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How To Use Dog-eared In A Sentence

  • Of course he would never have been able to discard a used sheet and his would have looked like an enormous, dog-eared paperback after about a week.
  • I looked through all of them but could find no reference to annona zingiber, Puzzled, I searched the shelves for suitable reference material and pulled out a thick dog-eared volume titled Botanical Blood Test
  • He rummaged in a drawer and pulled out a couple of dog-eared tickets. A NASTY DOSE OF DEATH
  • They'd go well with a splash of chili oil and a dog-eared copy of Good Omens. FRIDAY; Or, This Week in Queries, With Albatrosses, Demonic, For the Use of
  • Sarah Palin is rarely seen in the Alaskan woods without her dog-eared copy of Immanuel Kant's "Prolegomena to Any Future Metaphysics. Beach Reading for Would-Be Presidents
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  • Archie performs his moth-eaten variety act before dwindling audiences in dog-eared music hall theatres.
  • It was a worn book, pages dog-eared, and edges faded.
  • Among the pots and pans was a dog-eared ledger book with faded batters.
  • Celia made an unnecessarily scrupulous study of the centre of the table where a dog-eared stack of newsletters bore the title Barclay's Beat in fuchsia lettering. In the Presence of the Enemy
  • Ruth clutched a dog-eared Bible in one hand.
  • Now he began to search through its dog-eared pages, scanning the text. GALILEE
  • No matter how ratty or dog-eared or water-stained the book, it will find a happy home with me, at least temporarily.
  • Visitors were nosing through racks of dog-eared best sellers, schmoozing near the circulation desk and peering into banks of computers on long tables in the lobby.
  • I'd been cyphering away until Second Thessalonians was dog-eared, without reply. Flashman And The Mountain Of Light
  • I myself have a long history of being boondoggled by pop culture: I applied to NYU because I thought it'd be just like Greenwich Village in the 1950s, all beatniks in berets, poetic and artistic and sipping coffee over a dog-eared Village Voice. Jessica Wakeman: Eulogy for Dead Trees
  • Rhea handed him a thick paperback book with dog-eared corners.
  • Somewhere on my bookshelves, I've got many a dog-eared and tatty book from the 1980s and early 90s about the home video revolution.
  • For these, we use our old friend the dog-eared document icon.
  • He sighed audibly in the empty shop and thumbed at a dog-eared corner.
  • He was reading a dog-eared Raymond Chandler paperback instead of the anatomy text he planned to study.
  • (I have heard some Internet blowhards attempting to expound on what they apparently see as an inherently right-wing traditionalist heavy metal philosophy, but I am fairly sure this is simply the result of a few too many hours spent feverishly masturbating over their dog-eared copy of Lords Of Chaos.) Author-friends, Meet Helen Walden
  • Associated Press Jack Kerouac There's plenty to be said for a dog-eared, motor-oil-stained, well-underlined copy of "On the Road," but there are a few things the vintage version doesn't offer. 'On the Road,' Unleashed
  • Dog-eared, loose-leafed copies have been sullenly passed from tormented teen to tormented teen on campuses and in libraries across the globe. The Spark of Yahoo!
  • Let the collarbones feel open so your shoulders are not like dog-eared pages.
  • One might wonder why someone would go nosing around a musty corner to buy an old dog-eared book instead of buying crisp, gleaming copies.
  • Lashed with a rubber band, kenneled unhappily in my briefcase, the haphazard stack daily became more dog-eared. Steve Leveen: Becoming Bilingual in a Flash: Learning Language The New Way, Part II
  • Can fans clutching dog-eared copies searching for real-life images from its pages be far behind? Travel
  • There's plenty to be said for a dog-eared, motor-oil-stained, well-underlined copy of "On the Road," but there are a few things the vintage version doesn't offer. Travel Apps That Won't Bust Your Bill
  • Mr. Wilder headed upstairs for bed, and Kate wandered back over to her couch, plunking down in it and picking up her dog-eared book.
  • a somewhat dog-eared duke...a bit run down
  • A low card table with a green felt inlay, deck of dog-eared cards, the suits faded and fingered to nothingness. Where's Me Dinner Woman?
  • For years, we've all known that consulting, as a profession, is getting a little, well, dog-eared.
  • He placed all three mugs on the laminate table top, along with three hideously chocolatey muffins and a shabby looking flyer, dog-eared and yellow.
  • In his last studio, one wall was reserved exclusively for the original dog-eared photographs of his make-believe family and the fictive families of old friends.
  • On the other wall was a dog-eared calendar with faded pictures.
  • Her school books would be worth nothing, or at least close to nothing at a pawn shop - too many ripped and dog-eared corners.
