelier has no hesitation in applying the epithet of blasphemer to a Dominican who says that the Holy Virgin was born in original sin, notwithstanding that the Dominicans have a bull from the pope which permits them to teach the maculate conception in their convents, and that, besides this bull, they have in their forum the express declaration of St. Thomas Aquinas. A Philosophical Dictionary
  • After Rez was safely on-board, he jumped off and unclipped the four lines holding the Anna Maria in her slip, and tossed the ropes back on-board to Dominic.
  • The Dominican merengue, which has a distinct left-right, left-right step, is almost a march with wayward hips.
  • At the time, the main parish was founded in Macao and the Society of Jesus, the Franciscan Order, the Agostinho Order and Dominican Order came to Macao in succession.
  • A banking crisis in 2003 saw the collapse of one of the country's largest banks and 100 percent depreciation in the Dominican peso.
  • She became a Dominican tertiary at the age of 16, and devoted herself to good works and to prayer.
  • L'architecture dominicaine au XIIIe siècle, legislation et pratique," AFP 16 (1946): 136 – 90. Sensual Encounters: Monastic Women and Spirituality in Medieval Germany
  • In the constitutions he drew up each nation or people was left the use of its own laws; gradually the duchies were divided into countships, the counts being vassals iof the king, and having in turn valvassori (vassi-vassorum) who looked up to them as liege-lords, while ranking over all were the missi dominici who in the king's name saw to it that justice was meted out to everyone. The Catholic Encyclopedia, Volume 9: Laprade-Mass Liturgy
  • It isn't often we're receiving visitors ... much less from Rome," Sister Katherine Dominica said with a benedictory smile that made Rosetti distrust her. Cradle and All
  • The dominick hen is setting," ventured Dannie, and Mary's face showed that he had blundered on the truth. At the Foot of the Rainbow
  • The black family would let me come look at their particolored chickens—bantams, Dominickers—scratching around uncooped in their precisely raked dirt yard. Dream State
  • Br Dennis Murphy has just completed his novice year at the Dominicans and took his first vows of poverty, chastity and obedience this Wednesday.
  • Last I heard they were raising chinchillas in the Dominican Republic.
  • Anthony Edwards and Gary Sinise both phone it in, and Dominic West has little trouble playing the drunk.
  • I wonder if the younger generation of Dominicans will recover the 'habit' of wearing albs when they celebrate/concelebrate at Mass, or perform other liturgical functions, rather than simply placing their stoles over their habit. 13 new Dominican novices in Ireland
  • in the middle ages feria was used with a prefixed ordinal number to designate the day of the week, so `secunda feria' meant Monday, but Sunday and Saturday were always called by their names, Dominicus and Sabbatum, and so feria came to mean an ordinary weekday
  • At times we all deserve the dominical rebuke "O ye of little faith. Archive 2006-03-01
  • Presumably the popularity of the name would outweigh any slight that Dominicans, Jesuits, or members of other orders and congregations might feel.
  • This initial was traditionally decorated with a depiction of David playing his psaltery. 79 That the psalms were associated with the biblical figure and his instrument was not lost on Dominican women. Sensual Encounters: Monastic Women and Spirituality in Medieval Germany
  • We have not cited here in detail the account of Juan Lopez [24] in the fifth part of his history of the Dominicans, because, although it was printed nineteen years before the appearance of Aduarte's work, the information therein contained regarding the Philippines was acknowledgedly obtained from the unfinished manuscript which Aduarte had with him in Spain. Doctrina Christiana The first book printed in the Philippines, Manila, 1593.
  • But a world cup of baseball with all the top pros from the US, Dominican Republic, Cuba, Japan, Mexico, etc. would be something to watch. Matthew Yglesias » America The Beautiful
  • A nosotros los dominicanos ausentes, no se nos niega la atencion medica por estos paises tampoco … asi que estoy un poco sorprendido porque hay gente que considera que tratar a los hermanos haitianos es un problema. Global Voices in English » Dominican Republic: The Financial Cost of Undocumented Haitian Immigrants
  • It's the first time that Dominick's has engineered such an extensive cross-promotion with an apparel retailer.
  • DJ Dominic purveys a unique brand of music.
  • Dominic nodded, double knotting his shoelaces, and stood up, stretching his arms over his head.
