How To Use Dolor In A Sentence
Acupuncture treatment of patients was associated with decreased pain levels and fewer positive tender points as measured by dolorimetry.
Yet to that hideous place not fo confined By rigor unconniving, but that oft Leaving my dolorous prifon I enjoy Ltrge liberty to round this globe of earth, 365
The Works of the English Poets.: With Prefaces, Biographical and Critical
Baron Hafner's and Prince d'Ardea's manner toward Fanny had inspired her the day before with a dolorous analogy between the atmosphere of falsehood in which that poor girl lived and the atmosphere in which she at times thought she herself lived.
The French Immortals Series — Complete
A Spanish 'banderillero' reacts to a bull from Dolores Aguirre Ybarra ranch in the bullring during San Fermin fiestas in Pamplona northern Spain, Saturday July 10, 2010. Front Page
Dear Annie - I have a rare condition called Dercum's disease (adiposis dolorosa). Top News Headlines

Following that exchange, his dolor and lamentations were both replaced with one sensation: rage.
Tantalus, ut famast, cassa formidine torpens; sed magis in uita diuum metus urget inanis mortalis casumque timent quem cuique ferat fors; nec Tityon uolucres ineunt Acherunte iacentem nec quod sub magno scrutentur pectore quicquam55 perpetuam aetatem possunt reperire profecto; quamlibet immani proiectu corporis exstet, qui non sola nouem dispessis iugera membris obtineat, sed qui terrai totius orbem, non tamen aeternum poterit perferre dolorem60 nec praebere cibum proprio de corpore semper; sed Tityos nobis non est in amore iacentem quem luctus lacerant: at quem exest anxius angor aut alia quauis scindunt cuppedine curae.
The Powers of Hell
Dole and dolent are doubtless the exact counterparts of dolore and dolente, so far as mere etymology can go.
The Unseen World, and Other Essays
Marie O'Shea provides holistic therapies and spiritual healing, Master Chef Dolores Roberts deals with biotypes and nutrition.
Toledo, I must needs confess and acknowledge that veritably the devils cannot be killed or die by the stroke of a sword, I do nevertheless avow and maintain, according to the doctrine of the said diabology, that they may suffer a solution of continuity (as if with thy shable thou shouldst cut athwart the flame of a burning fire, or the gross opacous exhalations of a thick and obscure smoke), and cry out like very devils at their sense and feeling of this dissolution, which in real deed I must aver and affirm is devilishly painful, smarting, and dolorous.
Five books of the lives, heroic deeds and sayings of Gargantua and his son Pantagruel
Far from that, it begins questioning Lettres-de-Cachet generally, their legality, endurability; emits dolorous objurgation, petition on petition to have its three Martyrs delivered; cannot, till that be complied with, so much as think of examining the Protestant Edict, but puts it off always 'till this day week.'
The French Revolution
Smith circles his themes with the obsessive dolor of a man lamenting a lost opportunity, spawning gorgeous, tangential what-ifs and could've beens.
Exhellobits: Stationery Set, Water Dolor Pen, Drayon, Water Dolor Dake, Push Pin, Thumb Tacks, Paper Dlips, Scientific Instrument, Etc.
The great perils in the life of man, which endangered him in this world and the next, were the superficial elation of superbia, when by whatever acci - dent Fortune favored him, and the ruinous desperation of accidia and dolor, when Fortune frowned.
Dictionary of the History of Ideas
They had heard so very little of this; yet it was enough to build up wretched dolorous dreams upon, there in the shade of the night.
Acidi ructus, cruditates, aestus in praecordiis, flatus, interdum ventriculi dolores vehementes, sumptoque cibo concoctu difficili, sputum humidum idque multum sequetur, &c.Hip. lib. de mel.
Anatomy of Melancholy
No, there was nothing sublime and dolorous about Miss Manners; her face was round, cheery, and slightly puckered, with two little black eyes sparking and shining under dark brows, a nose she unblushingly called pug, and a big mouth with eminently white and regular teeth, which she said were such a comfort, for they never ached, and never would to the end of time.
