
How To Use Domine In A Sentence

  • Untrained, they can be domineering, independent and reserved, especially when bred from working bloodlines - show lines tend to be calmer and more subdued.
  • But her body-language seems to go beyond that into "domineering" posture, which turns me off without regard to gender or creed. Weird twitches
  • There's nothing quite like a domineering matriarch to fall in love with and Streep not only neuters her on-screen male counterparts but the audience as well.
  • It was soon after that Mrs Rognes began her career, domineering the Ladies' Circle at church.
  • She's 29 and married but her husband is very domineering. The Sun
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  • She was domineering, cold, bitter and demanding, and was often called a ‘tyrant.’
  • We may be about to witness the total eclipse of a domineering political clique after 13 years of unbridled power. The Sun
  • Domine, labia mea aperies: et os meum annuntiabit laudem tuam. The St. Gregory Hymnal and Catholic Choir Book
  • I have come into villages where, had we acted a domineering part, and rummaged every hut, we should have found nothing; but by sitting down quietly, and waiting with patience until the villagers were led to form a favorable opinion of us, a woman would bring out a shellful of the precious fluid from I know not where. Missionary Travels and Researches in South Africa
  • He was a bluff, domineering character who exuded confidence though politically he often showed signs of naivety.
  • Thus in the Sarum Missal, after the words "Domine Fili unigenite, Jesu Christe", "Spiritus et alme orphanorum paraclyte" is added; after "Filius Patria" is inserted "Primogenitus Mariæ virginis matris". The Catholic Encyclopedia, Volume 6: Fathers of the Church-Gregory XI
  • By my faith, Domine, if you will sup with me in cameris, by cox body, charitatis, nos faciemus bonum cherubin. Five books of the lives, heroic deeds and sayings of Gargantua and his son Pantagruel
  • You also tend to take a know-it-all attitude and to be domineering, which others feel and resent.
  • The Yoruba and the Igbo are the domineering languages of the South, but it is quite difficult for the people of the South-South geopolitical zone to accept inferiority under any of the duo. Thisday Online
  • The two trees with the smoky trunks were blighted high up, and the withered branches domineered above the leaves, Through the whole building white had turned yellow, yellow nearly black; and since the time when the poor lady died, it had slowly become a dark gap in the long monotonous street. Dombey and Son
  • _ Fulvus, latiusculus; antennarum articulo tertio piceo angusto lineari longissimo; abdomine vitta tenui nigricante; alis limpidis, costa vittaque postica fuscescentibus. Journal of the Proceedings of the Linnean Society - Vol. 3 Zoology
  • This type is not necessarily that of a woman whose daughter has married, but the type of a depressed woman of about fifty, aboulic, discontented with herself and others, domineering, and jealous, because she suffers from the mania of being loved though she is incapable of acquiring any one's affection. A Psychiatric Milestone Bloomingdale Hospital Centenary, 1821-1921
  • But her ‘domineering, autocratic style’ and her sometimes volatile temperament are also highlighted.
  • This is abhominable, which he would call abominable, —it insinuateth me of insanie: anne intelligis, domine? Act V. Scene I. Love’s Labour’s Lost
  • Even after Brotherhood youth helped oust former President Hosni Mubarak in a nearly three-week uprising in February, the 83-year-old organization has continued to operate as it always has, with what dissident members call a domineering, top-down leadership structure. Young Brothers Rebel in Egypt
  • L'extraction de minerai, en particulier diamantifère, domine l'activité économique, mais le tourisme progresse, grâce aux activités de préservation de la nature et à d'importantes réserves naturelles. Archive 2010-07-01
  • He tossed her a smile and strode top 8qg How ironic that in her bid for ersonal creative freewqd Laura, oblivious to the receptionist's flustered dom, she'd wound up chained to the most domineering, gratitude. autocratic, stubborn man on earth. Too Many Bosses
  • Domine tu mihi lavas pedes - Manuel Cardoso (1566 – 1650) Tenebrae and Holy Thursday, St. John Cantius
  • This pencil memorandum is very plain. [hh] It is worthy of special note also, that one of the owners of this volume, a Simon Holdip, writes on the last page of the "Lives of the Ten Emperors," the last in order of binding, "_per me Simone Holdip in te domine speravi_" in the old so-called chancery-hand, while on the first page of the Dedication of the "Familiar Epistles," the first in order of binding, he writes The Atlantic Monthly, Volume 08, No. 47, September, 1861
  • Stage fright masks itself as a domineering style, or as coyness, egoism, or pride.