  • The names for this plant in Trinidad and Dominica are corruptions of the French name for the Jerusalem artichoke.
  • Dominican "spiritualist" - from the description she's a Santería practitioner. - News
  • Dominic, whom he joined in laboring for the conversion of the heretics.
  • You can't beat local knowledge and Dominic has a fair bit of it.
  • Although the friendly Dominicans spoke courteously to one another while discussing the weather, their faces were strained and their voices quavered upon mention of the name Georges.
  • American protectorates in Cuba, Panama, Haiti, Nicaragua, and the Dominican Republic were modified or dismantled.
  • Anthony Stevens-Acevedo, founder and assistant director of the institute, is also its expert in Spanish paleography and serves as lead investigator in its Dominican colonial research. The Full Feed from
  • Dominic's hand slid over, covering hers, and gave her hand a little comforting squeeze.
  • At the Cistercian female house of Weinhausen in Saxony a very elaborate decoration program survives. 12 The church of the male Dominican convent in Constance, located closer to the female Dominican houses of the Upper Rhine, contained friezes and medallions. 13 Most choir spaces seem to have been decorated, but unfortunately few survive in their thirteenth - and fourteenth-century state. Sensual Encounters: Monastic Women and Spirituality in Medieval Germany
  • Dominic Everardus Bogardus, a cantankerous but more stable replacement, arrived a year later.
  • El ex presidente de REFIDOMSA dijo que este grupo de empresas y personas de Estado se han dedicado a fomentar la pobreza en Haití, proponiendo que la Republica Dominicana sirva de muleta a la centenaria situación de miseria y marginalidad que viven la gran mayoría de nuestros vecinos. WHAT REALLY HAPPENED
  • The silence in the Dominican nuns 'refectory is similar to the requirements of other monastic rules, but the Rule focuses on the function that the room serves — a place to hear readings — giving a reason for the practice of silence often lacking in other Rules. Sensual Encounters: Monastic Women and Spirituality in Medieval Germany
  • Now it's Dominic who hovers selfconsciously, scribbling busily on a yellow legal pad.
  • Mian and Mulla (1982a), found that diflubenzuron induced higher rates of oviposition in Tribolium castaneum and R. dominica compared with control samples; however, it also showed ovicidal activity against R. dominica, Chapter 7
  • DJ Dominic purveys a unique brand of music.
  • The bearded Dominican priest, who's based at St Mary's in Tallaght, Dublin, believes articles should be brief, all-encompassing and understandable to a 12-year-old.
  • San Cristobal de las Casas: The name combines the city's patron saint, St. Christopher, with the latter part of the name of Chiapas 'first bishop, the beloved Dominican Friar Bartolome de las Casas (1484-1566). Bob Schulman: Chiapas Runs Hot and Cold
  • At the Dominican Monastery they showed half the handkerchief on which the Virgin wept and wiped her eyes at the foot of the cross. Six Months in Mexico
  • The first testing ground of the new policy was the Dominican Republic.
  • American sheathbill (Chionis alba); south polar skua (Catharacta maccormicki); brown skua (Catharacta lonnbergi); southern black-backed gull (Larus dominicanus); and, Antarctic Peninsula
  • - Cientos de haitianos se aglomeraron hoy en el portón que separa a su país de la República Dominicana en la provincia de Dajabón, intentado cruzar a este territorio, temerosos y confusos por el terremoto que afectó ayer a esa nación y que según cifras provocó cientos de miles de muertos. Think Progress » Fox News: Guantanamo Bay may open its doors to Haitian refugees.
  • And afterwards Cassie had somehow unravelled her knots and everything had come right between Dominic and herself. THE IMAGE OF LAURA
  • Dominic slowly began to drift away from his drinking problem, though he didn't lose it completely.
  • The family, though not wealthy, was financially comfortable by Dominican standards.
  • The saloon-type room, designed by Italian designer Piero Lissoni, has comfortable sofas, a private balcony and an attached walk-in humidor, selling Cuban and Dominican cigars. Dusting Off the Stogie's Stodgy Image
  • Are you saying that you're flying to the Dominican Republic for a quickie divorce?
  • Dominic would propose as the trainer started to set up.