The Atlantic Monthly, Volume 08, No. 46, August, 1861
Watching as hundreds pressed through the narrow Jerusalem street called the Via Dolorosa - the "Way of Suffering," tracing Jesus 'final steps - was Katy Fitzpatrick, 24, of Spokane, stories
The unusual amount of humidity during the fall of 1783 caused a rise in dolor de costado, insultos, pulmonías; a sudden drop in temperature in February caused these ailments to increase even more, along with "fluxes of the eyes" and fever in children. 35 The development of instruments for measuring such things as rainfall, temperature, and wind velocity stimulated further efforts to quantify climatic conditions.
Pestilence and Headcolds: Encountering Illness in Colonial Mexico
A tutte le pie cortesi persone che con assistenza, con scritti, con l'intervento ai funebri della cara sventurata estinta, con adornarne di fiori l'ultima manifestazione terrena desiderarono renderne meno acre it dolore, ringraziamenti vivissimi porge la famiglia PAMPALONE.
Castellinaria and Other Sicilian Diversions
Solamen miseris socios habuisse doloris -- To have companions in woe is a solace to those who suffer.
Commentary on the Whole Bible Volume IV (Isaiah to Malachi)
The indistinct noise of the city floated in, the dolorous, snuffling air of an accordeon, the mooing of cows could be heard; somebody's soles were scraping dryly and a ferruled cane rapped resoundingly on the flags of the pavement; lazily and irregularly the wheels of a cabman's victoria, rolling at a pace through Yama, would rumble by, and all these sounds mingled with a beauty and softness in the pensive drowsiness of the evening.
Yama: the pit
How Sir Launcelot rode on his adventure, and how he holp a dolorous lady from her pain, and how that he fought with a dragon.
Le Morte d'Arthur: Sir Thomas Malory's book of King Arthur and of his noble knights of the Round table
As for the reported indications that teachers would have been engaged in a sick-out on Thursday, Dolor clarified.
Multos ibi quina cubita constat longitudine excedere: non expuere: non capitis, aut dentium, aut oculorum vllo dolore affici, rar� aliarum corporis partium: tam moderato Solis vapore durari.
The Principal Navigations, Voyages, Traffiques and Discoveries of the English Nation
Following that exchange, his dolor and lamentations were both replaced with one sensation: rage.
It shows weedy tangles of wildflowers lifting their leaves sunward as spring advances and winter's dolor is shucked off for another year.
A count of 18 tender points was conducted by thumb palpation, and tenderness thresholds were assessed by dolorimetry at 9 tender sites.
Some non-funerary monumental medieval and early-renaissance retablos also seem to have incorporated images of the Vir Dolorum as a centrepiece, even when such works bore dedications to the Virgin.
He was the first to find fault with the use of certain words common at the time, such as dolus for dolor, effloriet for florebit, ossum for os.
The Catholic Encyclopedia, Volume 9: Laprade-Mass Liturgy
Note 106: Molinier, 133: "Et quesivit et invenit eam, et pre dolore cordis non potuit accedere ad eam, et ivit quesitum aliquem qui extraheret eam.
A Tender Age: Cultural Anxieties over the Child in the Twelfth and Thirteenth Centuries
A picture of Christ in the mourning widow's chamber; a "mater dolorosa," in the distracted mother's home; a "kerchief" of the Holy Virgin, spotlessly white, like the glorious spirit, above the bed of olden times, are surely elevating, and honorable presences, the recollections which lead us to them are holy and imperishable, as is the devotion which bows the knee before them.
Debts of Honor
Spasmodically are dolorous who sapindus cobalt and tragically are the double yearly librettist who beggarman no tuxedo for the fohn medical by heartsease primitive.
Rational Review
Even if it's a sad thing, you want to get the essence of the most dolorous phrases and connect them in some way, and so in that way try to perfect something.
On writing: authors reveal the secrets of their craft
We have tamed another bit of garden: a dolorous little drying green hedged on two sides with straggling cotoneasters which formed the view from the dining room.
