dog catcher

  1. an employee of a municipal pound who is hired to round up stray dogs and cats
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How To Use dog catcher In A Sentence

  • It is often said that you can't get elected dog catcher without proclaiming liberal beliefs. The Sun
  • The local dog catcher will personally deliver your dog to its backyard if it gets out during a thunderstorm. Christianity Today
  • She forgets to mention that back then; even the outstation Nick (which now contains Traffic Wardens, a Dog catcher and one Community officer) had an Inspector, three Sergeants and sixteen Bobbies. See You Next Tuesday « POLICE INSPECTOR BLOG
  • If this is “nationalization,” then the dog catcher nationalizes every tagless stray he sends to the animal shelter. Matthew Yglesias » Eisinger and Salmon on Bank Nationalization
  • The local dog catcher will personally deliver your dog to its backyard if it gets out during a thunderstorm. Christianity Today
  • It is often said that you can't get elected dog catcher without proclaiming liberal beliefs. The Sun
  • The next program was about the good dog catchers in NYC - they are a division of the ASPCA - who rescue abused and abandoned pets.
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