How To Use Dole In A Sentence
During adolescence , boys and girls will take on secondary sexual characteristics.
I learned how to negotiate fights between adolescent girls without making it seem like parental interference.
This isn't helped a great deal by the characterisation of Lady Teazle: rather than manipulative coquettishness we get a slightly nervous adolescent.
Additional, wall, condole can choose deadening very, if mineral wool is sound-absorbing board wait.
My writing partner is a violent, chauvinistic semi-literate adolescent.

Adolescence causes the four girls to understand their apartness and question their identities.
Matters went on pretty well with us until my master was seized with a severe fit of illness, in consequence of which his literary scheme was completely defeated, and his condition in life materially injured; of course, the glad tones of encouragement which I had been accustomed to hear were changed into expressions of condolence, and sometimes assurances of unabated friendship; but then it must be remembered that I, the handsomest blue coat, was _still in good condition_, and it will perhaps appear, that if I were not my master's
The Mirror of Literature, Amusement, and Instruction Volume 10, No. 262, July 7, 1827
Listening to this intense young man, there is little doubt he has done things the hard way; no favours doled out and none asked for.
_ When a scirrhus affects any gland of no great extent or sensibility, it is, after a long period of time, liable to suppurate without inducing fever, like the indolent tumors of the conglobate or lymphatic glands above mentioned; whence collections of matter are often found after death both in men and other animals; as in the liver of swine, which have been fed with the grounds of fermented mixtures in the distilleries.
Zoonomia, Vol. II Or, the Laws of Organic Life
The conceptus, like the infant, the child, and the adolescent, is a being who is in the process of unfolding its potential; that is, the potential to grow and develop itself but not to change what it is.
Dole is now expected to tap a new source of campaign financing: the Republican National Committee.
Objective To study the event-related potential N400 character of semantic matching of sentence-ending words in childhood and adolescent schizophrenia.
The adolescent and teenage birth rate has fallen by nearly half since 1992.
Suddenly, seeking high office, Liddy Dole was described as over-ambitious, chilly and nasty under the "syrupy" Southern accent.
Caryl Rivers: Bad, Mad Michelle
Life is more uncertain, so the task of launching an adolescent into the world has become more complicated.
To answer the 300-odd posers on the questionnaire without then being persuaded to sign up for the religion was an essential rite-of-passage for any spotty adolescent struggling to find their own voice.
Type 2 used to be called adult onset diabetes, but we can't call it that anymore because it is onsetting with adolescents and even preteen kids.
Campaigning for a Healthier America
The causes which make dolente a solemn word to the Italian ear, and dolent a queer word to the English ear, are causes which have been slowly operating ever since the Italian and the Teuton parted company on their way from
The Unseen World and Other Essays
He said he saw a bandoleer, which held 12 - gauge shotgun shells, but no guns.
I find the fetishization of hairlessness strange… I wonder sometimes if it is not the result of the idealization of adolescent body types.
The Most Hairiest Man in the World? » Sociological Images
Santelli, who will present new research findings next week at a meeting of the Society for Adolescent Medicine, says his study — to be published later this year — shows a downturn in contraceptive use since 2003.
Unmarried women boost record '07 U.S. birth rate
The parents were permissive with or neglectful of their children, and the adolescents had developed a certain degree of independence.
The TB vaccine is good at protecting against the severe form of disease found in young children (called "miliary" TB), but not as good at protecting against the lung infection commonly found in adolescents and adults.
Tuberculosis Vaccine
One arm disentangled itself from the covers, her fingers curling indolently into the fine cotton of the quilt.
We begin with the nut cutlets of a vegetarian household where Harriet and Vesey meet as adolescents.
Avoid anything too long - they might be fine for adolescent surfer dudes, but look tragic on the rest of us.
Times, Sunday Times
My sister, indolent and unimaginative as she was, had visions of endless touch-typing speed trials supervised by austere women under flickering striplights.
Fortunately, the media also represents the most easily remediable influence on adolescents.
One week after this story was written, the top 20 pop albums in the United States included records by fresh-faced adolescents the Beatles, teen sensation Bob Seger, twentysomething heartthrob Frank Sinatra, a barely-postpubescent but preternaturally-talented Bob Marley, recent high school graduate Rod Stewart, former boy band member Johnny Cash, newly-discovered youth sensation Barry White, and a band whose name is synonymous with "teenage rebellion": Pink Floyd.
Sirilyan Diary Entry
That could mean executives may have to partially repay bonuses or share awards doled out last year.
