How To Use Domestic dog In A Sentence

  • These are in effect as follows, viz.: Our domestic dog is derived from a species, one or more, akin to the wolf, the jackal, and the fox; to a group of animals not characterized by great native intelligence, but distinguished for their ferocity and their general untamableness. Domesticated Animals Their Relation to Man and to his Advancement in Civilization
  • Compared to wolves, domestic dogs are smaller and have proportionally smaller teeth, a wider palate, broader braincase and higher frontals, and smaller, less rounded auditory bullae. Archive 2006-10-01
  • Domestic dog/coyote hybrids, referred to as coydogs, are usually born in the winter.
  • According to team member Samuel Belknap III, a graduate student at the University of Maine, Orono, it is the earliest incontrovertible evidence for domestic dogs in the New World.
  • Assessment and treatment of excessive barking in the domestic dog.
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  • In fact domestic dogs and wolves are (based on allozyme electrophoresis) further apart genetically than are leopards and jaguars, and (based on DNA hybridization) further apart than some bear species (Wayne et al. 1991). Controversial origins of the domestic dog
  • If domestic dogs are wolves, you would expect the two to be very close genetically, certainly closer than universally recognised non-domesticated carnivoran taxa. Controversial origins of the domestic dog
  • If wolves come into contact with domestic dogs, they pick up diseases and may cross-breed.
  • Foxes selected for tameness are friendly, like domestic dogs, while foxes selected for aggression resist human contact.
  • Detecting introgressive hybridization between free-ranging domestic dogs and wild wolves (Canis lupus) by admixture linkage disequalibrum analysis. Archive 2006-10-01
  • This species is also susceptible to a variety of diseases such as distemper, which is controlled in domestic dogs.
  • Many of the wild domestic dogs in Australia are mixed European domestics and so-called pig dogs, which are bred to hunt wild boars.
  • If wolves come into contact with domestic dogs, they pick up diseases and may cross-breed.
  • The domestic dog is working on the same genetic tape as the wolf ancestor.
  • Wolves and domestic dogs are members of the same species .
  • Some of the wolves had interbred with domestic dogs.
  • Some of the animals represented in the asphaltic deposits, such as the domestic dog and sheep, evidently accompanied humans into the region. I Feel Earthquakes More Often Than They Happen
  • If you somehow recovered genetic material from such an extinct organism that was contemporaneous w/humans from the same 10-40 kya time frame, and it showed a similar pattern of change to humans and maize (corn) and say, domestic dogs then wouldn't you be safe in inferring that humans had tried to domesticate that organism? Choosing To Evolve
  • The bureau defines ‘wild dogs’ as domestic dogs gone wild, dingoes, and their hybrids.
  • While (to my knowledge) no-one doubts the idea that domestic dogs and wolves are close relatives, firm evidence showing that domestic dogs are nested within the species Canis lupus is lacking. Archive 2006-10-01
  • This applies globally as well as locally: despite continuous, near-global sympatry between domestic dogs and wolves, hybridization has hardly occurred and only one mtDNA type is shared. Archive 2006-10-01
  • Because of their association with humans, domestic dogs are not preyed upon by wild predators.
  • The suggestion that the domestic dog originated in East Asia has been challenged.
  • Domestic dogs that roam free have been known to revert to their primal instincts and to attack and kill lame deer and fawns.
  • Wolves and domestic dogs are members of the same species .
  • Domestic dogs carry and transmit human diseases, including viral, bacterial, and parasitic diseases.
  • Domestic dogs vary in size from diminutive, 1.5 kg chihuahuas to 90 kg giant mastiffs.
  • Colonel Hamilton Smith, the able writer on dogs, does not acknowledge some of these wild races, but thinks they are what he calls feral, or domestic dogs which have regained their liberty, and have subsisted for many generations on their own intelligence. Anecdotes of the Habits and Instinct of Animals
  • The amount of shape variation among domestic dogs far exceeds that in wild species, and it is comparable to the disparity throughout the Carnivora. "Intraspecific macroevolution" within domestic dog breeds - The Panda's Thumb
  • The domestic dog is working on the same genetic tape as the wolf ancestor.
  • Agriculture was based on systems of hillside terracing and included the potato, quinoa, and maize, and the guinea pig (for food), domestic dog, llama, and alpaca.
  • Domestic dogs and cats can pick up the infection if exposed to wild animals with the disease such as foxes, wolves, jackals, skunks, mongooses, raccoons and bats.
  • This is due to fears that they will interbreed with the ‘native’ red deer, as it is well documented that – despite their anatomical and ecological differences – the two species readily hybridise, with the hybrids being fully interfertile (which, incidentally, is relevant to the whole ‘domestic dogs represent a distinct species’ argument). Archive 2006-10-01
  • That of a domestic dog. Like a loyal dog, even when the Guru ridicules, irritates or ignores one, one never responds with anger.

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