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How To Use Dogcart In A Sentence

  • Then on the heels of this procession came a dogcart driven by a man in a billycock hat and containing a lady in dark green. The Wheels of Chance: a bicycling idyll
  • As they dismounted at the hotel entrance, the tandem overtook them, and immediately afterwards the dogcart came into view in pursuit. The Wheels of Chance: a bicycling idyll
  • So we passed the cattle and rode quietly along the road till we saw his dogcart coming; then we stopped inside a yarran scrub, just as he came by — a square-built man he seemed to be, muffled up in a big rough coat. Robbery Under Arms
  • Where there is a gentleman in the family, a dogcart is the most convenient vehicle which can be kept; but as that would not be suitable for a lady, we contrived to make the back seat of the carriage do duty for the well of the dog-cart, and it was astonishing how many light packages we managed to "stow away" in it. Our Farm of Four Acres and the Money we Made by it
  • Behind the dogcart came an oxcart pulled by two bald priests of Rift, asking for sacrifices, and behind them supplicants slashed themselves in ecstasy. Wildfire
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  • So we passed the cattle and rode quietly along the road till we saw his dogcart coming; then we stopped inside a yarran scrub, just as he came by -- a square-built man he seemed to be, muffled up in a big rough coat. Robbery under Arms; a story of life and adventure in the bush and in the Australian goldfields
  • Keppenheimer came to shoot at Newcome, I showed him that old thief, old Batters, the proprietor of the Independent, and Potts, his infernal ally, driving in a dogcart; and I said to him, The Newcomes
  • A dogcart rumbled past, stacked high with charcoal logs and kindling. Sepulchre
  • The tandem bicycle was now, it seems, repaired, and this joined the tail of the procession, its riders walking behind the dogcart, from which the lady in green and the driver had now descended. The Wheels of Chance: a bicycling idyll
  • The dogcart would be sent to bring the bodies of the old soldier and the traitor Denarnaud. Sepulchre
  • When we got back to the inn I saw her dogcart was there, and a grocer's cart too, with B. Munn, grocer, Hazelbridge, on it. The Wouldbegoods

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