Times, Sunday Times
Bob Dole, the expected Republican presidential nominee, came out against the proposition Tuesday.
Posterior Inferior Cerebellar Artery Infarction: An Unusual Complication of Posterior Spinal Fusion Surgery in an Adolescent with Idiopathic Scoliosis.
A popular explanation for these findings is that adolescents who are depressed begin consuming alcohol as a way to self-medicate.
The very beetle climbing a rough willow is redolent of flowers.
The Spring of Joy: A Little Book of Healing
Young adolescents are happiest with small groups of close friends.
You and Your Adolescent: A Parents' Guide for Ages 10 to 20
When they arrived there, they found the old man practising his clarionet in the dolefullest manner in a corner of the room.
Little Dorrit
My fiancée says that it would be immoral for me to claim the dole for this month.
Times, Sunday Times
The Notes sends sincere condolence to the family, relatives and friends of the late Mary Bulmer.
Airs of bygone times accompany farandoles around the flames over which the boldest leap with a single bound.
Despite the exuberant breasts in the snug sweater and the lissome hips in the tight-fitting mini, there is a certain adolescent gawkiness about this woman.
Alice in Jeopardy
Third, including exercise as determinants of insulin resistence in postpubertal adoles - cent females.
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Dame Gourlay, with two of her contemporaries, the same who assisted at Alice's late-wake, seated apart upon a flat monument, or "through-stane," sate enviously comparing the shares which had been allotted to them in dividing the dole.
The Bride of Lammermoor
The Mercury said there were fears that the event, in which thousands of mostly adolescent girls parade bare-breasted wearing traditional beaded skirts, had become a target for pornography syndicates.
We are most anxious in Canada to secure a greater population, but a man who has once received the "dole" argues, "why should I leave England, where the 'dole' is obtainable, and migrate to Canada, where it is not to be secured?
A Canadian's View of the Empire as Seen From London
Many older adolescents and many adults abstain from alcohol, too.
You and Your Adolescent: A Parents' Guide for Ages 10 to 20
One after another the _antichi spiriti dolenti_ rise up and salute the new edifice: Nimrod and the Assyrians, Anglo-Saxon ealdormen and Norman knights templars, and citizens of ancient Bristol.
A History of English Romanticism in the Eighteenth Century
The man who wants everyone - thats everyone not just some workshy feckless scrounger who has been unemployed for fifteen years - aka a miner shafter from the first time around - to work for their dole.
The Guardian World News
He's not one of your crazy futurists - he won't dole out contraceptive medicine to anyone unmarried, say, and despite being an ob-gyn, he's a staunch pro-lifer.
To blame their youth, however, is to question the gimmick: two dewy adolescent Russians adding a lesbian jolt to teen pop's fading schoolgirl fantasies.
It's not so much dreamy as it is lazy and indolent.
The cognitive capabilities of the adolescent with fully developed formal operations are qualitatively equal to those of the adult.
The constitution of the League was termed by Mr. Wilson a Covenant, a word redolent of biblical and puritanical times, which accorded well with the motives that decided him to prefer Geneva to Brussels as the seat of the League, and to adopt other measures of a supposed political character.
The Inside Story of the Peace Conference
I can't bear to be reassured, condoled with, understood.
Once upon a life: Joseph O'Connor
I was so proud that Hillary, Bill, and Chelsea spent time and money to go Wyoming to condole with all these oppressed people and to reassure them that help is soon on the way.
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And it mythologizes it in such a way, such a romantic way - it basically says, ‘Everybody who made it through adolescence is a hero.’
He had by a second will bequeathed all his possessions to the Church, reserving in them a life-interest for his virtual wife; and when the cousinry swooped down on what they thought their prey, Madame Mulhausen could receive them and their condolences with the indignant scorn which their greed and cruelty deserved.
A Handbook to the Works of Browning (6th ed.)
Hamsters reared in the laboratory can be made to have female-biased litters by keeping them hungry during adolescence or pregnancy.
It had something to do with sex—complete with pictures—and the dog-eared corners attested to its being quickly stashed under mattresses in numerous adolescent occupied homes.
There's an enormous tension between indolence and languor.
Teenage boys and women past adolescence also develop the condition, but this is less common.
Contemporary American adolescents have become much more work oriented generally then those of a generation or so ago, mostly because they have been exposed to the costly allurements of a consumption-obsessed America.
Most of the children are dispirited because of some adolescent problem.