  • _ Cyaneo-viridis subchalybeus, capitis callo antennisque fulvis, faciei lateribus albo tomentosis, thorace subvittato, abdomine nigro maculis æneo-viridibus, pedibus nigris, alis subcinereis, halteribus albis. Journal of the Proceedings of the Linnean Society - Vol. 3 Zoology
  • Plebs tua te, Domine, beati Angeli sacerdotis et Martyris tui glorificatione sanctificet: et eodem intercedente te mereatur habere rectorem. May 30 -- St Joan of Arc
  • _ Thorace fascia postica lutea, abdomine fusco fasciis albis; alis anticis fascia latiore vix abbreviata. Journal of the Proceedings of the Linnean Society - Vol. 3 Zoology
  • _ Nigro-viridis; capite piceo apud oculos albido; antennis rufescentibus; thorace vitta abdomineque fasciis cinereis; pedibus nigris; alis limpidis, vittis tribus nigris, prima postice abbreviata, secunda tertiaque latis; halteribus albidis. Journal of the Proceedings of the Linnean Society - Vol. 3 Zoology
  • The roots of the revolt grew out of the festering hatred for the domineering colonial governor.
  • He possessed an erect, upright bearing and as his hair turned gray, he became more physically impressive but not domineering in appearance.
  • Domine Iesu Christe in qua nocte - Giovanni Pierluigi da Palestrina (1525 – 1594) Tenebrae and Holy Thursday, St. John Cantius
  • Office; in the verse "Domine labia mea aperies", etc., with which the The Catholic Encyclopedia, Volume 10: Mass Music-Newman
  • Will his domineering personality hold others back? Times, Sunday Times
  • JM: Jena is tested severely – her father has to go away for the winter, and although she and her sisters should be able to cope, a series of unlucky events plus the interference of domineering second cousin Cezar robs them of their independence and places their home and the business in danger. Writer Unboxed » Blog Archive » Take Five Interview: Juliet Marillier and Wildwood Dancing
  • Oravi ad Dominum, Deum meum ego Daniel dicens: exaudi, Domine, preces servi tui, illumina faciem tuam super sanctuarium tuum, et propitius intende populum istum, super quem invocatum est nomen tuum, Deus. Archive 2009-09-01
  • Considering that his production style is as domineering as it is remarkable, this is no easy feat.
  • Au premier plan se superposent les vieux toits inégaux des maisons que l'on domine. Rubrique - French Word-A-Day
  • Christian religion was preached to the Saxons there (who domineered over the Britons too much, to care for what THEY said about their religion, or anything else) by AUGUSTINE, a monk from Rome. A Child's History of England
  • He wasn't someone she would normally be attracted to - he was a little too domineering.
  • As founding Peas, me, Apl, and Will had been tight since way back, and in walked this stranger from Hacienda Heights who fit in like some long-lost relative, and she was sexy without being catty, confident without being arrogant, strong without being over-domineering, and tomboyish without losing her femininity. Fallin’ Up
  • A mercurial character, she was confined to her box lest her exuberance should prompt her to indulge her domineering streak. Times, Sunday Times
  • She said he was domineering and had persuaded her to go.
  • _ Fusca; capite thoraceque albo vittatis; abdomine albo guttis dorsalibus fuscis; alis anticis basi albo venosis, fascia exteriore obliqua postice abbreviata alba, posticis albis fusco marginatis. Journal of the Proceedings of the Linnean Society - Vol. 3 Zoology
  • At least it must be left an open question as to whether the impulsive and domineering vigour of the West is preferable to the "mildness" of the East. India, Its Life and Thought
  • Almost as important as the domine was the _voorleezer_ or chorister, who was also generally the bell-ringer, sexton, grave-digger, funeral inviter, schoolmaster, and sometimes town clerk. Home Life in Colonial Days
  • _M. _ castaneo-rufus; abdomine nigro, thorace sexspinoso; abdomine ovato. Journal of the Proceedings of the Linnean Society - Vol. 3 Zoology
  • In essence the teacher should not be so much of a demanding and domineering figure but should instead be someone who is responsively helping the student in learning.