  • That evening, any tax haven-bound CEOs are rounded up at various golf courses, devested of their top hats, and corralled onto a small prison island off of the Dominican Republic. The Morning News
  • An Oratorian father talking to the Dominican friars and a Dominican sister in the Oratory church. Oxford Corpus Christi Procession 2009
  • In the Dominican Republic, with a per capita of US$3,247 and 9.0 million people we have one million+ illegal Haitian immigrants fleeing from a $415 per capita and 9.0 million people. Borjas, Wages, and Immigration: The Complete Story, Bryan Caplan | EconLog | Library of Economics and Liberty
  • In 1304 he was present at the general chapter of the Dominican order held at Toulouse.
  • The rigorists, tutiorists and probabiliorists mainly Dominicans and Franciscans liked to take this decree as proof for the condemnation of probabilism but the probabilists themselves considered it as condemning only laxism. The Society of Scholastics -- online courses about to start
  • Dominic Della Sala: "Denmark fits within a bioregion, an eco-region known as the Klamath-Siskyou, which is considered world-class by a number of ecological measures, the conifer richness, the uniqueness of place and the unusual number of species known nowhere else on Earth. All Today's News - Sightline Daily
  • The group planned to set up a facility to house, educate and outplace the orphans in the Dominican Republic. LOCAL NEWS
  • There were two or three varieties finer and better than these, only used by the nobles, which were therefore made at home, and not commonly to be found at the baker's: simnel, manchet or chet, and paynemayne or pain de main (a corruption of panis dominicus). One Snowy Night Long ago at Oxford
  • Thomas Aquinas was a Dominican friar, and a theological giant.
  • Although the documents are not clear, most historians agree that he was appointed prior of the Dominican convent in Würzburg.
  • Common NameSpeciesLocation Dominica AnoleAnolis oculatus Martinique AnoleAnolis roquet St. Lucia AnoleAnolis luciae St. Vincent Bush AnoleAnolis trinitatis St. Vincent Tree AnoleAnolis griseus St. Lucia Pygmy GeckoSphaerodactylus microlepis St. Vincent EleuthEleutherodactylus shrevei Grenada EleuthEleutherodactylus euphronides Martinique EleuthEleutherodactylus martinicensis Grenada BlindsnakeTyphlops tasymicris Fer De LanceBothrops caribbaeusSt. Windward Islands moist forests
  • The introit for the first Sunday in Advent, Ad te levavi, was usually one of the most elaborately decorated as this introit opened the Temporale and hence the gradual proper. 99 None of the graduals of German Dominican women were decorated with miniatures, only decorated or historiated initials. Sensual Encounters: Monastic Women and Spirituality in Medieval Germany
  • Barbados is unlocking the potential of solar water heaters, and islands such as St. Kitts and Nevis and Dominica are developing their geothermal resources. U.S. Department of Energy - Press Releases
  • An express ferry service between St Lucia, Martinique, Dominica and Guadalupe could be used as an alternative to local flights.
  • One of their number, party strategist Dominic Cummings, explained it to them recently.
  • But now, Dominic Monaghan is promising that "Lord of the Rings" won't leave a similar bad-sequel aftertaste in the mouths of its beloved fans. ‘LOTR’ Dominic Monaghan In Talks To Appear In ‘Hobbit’ Films » MTV Movies Blog
  • Elenamary said ... yeah, i hang out with a lot of pro latino baseball players (mostly from the dominican republic) and they always say things like "me voy para el play" (I am going to the stadium) or "mi amigo el catcher" what is funny though is that dominicans refer to baseball as just "pelota La Profesora Abstraida
  • Elsewhere there was a kind of justice as New Yorker Felix Sanchez stormed to gold for the Dominican Republic in a beautiful display of 400m hurdling.
  • In one early scene in the book he is dangling in a harness fifty feet above the water level of an overgrown limestone cenote, or sinkhole, deep in the jungle of the Dominican Republic.
  • In the end, not only was he not prosecuted, he was allowed to install his painting in the refectory of the Dominican house of SS Giovanni e Paolo without making a single alteration, except to the title.
  • It was Dominic, almost twenty years ago, who taught me how to make the classic daiquiri.
  • Other countries, such as the Dominican Republic, Haiti, and several African states, have begun to sow jatropha for future use in biodiesel.
