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How To Use Domain In A Sentence

  • The Chin language descended from Tibeto-Burman language domain.
  • These results indicate that, depending on the unique features of a given learning, experience, very different classes of mechanisms can be engaged to subserve memory in a particular time domain.
  • It is very hard to match digital computing, which is designed for precise, accurate calculations, to this domain.
  • The smart bookmark is a kind of saved search -- "These codes can range from simple queries to a string that will search a domain and give you the latest stories, or simply those related to a keyword." - but it's complicated. Internet News: Firefox 3 bookmarking tips
  • In this domain it serves, to use the unavoidable cliche, merely as a rubber stamp.
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  • The sequence of part of the POU domain of Oct-11a is compared to that of Oct-11b.
  • Register a domain name if you want people to find your website.
  • There are few domains of management practice and conceptualisation that are as complex and of such significant consequence as that of designing the future of a city.
  • When you enter the public domain, you cede control to the horse. Times, Sunday Times
  • For example, if a unary function is considered as a set of ordered pairs, then the domain and codomain are given by the first and second projections, respectively. Combinatory Logic
  • Islam has changed unprecedentedly in the domain of life and culture in the tidal current of adapting to Socialism society and time, and has stridden into a rational development time.
  • Yet as blogger Wesley Elsberry discovered when he searched domain registrations, the producers registered the URL "expelledthemovie. com" on March 1, 2007 -- more than a month (and in some cases, several months) before the scientists were interviewed. Archive 2008-04-01
  • The two other downstairs rooms, the breakfast room and the kitchen, were Florence's domain.
  • Elucidation of the genomic organization of the Oct-11a POU domain revealed a striking concordance of intron/exon junctions with Oct-2.
  • These basic differences between oral and written communication are a fruitful domain for continued dialogue about the strengths, limitations, and complementarities of the first-year rhetoric classroom.
  • Afghanistan in March 2003, 'af' was established as Afghanistan's domain name; Internet access is growing through Internet cafes as well as public "telekiosks" in Kabul (2002) The 2007 CIA World Factbook
  • She's been in the public domain for three decades. The Sun
  • A trivial reason explaining how both step sizes can be the same, is that the labeled calmodulin is bound to the catalytic domain.
  • Barot A, Kleckner N (2008) Yeast Pch2 promotes domainal axis organization, timely recombination progression, and arrest of defective recombinosomes during meiosis. PLoS ONE Alerts: New Articles
  • Thus, if the second-messenger network were to enter a domain of chaotic behavior, chaotic variation in membrane potential would result.
  • Justly indignant at our folly, for quarrelling is not allowed in his domains, the King laid us under sentence of banishment, decreeing that we should spend the fifteenth night of each month in this dreary forest until a tailor came who could mend the garments we had torn. Folk Tales From Many Lands
  • By the way, Domaine Valette is on a real hot streak.
  • Garcia, king of Leon, began a rapid expansion of his domain to the east (construction of numerous castles, hence the name Castile). 3. Christian Spain, Castile and Leon
  • In a related discussion on Slashdot, solprovider points out that ICANN's new policy may also put an end to what Network Solutions describes as "domain kiting," where several (possibly related) companies keep passing domain registrations from one to the next by taking advantage of the free grace period, effectively preventing the domains from ever being available to the public. Is Domain Name Front Running About To Come To An End? - The Consumerist
  • They've registered the name with a hyphen between the words but I own the domain as one word which is their preference.
  • Until recently online dating was considered a taboo and the domain of sexual deviants.
  • This latest collection, which brings a host of unpublished poems into the public domain, is the perfect marriage of old and new.
  • The magnetic regions are written by using the fringing fields from magnetic domain walls in neighboring magnetic wires.
  • These situations often call for special schemas defining information for every specific error, thus effectively extending domain semantic model to describe failure scenarios.
  • The student acquires knowledge, understanding and a range of competencies in a particular domain.
  • Perhaps Spain should remain a part of Hapsburg domains, but this might lead to confrontation with France.
  • Lexical items in pidgin languages tend to cover a wider semantic domain than in the base language.
  • Complete the line in the narrator's Tribute to Hampshire: `A domain where a man might reasonably...' C: `Attain transcendence. MUSIC FOR BOYS
  • Broadly, the purpose of the City Code is to protect the shareholder in the public domain.
  • The submicroscopic domain , inhabited by elementary particles, is probably the most fundamental frontier of physics.
  • The positions of sequences encoding homeodomains are shown by bidirectional arrows.