(through whose tortured glottis the word nymphet has decisively been lifted into the linguistic mainstream from the minor Jacobean rivulets of Drayton and Drummond), whose speech is effectively spoonerized by the "tender, mysterious, impure, indifferent twilight eyes" of "Haze, Dolores" (to firmly place the child where she belongs -- in a school attendance list):
VERBATIM: The Language Quarterly Vol XI No 3
Parapraxis: Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. 3.1 Has Smoother Drawing And Usability Tweaks | Lifehacker Australia
Stabat Mater dolorósa iuxta crucem lacrimósa, dum pendébat Fílius.
Archive 2009-04-01
Multos ibi quina cubita constat longitudine excedere: non expuere: non capitis, aut dentium, aut oculorum vllo dolore affici, rar� aliarum corporis partium: tam moderato Solis vapore durari.
The Principal Navigations, Voyages, Traffiques and Discoveries of the English Nation
After some years of dolorous wandering in this palace of despair, -- for ` hope of rest to solace there is none, nor e'en of milder pang, 'save the poisonous anodyne of drink, -- most of those insnared to-night will perish, some of them in horrible torture.
Plain facts for old and young : embracing the natural history and hygiene of organic life.
Exhellobits: Stationery Set, Water Dolor Pen, Drayon, Water Dolor Dake, Push Pin, Thumb Tacks, Paper Dlips, Scientific Instrument, Etc.
Nobilis senex Alsatus juvenem uxorem duxit, at ille colico dolore, et multis morbis correptus, non potuit praestare officium mariti, vix inito matrimonio aegrotus.
Anatomy of Melancholy
As if the ordeal of a trial were not bad enough, he and Dolores must now face an arguably worse fate.
The actress is chirpy and loose as blowzy broad Dolores in a show that proves you can do worse than taking in a crass melodrama.
Ne - qne mo6 nihil tefiamento reiiquit, fed 3e vo« luit Naficam itfcire nihil fibi lega um; atque ex ejus dolore ac meftitia gaudium fi6i aftVi« tim rifumque dedit So/dum») Seu dotem filis, feo debitam du - dum fummam pecunise iutegram.
Quinti Horatii Flacci Opera
But Lucretius 'true tendency is to express an ordered vision of the life of man, with great vigour of real poetic image and often acute observation. quod petiere, premunt arte faciuntque dolorem corporis et dentes inlidunt saepe labellis osculaque adfligunt, quia non est pura voluptas et stimuli subsunt qui instigant laedere id ipsum quodcumque est, rabies unde illaec germina surgunt ...
But, Nabokov being Nabokov, what clinches it for me is that dismal haze — which could equally be described as a dolorous haze or you see where I’m going with this as a Dolores Haze.
Lolita’s Ancestor - Paper Cuts Blog -
he was seen by a shepherd, gamely negotiating a particularly tricky section of the mountain road to San Doloroso
L'appareil fut en fait conçu par le docteur Antoine Louis, secrétaire du Collège des chirurgiens, en vue de décapiter une personne de façon "indolore".
Archive 2010-05-01
Multos ibi quina cubita constat longitudine excedere: non expuere: non capitis, aut dentium, aut oculorum vllo dolore affici, rarò aliarum corporis partium: tam moderato Solis vapore durari.
The Voyages and Travels of Sir John Mandeville
In Puccini's dolorous "Crisantemi," the sense of world-weary detachment was not completely apt, the suffering held at a distance.
Music review: The Quatuor Debussy with Katherine Chi at Library of Congress
Virgine, et per eius conuersationem humillimam in eadem, ac per dolorosam mortis suæ consummationem ibidem, átque indè per eius admirandam resurrectionem, ac ascensionem in coelum, et postremò quia creditur illic in fine seculi reuersurus, et omnia iudicaturus: certum est, quòd ab omnibus qui Christiano nomine à
The Voyages and Travels of Sir John Mandeville
Which words being ended, she withdrew her selfe towards the middest of the Tarras, despairing of escaping (with life) from the heates violence; and not once onely, but infinite times beside (among her other grievous extreamities) she was ready to dye with drought, bemoaning incessantly her dolorous condition.
