How To Use Dodder In A Sentence
I befriended a couple of the kids, and together we built a raft that we would row down the Dodder as far as the great waterfall in Donnybrook.
The dodder is what is called a parasitical plant; that is, a plant that lives entirely on another.
Woodside or, Look, Listen, and Learn.
It is important that they do not associate classical music with a bunch of doddery old men.
The old woman doddered from the bed to the table.
But then, look at the effect she was having on this poor old dodderer, who wouldn't know scholarship if it was served up on a plate with piccalilli relish.
Dragonfly in Amber

One favorite treatment for sciatica used by Cherokee herbalist David Winston is a combined extract of sweet melilot (Melilotus alba), dodder (Cuscuta americana), and sweet or black birth (Betula lenta).
Some comprimario and secondo roles were doubled up: Vladimir Hristov was both a George Clooney-suave Marchese d'Obigny and a bland Dr. Grenvil; Giorgio Dinev, previously seen enjoyably blustering as Tosca's Spoletta, doddered formulaically as Violetta's servant, but had mischevious sparkle as Gastone — having introduced his friend Alfredo to Violetta, he worked the room, pointing out his handiwork to the other guests, a proud yenta.
Pretty Woman
He's like a doddering old man sitting in his horse and buggy, shaking his liver spot covered fist at passing automobiles.
Some comprimario and secondo roles were doubled up: Vladimir Hristov was both a George Clooney-suave Marchese d'Obigny and a bland Dr. Grenvil; Giorgio Dinev, previously seen enjoyably blustering as Tosca's Spoletta, doddered formulaically as Violetta's servant, but had mischevious sparkle as Gastone — having introduced his friend Alfredo to Violetta, he worked the room, pointing out his handiwork to the other guests, a proud yenta.
Archive 2008-03-01
Break off a piece of dodder or "lovevine," twirl it round the head three times and drop it on a bush behind you.
Current Superstitions Collected from the Oral Tradition of English Speaking Folk
I have yet to discover that having been born when Cal Coolidge was gearing up to run for re-election confers any eminence upon this dodderer.
Watching old people dodder around and go insane for long periods of time….there's nothing worse.
Experiments in Madness
An elderly woman doddered out of a back room with a walker.
Archive 2008-11-01
He was an auld, doddering man, a maffling, feckless auld doit.
So unless the lass had an unhealthy taste for doddering old buffers like you and me, my theory's up the spout.
Just hours after handing the money in, the cash was claimed by a doddery old man who had dropped it on the way home from a bank.
The head librarian, who could have posed for Norman Rockwell, doddered about the place fluffing up the books and tidying the shelves.
1 800 GOA WAYY
Perhaps in her doddering senility, she was subconsciously confusing it with all the dry sherry she was knocking back.
I told him to mind his manners and not interrupt the ancient dodderer of a priest who was gabbling the service.
Flashman on the March
Is Aloysius Snuffleupagus next to go because he dodders around like a dying, old animal?
#37 Comic of the Day « 1979 Semi-Finalist…
She's rented a villa, and she's invited her doddering old parent.
It is sixty years since the fall of the Third Reich, and the hunted monster is now a pathetic and doddering old man in his nineties.
That's because you're a doddering old recluse who doesn't get out of the house nearly half as much as is good for you.
I cadged tobacco, poor cheap tobacco, from poor doddering old chaps trembling on the edge of dissolution.
The old woman doddered from the bed to the table.
Alas, i still don't know how anyone can vote for that doddering old malapropist ....
Poll: Obama Narrowly Ahead In Virginia
The radicle of the dodder fixes itself in the earth, and the little stem rises as in other dicotyledons; but soon (for the plantlet could not live long thus) this stem, which is as slender as a thread, seeks support upon some neighboring plant, and produces upon its surfaces of contact one or more little protuberances that shortly afterward adhere firmly to the support and take on the appearance and functions of cupping glasses.
Scientific American Supplement, No. 430, March 29, 1884
Houseboy lets himself in the gate, through the door, watches you dodder about, moves beyond the edges of your memory.
Memory Wall
The fact that the leader of the free world used to be a doddering old guy completely out of touch with reality seems more cute than menacing these days.
Informed that they were a middle-aged forty, they doddered, trembling with ague and spoke their lines in quavering falsetto.
There were orchards along the terrace and we had a back garden with trees and a view of the River Dodder.