  • The capability to manipulate high-frequency acoustic phonon generation in both temporal and spatial domains should flourish the field of nanoultrasonics.
  • As it went on it became clear that much of the supposedly secret information disclosed by the defendants was already in the public domain. Times, Sunday Times
  • The statements are needed in order to take forward a class action lawsuit against the domain registrar.
  • As well as the wines themselves he did an excellent job of covering the history of the region, the domaine itself and biodynamics.
  • Researchers have been scrambling to respond to a crisis that has rocked France's ostreiculture photo: pubulic domain/Binh Giang - Articles related to French oyster pilferers adding to cultivators’ woes
  • It is complementary to low energy electron diffraction, which probes long range order - ie a minimum domain size of 100-200A/9.
  • It is astonishing that in 99.99% of trials a value better than 99.999% of those in the codomain is obtained with fewer than one million evaluations. How do evolutionary processes create information? - The Panda's Thumb
  • Outside of the cities the monarch, whose private fortune was identical with the state finances, possessed immense domains managed by intendants and supporting a population of serf-colonists. The Volokh Conspiracy » Is Obamacare Constitutional?
  • For a brief time in the 1990s, nerds rose to a spectacular height with the rise of computers – a nerd-dominated domain – when people were forced to kiss a lot of nerd tuchis in order to get their networks to run. Overcoming Your Nerd-Dom: Part 1 In A Possibly-Continuing Series
  • The probability that all n values are in the lower q fraction of the codomain is p = qn. How do evolutionary processes create information? - The Panda's Thumb
  • It is a bid to "reseal" the Common Foreign and Security Policy (CFSP), traditionally an exclusive domain of national capitals, parts of which seemed to have leaked to the European Commission in the first half of this decade. Spero News
  • The design of servo system for pitch attitudes of a mine hunting sonar array was made using frequency domain control and variable structure control respectively.
  • What, then, may we say of the role of empirical studies in the domain of ethical research?
  • If it is shown to have been the cause of the blast, the problem of leaking gas pipes will have been thrust into the public domain once more.
  • The Internet Corporation for Assigned Names and Numbers, known by the acronym Icann, is accepting applications for an infinite number of new Web addresses, known as top-level domain names. A New Challenge for Web Freedom
  • While issues such as domain name ownership and cybersquatting (taking control of a website address you have no right to) were clearly red hot at the height of the internet boom, they remain of considerable importance today.
  • The HR department carefully chose a fully qualified domain name (FQDN) that was user-friendly and easy to remember.
  • If you don't stake out your turf in other domains, a competitor might grab the territory first.
  • We soon learnt the perils of having our notebooks in the public domain. Times, Sunday Times
  • The City decided that the area needed to be "revitalized" and they did eminent domain on the entire area and bulldozed hundreds of Craftsman style homes. <a href="" title=""The great thing about America, is that once you own property, you own
  • Vast estates that had been managed by monasteries as endowments for religion and charity were impropriated to swell the wealth of courtiers and favorites; and the commons, where the poor man once had his right of pasture, were taken away, and, under forms of law, enclosed distributively within the domains of the adjacent landholders. Our American Holidays: Lincoln's Birthday A Comprehensive View of Lincoln as Given in the Most Noteworthy Essays, Orations and Poems, in Fiction and in Lincoln's Own Writings
  • Then James Carlson Sweatt enters her book-lined domain, and her heart.
  • Well from a website visitor's perspective, is it better to land on a parked domain littered with spammy ads?
  • The answer is to use a light orchestration-specialized DSL (Domain Specific Language), which is what the "light orchestrator" or "Enterprise Integration Orchestration" component provides in PEtALS.
  • Morning rose on the world, from the Pacific Ocean across the vast continent of Asia, across the ancient domains of Europe, and onto New York City.
  • The broad Bragg peak arises from a cholesterol monolayer embodying poorly ordered two-dimensional crystalline domains, each containing ~ 200 molecules in a proposed trigonal arrangement.
  • When a clown and an evangelic preacher wander into Ted's domain of the W.C. he forces them to dismantle their public masks and face the consequences of their beliefs and actions.
  • These differences in expression domains indicate changes in the regulation of these genes somewhere in the annelid lineage.
  • This truncation shows that the extreme C terminus of the SPM domain is required for protein interactions.
  • Then, HSM domain ontology was described and expressed by Backus-Naur form (BNF) formulations, and was stored in relationship database.