  • He has to remove their ability to hide behind a domineering club manager. Times, Sunday Times
  • Cordibus nostris, quæsumus Domine, cælestis gloriæ inspira desiderium, et præsta: ut in dextris illuc feramus manipulos iustitiæ: ubi tecum sanctus coruscat Abbas Columba. The Fulcrum of Civilization
  • Squeezeweasel from Gastronomy Domine is off to Prague next weekend, but this weekend she managed to get out and photograph some wild violets in bloom in England in November! and also the seedhead of a wild carrot. Herbs and Plants Around the World Weekend Herb Blogging #8
  • I referred to Gaddafi as a domineering autocrat with a bad record on human rights and terrorism. Joseph Nye: Gaddafi and Change
  • She let her career overtake the relationship, and she's become too controlling and domineering.
  • For fifty years England held undisputed sway upon the sea, controlled markets, and domineered trade, laying, during that period, the foundations of her empire. The Shrinkage of the Planet
  • Chris Matthews will find Michelle Obama just a bit "domineering," you know? Sidney Blumenthal Joins Hillary Campaign
  • Based on a 1983 novel by Elfriede Jelinek in which she drew on her relationship with a domineering mother, and on her own repressed sexuality, the film is a searing study of its title character's sexual pathology.
  • Remember to keep the desired feature in scale with the rest of your space - you don't want it to be too domineering.
  • Yet people on TV will call you "domineering" because you're an outspoken woman. Marie Wilson: Our Children Are Watching
  • He is another dominee with great organisational skills and a matching warm, deeply sincere personality.
  • Dómine, non sum dignus ut intres sub tectum meum: sed tantum dic verbo, et sanábitur anima mea. Easter cake.
  • Among them three were especially widely disseminated: Domine, da nobis auxilium and Domine deus omnipotens for six voices, and Pater, peccavi in caelum for eight. Archive 2009-06-01
  • Nothing but love of the man brings the 'domine' a wife, and she knows that there will be inquisitorial eyes and not too kind speeches about her behaviour from the 'faithful,' while the great people, to their loss, will ignore her socially in much the same way as Queen Dutch Life in Town and Country
  • And these censures exercised, not in a lordly, domineering, prelatical way: but in an humble, sober, grave, yet authoritative way, necessary both for preservation of soundness of doctrine, and incorruptness of conversation; and for extirpation of the contrary. The Divine Right of Church Government by Sundry Ministers Of Christ Within The City Of London
  • They look less like domineering control freaks than out-of-control weaklings, capable of producing endless reports and paper laws but paralysed under the slightest pressure.
  • Stepping up to the dominee, I got a liberal sprinkling with the aid of a palm frond.
  • Moira Shearer stars as a young ballerina driven to perform at the peak of her abilities by domineering impresario Anton Walbrook much to the consternation of her jealous husband Marius Goring .
  • his wife behaved domineeringly
  • She is domineering, prone to tactless remarks, and often self-centered.
  • It takes a good deal of time to explain why a harassed lawyer, his domineering mother-in-law, narcoleptic uncle, his ex-cook and a fellow legal letch should all arrive at a Parisian lovenest on the same night. Once Bitten – review
  • Most of the charges involved attitudes and behaviors reflected by a domineering style of leadership. Christianity Today
  • Most of the charges involved attitudes and behaviors reflected by a domineering style of leadership. Christianity Today
  • Johnson was valuable to Boswell because they were so unalike; Boswell submissive, Johnson domineering, Boswell a quivering jelly of sensibility, Johnson a solid mass of sense.
  • A highly regarded consultant and teaching doctor, I found her manner imperious and domineering.
  • And when you come to me for Matins," he added, "don't come into the cell, but only say in a loud voice, 'Domine, labia mea aperies;' and if I answer, 'Et os meum annuntiabit laudem tuam,' you will come in, otherwise you will go back. The Life and Legends of Saint Francis of Assisi
  • If they domineer to the point of suffocating you, stay away. Deepak Chopra: How to Deal With Difficult (Even Impossible) People
  • The male neighbors who posed as the henpecked husband and his domineering wife asserted their own masculinity by imitating and grossly exaggerating the actions of the misbehaving couple.
  • The television tower domineers the city.