  • He heaved himself into a more upright position and removed a dog-eared breviary from the folds of his lap. PROSECUTOR
  • an old book with dog-eared pages
  • In "Twin," his show on view now at New Image Gallery in West Hollywood, he happily employs a mash-up process that borrows heavily from graffiti's mark-making and dog-eared textures of urban decay, easily sliding back and forth between paint, collage, and de-collage to achieve his sense of balance. Jaime Rojo & Steven Harrington: UK Street Artist HUSH, Blue Geishas And Graffiti Tags
  • The pages were dog-eared and yellow, now covered with a thin, spidery hand.
  • After only a few days in my possession, this book already bears the thumb-print smudges and dog-eared pages which denote it as much, much more than the average read.
  • The dog-eared flap of cardboard hung on the fence post, stained by a lengthy exposure to the elements.
  • All four corners were dog-eared, some were torn, but she would have recognised it anywhere.
  • She replaced the receiver and tapped her fingers on the dog-eared directory as she waited for it to ring.
  • There may be dog-eared copies of the works of James Michener lying about, and Douglas Adams, "Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy" sits in your backpack.
  • I would ask you, Messer Cicero and Messer Seneca, whose dog-eared volumes I see scattered upon the floor, of what use is it for me to know better than any master of the Mint or a Jew of the Pont-aux-Change that a gold crown piece is worth thirty-five unzain at twenty-five sous eight deniers parisis each, if I have not a single miserable black liard to risk upon the double-six? IV. Fate. Book VII
  • Beside the bed was a stack of worn books, dog-eared and creased.
  • Professor Brightly walked into the lecture hall with a pile of dog-eared notes under his arm.
  • It was torn along the bottom, and dog-eared at the corners.
  • The unstylish interior has remained unaltered and the laminated menus, populated by over a hundred items, are creased and dog-eared from passing through thousands of hungry hands.
  • I found no joy in cleaning up some little tyrant's mess and I didn't have enough emotion in me to cry over a silly dog-eared card.
  • It had something to do with sex—complete with pictures—and the dog-eared corners attested to its being quickly stashed under mattresses in numerous adolescent occupied homes.
  • Bookshop rummaging this afternoon, ended up with the exchange of $4.50 for a dog-eared tatty copy of Motel Chronicles & Hawk Moon by Sam Shepard.
  • Everything in the movie is old: every carpet is frayed, every book dog-eared, every scrap of metal rusted through.
  • The documentation was chaotic, and Amy's heart sank at the sight of the muddled ledgers and wire baskets overflowing with dog-eared papers. THE WHITE DOVE
  • It was tattered and dog-eared, and its margins bore notes in my mother's girlish hand.
  • You can check the handbag of just about any night shift nurse and you will usually find a dog-eared copy of “The Notebook”, “P.S. – I Love You” or “Message in a Bottle”. How To Be A Man In The Romance Market | The Creative Penn
  • Archie performs his moth-eaten variety act before dwindling audiences in dog-eared music hall theatres.
  • Many of them opened bistros or little restaurants with big ideas and some dog-eared paperbacks.
  • See, the upshot of getting there in the wee hours is that you can sift through them and find the really grotty dog-eared books with water damage and coffee stains that are a whole $4 cheaper than the other copies.
  • I†™ ve got the Final Fantasy section of the catalog here, ” she offered, pulling out a well-worn and dog-eared magazine that held some of the brothel†™ s most popular products. “Oh, no thank you, ” said the girl, blushing. “I can pick another one on my own. ” She chewed her lip for a moment, then spoke up again timidly. “Do you have, ah, a Spike? ” “Spiegel? 365 tomorrows » Personal Taste : A New Free Flash Fiction SciFi Story Every Day
  • Many of them opened bistros or little restaurants with big ideas and some dog-eared paperbacks.
  • It had something to do with sex—complete with pictures—and the dog-eared corners attested to its being quickly stashed under mattresses in numerous adolescent occupied homes.
  • These guests call into our UNL studio, where our student-hosts command the microphone with dog-eared, highlighted copies of the guest's most important law-review articles at hand, giving each other high-fives whenever a guest says, "Student podcaster, that is an excellent question. Marvin Ammori: Law Podcast Series: American Constitution Society, UNL
  • The yellowed pages were dog-eared and extremely battered, and I replaced it gingerly on the shelf as I went to answer the door.
  • Let's go back to reading recipes in food-stained, dog-eared paperback books instead.
  • He liked old and beaten books with the pages slightly worn and dog-eared from use.
  • Her eyes strayed to Darren's dog-eared stack of questionnaires lying on the bookshelf. AN OLDER WOMAN
  • There were avocados on mismatched plates eaten under shade trees with chai lattes next to dog-eared classics and a 50 cent romance pinched from the laundry across the street. You are beautiful just the way you are

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