  • Another object of horror I found between the great hall of judgment and the luxurious apartment of the chief jailer (primo custode), the Dominican friar who presides over this diabolical establishment. Life in the Grey Nunnery at Montreal
  • When the germs of the Manichean heresy sought to find a lodgement in the healthy body of Christendom, the reaction of that healthy body was the great Dominican tradition of learning. Liturgy
  • Not only was she getting some meat on her bones from Dominick's hearty cooking, but she was also learning about the area.
  • Note 53: Innocent III, Sermo VII, dominica III in adventu Domini, PL 217. 341 A Tender Age: Cultural Anxieties over the Child in the Twelfth and Thirteenth Centuries
  • Dominic’s physical rejuvenation is matched by a highly evolved intellect, which attracts the attention of Nazi scientists, forcing him into exile. YOUTH WITHOUT YOUTH TRAILER
  • A critically injured Tenge was rushed to St Dominic's Hospital by ambulance.
  • Cosimo belonged to no fewer than ten confraternities and had recently had a cell installed for himself within the Dominican monastery of San Marco. The Poet Prince
  • Have you ever balanced the scene with the bishops in Richard III. against the character of Cranmer? the description of St. Francis and St. Dominic against that of him who made Virgil wonder to gaze upon him, -- "disteso, tanto vilmente, nell 'eterno esilio"; or of him whom Dante stood beside, "come 'l frate che confessa lo perfido assassin? Harvard Classics Volume 28 Essays English and American
  • The farfetchedness of this story, plus the fact that no local veterans’ organization, the VFW, or the American Legion had any record of a Peter Patrick Francis Walsh, did not deter Dominici. The Lampshade
  • They or the church can pronounce a couple divorced (breaking the Sixth Commandment and the dominical command in Matthew 19: 6).
  • Of all the churches in Colmar, only the male Dominicans were oriented to true east. Sensual Encounters: Monastic Women and Spirituality in Medieval Germany
  • On Sunday, winless Germany and the Dominican Republic face off in the soccer match.
  • Bearing branches of yew in their hands, as the readiest substitute for palm boughs, they marched respectively to the Dominican and Carthusian convents, to hear High Mass, and, by a show at least of devotion, to prepare themselves for the bloody strife of the day. The Fair Maid of Perth
  • Such ritual in Teotitlán del Valle, an ancient tribal town about a half hour's drive from Oaxaca, has been played out continuously on a daily basis since about 1535, when Dominican bishop Juan López de Zárate arrived in the village and introduced borregos (caprine sheeplike animals yielding wool) and the first loom, shipped from Spain across the Atlantic. Casa Santiago: Zapotec rug weavers of Teotitlan del Valle, Oaxaca
  • Though far from friendly to Luis de Leon, the Dominican Juan Gallo was provoked into saying that he would pare Castro's claws till the blood streamed from him: 'queriendo decir por las uñas que era este declarante áspero porque les decia que era aquello de judaizantes, y que no lo decia por ellos, sino porque defendian las cosas de judíos; ...' Fray Luis de León A Biographical Fragment
  • Steig's Dominic is a long time favorite and I hope lots of people see Martha's blurb and run right out to get it for a road trip. New Notes
  • This was a very serious calamity to the Dominicans, for as they, like the Franciscans, belonged to what were known as the mendicant orders, and depended for their daily bread upon what they could beg, they were reduced to extremity. Las Casas 'The Apostle of the Indies'
  • For those who would like to compare these texts to that of a medieval Dominican Breviary, one is available in digital form here, showing an exemplar from the Czech Republic. Fifteenth-Century Dominican Breviary in Digital Form
  • Off Scotts Head, Dominica Island, a sunken garden of sponges and coral rewards a visitor, part of a growing stream of divers discovering Dominica's marine life.
  • Oddly enough, Dominic's love of dogs even extends to street dogs, and he often feeds them.
  • A remarkable 36 genera are endemic to the region, as well as two endemic families: the palmchat (Dulus dominicus) of the family Dulidae and the todies (family Todidae). Biological diversity in the Caribbean Islands
  • Slavery and slave resistance began in Hispaniola, the name explorers gave the island that now comprises the Dominican Republic and Haiti. The Full Feed from
  • Dominic Grieve, the newly-appointed shadow home secretary, was crestfallen when a corporation hireling mistook him for the Labour MP, Keith Vaz.