  • They have coaches who bully and domineer, who abuse them sexually and emotionally. Katherine Starr: Keep Our Child Athletes Safe
  • _A. _ nigra, prothorace, pedibus anticis mediisque ferrugineis; abdomine lævigato nitido. Journal of the Proceedings of the Linnean Society - Vol. 3 Zoology
  • I think thou art mad! with _Domine, labia aperies_. A Select Collection of Old English Plays, Volume 2
  • Some days after the opening of the book of the Gospel, Leo had come at midnight to say aloud, at the door of Francis 'cell, “Domine labia mea aperies,” according to the order he had received; and receiving no reply, he had the curiosity to advance a step further, and to look through the chinks of the door, to see what was going on. The Life and Legends of Saint Francis of Assisi
  • Nina's unstable, domineering mother Barbara Hershey, a former dancer who never made it beyond the corps, wavers between overbearing concern, vicarious arousal, and Münchausen syndrome by proxy; even she seems to want to get into the sick S&M game, demanding a little too lustfully to Nina, "Take off your shirt!" so that she can inspect her daughter for self-inflicted wounds. Rob Kirkpatrick: Burlesque and Black Swan: The Showgirls of Burlesque vs. the Showgirls of Ballet?
  • Pursued across the continent by her domineering mother and agent, she hitches a ride with an unknowing gang of holidaymakers.
  • Salvum fac populum tuum, Domine, et benedic hereditati tuae. Te Deum...I do like this picture!
  • My husband wasn't in the least bit domineering but he was a strong man so there was no need for me to worry about bill-paying or problems.
  • _ Aureo-viridis, facie pectoreque argenteis, antennis tarsisque nigris, thorace vittis tribus rufo-cupreis, abdomine fasciis cupreo-purpureis, femoribus lutescentibus, tibiis piceis, femoribus anticis apice nigricantibus, alis nigris apice albis, halteribus fulvis apice nigris. Journal of the Proceedings of the Linnean Society - Vol. 3 Zoology
  • He was commanding, domineering, sardonic and intimidating.
  • However, for reasons unexplained by the film, he channels these qualities into avoiding adult responsibilities such as work and domineering his younger brother, Robby.
  • How was it she could appear to be so domineering when she wanted to?
  • Mum was a single parent and has always been domineering. The Sun
  • Nina's unstable, domineering mother Barbara Hershey, a former dancer who never made it beyond the corps, wavers between overbearing concern, vicarious arousal, and Münchausen syndrome by proxy; even she seems to want to get into the sick S&M game, demanding a little too lustfully to Nina, "Take off your shirt!" so that she can inspect her daughter for self-inflicted wounds. Rob Kirkpatrick: Burlesque and Black Swan: The Showgirls of Burlesque vs. the Showgirls of Ballet?
  • De même que votre magnifique édifice domine votre cité, de même la pensée dominante de votre université est d'être le phare sur lequel se dirige le peuple dans l'espérance que cette émulation tendra à nous diriger vers de hautes et nobles destinées. Memories of Canada and Scotland — Speeches and Verses
  • All she wanted was him to be more domineering.
  • This is abhominable which he would call abominable; it insinuateth me of insanie; _Ne intelligis, domine_? to make frantic, lunatic. The Philosophy of the Plays of Shakspere Unfolded
  • The German character is not only self-reliant, which is admirable, but it readily becomes domineering, particularly when in the ascendency. The New York Times Current History of the European War, Vol. 1, January 9, 1915 What Americans Say to Europe
  • But all presently concentred in one domineering sentiment of sharp repentance for what she had apparently undertaken. Camilla
  • Et accessit ad eum Jehudah, et dixit, Quaeso, domine mi: loquatur quaeso servus tuus verbum in auribus domini mei, et ne irascatur furor tuus in servum tuum: quia tu sicut Pharao. Commentary on Genesis - Volume 2
  • Another characteristic of one-partyism is that the other parties within the system that believe in self-government have concentrated their energies on attempting to move the argument within the dominent party. Archive 2008-05-01
  • Most of the charges involved attitudes and behaviors reflected by a domineering style of leadership. Christianity Today
  • Similarly, 'to domineer' is a verb, and the word domineering comes from that. Personal: On Blogging and the word 'domineering'
  • Or is it that they are so controlling and domineering that we don't know how to talk about anything else?
