How To Use Dog-eared In A Sentence
Of course he would never have been able to discard a used sheet and his would have looked like an enormous, dog-eared paperback after about a week.
I looked through all of them but could find no reference to annona zingiber, Puzzled, I searched the shelves for suitable reference material and pulled out a thick dog-eared volume titled Botanical
Blood Test
He rummaged in a drawer and pulled out a couple of dog-eared tickets.
They'd go well with a splash of chili oil and a dog-eared copy of Good Omens.
FRIDAY; Or, This Week in Queries, With Albatrosses, Demonic, For the Use of
Sarah Palin is rarely seen in the Alaskan woods without her dog-eared copy of Immanuel Kant's "Prolegomena to Any Future Metaphysics.
Beach Reading for Would-Be Presidents

Archie performs his moth-eaten variety act before dwindling audiences in dog-eared music hall theatres.
It was a worn book, pages dog-eared, and edges faded.
Among the pots and pans was a dog-eared ledger book with faded batters.
Celia made an unnecessarily scrupulous study of the centre of the table where a dog-eared stack of newsletters bore the title Barclay's Beat in fuchsia lettering.
In the Presence of the Enemy
Ruth clutched a dog-eared Bible in one hand.
Now he began to search through its dog-eared pages, scanning the text.
No matter how ratty or dog-eared or water-stained the book, it will find a happy home with me, at least temporarily.
Visitors were nosing through racks of dog-eared best sellers, schmoozing near the circulation desk and peering into banks of computers on long tables in the lobby.
I'd been cyphering away until Second Thessalonians was dog-eared, without reply.
Flashman And The Mountain Of Light
I myself have a long history of being boondoggled by pop culture: I applied to NYU because I thought it'd be just like Greenwich Village in the 1950s, all beatniks in berets, poetic and artistic and sipping coffee over a dog-eared Village Voice.
Jessica Wakeman: Eulogy for Dead Trees
Rhea handed him a thick paperback book with dog-eared corners.
Somewhere on my bookshelves, I've got many a dog-eared and tatty book from the 1980s and early 90s about the home video revolution.
For these, we use our old friend the dog-eared document icon.
He sighed audibly in the empty shop and thumbed at a dog-eared corner.
He was reading a dog-eared Raymond Chandler paperback instead of the anatomy text he planned to study.
(I have heard some Internet blowhards attempting to expound on what they apparently see as an inherently right-wing traditionalist heavy metal philosophy, but I am fairly sure this is simply the result of a few too many hours spent feverishly masturbating over their dog-eared copy of Lords Of Chaos.)
Author-friends, Meet Helen Walden
Associated Press Jack Kerouac There's plenty to be said for a dog-eared, motor-oil-stained, well-underlined copy of "On the Road," but there are a few things the vintage version doesn't offer.
'On the Road,' Unleashed
Dog-eared, loose-leafed copies have been sullenly passed from tormented teen to tormented teen on campuses and in libraries across the globe.
The Spark of Yahoo!
Let the collarbones feel open so your shoulders are not like dog-eared pages.
One might wonder why someone would go nosing around a musty corner to buy an old dog-eared book instead of buying crisp, gleaming copies.
Lashed with a rubber band, kenneled unhappily in my briefcase, the haphazard stack daily became more dog-eared.
Steve Leveen: Becoming Bilingual in a Flash: Learning Language The New Way, Part II
Can fans clutching dog-eared copies searching for real-life images from its pages be far behind?
There's plenty to be said for a dog-eared, motor-oil-stained, well-underlined copy of "On the Road," but there are a few things the vintage version doesn't offer.
Travel Apps That Won't Bust Your Bill
Mr. Wilder headed upstairs for bed, and Kate wandered back over to her couch, plunking down in it and picking up her dog-eared book.
a somewhat dog-eared duke...a bit run down
A low card table with a green felt inlay, deck of dog-eared cards, the suits faded and fingered to nothingness.
Where's Me Dinner Woman?
For years, we've all known that consulting, as a profession, is getting a little, well, dog-eared.
He placed all three mugs on the laminate table top, along with three hideously chocolatey muffins and a shabby looking flyer, dog-eared and yellow.
In his last studio, one wall was reserved exclusively for the original dog-eared photographs of his make-believe family and the fictive families of old friends.
On the other wall was a dog-eared calendar with faded pictures.
Her school books would be worth nothing, or at least close to nothing at a pawn shop - too many ripped and dog-eared corners.