The Decameron
_in ano_, or some such other secret disease, as the common conuersant can hardly discouer, and the Phisition either not speedily heale, or not honestly bewray? of which infirmities the scoffing _Pasquil_ wrote, _Vleus vesicae renum dolor in peno scirrus_.
The Arte of English Poesie
SI quicquam mutis gratum acceptumue sepulcris accidere a nostro, Calue, dolore potest, quom desiderio ueteres renouamus amores
To Calvus: on the Death of Quintilia
--- "Tertium magis dignum miraculo, cum bis per somnium admonitus, ut arteriam secaret, quæ inter pollicem & indicem est, idque agens liberatus sit à diuturno dolore, quo infestabatur eâ in parte, quâ septo transverso jecur jungitur, idque in libri de sectione venæ fine testatus est.
Miscellanies Upon Various Subjects
Pain threshold and tolerance as assessed by dolorimetry were significantly associated with average measures of clinical pain.
Inter primos Thom� Becketi successor hic secundus, audita saluatoris et salutifer� Crucis iniuria nostris (proh dolor) diebus per Saladinum irrogata, cruce signatus, in eiusdem obsequijs, tarn remotis finibus qu鄊 propinquis, pr鎑icationis officiunm viriliter assumpsit.
The Principal Navigations, Voyages, Traffiques and Discoveries of the English Nation
which he has called ` ` adiposis dolorosa, '' in which there is an enormous growth of fat, sometimes limited, sometimes spread all over the body, this condition differing from that of general lipomatosis in its rarity, in the mental symptoms, in the headache, and the generally painful condition complained of.
Anomalies and Curiosities of Medicine
Dercum of Philadelphia has described a variety of obesity which he has called "adiposis dolorosa," in which there is an enormous growth of fat, sometimes limited, sometimes spread all over the body, this condition differing from that of general lipomatosis in its rarity, in the mental symptoms, in the headache, and the generally painful condition complained of.
Anomalies and Curiosities of Medicine
Presently he found himself struggling up the Via Dolorosa in the company of exhausted or perhaps traumatized pilgrims.
Then I then looked at my girlfriend and said, "Donde Pistola? animal in dolor!
Favorite Song
Thank God! (During the following speech of Dobleman, Rutland says good-bye to Margaret and Dolores Ortega and makes exit.) (Margaret and Dolores Ortega rise a minute afterward and go toward exit, throwing curious glances at the men but not disturbing them.) (Dolores Ortega makes exit.) (Margaret pauses in doorway a moment, giving a final anxious glance at the men, and makes exit.)
Come è già stato affermato nel Decreto del 21 gennaio 2009, la Santa Sede non mancherà, nei modi giudicati opportuni, di approfondire con gli interessati le questioni ancora aperte, così da poter giungere ad una piena e soddisfacente soluzione dei problemi che hanno dato origine a questa dolorosa frattura.
Archive 2009-02-01
Pilon's friend and favorite dupe is small-time crook, Danny Alvarez, who has inherited two houses and a gold watch from his late grandfather, and who later falls in love with Dolores Ramirez.
Steinbeck's Tortilla Flat
It is known as the Via Dolorosa, Latin for the "Sorrowful Way.
Stations of the Cross
This struck Will as tasteless, which fact must have registered on his long, dolorous features, because the drinker said, "I'm sorry.
Those people who lifted up arms of sensation with dolorous hearts yearned for retaining a sentence of words from God with stretching devoutness .
Multos ibi quina cubita constat longitudine excedere: non expuere: non capitis, aut dentium, aut oculorum vllo dolore affici, rarò aliarum corporis partium: tam moderato Solis vapore durari.
The Voyages and Travels of Sir John Mandeville
Smith circles his themes with the obsessive dolor of a man lamenting a lost opportunity, spawning gorgeous, tangential what-ifs and could've beens.
It was a typed note from Dolores: Re yr strictly business enq re Ms Hutton née Thoren.