Dole can opt for some one out of the blue, making a bold stroke and hoping to demonstrate a spirit of adventure.
From infancy through early adolescence, Semai children are largely unconstrained and free of external domination.
Thus far, Dole has shown no signs of adopting such a strategy.
‘Bliss is one of the few places where teenagers can get support and clear, unprejudiced information that can help them weave their way through the maze of adolescence,’ she says.
Instead, here she was, going weak at the knees like an adolescent schoolgirl.
The flavour, however, is less sugary than you might be led to expect, salty and redolent of rosemary, garlic and vinegar.
Henley Compact Offices are quirky sheds with curved roofs redolent of gypsy caravans.
Without her I wouldn't have the mental image of Dick Cheney decked out like Rambo with a belt fed machine gun in one hand, and bandoleers crossed over his ripped chest, standing in the city street in front of some WW2 tanks.
Tired of pink men.
The yogi contemplating his navel often figures for Westerners as an object of amusement, being taken as a symptom of indolence or narcissistic self-absorption.
He was also an adolescent with retarded social development, a Peter Pan who never grew up.
Microscopic analyses reveal that the oxide mineralogy of the dolerites is dominated by magnetite and ilmenite.
One of the explanations provided for this finding is the importance of work investments as a buffer against the challenges of parenting adolescents during midlife.
This is an eruption of postadolescent, you know, perversity, which found its voice in unions and in the media.
President Gingrich?
Because she has the perfect "wifely" ways -- always on the republican message, and always smiling adoringly at her adolescent hubby.
VA-SEN: Second Appearance In Court Records Of A "George Felix Allen" In 1973 -- Confirmed
Two years later he is flat broke and on the dole.
Dole survived with a tactic that haunts him to this day: He used the abortion issue to defeat his opponent.
Condoleezza Rice, his national security adviser, is a former provost of Stanford University.
This is an ambitious 18-track programme piece redolent of the history, mystery, and eloquent loneliness in the Border hills of the composer's childhood.
The word "condole" made me strong; for now I do not think I am suffering at all.
The Life of St. Teresa of Jesus
The adolescent period is one's best time.
Whole regions of the country went into serious decline, and unemployment and dole dependency skyrocketed.
As a senator, Dole has worried more about budget deficits and debt than most of his Republican colleagues.
Objective:To explore contents and characters of mental self-supporting of adolescent students.
Condolences go to the proprietors of the shop who have worked so hard to make a success of it.
As a result, adolescence has became a painful experience and teenagers are self-medicating with drugs and drink to cope with the stress.
As a matter of fact, my brother painted very few things, at any stage of his career, as mere representations of reality, unimbued by some inventive or ideal meaning: in the rare instances when he did so, he naturally felt an indolent comfort, and made no scruple of putting the feeling into words — highly suitable for being taken _cum grano salis_.
Old Familiar Faces
The air in the church had been redolent with incense, thick and sweet-smelling.
This perpetual postadolescent watches movies on a mini-VCR as he slouches around midtown Manhattan in a knitted hat and a purple funk.
'Alice': Half a Wonderland
But to get back to the criticism: Games are flashy, degraded, violent little entertainments for adolescent boys.
It was a seminal moment in my adolescence.
Times, Sunday Times
Now the company is repaying their loyalty and hard work by throwing one in eight of staff on the dole’.
Initiatives such as parental leave for men and parenting classes that emphasize the role of fathers could help to maximize children's development from early childhood to preadolescence," says Serbin.
Dole, with farmers and agribusiness at the core of his Kansas constituency, has strongly supported tax credits for ethanol.
The Arizonan is a sort of new Bob Dole; a tough but likeable old fellow who gets trounced by a younger, seemingly youthful candidate, he said.
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This study found that adolescent girls are failing to ingest the daily adequate intake level, as most adolescents are consuming more carbonated soft drinks than milk.
Yo quise quemar este libro en presencia de su dueno, y esperandole un dia que me habia de venir a ver, supe que dos dias antes se habia ido a Avila, huyendo de la enfermedad de pintas que andaba entonces en Salamanca; y asi le queme aquella noche en mi celda en una chimenea que hay en ella.
Fray Luis de Leon
Clothing stores aimed at the middle-aged will be looking for nostalgic tracks from their customers' adolescence.
There are many who think there is too much money being doled out and too many foreigners playing.
Times, Sunday Times
This response mode ensured the privacy of adolescents' responses, in the event that parents or siblings were listening to the interview on a telephone extension.
