How To Use Dogmatist In A Sentence
He wants free speech dogmatists to think again, and presents a series of challenges to the prevailing view in the US.
The Times Literary Supplement
If all the clowns who excoriate Keynes just because some ignorant dogmatist told them to, would actually go read the General Theory (which is exceptionally lucidly written), perhaps they might begin to understand why.
Matthew Yglesias » “Taking Money From One Place and Giving it To Another Place”
Intellectuals are becoming unhappy with dogmatists in the party leadership.
They no longer seemed charming buccaneers but out-of-touch dogmatists.
Times, Sunday Times
He was one of those rare and terrible dogmatists capable of destroying nine-tenths of the human race to ‘make happy’ the remaining tenth’.

Nay, I am no cold-blooded theorist, no thick-hided dogmatist; nor am I a chastely simple young man mooning in virginal innocence.
The Kempton-Wace Letters
Only the convinced dogmatist could fail to grasp this point.
Sociology and Religion: A Collection of Readings
While the academy is not free of dogmatists, it nonetheless rejects dogmatism because it represents the end of thinking.
He is justifiably harsh on the regulatory failures that hastened the crisis, but he is no dogmatist.
Times, Sunday Times
As he puts it in discussing the Sextus 'attitude to the external world, “His own deep skepticism leaves him in a state of epochê, not only as to whether there are any such things as ˜external objects', but even as to whether these terms of the Dogmatists have any intelligible meaning at all.”
Ancient Skepticism
Even when you're a purblind dogmatist who wants to shut it down, I guess you've got to at least pay lip service to it, which explains the name.
If he means the dispute over evolution, it is usually the Darwinian dogmatists who oppose free intellectual inquiry in the schools.
Though he was committed to the cause of preserving beauty and repelling ugliness, he was no dogmatist.
Times, Sunday Times
They don't organise like a communist party and their world view is radically different from that of the stodgy dogmatists of the past.
As former Secretary of Bacon for five years, Hobbes reformed Arestotles' Rhetoric, treasured deduction and induction simultaneously, and endeavoured to hurl down the dogmatist authority.
Resembling with the Western colonist rulers, the religious dogmatists are the biggest enemy in Islam.
For political dogmatists, he was too liberal.
The Times Literary Supplement
Intellectuals are becoming unhappy with dogmatists in the party leadership.
Those who now portray her as a principled but rigid dogmatist, unwilling to make the slightest concession to the junta, forget that she used to face just the opposite criticism.
They are true believers - dogmatists - who view opposition to their views and values as malice, ignorance, or stupidity rather than as a reflection of honest and respectable disagreement.
At the time, dogmatists fiercely defended the view that an artificial lens would be impossibly difficult to implant, and would also be rejected by the immune system.
Nor has sensory skepticism hindered dogmatists from seeking absolute truth elsewhere, namely in Reason or Logic.