Odolorosa gioia (O dolorous joy) is emblematic of the composer's almost self-flagellating delight in the pain dealt by a cruel lover.
Dolores Umbridge: [ standing with her Inquisitorial unit retentive Cho river hostage ] Get them!
Uptat ulla core minciniat, corem ilit praesto do dolorem exeraessi eugiam, venisis aliquismod magna autetumsan venisci blaore min utat ullan exerit ad dolobor ip et, sum velendit, volore volor suscipit, suscillute cor inciduisl do consed magniatem zzril etum vulla alissecte modipiscil elit nit wis eum venismodit in esto consecte facilit lutpatin ex et velisi. Headlines
Igitur ex improviso fines ejus cum magna manu invadit; multos mortales cum pecore atque alia praeda capit, aedificia incendit, pleraque loca hostiliter cum equitatu accedit, deinde cum omni multitudine in regnum suum convertit, existimans dolore permotum
C. Sallusti Crispi De Bello Catilinario Et Jugurthino
_Hinc illi homines erant, qui etiam ridiculi inveniebantur ex dolore: quorum alii, ut audistis, negabant mirandum esse_, JUS _tam nequam esse_ VERRINUM: _alii etiam frigidiores erant; sed quia stomachabantur, ridiculi videbantur esse, cum_ SACERDOTEM
A Dialogue Concerning Oratory, Or The Causes Of Corrupt Eloquence The Works Of Cornelius Tacitus, Volume 8 (of 8); With An Essay On His Life And Genius, Notes, Supplements
Unlike the promise of dolorous sentence scrawling offered by so many of the other far more pretentious and far more dead authors in whose image I have constructed my bardic fantasies, Carrie represents a modern view of a successful writer who seems to love what she does for a living.
What Sex and the City Taught Me About Writing
And through these streets of Jerusalem, today called the Via Dolorosa, "the way of sorrows.
CNN Transcript Apr 14, 2006
Maecenas sollicitudin lacinia dolor vel vestibulum.
Why describe characters?
Velut incantamentum quoddam ex flatuoso spiritu, dolorem ortum levant.
Anatomy of Melancholy
She stared at him; his long face, his dolorous expression, his unbelievable aura of insufferable complacency.
Ubique periculum, ubique dolor, ubique naufragium, in hoc ambitu quocunque me vertam.
Anatomy of Melancholy
As for the reported indications that teachers would have been engaged in a sick-out on Thursday, Dolor clarified.
He served parochial vicarships in Greensburg, New Kensington and Indiana, before being named pastor of Seven Dolors Parish in Yukon and administrator of St. Timothy.
The economy has nosedived since he took power in April, though he has hardly begun the dolorous restructuring he promised.
The most dolorous of all moral tragedies knit and unknit the most often in silence.
The French Immortals Series — Complete
Perdite amavit mulierculam quandam, illius amplexibus acquiescens, summa cum indignatione suorum et dolore.
Anatomy of Melancholy
£sicere, tunc vocant puellas confccratas, & cum illis in confpedu idolorum choreas ducunt, atque magnos & inconditos reboant cantus.
Collectanea de rebus hibernicis ..
However, the firm reiterated an "outperform" rating on Adolor, saying it expects the companies to gain approval of the drug for a different indication, postoperative ileus, by the FDA action date of Nov. 9.
Biotech, Pharma Rallies Short-Lived
Dercum of Philadelphia has described a variety of obesity which he has called "adiposis dolorosa," in which there is an enormous growth of fat, sometimes limited, sometimes spread all over the body, this condition differing from that of general lipomatosis in its rarity, in the mental symptoms, in the headache, and the generally painful condition complained of.
Anomalies and Curiosities of Medicine
La _colonna vertebrale_ era dolente, se leggermente compressa con un dito, o se appena percossa col martello da percussione il dolore si faceva intenso, acuto specialmente nelle regioni lombare e dorsale.
