How To Use Doghouse In A Sentence
The plain truth about you at the moment is that you are in the doghouse, which is a very appropriate place for you, now I come to think of it.
Cargo of Eagles
Building a doghouse is a firstyear project in which students learn to use basic power tools, how to install vinyl siding and put on flat and gabled roofs.
Created by custom doghouse design artists at La Petite Maison, this $30, 000 red clay-roofed manse is large enough to accommodate a human and comes complete with terra-cotta floors.
Bray, their beagle, was tied to a doghouse nearby.
Propped up inside the doghouse was the body of a golden re - triever, or what remained of it.
Cat & Mouse

Adjustable ceiling ventilators let you control the airflow, while a window on the fly makes it feel less like you're in the doghouse.
It's exhausting for many of us to have to keep explaining the fallaciousness of this suggestion -- that Edwards is culpable of "something" because he didn't have the good sense to know a $400 dollar hair cut would land him in the doghouse.
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The exhibit's grand finale was a gala auction of the winning doghouses that raised money for the SPCA and the museum.
She had used the Doghouse for collateral, but with a clause.
Rats are routinely moving into yards, burrowing beneath doghouses, sheds, sidewalks, and hiding out in woodpiles.
The City Council approved a law that requires dog owners to waterproof all doghouses and equip them with bedding and self-closing doors or flaps.
Not a doghouse, not a rat trap, not a rabbit hutch... not anything, not yet.
It's about this big, and it shows the cartoon dog on top of the doghouse lying there, and his owner standing next to him with a little bowl of food.
Living space does not include a structure, such as a doghouse, in which an animal is not confined, or a cage, crate, or other structure in which the animal is temporarily confined.
We have a Southwest-style doghouse for our two huge Rottweilers, but they prefer to romp in, and tear up, our gardens.
Seems as if Paul made a heavy move on Clarice a few times in the past, only to be put down so severely that the humiliation gnawed on him to the point that he's relegated Clarice to his permanent doghouse.
Being in the doghouse with his boss may affect his career in the future.
Such a transgression is probably good for at least a week in the doghouse.
2007 February « Hyperpat’s HyperDay
Would you spend four grand on a doghouse or plunk down a few hundred for a cat stroller?
He is a virtuoso at every endeavor — at least in his daydreams atop his doghouse.
Compounding matters is the gigglesome fact that Nigel was already facing potential doghouse time for a marijuana possession arrest last week. - All Posts
There was a doghouse built as a miniature carbon copy in the side yard, and Emily saw a black lab huddled inside of it.
He lives both in and out of the house, with a fenced yard and an outdoor doghouse where he sleeps except in the coldest weather.
I once knew an Episcopalian lady in Newport, Rhode Island, who asked me to design and build a doghouse for her Great Dane.
LONDON, Ontario, Feb. 11 (UPI) -- A Canadian man raising funds for the humane society in London, Ontario, is living in a rooftop tent he calls a doghouse in harsh winter weather.
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Earlier this week, the incomparable Michael Farber of Sports Illustraded asked Jacques Martin whether he would use the term doghouse to describe his approach to an out-of-favour player.
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Cody was much less productive, fumbling the ball at crucial times and finding his way into coach Dave McGinnis' doghouse.
Thereafter, when any cat came into view, the dog would retreat to his doghouse and, I suppose, peruse his collection of Playmutts (last month's centerfold, a fox terrier, is really hot by the way).
Weird Things
These pet owners belong in the doghouse after taking these embarrassing snaps.
The Sun
Autumn shivered as she stepped from a streetcar, pulled up the collar on her coat and walked briskly towards the Doghouse.
Her husband was in the doghouse for leaving her to cope on her own.
in the doghouse
Joe built the large doghouse to keep them dry and comfortable in bad weather.
The grounds featured temple-shaped doghouses and pools on which Ward floated models of Roman ships.
Alan took a chip in the neck and it opened up a small cut that nevertheless bled copiously and ruined, * ruined* his favorite T-shirt, with Snoopy sitting atop his doghouse in an aviator's helmet, firing an imaginary machine gun at the cursed Red Baron.
Someone Comes to Town, Someone Leaves Town
The next morning, Billy makes a doghouse for his pups.
The exhibit's grand finale was a gala auction of the winning doghouses that raised money for the SPCA and the museum.
He motioned to a part of the stall where hay blanketed the floor and a cozy doghouse resided in the corner.
Shadow crawled farther back into his doghouse.
I'm in the doghouse with the physio.
The Sun
Shulz has said that the strip changed dramatically once he started drawing Snoopy’s doghouse from the side: Snoopy practically took over.
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Not a doghouse, not a rat trap, not a rabbit hutch... not anything, not yet.
Finally, Nicholas packed all his stuff inside the doghouse he bought and handed Kathleen the puppy to carry while he carried their things.
But most dogs seem to appreciate having a shelter of their own, such as a doghouse.
Inside the doghouse was a leg of caribou or some sort of animal bone, she said.
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Many of the 125 new items will help your new pets feel right at home, including a doghouse, birdcage and litter box.
The organization has spent well over a quarter of a million dollars to improve the facilities, build and deliver doghouses for animals left outside in all weather.
I regard organized religion in much the same way a turtle regards a doghouse - I'm pretty well covered, thank you, so let's just keep ignoring each other.
We were in the doghouse … but now, there are no excuses," says Mr. Wintrob, president and chief executive of life insurer SunAmerica Financial Group, which now generates roughly half the core earnings of the slimmed-down AIG.
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Living space does not include a structure, such as a doghouse, in which an animal is not confined, or a cage, crate, or other structure in which the animal is temporarily confined.
This year's statues will feature the cartoon dog lying atop his doghouse with his feathered friend, Woodstock, on his stomach.
I wasn't in the doghouse as she knows it was an accident.
The Sun