How To Use Dogshit In A Sentence
Finding that Steve Sailer comments favorably on your post about race, is the blogging equivalent of finding that you’ve stepped in dogshit.
The Volokh Conspiracy » Bruce Bartlett’s Attack on Libertarianism
Gretchen, this is the kind of dogshit you folks preach.
Think Progress » Obama Smeared As Former ‘Madrassa’ Student, Possible Covert Muslim Extremist
The weather was "dogshit", with rain showers, gusting winds, and a very low cloud ceiling.
Bott, Russell P.
This miraculously changed the word "ramrod" in paragraph seventeen of chapter twenty-three, into the word "benediction" trust me on this and utterly transformed the story from dogshit into a song of the divine.
Archive 2006-11-01
Stephen Green: petition his petition Stephen "dogshit" Green, who I mentioned in an earlier post having lost his private suit against the BBC et al ...
Planet Atheism

Stephen 'dogshit' Green faces bankruptcy Litigious christian wingnut and gobshite Stephen 'dogshit' Green of Christian Voice faces possible bankruptcy after failing to pay the costs ...
Planet Atheism
You are such a racist pile of dogshit you make me want to retch
Think Progress » Reid tells press he has ‘done more for diversity in the U.S. Senate than all the rest of people put together.’
Ted, I was walking about in dogshit filled houses back in the eighties before New Labour was even thought of.
Perverting The Course Of Everything « POLICE INSPECTOR BLOG
But when the White House steps in dogshit, the community knows how to express its displeasure.
Matthew Yglesias » Supporting the Troops