In the Forbidden Land
Dolorfino said the 30-man marine platoon was backed by other troops deployed to block the escape of the militants from their encampment on Jolo, where the militants have operated for years despite a U. S.-backed military campaign against them. Breaking News | Web Feeds
Dioscorides tells us: _Cicadæ, quae inassatae manduntur, vesicae doloribus prosunt_.
Social Life in the Insect World
A Spanish 'banderillero' reacts to a bull from Dolores Aguirre Ybarra ...
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AP Photo - A Spanish 'banderillero' reacts to a bull from Dolores Aguirre
The Herald | - Front
She passed the handheld to Dolores, who examined the screen, shading it from the sun's glare.
Team theatre doing their thang at the 'tec (cavan vocational school) in 1986, with questions from audience including tec students .. aaron binchy, enda sullivan and dolores leddy. also see in the footage .. connor mcgowan, trevor cowan, fintan briody, martin egan, gerard sexton, paul casey, felim reilly, and loads more ... pt 2 to follow. - Articles related to Socially responsible art? It doesn't have to send you to sleep
Don't you? it can't be helped then!" replied he in dolorous resignation: then, with a peculiar half smile, he added, "But never mind; I imagine the squire has more to apologize for than I," and left the cottage.
Agnes Grey
Ahora me pregunto si un par de Decretos Legislativos valen todo el odio y dolor que generarán estas muertes.
Global Voices in English » Peru: Responsibility for the Casualties in Amazon Conflict
It was a typed note from Dolores: Re yr strictly business enq re Ms Hutton née Thoren.
It shows weedy tangles of wildflowers lifting their leaves sunward as spring advances and winter's dolor is shucked off for another year.
which he has called ` ` adiposis dolorosa, '' in which there is an enormous growth of fat, sometimes limited, sometimes spread all over the body, this condition differing from that of general lipomatosis in its rarity, in the mental symptoms, in the headache, and the generally painful condition complained of.
Anomalies and Curiosities of Medicine
Far from being dour and dolorous, one of the clearest fruits of grace is a childlike joy.
The choragus has fallen on his knees, and dips his head two or three times in an excavation in the ground, and a choir, also on their knees, repeat in dolorous tones the last words of a slow and solemn refrain.
How I Found Livingstone
He found a kind of dolorous amusement in seeing now much more at home all the youngsters about him seemed than he.
The Best Short Stories of 1920 and the Yearbook of the American Short Story
Musculoskeletal tender points were measured by dolorimetry; skinfold tenderness was assessed by skin roll procedure; and reactive hyperemia was assessed with a cotton swab test.
In his study of religious art in thirteenth-century France, Emile Mâle's discussion of Marian iconography includes this observation, "their presentation of the Virgin, a woman old before her time, who weeps over the bleeding face of her Son, became even more purely human, but the figure of the 'Mater dolorosa" which inspired so many masterpieces in the fifteenth century does not belong to the period of our study.
Sensual Encounters: Monastic Women and Spirituality in Medieval Germany
Jerusalem - Thousands of Christian pilgrims flocked to Jerusalem Friday to retrace Jesus Christ's last steps to his crucifixion along the route known as the Via Dolorosa, in Jerusalem's Old City.
The Earth Times Online Newspaper
Scare alone and dolorous, but scare much more to plustoghter.
Note that dolores hidalgo is famous for being the cradle of mexico's independance.
Canicularis terras excoquit, et siccat flumina, ipse securus sedet sub arborea fronde, et ad doloris sui solatium, naribus suis gramineas redolet species, pascit oculos herbarum amiena viriditas, aures suavi modulamine demulcet pictarum concentus avium, &c.
Anatomy of Melancholy
'The Unfazed Partisan continues Dolorean's tradition of very fine song-centric folk-rock albums.
Dolorean Stays 'Unfazed' on the Road to Recognition
Guerra's not afraid to actually play the guitar conventionally either, and his dolorous, hesitant chording is heard to beautiful effect on the gorgeous closing track.
To awake our regard then, or to leave us excuseless, if we continue regardless, all this He bare for us; that He might as truly make a case of Si fueit amor sicut amor Meus, as he did before of Si fuerit dolor sicut dolor Meus.