  • In this work, the topology of protein domain networks generated with data from the ProDom, Pfam, and Prosite domain databases was studied.
  • It also points out the acquisition methods of radar signals in time domain of circular scan and the spectrum properties, and introduces the collecting-processing procedure for radar signals of mo...
  • I propose a continuous tax as an infinitely differentiable monotonic curve over the open set domain (0, inf) with a range of (0,1), where total taxes owed is simply and elegantly calculated by integrating the CONTINUOUS TAX-RATE from 0 to x (x being income) Matthew Yglesias » Tax Simplification and the Flat Tax
  • Relationship Analysis builds off of previous domain integrity and Structural Analysis to find common keys or data elements and domains.
  • It has been found that domain characteristics depend on surface density, microstructural properties, the anisotropy of the underlying microstructure, and the kinetics of domain growth in comparison to diffusive processes.
  • His rationality was exiled to that other phantom domain where the Weapon of Law was being constructed according to dream-logic.
  • The same is true of the amicus briefs in eminent domain litigation. Back to the Bench, Andy
  • Typical chitinases have a N-terminal signal region, a catalytic domain and a C-terminal region, but some chitinases have one or more chum-binding domains.
  • You will even be invited to sample the brew in the domaine's own tearoom.
  • Consistent speed of processing differences have been noted among children with dyslexia across several perceptual, motoric, and linguistic domains.
  • The wait list service would let people sign up to register a domain that was already registered, so that they would have first dibs in the event that it ever becomes unregistered.
  • Testing of these models requires that the spatial and temporal distribution of strain and vorticity domains be mapped out across the slab.
  • Philosophical constructs like mind-body dualism are explained as the transfer of master/servant relations into the domain of abstract thought.
  • Fortunately humans get an easier system to remember-the domain name system that makes up site addresses.
  • Each test launch costs 17 million of taxpayers' money yet information about this unsuccessful venture was deemed to be outside the public domain. Times, Sunday Times
  • Edward I took his lions with him - during his progress through his Gascon domains in 1289 one of his lions killed a horse belonging to one Ernaud Purpoynter of Oloron-Ste-Marie in the Pyrenees, who was also duly compensated.
  • In its extreme form, the domain of appropriate state action is reduced to almost nothing, a perspective usually termed libertarianism.
  • You can also stay in a beautiful room at the domaine for about €150 a night. Times, Sunday Times
  • This would not be so upsetting were it not for the fact that sports stadiums have been accepted as a "public use" for eminent domain purposes, so that government can take people's homes from them in order to build these stadiums -- hardly the sort of thing the authors of the Fifth Amendment considered a public use. Sports Stadiums, Arnold Kling | EconLog | Library of Economics and Liberty
  • Sending people to casualty and denying people access to shelters was and is and will always be the domain of the political directorate.
  • Composite keys are sometimes used because the choice of key relates in some way to the end-user business domain.
  • In this domain we categorize incoming stimuli, and once categorized we respond in accordance with predefined procedures.
  • The real villains he fingers as the Newfoundlanders, who waded into the auks' domains and ravaged them without mercy.
  • On the one hand, Thompson does seem to have an encyclopedic knowledge of his subject domain, thanks in no small part to his willingness to talk to the media.
  • Unique PROSITE domains without INTERPRO annotations were ignored; these include low complexity regions such as proline-rich, serine-rich or glutamine-rich regions. PLoS ONE Alerts: New Articles
  • And once this information is in the public domain, we have no control over what happens to it. Computing
  • Portions of both a and b form the extracellular ligand binding domains. The Scientist
  • When Romulus had laid out the pomoerium, he made the outline something like a square, and called it _Roma Quadrata_, that is "Square Rome," but he did not direct the landmarks of the public domain to be distinctly indicated. The Story of Rome from the Earliest Times to the End of the Republic
  • Note that this means that the domain and codomain of input constraints must be the same - if this is not the case, an exception is raised.
  • Because in the last six months or so, the issue of domain name disputes and so-called cybersquatting has shifted from a reasonable and fair system into one that values large corporates and famous people over everything else.
  • Years ago, Adam Curry was an MTV veejay, who registered the domain before the network even understood what was going on with the Web.
  • Given the gentle lilt of her voice, it's no wonder slow-burning hymns like ‘Isolada’ and ‘Amdjer de Nos Terra’ are her proven domain.
  • The northern Swanwic formed a very large domain, formerly held by the wife of Hugh Fitzgrip.