  • St Joseph's was opened and dedicated by the then Bishop of Elphin, Dominic Conway, on October 30, 1983.
  • But the Lions do have an undersized but feisty center in Dominic Raiola, a two-year captain. Turnaround under Stafford will take more than just a quick fix
  • His eyes began to swell, and soon even Dominic had no idea of where he was stumbling.
  • Every day, Dominica's Broadcasting Corporation airs a radio programme exclusively about bananas, drawing an avid audience from all over this tiny Caribbean island.
  • Everyone except Dominic was already in the dining room, milling about, talking, as they waited to uncover the cold food platters.
  • Dominican and qualificator of the Inquisition in Granada, though not bearing the title of inquisitor, proceeded as though thus empowered, no doubt because of the ordinary jurisdiction possessed by the bishop in matters of faith, and passed the autos of 1555 and 1558. The Catholic Encyclopedia, Volume 10: Mass Music-Newman
  • Landramnus, bishop under Louis the Pious, was by this prince appointed missus dominicus, or royal commissary, in 825. The Catholic Encyclopedia, Volume 15: Tournely-Zwirner
  • Biological amd ecological characteristics of Rhyzopertha dominica and its control were reviewed.
  • MexConnect. com Forums: Areas: Gulf of Mexico: Paseo dominical en bicicleta Noviembre Paseo dominical en bicicleta Noviembre
  • She tried to resummon her resentment, but it was difficult to be angry with a man who looked as good as Dominic. Game for Seduction
  • The slow, dismal tolling of bells; the masked and muffled familiars; the Dominicans carrying their horrid flag, followed by the penitents behind a huge cross; the condemned ones, barefoot, clad in painted caps and the repulsive sanbenito; next the effigies of accused offenders who had escaped by flight; then, the bones of dead culprits in black coffins painted with flames and other hellish symbols; and, finally, the train closing with a host of priests and monks. The Destiny of the Soul A Critical History of the Doctrine of a Future Life
  • They were sitting now, listening to the funeral panegyric given by another of the Dominicans, Father Pasquale, pale, podgy, soft-voiced. THE GOLDEN LION
  • The album mixes up the rhythms, adding a couple of Cuban-flavoured boleros and even some Dominican bachata.
  • Authorities charged Jose Pimentel, a Dominican-born Muslim convert, with providing support for an act of terrorism, conspiracy and weapons charges.
  • In modern society, as a dominical special colony in common, administration men in terms of ethical value must go back to the commonweal.
  • •Best improv: Peyton Manning had a bright idea while scrambling from the pocket in the second quarter: a shovel pass to Dominic Rhodes. Super Bowl breakdown
  • When all was ready, Bishop Dominic Conway came again May 13, 1973 to open and dedicate the new Holy Cross.
  • Dominic smiled and said he'd love to meet any friend of hers, but inside his heart was dying.
  • Furthermore, the universities quickly became a locus of conflict between the regular clergy and the newer mendicant orders, especially the Dominicans and the Franciscans.
  • He plans to return to the Dominican Republic this summer with a group of Scouts to build another clinic and a unit for children with special needs.
  • However, there isn’t one single Spanglish but different types: Chicano, Cuban, Puerto Rican, Dominican, etc. Its usage varies from one place to another and from generation to generation.
  • Hinc satis propè habetur et capella medio montis, vbi Christus sedens prædicauit octo beatitudines, vbi et creditur docuisse discipulos orationem Dominicam, scilicet, Pater noster, &c. Ab eo quoque loco non distat multum Ecclesia beatæ Maaiæ Aegyptiacæ, in qua et eius tumba videtur: et haud procul inde est vicus The Voyages and Travels of Sir John Mandeville
  • The graphologist also becomes involved with Sorensen Academy student Annabelle Giordano, whose father Dominic runs a construction company allegedly with mob ties. Written in Blood-Sheila Lowe « The Merry Genre Go Round Reviews
  • I first found myself in Dominica's Carib territory after fleeing the inhumanly high register of an American jazz diva in neighbouring Martinique.
  • Dominica in albis means "White Sunday," one of the names given the Sunday after Easter. Archive 2009-04-01
  • A quiet, retiring man, Dominick was a progressive and forward-thinking farmer, and was highly thought-of by all who knew him.