  • This is abhominable, -- which he would call abbominable: it insinuateth me of insanie: anne intelligis, domine? to make frantic, lunatic. Love's Labour's Lost
  • An intelligent, take-charge, in-your-face, dominant not "domineering" man is not sexist. A movement to bring back the 'man's man'
  • _ Cyaneo-viridis; capite pedibusque nigris; antennis piceis, basi rufis; thorace vittis quatuor albidis; abdomine purpureo-cyaneo; alis limpidis, litura basali, fasciis duabus (prima abbreviata, secunda interrupta) strigaque costali apicali nigris. Journal of the Proceedings of the Linnean Society - Vol. 3 Zoology
  • I suppose probably Maxine Elliott is better-looking than what you are, maybe, but I always was crazy over your kind of girl -- blond hair and nice, clear eyes and just shoulder-high -- kind of a girl that could snuggle down beside a fireplace and look like she grew there -- not one of these domineerin 'sufferin' cats females. The Job An American Novel
  • _ Viridi-cinerea; capite testaceo, vittis tribus anticis nigris, oculis subpetiolatis; antennis nigris; thorace vittisquatuor purpureo-nigris, scutello cyaneo basi viridi, pectore fulvo; abdomine viridi-fulvo; pedibus nigris, femoribus basi luteis, tibiis luteo fasciatis; alis subcinereis, vitta costali nigricante interrupta lurida strigata, vena transversa discali fusco nebulosa; halteribus testaceis apice nigris. Journal of the Proceedings of the Linnean Society - Vol. 3 Zoology
  • Russian Noblesse has little or nothing of what we call aristocratic feeling -- little or nothing of that haughty, domineering, exclusive spirit which we are accustomed to associate with the word aristocracy. Russia
  • Contrary to his ipse dixit, this is NOT some standard or consensus definition, particularly the “intrusive and domineering role” language. The Volokh Conspiracy » Timothy McVeigh Was No Libertarian: The Fallacy of Conflating Two Very Different Types of “Anti-Government” Movements
  • This is abhominable, — which he would call abbominable: it insinuateth me of insanie: anne intelligis, domine? to make frantic, lunatic. Love’s Labour ’s Lost
  • Eia nunc ergo tu, domine deus meus, doce cor meum ubi et quomodo te quaerat, ubi et quomodo te inveniat. St Anselm 2
  • Absolve, Domine, animas omnium fidelium defunctorum ab omni vinculo delictorum et gratia tua illis succurente mereantur evadere iudicium ultionis, et lucis æterne beatitudine perfrui. Archive 2009-06-01
  • The lowlanders are sub-moral beings in Buid eyes, given their aggressive and domineering customs.
  • He is aggressive, domineering and brash where they are calm, consensual and low key. Times, Sunday Times
  • England what it is, -- able to subdue the earth, _able to domineer over Catholics. English: Composition and Literature
  • This reflected her domineering and headstrong character, in contrast to Bill's more cautious and conservative nature.
  • I can remember that, four years ago, some western media affiliated to the domineering and eudemonic system and the capitalist system that lacks culture. CNN Transcript Jun 14, 2009
  • Et benedixit illis Deus, dixitque ad eos Deus, Crescite, et multiplicate vos, et replete terram, et subjicite eam, et dominemini piscibus maris, et volatili coeli, et omni bestiae reptanti super terram. Commentary on Genesis - Volume 1
  • Cs liberati Anne de Veer Abbatisse de Berkyng, per manus domini Roberti de Wakfeld clerici, super expensis domine Elizabethe uxoris Roberti de Brus, percipientis per ebdomadum xxs., et ibidem perhendinantis. Notes and Queries, Number 12, January 19, 1850
  • _ Ferruginea, thoracis margine rufo piloso, pectore abdomineque nigris, abdomine fasciis duabus, maculis duabus apicalibus, plagaque ventrali subtrigona argenteis, alis cinereis, basi costaque nigris. Journal of the Proceedings of the Linnean Society - Vol. 3 Zoology
  • Ruthless, clinical and forever domineering they haunt a team who just can't make that final breakthrough.
  • Edgar, her uncertainty of his intentions, her suspicions of his wished secession, the severe task she thought necessary to perform of giving him his liberty, with the anguish of a total inability to judge whether such a step would recall his tenderness, or precipitate his retreat, were suggestions which quickly succeeded, and, in a very short time, wholly domineered over every other. Camilla
  • _Domine labia mea aperies; _ when, if an answer came, he might enter and say matins with his master. Castles and Cave Dwellings of Europe
  • We all love it when he plays a scene big because he's wickedly good at it, hilarious and domineering.