  • The Entity Data Model (EDM) is a conceptual data model that can be used to model the data of a particular domain so that applications can interact with data as entities or objects.
  • The one area where there is some similarity between the two wars is the domain of public opinion.
  • It is outrageous that the figures are not in the public domain.
  • This is ALL controlled by the ‘hostmaster’ of the domain in question. Comcast Doesn’t Know Why The Outage
  • The master could not do much; he had long, long hours in his business; but I used to watch Ursula, morning after morning, superintending her domain, with her faithful attendant Jem – Jem adored his "missis". John Halifax, Gentleman
  • Spammers sometimes use IP addresses instead of domain names to make the spammy sites harder to spot.
  • The protein shares 80.24 % identity in acids with a C 2 - domain protein in Arabidopsis with unknown function.
  • At the other end, an application provider in the product domain offers that same solution, albeit based on unproven technology. LIVING ON THE FAULT LINE, REVISED EDITION
  • Beneath the surface of small-town serenity lies a dark domain where innocents dare not tread and unpredictability is the norm.
  • To capture business components with high reusability, a reusable component design method based on domain business model was proposed.
  • The term mechanics generally refers to the motion of large objects, whereas the study of motion at the level of the atom or smaller is the domain of quantum mechanics. Mechanics
  • We can account for optimal states for acting, interior and exterior domains of both the leaders and those we lead, lines of development and personality types that constellate our organizations, to name a few key areas. Willow Dea: 7 Habits for Effective Teaching
  • Parallel computation is based on the dynamic domain decomposition method which is performed using METIS system at each physical time step.
  • The affective domain is similarly divided into a hierarchy of five categories.
  • People have fought on land and at sea for millennia, but some see space as a pristine domain, unsullied by human conflict, and want to keep it that way.
  • After seeing its profits dented by Intel shortages the previous year, the direct-PC demon got its knickers in a twist over domain names and announced it was suing 23 people for alleged cybersquatting.
  • Indeed, for well defined dynamical domains, changing the coarseness does not modify significantly its definition.
  • The database costs 1 per inquiry and uses details it says are in the public domain. The Sun
  • The IP address in dotted decimal notation or the domain name of the ultimate destination. Ping
  • The concepts [dog], [cat], [horse], as well as [animal], occupy the abstract domain of types.
  • The site, therefore, provides links to other online courseware directories, public domain courseware hosted locally, sites for courseware developers and Indian educational sites.
  • Signal transduction by these systems usually involves autophosphorylation of a histidine kinase on a conserved histidine residue and subsequent transfer of the phosphoryl group to a conserved aspartate on a receiver domain.
  • After having put in practice all chivalries, devout and worldly, gone with Peredur in quest of the Holy Grail and fair ladies, and dreamed with St. Brandan of mystical Atlantides, who knows what it would produce in the domain of intellect, if it hardened itself to an entrance into the world, and subjected its rich and profound nature to the conditions of modern thought? The Poetry of the Celtic Races. VI.
  • The Domain Model layer mainly corresponds to the object of the system database, and wraps the business logical operation in it.
  • Moreover, the reactive conditions of many elementary reactions are studied and optimized by time domain analysis, frequency domain analysis, and root locus analysis.
  • Here we describe a novel murine POU domain gene, Oct-11, that is expressed during embryogenesis as well as in specific adult tissues.
  • Within the humanities, literature is the domain in which beauty is allied to truth.
  • Memory loss that impairs function suggests neurodegenerative dementia, which is defined as a decline in two or more cognitive domains.
  • The virus has entered the public domain.
  • We have been critics of domain dispute arbitrators since the beginning.
  • The topic framework consists of elements derivable from the physical context and from the discourse domain of any discourse fragment.
  • Failure to complete your Domain name search engine registration by the expiration date may result in cancellation of this offer making it difficult for your customers to locate you on the web.
  • Here we report the crystal structure of a complex between a protein G domain and an immunoglobulin Fab fragment.
  • Round him stretched his domain, the white Avenue de la Foret asparkle with cars and open carriages in the late afternoon sunlight. The Emperor's Snuff-Box
  • This leads to a nice soprano sax solo, and the tune is well within the domain of standard fusion.
  • Did not James of Scotland find amusement in roaming through a portion of his domain, as a "gaberlunzie-man? Old New England Traits
  • The allocation of the annual budget and grants also falls within its domain.
  • Outside, the Bookmobile will be downloading, printing, binding, and giving away for free copies of public domain books.