Some comprimario and secondo roles were doubled up: Vladimir Hristov was both a George Clooney-suave Marchese d'Obigny and a bland Dr. Grenvil; Giorgio Dinev, previously seen enjoyably blustering as Tosca's Spoletta, doddered formulaically as Violetta's servant, but had mischevious sparkle as Gastone — having introduced his friend Alfredo to Violetta, he worked the room, pointing out his handiwork to the other guests, a proud yenta.
Pretty Woman
These people don't fit the danger-driver stereotype - they aren't boy racers or doddery old dears who go everywhere in third gear.
Abdication of responsibility because other people - the Trots like the dead-eyed Margaret Beckett and her old husband of 82 who dodders along on the payroll of the British taxpayer as her "personal assistant"?
Nadine on Gypsies and Smacks
He pretended to his family and friends that his doddering gait was due to old soccer injuries.
We would dodder around for hours, drink stale $9 beer, lose $50 worth of balls, and then sit in tunnel traffic for another sixty minutes.
To Love Golf, Just Play Once a Year
With a faint deprecatory chuckle, as if to say that he would have enjoyed this had life put him in the habit of enjoying anything, Merlin doddered away to the back of his shop where his treasures were kept, to get this latest investment which he had picked up rather cheaply at the sale of a big collection.
Tales of the Jazz Age
I am mostly healed, my lady, thanks to your sorcery, and I will not sit around the liedburg and be thought a useless old dodderer.
Darksong Rising
Often dismissed as wrinklies and fogeys, dodderers and ditherers, it turns out that Saga's target audience are, in fact, among the biggest consumers in the country.
But what we saw when Mr. Murdoch was hauled before the British Parliament earlier this week was a doddery old man who had to lean on his son for guidance, a man happy to say sorry but apparently unable to answer any detailed questions about the hacking affair, a man battered not just by our Parliamentarians but by a member of the public who managed to thrust what we call a custard pie into his face.
Breaking News: CBS News
his mother was doddering and frail
The farmland had gone wild here, taken over by poison oak, beargrass, and dodder, besides the inevitable blackberry bushes and gorse.
Night World No. 1
But I won't be left doddering here like some incapable ninny.
Old Louis, feeble and doddering, choking on his own spit.
'Well I'm a creationist and I hope you fail,' he said with some vehemence and doddered off without a word of thanks.
The Beagle Project on the BBC and cut dead by creationists on a train.
But why, why had Ginny settled on this old dodderer for our ally?
Operation Luna
In front of him, a doddery old geezer with a walking stick stepped out in the road.
The king is a doddering old fool, and his son is so love-struck that he is not fit to be ruler of a great nation.
I saw him described in the press as a doddery old man, and someone in the last stages of senility.
At seventy-five, Davidson did not seem remotely doddery.
There are several kinds of dodders: some live entirely on flax, some on nettles, but those that stick to clover and furze-bushes are the most common in this country.
Woodside or, Look, Listen, and Learn.
The bus detoured off the arterial road to visit a huge new superstore, picking up a doddery old man who shuffled slowly to the nearest seat.
The Levi's name has grown into doddering old age in a brutally competitive apparel market.
They come on Uncle Junior's recommendation, but they prove to be doddering old fools with bad or no eyesight.
You thought the less the old dodderer knew the better, I suppose? ''
Poem About Never Growing Up
Jimmy Stewart finally dodders onstage in a dark gray suit and dark-rimmed glasses.
There are quite a number of doddery rural rectors or vicars in this deanery, near to Pontywen.
There is a gnome's house guarded by a lifesize statue of Dodder, the "oldest gnome in England" and a character in the children's book The Little Grey Men.
Porch, windows with white plaster decoration of a new line, the original " doddering " old buildings were glossing over a new, and a drive for the three circles of the people, can not help another.
The hard-boiled reporters in attendance look on in astonishment as the doddering old CEO mimics pumping motions with his arms.
It is sixty years since the fall of the Third Reich, and the hunted monster is now a pathetic and doddering old man in his nineties.
As for Gaddi House, everyone said there was only one old man living over there: old, old Seoca, doddering his way toward death.
Dublin experienced the most extensive flood damage in decades yesterday after the Liffey and Dodder burst their banks, damaging hundreds of homes.
Then the dodder snakes around its new host, grows into a large stringy mass, and ultimately chokes and kills its lifeline.
But the sight is no ways strange, young man; when the summer fades into autumn, and moonlight nights are long, and roads become unsafe, you will see a cluster of ten, ay of twenty such acorns, hanging on that old doddered oak. —
Quentin Durward
The picture on his byline makes him look like a rather doddery retired professor with just a hint of Frankenstein's monster to his eyebrows and chin.
Hunched and doddery, a miracle of will over disability, the Pope began his Christmas greetings - in sixty languages.