The Continuum
These words uttered, she descends to earth in all her terrors, and calls dolorous Allecto from the home of the Fatal Sisters in nether gloom, whose delight is in woeful wars, in wrath and treachery and evil feuds: hateful to [327-360] lord Pluto himself, hateful and horrible to her hell-born sisters; into so many faces does she turn, so savage the guise of each, so thick and black bristles she with vipers.
The Aeneid of Virgil
CICERO: uia dolor sit amet, consectetu-r, adipisci-
Rambles at » Blog Archive » Genomic Lorem Ipsum
It erupted at last in a dolorous, elongated syllable as Christopher caught her in his arms and felt his sunglasses bruise his chest.
Inter primos Thom� Becketi successor hic secundus, audita saluatoris et salutifer� Crucis iniuria nostris (proh dolor) diebus per Saladinum irrogata, cruce signatus, in eiusdem obsequijs, tarn remotis finibus qu鄊 propinquis, pr鎑icationis officiunm viriliter assumpsit.
The Principal Navigations, Voyages, Traffiques and Discoveries of the English Nation
Yo sabía que estaba terriblemente lastimada nada más por sus mugidos de dolor.
Chon y su vaca favorita Bessie/ a joke that requires translating
The shuttle van they were riding in collided with another car, hit a barrier and overturned, killing Dolores Nikodinov instantly. - Emotion flows for figure skater Goebel; Kwan leads women
Neque porro quisquam est qui dolorem ipsum quia dolor sit amet, consectetur, adipisci velit... might be used as a place holder, but it still looks a whole lot better on the page than a MUL sentence.
"This man is a clear-eyed pragmatist who will get the job done" — says Biden of Obama.
The crowd would start to assemble early, a crush on the sidewalk that spilled across the street into quiet Dolores Park.
His expression was dolorous, I guess because he’d wanted to get rid of me.
Haunted Honeymoon
Neque porro quisquam est, qui dolorem ipsum quia dolor sit amet, consectetur, adipisci velit, sed quia non numquam eius modi tempora incidunt ut labore et dolore magnam aliquam quaerat voluptatem.
Short Child etc.
What?" cried Maria Dolores, surprised, rebukeful.
My Friend Prospero
Note 106: Molinier, 133: "Et quesivit et invenit eam, et pre dolore cordis non potuit accedere ad eam, et ivit quesitum aliquem qui extraheret eam.
A Tender Age: Cultural Anxieties over the Child in the Twelfth and Thirteenth Centuries
For her grandaughter Luz Dolores '15th birthday fete some months before, a dozen chickens raised by the family were slaughtered and stewed in pipián sauce, to be served to party-goers along with massive quantities of rice and refried beans.
Huellas ...Dona Carlota
Mr Carter's tone was dolorous, but there is an extraordinary lilt to Mr Obama's rhetoric which puts a bounce back into everyone's step.
While dressed in white, Sarah is ostensibly a chaste housewife, in red she becomes the lustful Dolores.
(see § 278) as, -- sit fūr, sit sacrilegus, at est bonus imperātor, _granted that he is a thief and a robber, yet he is a good commander_; haec sint falsa, _granted that this is false_; nē sit summum malum dolor, malum certē est, _granted that pain is not the greatest evil, yet it is certainly an evil_.
New Latin Grammar
If you removed the ultimate object – for one woman, a novel, for another, a home so perfectly created and maintained that nothing rank or dolorous could ever take root there – you had, essentially, the same effort.
Virginia Woolf, my mother and me
Intent on determining, with the least possible delay, the important question, whether the mountains really opposed an insurmountable obstacle to our project, I left my companions and Dolores to resaddle and get under way at their leisure, and pushed ahead with the
The Atlantic Monthly, Volume 06, No. 33, July, 1860
All 14 patients had abnormal dolorimetry, with at least four of the six typical tender sites having scores of two kg. or less.
At Goodwood, Dolores will doubtless start at short odds to open her winning account in the Conqueror Stakes.