The song is moody and weighed down but not indolent: Propelled by a polyrhythmic drumbeat, it reveals emo-core and math-rock leanings.
Ben, an awkward adolescent, is closer to being a successfully evolved man than the grown ones he encounters.
I should know ... Friendships become easier for young women in later adolescence as they develop a clearer sense of self identity.
Murakami, who at 63 still looks like an adolescent skateboarder, divides his time between homes in Hawaii, Japan and a third venue he calls Over There.
Even silverback men will pointedly go back to adolescent clothes.
Times, Sunday Times
Broccoli has a supernutrient called indole-3-carbinol, believed to help balance oestrogen levels.
Times, Sunday Times
Elizabeth Dole, on the other hand, tends to keep her own moderate views bottled up inside.
A Dole presidency would probably maintain the current balance or add to the Congress-limiting majority.
The one horn of the study, inclined condole of a TV is in housetop, it is below result put symphonious noise, they were brought for nervous at ordinary times job a few relaxed.
Objective To explore the relationship between network dependent behavior and self acceptance in adolescent.
When Dole arrived in Wisconsin three days later to give his speech, newspaper articles were quoting Clinton on welfare.
Paris, said one of her greatest writers, “_aime à briser ses idoles_!”
The Ways of Men
Although still infertile by world standards, soils here are generally higher in nutrient content than those in western Tasmania, especially the rich soils on dolerite substrate.
Tasmanian temperate forests
My childhood and adolescence were a joyous outpouring of energy, a ceaseless quest for expression, skill, and experience. School was only a background to the supreme delight of lessons in music, dance, and dramatics, and the thrill of sojourns in the country, theaters, concerts.
This year, for example, Dole was instrumental in delaying consideration of a bipartisan campaign finance bill.
Apparently, adolescence is awkward for humans and birds alike.
Chicken Update
Dole called Clinton around noon, shortly before the afternoon announcement.
There are bagmen who continue to dole out largesse, including brown bags of cash to certain helpful officials at Christmas time.
Parents and children were all buried together and although the parents lived to a decent old age they were unfortunate to lose their children, either in infancy, pre-adolescence or early adulthood.
This bit of nonnews has to strike some in the Democratic Party the same way I looked upon the inevitability of the Bob Dole For President freight train in 1996.
From On High
I get as many tickets as I can to each show I attend and dole them out to the uninitiated.
Dr. Nair wheedled, and often pricked, the group to bring out their concerns and knowledge about the needs and demands of adolescence.
Nicholas watched her with his doleful blue eyes as she walked away.
And the dole office will reduce our dole by an amount calculated on the gross pay, not the post-tax net pay.
Had they swayed the sceptre justly, they had been repaid the like, But they were unjust, and Fortune guerdoned them with dole and teen.
The Book of the Thousand Nights and One Night, Volume I
However, adolescents who held more favorable attitudes toward drinking were relatively unaffected by the program and did not abstain or moderate their alcohol consumption.
Echoing the sentiment of taxpayers, the president on Monday called the ailing insurance giant's plans to dole out $165 million in bonuses an "outrage" and said he would attempt to block the additional compensation.
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Frequently these informants were simply adolescents seeking to frighten peers or parents, by fabricating evidence of cult ritual.
Many older adolescents and many adults abstain from alcohol, too.
You and Your Adolescent: A Parents' Guide for Ages 10 to 20
As a teenager he was mature in the sense that he knew his way around town, but like all 15-year-olds he could be pretty indolent.
She lost her job and had to claim dole.
If Dole becomes president and McCain becomes a Cabinet secretary, Symington could appoint himself as replacement.
Consultant Breast Surgeon Nader Khonji explained that the growth, known as gynaecomastia, was normally observed in adolescent males or people taking prescribed medication.
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Loca" is hip-hop merengue performed in two languages, with assistance from Dominican rapper El Cata and English rapper Dizzee Rascal, with little appreciable difference between the versions; "Lo Que Más" is one of a handful of doleful ballads; the Pitbull-assisted "Rabiosa" is giddy, rapid-fire Latin pop.