  • This essay asks how the political identity and domain of civic practice we refer to by the term citizenship is transformed, eroded, or, perhaps, disappeared in the contexts of neoliberal governance. James Warren: This Week in Magazines: If Your Yoga Class Mandates Bowing 3,000 Times During the Night, Consider Tennis or Golf
  • Moreover, the novel microdomain in the isoform-specific region of the holometabolous insect EcR-B1 isoform suggests that the holometabolous insect EcR-B1 acquired additional transcriptional regulation mechanisms. BioMed Central - Latest articles
  • But this totality still has strong oneiric qualities - dogmatism leads only to the hallucinatory domain. The Times Literary Supplement
  • And this linkage, this so-called concatenation or coming together of effects unifying these vastly different domains of nature, is one of the most compelling aspects in this field.
  • Sleep may be another intervention domain to target, especially since disturbed sleep can negatively impact distress levels.
  • These results should be carefully examined before coming to any conclusion, as many traps await the similarity seeker: paralogues, multidomain proteins, pseudogenes, etc.
  • The lord's land was called his "demesne," or domain. Early European History
  • We propose a numerical method using boundary element to model the electromagnetic filed induced by artificial source in the frequency domain with 3-D topography.
  • The palaeomagnetic analyses of this study have revealed that the dominant carrier of remanent magnetization of the Whin Sill dolerite is relatively pure magnetite in the pseudo-single domain size range.
  • The Arctic remains the domain of the polar bear.
  • This provides further evidence that the POU domain gene family arose from a series of gene duplications.
  • There is a fluidity of movement between them that enables the subjective experience of social interactions to occur in all domains simultaneously.
  • Anyone who's serious about their presence on the Web has their own domain name.
  • But he admitted that any remedial action could well have no effect, as the information was already in the public domain. Times, Sunday Times
  • You're a purist about presentation, so you want to exclude the highlight domain.
  • Not but that when the duc de Crequi, the French ambassador, was insulted at Rome in the year 1662, the parliament of Provence passed an arret, declaring the city of Avignon, and the county Venaiss in part of the ancient domain of Provence; and therefore reunited it to the crown of France, which accordingly took possession; though it was afterwards restored to the Roman see at the peace of Pisa. Travels through France and Italy
  • But what if Yahoo! felt the need to register itself under both domains?
  • Before a host can create an application domain in which to run user code, it must determine where the boundaries of the new application domain should be.
  • There are a lot of books that work on the borderland between those two domains.
  • The concept of functional units of regulation supposes the presence of chromatin loop domains, delimited by sequences known as chromatin boundaries.
  • MMPs form a multigenic family of proteolytic, zinc-dependent enzymes, with 26 members described until present, displaying multidomain structures and substrate specificities. - Articles related to DTI favors zero tariffs on cement, wheat
  • DomainsNext argues that Go Daddy is overstepping its bounds regarding the use of the term "daddy": "your effort to have a monopoly and exclusive right to the word daddy is illegal, and defies logic and business practices". Domain Name Wire
  • Malware developers are always looking for new ways to spread their evil wares, and “domain cloning” popular social network sites seems to be their latest trick. Malware Fiends Focus On Facebook, Twitter | Lifehacker Australia
  • Critical to this hypothesis is the identification of insulator or boundary elements that delimit chromosomal domains.
  • But later in the day, the president of Cook County will call and ask how his domain should be run.
  • Politics doesn't really enter their domain. Times, Sunday Times
  • Traced her ribs, her waist, her navel, as if he were mapping his domain. THE PROMISE IN A KISS
  • Architecture also serves as a good example domain to understand the pitfalls associated with evolutionary design.
  • Once a translation is placed out there in the public domain, there are many people who can consult both the original and the translated works and the blowback can be significant when problems are uncovered.
  • Submarine trenches usually develop downward from depths around 6,000 m, the beginning of the hadal region, exclusive domain of highly specialized and exquisite molluscan communities.
  • THE DAY TRIP: "Formica" at Domaine Pommery, 5 Place du General Gouraud, 51100 Reims, through August 26, pommery. com ARTINFO: Top 10 Shows to See in Paris
  • Most of all there is a need to give leadership the confidence to oversee concatenated risks across multiple domains with a long-term perspective. DK Matai: Eurozone Subterfuge and Crisis: The Unknown Unknowns of Sovereign Systemic Risk
  • High electric drying, high electric thawing and electroosmosis dewatering technology are novel technology, and will initiate new domain in electrostatic application.