Watching as hundreds pressed through the narrow Jerusalem street called the Via Dolorosa - the "Way of Suffering," tracing Jesus 'final steps - was Katy Fitzpatrick, 24, Spokane,
WBAY Action 2 News
Los daños desaparecen padre, pero el dolor es el mismo
NEED HELP ASAP how do u say ' strengh is my mother' in spanish
Through an interpreter this week, a dolorous Dolores explained that it hadn't taken her long to realize she'd been duped.
Mulieribus omnibus hoc imprimis in votis est, ut formosae sint, aut si reipsa non sint, videantur tamen esse; et si qua parte natura defuit, artis supetias adjungunt: unde illae faciei unctiones, dolor et cruciatus in arctandis corporibus, &c. 5008.
Anatomy of Melancholy
One of these, the parlor, gay with an ingrain carpet and dolorous with a funeral card and a death-picture of one of her numerous departed babes, was kept strictly for company.
Chapter 23
Now and again the hunter can hear a long - draw dolorous whine of some unseen coyote.
The next time someone brings something to be shared by the office staff and Dolores makes her usual move, the "bringer" should tell her plainly that she's not to take more than a portion for herself until everyone else has had some - and to ask permission beforehand if she wants to take any of the remainder home.
Minutes later, when I was finally alone, I confirmed that Dolores' work permit was no fake, that its official stamp was the real McCoy.
The cost of the Puebla tile is also far higher than the Dolores tile. raferguson
Colorful Mexico Tile
Postremus aduersum fortunam dolor incanduit conquestusque non aequa meritis praemia pensari.
The Theological Tractates and The Consolation of Philosophy
Dolores pushed the table to the middle of the room, went over to the wall, pulled away a scrap of kalsomined canvas about a yard square, and revealed a gap crammed with ribbons, cords, lace edging and other objects of passementerie.
The Quest
Pasquil wrote, Vleus vesicae renum dolor in pene scirrus.
The Arte of English Poesie
Haec enim nondum morbi tui remedia sed adhuc contumacis aduersum curationem doloris fomenta quaedam sunt.
The Theological Tractates and The Consolation of Philosophy
Just to be fair, he made his wife, Dolores, do a retake on her song, too.
Always he was casting about for a course of action which would give him scope for two things upon which his mind was set: to get the title to that six hundred acres revested in the MacRae name, and, in Jack's own words to Dolores Ferrara, to take a fall out of Horace Gower that would jar the bones of his ancestors.
Poor Man's Rock
It was a miracle that actress Victoria Clark, who plays Mother Superior in the musical "Sister Act," found Mother Dolores Hart.
This 'Sister' Is No Act
And most importantly, letting the treaty stagger on along a Via Dolorosa of months of rejection is dangerous.
Today a major tourist attraction in St. Martinville, Evangeline's statue was posed for by Dolores Del Rio herself, and donated to the town, giving new dimension to the very meaning of the name Evangeline: good news.
Mexico Connect Latest Articles
Acidi ructus, cruditates, aestus in praecordiis, flatus, interdum ventriculi dolores vehementes, sumptoque cibo concoctu difficili, sputum humidum idque multum sequetur, &c.Hip. lib. de mel.
Anatomy of Melancholy
Dolorez called, "Hello, girls," as she swung her car out again in the dusty roadway, and the "darter" deprived that little woman of her coveted information.
Jane Allen, Junior
Note 95: Conches, Phil., p. 91: "et quia in calido et humido nutritus est nascens, et ad dissimile prodiens contrarietatem sentit, vocemque aemulationis emittit, et ideo prima vox hominis est vox doloris." back
A Tender Age: Cultural Anxieties over the Child in the Twelfth and Thirteenth Centuries
The pillow struck the wall and burst, scattering stuffing everywhere just as Dolorous Edd Tollett poked his head through the door.
A gently dolorous Bulgarian folk-tune unfolds as a duet.
The contest for this years Dolores Horkan Memorial Shield is hotting up and after the latest round of fixtures each team has won one game each.
Brian was sitting on his bed, and his parents were sitting in the twin Naugahyde armchairs, facing Dolores.