Album review: Shakira, "Sale el Sol"
The decision of Government to send reinforcements to Ireland was mentioned as a prelude to the information from Vienna of the birth of a son to the Princess Nikolas: and then; having conjoined the two entirely heterogeneous pieces of intelligence, the composer adroitly interfused them by a careless transposition of the prelude and the burden that enabled him to play ad libitum on regrets and rejoicings; by which device the lord of Earlsfont might be offered condolences while the lady could express her strong contentment, inasmuch as he deplored the state of affairs in the sister island, and she was glad of a crisis concluding a term of suspense thus the foreign-born baby was denounced and welcomed, the circumstances lamented and the mother congratulated, in a breath, all under cover of the happiest misunderstanding, as effective as the cabalism of Prospero's wand among the Neapolitan mariners, by the skilful Irish development on a grand scale of the rhetorical figure anastrophe, or a turning about and about.
Complete Project Gutenberg Works of George Meredith
Dole aides said the ad responds to what they call Hagan's fabrications and negative ads by other Democrats suggesting she was too old for the job. Top Stories
The Gallo family is the largest single lifetime contributor to Bob Dole, who is certain to be the Republican presidential nominee.
Rao H, Wang JJ, Giannetta J, Korczkowski M, Shera D, Avants BB, et al. Altered resting cerebral blood flow in adolescents with in-utero cocaine exposure revealed by perfusion functional magnetic resonance imaging.
Recent Neonatal Research Publications
When all had been rehearsed and shown to him, and he had well considered the matter, the knight was very dolent; yet in no wise would he avenge himself wrongfully.
French Mediaeval Romances from the Lays of Marie de France
In almost all situations adolescents are both children and adults at the same time.
Dole had visited the Battle Creek Federal Center in 1994 while campaigning for a local congressional candidate.
Grandcourt arrives late, and watches Gwendolen walk up to receive an award for shooting, the center of all eyes.
We previously observed the same rate of scavenging of solvated electrons by protons in ultrafast experiments on indole under conditions of comparable ionic strength.
In 1986, for instance, Dole supported an inheritance tax code that greatly benefited the Gallos.
Indeed, the early autonomy for the young child of divorce may preclude adolescent individuation.
The pair play natives of that country - sweet, carefree adolescents whose blithe athleticism and pert demeanor are just a little cloying.
I'll thank you to stop pulling faces," said Euphemia," and get out of your nightdress, Gwendolen.
Given that your persona is rough and tough (I gleaned this from your frequent mentions of having been "in the can"), it's not so shocking that you're an action movie fan; but it is surprising that you frequently go to bat for women, picking up on gender issues that many reviewers might miss, especially ones trying to gain a female audience while still impressing adolescent fanboys.
Caroline Hagood: On Yippee Ki-Yay Moviegoer!, Movies, and Manhood
The political discourse instead centered on when and whether the two Republicans chasing Dole might withdraw.
Gone was the safe, familiar home, set amidst a tumble of rolling, well-tilled fields dotted with farm buildings, and grassy meads redolent with the scent of wildflowers.
Secretly Henrietta longed for a cat, a sweet gray tabby with little paws and doleful eyes who she could share her life long secrets with.
The blame-if you can really call it that-can be placed on their active adolescent hormones.
Consider it a hip-hop equivalent of sexually frustrated, adolescent foreplay.
Luckily with condolences it wasn't necessary to go into detail -- all she need do was commiserate on the tragic accident.
A little adolescent rebellion is commonly believed to be healthy.
Adolescents who are depressed may be hypersensitive and overreact to minor problems or embarrassments.
Highlighting class differences to emphasize his own down-to-earth roots is nothing new to Dole.
When Bobby Fischer met Boris Spassky at the 1972 World Chess Championship, the event was redolent with the superpower politics of the Cold War.
The actual dole is not that much money – the real advantage for the people at the bottom of the pile for signing on in the UK is housing benefits and not having to pay tax.
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Their client was lean and tall, with the peaky face of an adolescent who was still growing.
Ought to be fun, will enjoy whatever tidbits you dole out regarding uxorial bliss later in life or not, some things are private, even for a blogger.
500 miles later, I'm back in Madison.
Screening to detect problem drinking is recommended in all adult and adolescent patients.
Above all, war is rejuvenating, and journalism is the only métier in which you can remain an eternal adolescent - if you survive.
The second, the Bob Dole bond, has no interest.
Part of France's botheration could be the absence of new adolescent aptitude.
Here's one to a very doleful tune, how a usurer's wife was brought to bed of twenty money-bags at a burthen and how she longed to eat adders 'heads and toads carbonadoed.
The Winter's Tale
Aides to Republican Bob Dole had no immediate comment on whether the cash-strapped presidential candidate would campaign by bus.
It is a measure of the muddle that is Ms. Gallagher's book that she doesn't find anything odd about describing the lure of a rural life redolent of 19th-century America as a type of "neophilia.