  • (Soundbite of song, "Parce mihi Domine") Mr. JAMES: (unintelligible) was standing there and we just began to sing this piece. Hilliard Ensemble: Improvising With Jan Garbarek
  • _M. _ capite thoraceque flavis; abdomine pallidè fusco. Journal of the Proceedings of the Linnean Society - Vol. 3 Zoology
  • To which a cardinal mildly remarking, "_Domine, schisma est generis neutrius_ (schisma is neuter, your Majesty)," Sigismund loftily replies: "_Ego sum Rex Romanus et super grammaticam_ (I am King of the Romans, and above Grammar)! The Great Events by Famous Historians, Volume 07
  • The male had to be domineering, imposing, and always taking the initiative.
  • Described as powerful, domineering and charismatic, he alternated affection with explosions of anger that terrified children and staff.
  • Surge domine disepentur inimici tui et fugent qui oderunt te a facie tua—Rise up, Lord, may your enemies be dispersed and those who hate you flee from your face.
  • Eat too much of a pitta-promoting food such as fast-food burgers, ayurvedics say, and you might find yourself feeling hot and acting rude and domineering. Undefined
  • Des saluts depuis l'Espagne d'un Carliste qui désire la restauration de la monarchie en France chez la personne de S.M. Louis un XXe pour que les choses changent à mieux en Europe et dans le monde dominé aujourd'hui par le néolibéralisme. Voice from Hell
  • But I am here to tell you that swans are preternaturally strong beyond ordinary imagination, clannish, quick to anger, domineering, and that they posses a decided mean streak.
  • Those, indeed, who rule for the public good, are true examples and specimens of his beneficence, while those who domineer unjustly and tyrannically are raised up by him to punish the people for their iniquity. The Volokh Conspiracy » Thoughts on the Revolution (?) in Kyrgyzstan
  • He could be, and often was, called egotistical, self-centred, domineering and sneering; but at least one knew that the total effect was there because he meant it: he found it temperamentally impossible to be a creep. The Guardian World News
  • A headstrong, domineering character, he would also want assurances that he had money to spend. The Sun
  • Domine, peccatrici animae meae, solve vincula ejus, sana vulnera ejus. Pneumatologia
  • It was proved that infestation of parasitosis of pigs and poultries in the area was severe, there were 19 species of pig parasites(4 dominent)and 13 species of poultry parasites(3 dominent).
  • The independent Miss Blythe, whom a certain clique of Junior Red Cross girls accused of being domineering and "bossy," was thoroughly cowed. Rilla of Ingleside
  • He grew up poor, with a violent, domineering mother and a cold, distant father.
  • I suspect that if you had the wrong breast removed for breast cancer or a medical tool left in your abdomine or a limb removed for someone else ... you might just want some recourse! New estimate puts health-care pricetag at $611 billion
  • It can carry with it aspects of arbitrariness or domineeringness, or whimsicality or abstractedness.
  • Several embarrassing montages seem directed by the domineering pop soundtrack due to their literalist take on the lyrics.
  • On Monday, his son-in-law said he would be buried in the rose garden next to the former historic Dutch Reformed Mission Church in Beaufort West, where his father had been a dominee.
  • Some days after the opening of the book of the Gospel, Leo had come at midnight to say aloud, at the door of Francis 'cell, "Domine labia mea aperies," according to the order he had received; and receiving no reply, he had the curiosity to advance a step further, and to look through the chinks of the door, to see what was going on. The Life and Legends of Saint Francis of Assisi
  • He and his siblings grew up there in humble circumstances - with their father as the dominee ministering to a congregation in the church in the main street.
  • He was a crablike manoeuvrer, crafty and unreliable, domineering towards followers, ruthless towards rivals.
  • He laughs about his earthquake phobia, turns glum when reflecting on a domineering father and gives weight to theories of his eternal boyhood in enthusiastic chatter about toys and theme parks. Archive: Michael in the mirror
  • She has told the court her mother was difficult, domineering and physically and verbally abusive towards her.
  • _ Nigro-viridis; capite piceo apud oculos albido; antennis rufescentibus; thorace vitta abdomineque fasciis cinereis; pedibus nigris; alis limpidis, vittis tribus nigris, prima postice abbreviata, secunda tertiaque latis; halteribus albidis. Journal of the Proceedings of the Linnean Society - Vol. 3 Zoology
  • _ Nigro-viridis; capite antennisque testaceis, articulo tertio brevi, arista plumosa; abdomine atro; pedibus testaceis, femoribus nigris; alis albo limpidis, strigis duabus apiceque nigro-cinereis, fasciis tribus satis nigricantibus; halteribus albis. Journal of the Proceedings of the Linnean Society - Vol. 3 Zoology
  • A headstrong, domineering character, he would also want assurances that he had money to spend. The Sun
  • My dad is a domineering control freak. The Sun
  • We quickly become patronising in our attitude to them and domineering in the solutions we propose. Times, Sunday Times
  • A shy, sensitive, clearly unhappy boy's troubled relationship with a domineering, thick-skinned father is captured in that single wounding chuckle.