  • Charlemagne to appoint special agents, called _missi dominici_ ( "the lord's messengers"), to maintain control over them. Early European History
  • The bright flowers were dug out of a mine in a mountain range of the Dominican Republic and are almost one centimetre in length. The Sun
  • Dominic clearly understood the situation's potential explosiveness, and like me, he wanted to head off the inevitable blow-up.
  • It is not known when he began to govern, but it is certain that he was already bishop in 798, when Charlemagne sent him into Narbonne and Provence as missus dominicus. The Catholic Encyclopedia, Volume 11: New Mexico-Philip
  • Additionally, in medieval society unaccompanied and unsupervised women were seen as dangerous, to both themselves and others; so Dominican women were also denied the mendicancy that the men of the Order practiced. 12 To have espoused any other attitude would have been viewed as unnatural. Sensual Encounters: Monastic Women and Spirituality in Medieval Germany
  • But he's a trier is our PM, so when the writer Dominic Shelmerdine sent a very undemanding letter asking Cameron what was his "original ambition", information Shelmerdine required for the second edition of a book in which politicians and celebrities confess such things, the great PR man wasn't going to waste an opportunity. The Guardian World News
  • The airline's resources had been stretched to breaking point as it used its aircraft to evacuate passengers from Jamaica, Cuba and the Dominican Republic.
  • Florentine Dominican of the sixteenth century, and with several other stigmatics. The Catholic Encyclopedia, Volume 14: Simony-Tournon
  • After a year Thomas finally escaped and went to study Aristotelian philosophy at Cologne, renown because of the teaching of a fellow Dominican, Albert Graf von Bollstädt, later know as Albertus Magnus, who was canonised and named as Doctor Universalis in 1931 by Pius XI. Citizendium, the Citizens' Compendium - Recent changes [en]
  • A late thirteenth-century Dominican Psalter now at Nuremberg, probably from a Bavarian house, has the most elaborate illumination cycle of the group. 91 There is copious use of gold illumination and bright colors that highlight the nineteen full-page miniatures and ten historiated initials in the manuscript. Sensual Encounters: Monastic Women and Spirituality in Medieval Germany
  • This is why Rush perfers to crusie for boys next door in the Dominican Republic. Think Progress » Limbaugh stands by his Haiti remarks, tells critical caller she’s a ‘bigot’ with ‘tampons in her ears.’
  • Ever since the Americans built up the Dominican sugar industry in the 1920s, it is Haitian muscle that has kept the mills grinding and the cane cut.
  • The group was able to see the UK ambassador to the Dominican Republic and the Attorney General.
  • There will be a penitential service in the Dominican Church tonight at 8 pm and all are welcome to attend.
  • Reply to this dominic the chinese government is a corrupt pig sty we can face the thought of animals going extinct but to say that the chinese overnment is litterealy driving the uyguhrs to extinction is sickening. Global Voices in English » The Uyghurs: Persecuted Muslim Minority in NorthWest China
  • Authorities charged Jose Pimentel, a Dominican-born Muslim convert, with providing support for an act of terrorism, conspiracy and weapons charges.
  • Seven years ago, Ben had what he saw as a casual affair with a Dominican woman he didn't know all that well.
  • Many Dominicans believe that the Catholic saints possess a kind of magical power, and express this belief in santos cults.
  • In my experience, the biggest personal one is the dominical demand to forgive the repentant. The biggest stumbling blocks
  • Though far from friendly to Luis de Leon, the Dominican Juan Gallo was provoked into saying that he would pare Castro's claws till the blood streamed from him: 'queriendo decir por las unas que era este declarante aspero porque les decia que era aquello de judaizantes, y que no lo decia por ellos, sino porque defendian las cosas de judios; ...' Fray Luis de Leon
  • It is true that Jerome endeavoured to enhance the dignity of the priesthood at the expense of the episcopate and to refer the bishop's superiority "rather to ecclesiastical custom than to Divine regulation" (In Tit., i, 5: "Episcopi noverint se magis consuetudine quam dispositionis dominicæ veritate presbyteris esse majores"). The Catholic Encyclopedia, Volume 12: Philip II-Reuss
  • As Dominick's hand went to the hilt of the jeweled dagger in his belt, Rose stepped between them.
  • In 1219, Pope Honorius III gave his family church to Saint Dominic, the founder of the Order of Preachers.