Taking a Novel Approach to Life
He will hit the road, and the talk-show circuit, to trumpet his outsiderhood and to taunt Dole and Clinton.
Stewing On The Sidelines
Throughout their childhood, adolescence and early adulthood they were given a series of tests to measure their academic progress and intelligence, and were also scored for appearance.
Times, Sunday Times
Musicals answered my need to give that inchoate adolescent passion form, to embrace experience and then see a pattern in its marks on me.
Freud's Jewish family fled Berlin for London in 1933, when he was just eleven (his father, an architect, was Sigmund Freud's son), yet his adolescent drawings retain a German tinge, feeling their way between the chilly stares of Neue Sachlichkeit (New Objectivity) or of the Magic Realists (Alexander Kanoldt, for instance) and the more recent, doom-laden stridencies of neoromanticism and noir.
The Way to All Flesh
After my parents split up, my mother disappeared into a postdivorce second adolescence of her own, taking me with her to seedy bars to entice guys—no insightful heart-to-hearts or maternal advice to be had there.
Dont You Forget About Me
In our region, the home is precisely where the most widespread and alarming forms of violence against women, adolescents and children - such as femicide, rape and domestic abuse - occur," the activist said.
IPS Inter Press Service
Even a healthy animal not exposed to noxious substances will have some toxins present in the body (e.g., mercaptans, short-chain fatty acids, skatoles, indoles, ketone bodies).
Both young women are experiencing adolescent discontents at the beginning of the ballet.
In 1865 he started his work on indigo - the blue dye had fascinated him since his youth-and this soon led to the discovery of indole and to the partial synthesis of indigotin.
Adolf von Baeyer - Biography
But Dole had little choice but to roll the dice in a way that surprised even the most astute political observers.
He had, once he had achieved adolescence, moved from prostitute to prostitute, whore to whore, but he had never yet known love.
Along this line, depressive symptoms and violent behavior have been found to co-occur only in about 5% to 8% of adolescents.
They are strong, redolent of the dignity of human life, and contrary to many images of female nudity.
He has a record to defend, just as Dole does.
Does the government see adolescents and youth as a cohesive group that needs separate attention?
We would also like to send our condolences to all the other families and people involved in this tragic incident.
Times, Sunday Times
Cross-section of political, social, cultural and other organisations and prominent citizens have condoled her death.
President,PM,Cross-section of political,social,cultural organizations condoles demise of JKQueen
Kyrie, expurgator scelerum et largitor gratitæ; quæsumus propter nostrasoffensas noli nos relinquere, O consolator dolentis animæ, eleyson (ed. Burntisland, 929).
The Catholic Encyclopedia, Volume 8: Infamy-Lapparent
Others are banking on the budget crisis in Washington to increase voter dissatisfaction with Dole.
His words filled hearts, turned eyes moist, and made many doleful as he saluted those who were not with us any longer as they laid down their lives for the country.
MoD officials say allegations have been made that kit purchase deals may not have been doled out correctly, potentially losing the taxpayer a fortune.
The Sun
Tiberius distinguished his reign by great indolence, excessive cruelty, unprincipled avarice, and abandoned licentiousness.
Rich, worldly and sophisticated, he could have been the ideal husband for Gwendolen but feels compelled to crush her independent spirit and mould her into his perfect wife.
Marie Antoinette once declared she had her most enjoyable time at a wild _farandole_ in the Royal Drummer.
All About Coffee
It doesn't take long for the action, adventure, and adrenaline to pull you into the distant valleys with "their spidery networks … of unseen trails" where you will begin to the feel "bandoleers of ammunition digging into" Mellas's neck, and the "mud sucking on his boots.
The Book on Vietnam
Oh and then just the pure babyishness of the adolescent politics in the damn thing.
Intertribal: the good thing is, I kept thinking of movies I liked, not movies I hated
It is as difficult for us to understand adolescents as it is for them to understand us.
But the increasing number of low-income dole recipients shows that wages have generally stayed low and that its economy is not likely to fully recover in the short term.
These toxic by-products include, but are not limited to hydrogen sulfide, phenols, creosols, indoles, and ammonia.
On Saturday, Dole piled on, using Napolitano to blast Clinton judicial appointees as soft on crime.
The lovely title track has a whiff of Ellington in its carefully paced atmospherics, with discreet touches of celeste colouring the long shadows cast by Peplowski's doleful clarinet.