  • He wasn't someone she would normally be attracted to - he was a little too domineering.
  • Albert lives with his domineering, bossy, bullying, unhappy, horrible mother.
  • In Egypt the Scorpion first ruled, the sign next the Balance, and long the chief of the Winter signs; and then the Polar Bear or Ass, called Typhon, that is, _deluge_, on account of the rains which inundated the earth while that constellation domineered. Morals and Dogma of the Ancient and Accepted Scottish Rite of Freemasonry
  • Her husband John - whose surname she adopted on their ninth wedding anniversary, in celebration of her ‘surrender’ - sits in on the interview, but shows no signs of domineering caveman tendencies.
  • Parce ergo mihi, Domine, qui es salus vera et non vis mortem peccatoris: miserere, Domine, peccatrici animae meae, solve vincula ejus, sana vulnera ejus. Pneumatologia
  • Hard and domineering, Henry could be ruthless and cruel.
  • It is like a domineering family member who is financially exploiting us. The Sun
  • In a life still blighted by his sick, domineering mother he wears his disappointment like a shabby old anorak. Times, Sunday Times
  • Two foreign songs turn out to be beautifully bogus: Pink Martini's faux-French "Sympatique" and "Bei Mir Bist Du Schoen," a Yiddish swing hit as misinterpreted by a domineering beer-garden fraulein in an audience participation bit that proves, "South Park" to the contrary, that Germans can be funny. The Jazz Scene: Hot Tones, Francophones
  • The ones I liked I value to this day but an overwhelming number have proved themselves to be the domineering, humourless, bad-mannered know-it-alls I always suspected they were.
  • After, in the eleventh part of the canon of the mass the priest beateth his breast saying: Nobis quoque peccatoribus, etc., and that signifieth the contrition and repentance that the thief that hung on the cross at the right hand of God had, when he said: Memento mei domine cum veneris in regnum tuum, that is to say: Lord I pray thee that thou be remembered of me when thou comest into thy realm. The Golden Legend, vol. 7
  • They have alternately supplicated and domineered, crawled in the dust or mounted the house-top, as occasion served, from Gregory to the Smiths and Joneses of the present time. Black and White
  • Invoice this domineering devil for every minute of your time, Caroline!
  • _A. _ nigra, thoracis lateribus dense ochraceo pubescentibus; alis fumatis; abdomine nitido, segmentis secundo tertio quartoque basi niveo pubescentibus. Journal of the Proceedings of the Linnean Society - Vol. 3 Zoology
  • His gallery of types included the domineering battleaxe, the hen-pecked husband, and the pretty, flirtatious girl.
  • One 'domine' has been known to brave public opinion and ride a bicycle, but for a mother in Dutch Life in Town and Country
  • There was a time when the atomics industry fueled more than political debate — it fueled the growth spurts of God's creatures, which turned the tables against the domineering species known as man. Day in the Life of an Idiot
  • _C. _ pallidè rufo-testaceus; abdomine nigerrimo nitido; thorace bispinoso. Journal of the Proceedings of the Linnean Society - Vol. 3 Zoology
  • The archetype of the domineering, meddling woman persists in folk motifs and literature throughout history and across cultures.
  • _ Cinerea; capite albido; antennarum articulo tertio albido apice nigro; thorace vitta fusca, scutello albido, abdomine nigro; pedibus albidis nigro fasciatis; alis albis, maculis plurimis nigricantibus ex parte confluentibus; halteribus albidis. Journal of the Proceedings of the Linnean Society - Vol. 3 Zoology
  • Nigra; capite testaceo apud oculos albido, fronte ochracea; antennis piceis basi rufescentibus; thorace vitta lata cana; abdomine fulvo, disco nigro cupreo; pedibus fulvis, femoribus anticis apice tibiisque anticis basi nigris; alis sublimpidis, fascia media lata postice abbreviata guttam limpidam subcostalem includente lineaque transversa exteriore nigricantibus; halteribus testaceis. Journal of the Proceedings of the Linnean Society - Vol. 3 Zoology
  • Though domineering and convinced of his own infallibility as a younger man, her husband was not cruel or intentionally uncaring.
