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How To Use Doddering In A Sentence

  • And now I am possessed of the finger-curling desire to write a murder mystery in which the detective is the elderly and somewhat doddering Lancelot, now ordained a priest in Glastonbury. Arise, sir percivale, the noble knight and god's knight, and go with me
  • It seems as if Palin elicits an inoluntary response in doddering old right wing fools like broder and McCain. Think Progress » Poll Shows Palin’s Unfavorability Ratings At All-Time High As Broder Extols Her ‘Populist’ Appeal
  • A character who is presumably either her doddering old grandmother or mother-in-law comes out with some cups of tea.
  • The town treats its older hotels like a doddering uncle who needs to be put away.
  • Am I mistaken in thinking you still want to stand around talking like a doddering fool?
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  • She took note of the open plan bars and restaurants, the oppressive fluorescent lights and the doddering passengers wandering aimlessly trying to kill time.
  • Jaques is looked upon as something of a doddering old fool by some of his younger comrades, but as Wright plays him, he's far, far more.
  • We could see, for instance, the doddering old knights and dames of the order tottering in (none of them a day below 70 I'm sure) in procession.
  • He was a doddering-looking old fellow, with a thin comb-over and a slight tremor in his left hand. Gideon’s war
  • We could see, for instance, the doddering old knights and dames of the order tottering in (none of them a day below 70 I'm sure) in procession.
  • As for Gaddi House, everyone said there was only one old man living over there: old, old Seoca, doddering his way toward death. A PLAGUE OF ANGELS
  • You're not really working, but neither are you decrepit and doddering into some home with Alzheimer's.
  • Especially against the doddering dairymaidens of surrender like that inveterate sleazehound KXF who so rapaciously libeled me! Excerpt from Urdoxa 2.0
  • It was doddering old Nilgir Sumanand, Prestimion's aide-de-camp and major-domo. LORD PRESTIMION
  • He is famous for doddering around with a camera crew in tow, picking up strange slithery beasts that look like they might bite him and poking sticks at them.
  • a kind of "scunner" at this poor old hotel of magnificent distances and the lingering, doddering, unwashed old men who acted as chambermaids. A Tramp's Notebook
  • The old gardener made an incoherent sound, dropped the basket and fled, doddering on those peculiar Rris ankle joints.
  • At every turn in recent weeks, and yes, throughout his doddering premiership, Gordon has shown a shocking and at times painful lack of political instinct, which would have allowed a niftier politician Blair, anyone? to not only strengthen his own position but also bring about the transformative energy that Brown alluded to in that conference speech. Gordon Brown
  • Michael Yeargen's set—inspired by pictures of a 17th-century Italian theater and commedia dell'arte—featured a raised wooden platform, candles for stage lighting, visible weights and pulleys for scenery changes, onstage devices for generating thunder and lightning, and an ancient, doddering stage manager who cued assistants and cranked levers. A Naughty Romp From Rossini
  • I was particularly amused by Anthony Dowell's cameo as the doddering Emperor, complete with gilded wheelchair.
  • He pretended to his family and friends that his doddering gait was due to old soccer injuries.
  • He was an auld, doddering man, a maffling, feckless auld doit.
  • So unless the lass had an unhealthy taste for doddering old buffers like you and me, my theory's up the spout.
  • Perhaps in her doddering senility, she was subconsciously confusing it with all the dry sherry she was knocking back.
  • She's rented a villa, and she's invited her doddering old parent. SURE OF YOU
  • It is sixty years since the fall of the Third Reich, and the hunted monster is now a pathetic and doddering old man in his nineties.
  • That's because you're a doddering old recluse who doesn't get out of the house nearly half as much as is good for you.
  • I cadged tobacco, poor cheap tobacco, from poor doddering old chaps trembling on the edge of dissolution. CHAPTER XIII
  • Alas, i still don't know how anyone can vote for that doddering old malapropist .... Poll: Obama Narrowly Ahead In Virginia
  • The fact that the leader of the free world used to be a doddering old guy completely out of touch with reality seems more cute than menacing these days.
  • He's like a doddering old man sitting in his horse and buggy, shaking his liver spot covered fist at passing automobiles.
  • his mother was doddering and frail
  • But I won't be left doddering here like some incapable ninny.
  • Old Louis, feeble and doddering, choking on his own spit.
  • The king is a doddering old fool, and his son is so love-struck that he is not fit to be ruler of a great nation.
  • The Levi's name has grown into doddering old age in a brutally competitive apparel market.
  • They come on Uncle Junior's recommendation, but they prove to be doddering old fools with bad or no eyesight.
  • Porch, windows with white plaster decoration of a new line, the original " doddering " old buildings were glossing over a new, and a drive for the three circles of the people, can not help another.
  • The hard-boiled reporters in attendance look on in astonishment as the doddering old CEO mimics pumping motions with his arms.
  • It is sixty years since the fall of the Third Reich, and the hunted monster is now a pathetic and doddering old man in his nineties.

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