  • These tools are now available on ME. TV The parent company, Demand Media, has an exclusive agreement with domain keeper VeriSign, to "resell". tv domains on ME. TV or through eNom resellers. - Business News
  • The app in question is a popular book-reading app called Classics, which rounds up a bunch of public-domain titles in a slick-looking package that features a user interface with various titles perched on a bookshelf. article also suggests that the UI similarities extend beyond the top-level interface. Medlogs - Recent stories
  • But if the public highway is nothing but an accessory of private property; if the communal lands are converted into private property; if the public domain, in short, assimilated to private property, is guarded, exploited, leased, and sold like private property, -- what remains for the proletaire? System of Economical Contradictions: or, the Philosophy of Misery
  • Instead, I pirated books (lawyers and other official-type people take note, by “pirate” I mean I dress up in swashbuckling garb while I read free public-domain titles). Falling Off the E-Book Wagon « Become A Robot
  • They are well separated, show a nice gaussian shape, and deconvolution based on just the chromatographic domain will likely already work. Archive 2008-06-01
  • Internet service providers no longer have to engineer their networks for domain name takedowns, and they get a little more slack for liabilities against them when counterfeited content travels on their networks. Internet piracy debate intensifies on Senate bill
  • The information is not currently in the public domain .
  • You've got to feel sorry for the once-proud cybersquatters who bought up huge numbers of domain names hoping to sell them off for a small fortune.
  • This domain consists of symbols which represent an essential "structural" trait of the world view as a whole -- to wit, its inner hierarchy of significance. Sociology and Religion: A Collection of Readings
  • From the methodological lesson he took from Einstein to the insights gained in his own high-pressure physics, an important focus of Bridgman's operationalism was on regulating the extension of concepts to uncharted domains. Operationalism
  • Transgender rage is the subjective experience of being compelled to transgress what Judith Butler has referred to as the highly gendered regulatory schemata that determine the viability of bodies, of being compelled to enter a “domain of abjected bodies, a field of deformation” that in its unlivability encompasses and constitutes the realm of legitimate subjectivity. Yet another trans 101, in which Helen tells cis people What’s What
  • There is also some sage advice for females wanting to break into what is still essentially a male domain.
  • The discovery of X-rays added to the domain of natural science.
  • The source code for Gaobot is in the public domain and has been modified and reposted by ‘thousands worldwide’.
  • Knowing the information came from the public domain my research group gaily put it on the internet. EXTINCTION: Evolution and the End of Man
  • The Domain and Completeness screen allows you to make specific decisions around the completeness and validity of the values, whether by specific value, by range, or via a reference table.
  • degausser" - an instrument that disrupts and realigns the tape's magnetic domains, scrambling the encoded information and rendering it permanently unreadable. Slate Magazine
  • You need never mingle with your fellow guests - your walled pavilion is its own private domain for inside and outside living.
  • There is no evolutionary continuum between the domains of life; organisms have either the bacterial, archaeal, or eukaryal character [although Woese et al. think some evidence may link the last two domains] … no exceptions are seen; no "gray area" exists between the archaeal and bacterial signatures; the ribosome is of either bacterial or archaeal nature. A Disclaimer for Behe?
  • Furthermore, antibodies to the region II domain of the protein are commonly detected in sera from individuals in endemic populations.
  • The connection quadric exploit is a quite active application domain of present structure computation model updating technology research.
  • In wild-type flies, the head vertex is symmetrical and composed of three distinct domains.
  • Companies had long been the domain of commercial bankers and the corporate finance and equity departments of investment banks.
  • To analyse language and to define language disorders most linguists divide language into four domains: phonology, grammar, semantics, and pragmatics.
  • I mend one's ways A record rapidly come, pass two many hours await, the domain name is analytic become effective.
  • Why can’t they let us download this and use it on our own domain, you can lock the files so that you can put your own ads in it … i don’t care but it has to work on my server with with my reply mike jones Zenbe: Next-Generation Webmail, With A Platform Twist
  • The reason Woese et al. do not link the cellular architectures of the domains to a common cellular ancestor is they do not believe it is biologically possible to do so. A Disclaimer for Behe?
  • Topic - word senses vary according to subject area or domain.
  • Niche domain pr 3 - hundreds backlinks (include google backlinks) want to sell: hellokittyfanok. info valid PR 3 1 years 1 months 29 days Digital Point Forums
  • Traditionally, these areas would be the domain of the ‘witch doctor’ or seer, wizard, shaman, wise man/woman, whatever they may be called.

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