  • The minister domineers over his inferiors.
  • She's been forced out of her pride by two domineering young males and is struggling to fend for herself and her young cubs. The Sun
  • Will his domineering personality hold others back? Times, Sunday Times
  • Simplistic chord structures and things just very impressive in the way that a lot of old heavy metal music is very penetrating and domineering and drowns things out.
  • They knew all things, but might not reveal them to men; and ruled and domineered over us, as we do over our horses; the best kings amongst us, and the most generous spirits, were not comparable to the basest of them. Anatomy of Melancholy
  • He has been described as the domineering disciplinarian who set her straight.
  • The only other portrayal of Jewish women at that time was the polar opposite of the belle juive, namely the domineering, masculinized hag. Annotated Bibliography and Guide to Archival Resources on the History of Jewish Women in America.
  • That's not a good base for a lasting and healthy relationship, and you're right, it's domineering.
  • The son claimed his relationship with his mother, whom he described as domineering, was poor even before he met his wife. | Top Stories
  • Nigra; capite testaceo apud oculos albido, fronte ochracea; antennis piceis basi rufescentibus; thorace vitta lata cana; abdomine fulvo, disco nigro cupreo; pedibus fulvis, femoribus anticis apice tibiisque anticis basi nigris; alis sublimpidis, fascia media lata postice abbreviata guttam limpidam subcostalem includente lineaque transversa exteriore nigricantibus; halteribus testaceis. Journal of the Proceedings of the Linnean Society - Vol. 3 Zoology
  • Whatever they do, they want an active role and are frequently perceived as domineering.
  • In the Roman Rite the "Deus in adjutorium" is preceded in Matins by the "Domine labia mea aperies", whilst in the monastic Breviary the order is reversed. The Catholic Encyclopedia, Volume 4: Clandestinity-Diocesan Chancery
  • The king domineers over his people.
  • It would also reduce the ability of one hegemonic power to take unilateral action or domineer.
  • _F. _ nigra, nitida; flagello, coxis et abdomine subtùs pallidè testaceis. Journal of the Proceedings of the Linnean Society - Vol. 3 Zoology
  • As a Springbok rugby star in the late 1920s and as a Dutch Reformed dominee, he was prominent in both of Afrikanerdom's religions.
  • She was accustomed to a certain domineering authority in his language, rendered all the more difficult to endure by the sarcasm with which he sometimes embittered his words, as though he had dipped them in gall before pronouncing them, -- but this apparent abandonment of reserve, this almost touching assumption of candour, were phases of his histrionical ability which he had never till now displayed in her presence. The Master-Christian
  • The Deacon pours wine, the subdeacon water, into the chalice, which is placed on the altar; the celebrant says "in Spiritu humilitatis" and turning to the people invites their prayers, "Orate fratres", recites the Pater noster and sings the "Libera nos quaesumus Domine. More Rare Images: Good Friday with Pius XI in the Sistine Chapel
  • He was of another mind who cried, “Da, Domine, quod jubes, et jube quod vis.” The Doctrine of the Saints��� Perseverance Explained and Confirmed
  • They will shake their heads when they tell you about the numbers game America ran on them: how when it serves its domineering interests to keep a race of people in captivity, all it takes to qualify is a mythical one drop of blood. Half and halfs « Dating Jesus
  • Moira Shearer stars as a young ballerina driven to perform at the peak of her abilities by domineering impresario Anton Walbrook much to the consternation of her jealous husband Marius Goring .
  • Here is the proper collect for his feast as found in the Southwark supplement to my old breviary:Plebs tibi, Domine, Virginique Matri dicata, beati Simonis solemnitate laetetur: et sicut per eum tantae protectionis signum obtinuit, ita praedestinationis aeternae munera consequatur. Archive 2009-05-01
  • I do not permit a woman to be a teacher, nor must woman domineer over man; she should be quiet. Sensual Encounters: Monastic Women and Spirituality in Medieval Germany
  • The _slave_ never can do this as long as he is a _slave_; whilst he is a "chattel personal" he can own _no_ property; but the time _is to come_ when _every_ man is to sit under _his own_ vine and _his own_ fig-tree, and no domineering driver, or irresponsible master, or irascible mistress, shall make him afraid of the chain or the whip. The Anti-Slavery Examiner, Part 1 of 4

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