He heaved himself into a more upright position and removed a dog-eared breviary from the folds of his lap.
an old book with dog-eared pages
In "Twin," his show on view now at New Image Gallery in West Hollywood, he happily employs a mash-up process that borrows heavily from graffiti's mark-making and dog-eared textures of urban decay, easily sliding back and forth between paint, collage, and de-collage to achieve his sense of balance.
Jaime Rojo & Steven Harrington: UK Street Artist HUSH, Blue Geishas And Graffiti Tags
The pages were dog-eared and yellow, now covered with a thin, spidery hand.
After only a few days in my possession, this book already bears the thumb-print smudges and dog-eared pages which denote it as much, much more than the average read.
The dog-eared flap of cardboard hung on the fence post, stained by a lengthy exposure to the elements.
All four corners were dog-eared, some were torn, but she would have recognised it anywhere.
She replaced the receiver and tapped her fingers on the dog-eared directory as she waited for it to ring.
There may be dog-eared copies of the works of James Michener lying about, and Douglas Adams, "Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy" sits in your backpack.
I would ask you, Messer Cicero and Messer Seneca, whose dog-eared volumes I see scattered upon the floor, of what use is it for me to know better than any master of the Mint or a Jew of the Pont-aux-Change that a gold crown piece is worth thirty-five unzain at twenty-five sous eight deniers parisis each, if I have not a single miserable black liard to risk upon the double-six?
IV. Fate. Book VII
Beside the bed was a stack of worn books, dog-eared and creased.
Professor Brightly walked into the lecture hall with a pile of dog-eared notes under his arm.
It was torn along the bottom, and dog-eared at the corners.
The unstylish interior has remained unaltered and the laminated menus, populated by over a hundred items, are creased and dog-eared from passing through thousands of hungry hands.
I found no joy in cleaning up some little tyrant's mess and I didn't have enough emotion in me to cry over a silly dog-eared card.
It had something to do with sex—complete with pictures—and the dog-eared corners attested to its being quickly stashed under mattresses in numerous adolescent occupied homes.
Bookshop rummaging this afternoon, ended up with the exchange of $4.50 for a dog-eared tatty copy of Motel Chronicles & Hawk Moon by Sam Shepard.
Everything in the movie is old: every carpet is frayed, every book dog-eared, every scrap of metal rusted through.
The documentation was chaotic, and Amy's heart sank at the sight of the muddled ledgers and wire baskets overflowing with dog-eared papers.
It was tattered and dog-eared, and its margins bore notes in my mother's girlish hand.
You can check the handbag of just about any night shift nurse and you will usually find a dog-eared copy of “The Notebook”, “P.S. – I Love You” or “Message in a Bottle”.
How To Be A Man In The Romance Market | The Creative Penn
Archie performs his moth-eaten variety act before dwindling audiences in dog-eared music hall theatres.
Many of them opened bistros or little restaurants with big ideas and some dog-eared paperbacks.
See, the upshot of getting there in the wee hours is that you can sift through them and find the really grotty dog-eared books with water damage and coffee stains that are a whole $4 cheaper than the other copies.
I†™ ve got the Final Fantasy section of the catalog here, †she offered, pulling out a well-worn and dog-eared magazine that held some of the brothel†™ s most popular products. “Oh, no thank you, †said the girl, blushing. “I can pick another one on my own. †She chewed her lip for a moment, then spoke up again timidly. “Do you have, ah, a Spike? †“Spiegel?
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Many of them opened bistros or little restaurants with big ideas and some dog-eared paperbacks.
It had something to do with sex—complete with pictures—and the dog-eared corners attested to its being quickly stashed under mattresses in numerous adolescent occupied homes.
These guests call into our UNL studio, where our student-hosts command the microphone with dog-eared, highlighted copies of the guest's most important law-review articles at hand, giving each other high-fives whenever a guest says, "Student podcaster, that is an excellent question.
Marvin Ammori: Law Podcast Series: American Constitution Society, UNL
The yellowed pages were dog-eared and extremely battered, and I replaced it gingerly on the shelf as I went to answer the door.
Let's go back to reading recipes in food-stained, dog-eared paperback books instead.
He liked old and beaten books with the pages slightly worn and dog-eared from use.
Her eyes strayed to Darren's dog-eared stack of questionnaires lying on the bookshelf.
There were avocados on mismatched plates eaten under shade trees with chai lattes next to dog-eared classics and a 50 cent romance pinched from the laundry across the street.
You are beautiful just the way you are