  • Dominick left a medium sized dish of ziti and another of lasagna on a tray next to the table while Mar had placed dishes of manicotti in front of them.
  • People examine a road damaged by overflow from the Nigua River in the Dominican Republic on August 24.
  • Mox enim subjicit: Sicut Presbyteri sciunt, se ex ecclesiae consuetudine, ei, qui sibi praepositus fuerit, esse subjectos: ita Episcopi noverint, se magis consuetudine, quam dispositionis Dominicae veritate, Presbyteris esse majores, et in commune debere Ecclesiam regere. The Creeds of the Evangelical Protestant Churches.
  • For Dominick Costello, the president of costume store Ricky's NYC, disgraced public figures, such as the aforementioned Mr Sheen, are the big sellers.
  • The spectre of fascism is not haunting Europe, reports Dominic Standish from Italy.
  • Despite his utterances during the brief encounter with Toby, Dominic had actually been surprised to be offered the job.
  • She also danced an old reel which she got from Johnny Kelly of Bekan and that was specially in memory of Dominic Stenson, a great old style step dancer who had been laid to rest in Achadh Mor the day before.
  • The album mixes up the rhythms, adding a couple of Cuban-flavoured boleros and even some Dominican bachata.
  • Liber Pontificalis" refers to his liturgical work (Origines, 122) and the Stowe Missal (seventh century) puts at the head of our Canon the title: "Canon dominicus Papæ Gelasi" (ed. Warren, 234). The Catholic Encyclopedia, Volume 3: Brownson-Clairvaux
  • A man, dressed as a devil, dances during a procession honoring the capital's patron St. Dominic of Guzman in Managua, Nicaragua on Sunday Aug. 1, 2010.
  • An English Dominican friar named John Siferwas, he is also identified in the monumental missal commissioned for the Dorset abbey of Sherhorne at the beginning of the fifteenth century.
  • The mendicant orders, particularly the Dominicans, developed a supranational organization directed by provincial and general chapters and ultimately subject to the papacy.
  • I think I'm a plum fool not ter have wrang the neck er that ol 'dominick rooster yestiddy when he spent the whole day a crowin' fer comp'ny. The Comings of Cousin Ann
  • It is estimated that the Dominican Republic has about 325 km2of mangroves that are part of the Greater Antilles mangroves ecoregion and it also is home to much biodiversity. Dominican Republic
  • At fifteen, he became a laybrother at the Dominican Friary at Lima and spent his whole life there — as a barber, farm-laborer, almoner, and infirmarian among other things. St. Martin de Porres, religious
  • Compare the _missi dominici_ with the "eyes and ears" of Persian kings. Early European History
  • It's more like several mini-sequences: the botched hijacking, Brian and Dominic's square-off with the Asian punks, and their final confrontation.
  • Tropical Storm Gustav torrential rains trigging serious flooding and landslides that have killed 11 people in the Dominican Republic and Haiti. CNN Transcript Aug 27, 2008
  • The religioners who embarked for the service of the fleet were 180, consisting of Augustinians, Franciscans, Dominicans, and Jesuits.
  • Dominic Lawson has an interesting article in today's Independent pointing out that: Of all the characteristics of a successful politician, none is more essential than bare-faced cheek. Archive 2008-10-01
  • Anne had told me that Dominic had become cruel and tyrannical.
  • Then you say, "now can i ask you a question?", then Dominic says "okay, shoot".
  • Itáque Dominicanus quidam monachus cum eius rei periculum facere vellet, ahenum & catenam ferream fabricari curat móxque in montis iugum cum quatuor alijs Hispanis ascendens, catenam cum aheno ad centum quadraginta vlnas in caminum demittit. A briefe commentarie of Island, by Arngrimus Ionas
  • Dominic had held himself aloof from everyone, wounding them in the process.
  • A woman on the internet thought that she had glimpsed Dominic among the survivors in a piece of news footage and this – combined with the glitch in his dental records – provided all the doubt I needed to convince myself that fate was playing this one with a twist. Two little boys
  • The largest lake in this ecoregion, Lake Enriquillo in the Dominican Republic is the largest and most hypersaline lake in all of the Antilles. Haiti
  • All she could hear was Dominic's gentle breathing and the soft sound of the snow falling.

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