In the West, in Europe and America, the big economic story is a demographic one — a rapidly ageing population and a dwindling tax take with which to support our increasingly doddery citizens.
It seems as if Palin elicits an inoluntary response in doddering old right wing fools like broder and McCain.
Think Progress » Poll Shows Palin’s Unfavorability Ratings At All-Time High As Broder Extols Her ‘Populist’ Appeal
The dodders, then, are essentially parasites, and their apparent simplicity gives them a very peculiar aspect.
Scientific American Supplement, No. 430, March 29, 1884
A character who is presumably either her doddering old grandmother or mother-in-law comes out with some cups of tea.
He may come across as a bit doddery now and then, but when it comes to his one true passion the brain is as sharp as ever.
A passing, elderly couple gave us a concerned glance as they doddered past.
I yewzd tew torchur a co-workr hooz dodders allwaiz sang that theeem song by walkN pazt… just hummminit kwietliek.
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I was part of a group of 12 or so geezers who get together the third week in November every year and dodder around with rifles.
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The town treats its older hotels like a doddering uncle who needs to be put away.
I'd quite like to do it before I get too doddery and old to remember it all!
The old woman doddered from the bed to the table.
You better hope all those ‘dodders’ are over 18 years of age.
Think Progress » Fox Gets ‘Fair And Balanced’ Access to Guantanamo
Am I mistaken in thinking you still want to stand around talking like a doddering fool?
While Yeltsin dodders, Primakov dickers, pursuing a diplomatic solution to the latest crisis in the Persian Gulf and encouraging Saddam to think he can get away with defying the United Nations.
Yeltsin's War Games
How doddery old pensioners manage to keep track of that darn game, I'll never know.
As he dodders about, still actively producing art, he relates stories from his life to his young daughter.
The turf was verdant, the gravelled walks were white; sun-bright nasturtiums clustered beautiful about the roots of the doddered orchard giants.
She took note of the open plan bars and restaurants, the oppressive fluorescent lights and the doddering passengers wandering aimlessly trying to kill time.
Reserachers also studied a certain parasitic weed called dodder (genus
Earth Friendly Gardening
Often dismissed as wrinklies and fogeys, dodderers and ditherers, it turns out that the company's target audience are, in fact, among the biggest consumers in the country.
Yet Martin approved the shadow on his path: he found a charm in the spectral aspect of the doddered oak.
Shirley, by Charlotte Bronte
Much of this book resembles a retirement home for the doddery old clichés of magic realism.
Jaques is looked upon as something of a doddering old fool by some of his younger comrades, but as Wright plays him, he's far, far more.
There was plenty of interest about town, what with a Society murder - a young sprig of the nobility called Adair getting himself shot mysteriously in the West End - and a crisis in the government, when that dodderer Gladstone finally resigned.
Some comprimario and secondo roles were doubled up: Vladimir Hristov was both a George Clooney-suave Marchese d'Obigny and a bland Dr. Grenvil; Giorgio Dinev, previously seen enjoyably blustering as Tosca's Spoletta, doddered formulaically as Violetta's servant, but had mischevious sparkle as Gastone — having introduced his friend Alfredo to Violetta, he worked the room, pointing out his handiwork to the other guests, a proud yenta.
Pretty Woman
A government member labelled the retired military chiefs & diplomats as old dodderers.
The politically correct exotica that crept out of the darkness to yip included hypocrites like “Fairdealphil” who shows his progressive underwear from the all white fastness of Lincolnshire where he innocently dodders.
Black Issues or White Guilt
I'd walk to school along the Dodder and watch the abundance of wildlife - kingfishers, ducks, geese and swans.
In the meanwhile I have to contend with someone who is no doddery dotard.
`I may look like a doddery old fool, but don't treat me like one.
Because C. arvensis is more closely related to the dodders than is tobacco, C. arvensis was also used as a control.
The physician and herbalist John Gerard observed in 1597 that a pernicious crop-killer called dodder, or strangleweed, "changeth and altereth" according to its companion plants.
Stow the Mower, Stop Pulling
Having first read Charles Portis's 1968 novel as teenagers, the Coens were allied with it and not with Henry Hathaway's doddery, miscast 1969 version, in which a major role is essayed, ruinously, by Glen Campbell.
With True Grit, the Coen brothers have given the western back its teeth
I don't think Evan Jones will ever dodder even if he does stutter.
In the meanwhile I have to contend with someone who is no doddery dotard.
He is suddenly, dodderer and ass, taken by an ache in his skin, a simple love for them both that asks nothing but their safety, and that he'll always manage to describe as something else - "concern," you know, "fondness ....
Gravity's Rainbow
We could see, for instance, the doddering old knights and dames of the order tottering in (none of them a day below 70 I'm sure) in procession.
Or perhaps I'm meant to be the 700 - 800 word producing dodderer and always will be for the rest of my life.
Archive 2010-02-01
It doesn't help that most judges are rich, doddery old men who have lost touch with the real world and cannot empathise with women.
He was a doddering-looking old fellow, with a thin comb-over and a slight tremor in his left hand.
Gideon’s war
It was regarded as a family firm - a bit slow and doddery but a caring and kind place to work.
We could see, for instance, the doddering old knights and dames of the order tottering in (none of them a day below 70 I'm sure) in procession.
Oaks covered with dodder, that is, with parasitic plants, and therefore dead or dying.
Palamon and Arcite
He's a bit slower physically but he's not doddery, so I decided not to go that way with Cecil.
And now I am possessed of the finger-curling desire to write a murder mystery in which the detective is the elderly and somewhat doddering Lancelot, now ordained a priest in Glastonbury.
Arise, sir percivale, the noble knight and god's knight, and go with me
You're not really working, but neither are you decrepit and doddering into some home with Alzheimer's.
Especially against the doddering dairymaidens of surrender like that inveterate sleazehound KXF who so rapaciously libeled me!
Excerpt from Urdoxa 2.0
By tying suitable stem explants of dodder to touch the host, Kelly observed that 60% of individuals rejected suitable hosts within several hours.
I don't think Evan Jones will ever dodder even if he does stutter.
We sounded pretty good for a bunch of doddery old men.
Like the majority of dodders, this species is an annual, so that, as soon as the cycle of vegetation is accomplished, the plant dies after flowering and fruiting.
Scientific American Supplement, No. 430, March 29, 1884
In Lubeck, a marc, called dodder cake, is made from the _Camelina sativa_.
The Commercial Products of the Vegetable Kingdom Considered in Their Various Uses to Man and in Their Relation to the Arts and Manufactures; Forming a Practical Treatise & Handbook of Reference for the Colonist, Manufacturer, Merchant, and Consumer, o
It was doddering old Nilgir Sumanand, Prestimion's aide-de-camp and major-domo.
It was, I felt, scenically enhanced by its proximity to the Dodder River, even though it was the cause of the water tidemarks on the internal walls, the area having flooded a few years back.
He is famous for doddering around with a camera crew in tow, picking up strange slithery beasts that look like they might bite him and poking sticks at them.
Henry Hathaway's 1969 "True Grit" was neither "doddery" nor "miscast" - it was perfect; and Glen Campbell's character was not "a major character" - he was there to provide a little light ballast to the tense, central relationship between Mattie and Cogburn.
With True Grit, the Coen brothers have given the western back its teeth
I don't think Evan Jones will ever dodder even if he does stutter.
‘Baby-boomers want to be presented as something other than doddery old senior citizens,’ he says.
At the outset critics cruelly wrote him off as a doddery old bloke who lacked the drive and energy necessary to head a modern, dynamic political party.
When he talks to sixth-formers, he starts off by saying that they probably think he's a dusty old dodderer.
We watch him dodder and disintegrate, and we sympathize.
The difference is that now they have weak-kneed, wobbly, doddery leadership and they are falling over.
Eventually a mat of stems forms around the host plant and the dodder loses contact with the soil.
a kind of "scunner" at this poor old hotel of magnificent distances and the lingering, doddering, unwashed old men who acted as chambermaids.
A Tramp's Notebook
The old gardener made an incoherent sound, dropped the basket and fled, doddering on those peculiar Rris ankle joints.
It is fashionable to say they are swivel-eyed or doddery.
Times, Sunday Times
At every turn in recent weeks, and yes, throughout his doddering premiership, Gordon has shown a shocking and at times painful lack of political instinct, which would have allowed a niftier politician Blair, anyone? to not only strengthen his own position but also bring about the transformative energy that Brown alluded to in that conference speech.
Gordon Brown
Michael Yeargen's set—inspired by pictures of a 17th-century Italian theater and commedia dell'arte—featured a raised wooden platform, candles for stage lighting, visible weights and pulleys for scenery changes, onstage devices for generating thunder and lightning, and an ancient, doddering stage manager who cued assistants and cranked levers.
A Naughty Romp From Rossini
I was particularly amused by Anthony Dowell's cameo as the doddering Emperor, complete with gilded wheelchair.
The word "dodder" signifies the plural of "dodd," a bunch of threads.
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