How To Use Documented In A Sentence

  • The former seems more likely in that the emergence of bichrome pottery is dated to approximately 1550 B.C., or roughtly four centuries prior to the documented arrival of the Peleset ( "Sea-people"). CreationWiki - Recent changes [en]
  • Gervinho might prove to be another classic Arsène Wenger bargain, an athletic and pacy ball player raring to step up a level, spirited over from France for a fee that doesn't make a certain manager with a well-documented devotion to cautious housekeeping choke as if he was asked to fix the Greek economy before breakfast. Premier League preview No1: Arsenal | Amy Lawrence
  • Sampling of gases and vapors by active sampling on a solid adsorbent or passive sampling by diffusion is routinely done and well documented.
  • Parts of all three vases were mingled together and the position of each piece had to be painstakingly documented to aid the reconstruction. Times, Sunday Times
  • Thus the sea level record is documented graven in stone as well as in the FIMR database.
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  • All of these essays are clear, well documented, and illuminating.
  • Police recovered what was later identified as a charred right human foot in the backyard and documented a fire pit with drag marks leading to it. Edmonton Sun
  • This gorgeous, homemade tiki fireplace complete with smoking nostrils is lavishly documented in this build log. Boing Boing: February 12, 2006 - February 18, 2006 Archives
  • Usually, fixed format cards documented the format on the top edge of the card, since keypunches almost always printed their textual information along this edge.
  • We have a bunch of Wackadoo doos, who cannot accept that this Black man is the President of the United States and who are going around claiming that he is an undocumented alien and basically suggesting that he arrived at the presidency unlegimately. Police group: Obama should apologize
  • At one level the book is indeed a meticulously documented economic history of nineteenth-century Madagascar.
  • The scheme became a common trope in detective fiction, but there are almost no documented cases of a criminal forging another person's fingerprint.
  • We also believe that Fannie should have guidelines allowing servicers to proceed on a foreclosure only when its legal entitlement to foreclose is clearly documented. Dems To Fannie Mae: Why Are You Feeding Foreclosure Mills?
  • In one documented incident soldiers shot directly into a crowd of protesters. Times, Sunday Times
  • The granular to spherulitic microstructure of Carinachites has been documented by several previous authors.
  • The death and torture camps, barbaric prisons for political opponents and routine beatings for anyone suspected of disloyalty are well documented.
  • The large percentage of undocumented recent immigrants have little access to decently paying jobs.
  • Use of the following five antimicrobial ingredients is well documented in the clinical literature.
  • Water-clear cell hyperplasia is a rare but well-documented cause of primary hyperparathyroidism.
  • It has been well documented that the U.S. and the EU are dumping onto international markets on a wide scale.
  • One correction, the wildlife manager says there hasn't been a documented sighting since 1990, but the Honolulu Advertiser noted a wandering wallaby in 2002. Kalihi Wallabies
  • There are documented cases of rape as a tool of war, mass killings and kidnappings.
  • Garnering international attention, that episode further fostered the group's violent reputation resulting from a well-documented incident involving the spearing deaths of five North American Summer Institute of Linguistics SIL missionaries in 1956. Suzan Crane: Finding my Soul and Losing my Heart in the Equadorian Amazon: A Spiritual Journey With the Remote Huaorani Tribe
  • One mechanism often proposed to explain how encrusting algae can inhibit their potential competitors is thallus shedding, which is well documented among nongeniculate coralline algae.
  • One less well-documented feature of the canals of East London is their miraculous healing power.
  • Elizabeth Bumiller, a columnist for The New York Times, documented that the "bawler in chief" may be setting a new standard for men.
  • In New York, over 90% of restaurant workers are unorganized, and 67% are immigrants, many of them undocumented.
  • Thomas Maier, author of a well documented history of the clan, called him, ‘a tribune for the underclass’, and he was that.
  • This attribution is based on the similarities between the depiction of Christ and his flock and other designs that have been documented to Wilson.
  • They've been documented in just about every major basketball publication and airwave.
  • Many of these workers are undocumented immigrants who have little recourse to legal action if they are injured on the job.
  • When, in the middle of the the first season, callow account exec Pete Campbell walks past striving-to-be-a-copywriter secretary Peggy Olson's desk without acknowledging her, Peggy's incremental comprehension of her powerlessness with this guy she's had sex with is documented in her face's shift from anticipation to abashment to acceptance. Sheila Weller: Mad Hopes for the Mad Men Women
  • The study presented has documented no clear patterns of biomechanical change in human bone with the introduction of agriculture.
  • Every incident requiring action from a supervisor must be documented in writing on the correct form.
  • My badness is also well documented and laid bare for the world to see. heather Said, The Bad Mother Manifesto | Her Bad Mother
  • The symbiotic relationship between Italian food and the country's identity is a subject that has been explored and documented extensively. The Times Literary Supplement
  • One outdoor magazine recently documented the case of a man who killed a bear that attacked him.
  • Its reliability and performance improvements are well documented.
  • Patients with hemochromatosis should not take supplements unless there are documented deficiencies. Matthew Yglesias » Commerce Cabinet Crisis VII: Harry Hopkins
  • ‘We understand pasteurization is run by guidelines - it's all documented on the chart record,’ he points out, adding that the plant pasteurizer is inspected at least twice a year.
  • The explorer whose experience living as a hunter was the most carefully documented was the controversial anthropologist Vilhjalmur Stefansson. THE NEW ATKINS FOR A NEW YOU
  • The history of the cigarette industry in Kudus is documented at the Museum Kretek in dioramas and various objects, such as old packs of Kudus-made cigarettes and the instruments used to produce the cigarettes.
  • In the Ohio Valley, a general pattern has been documented of intensification of the gathering of plant species leading to their management and eventual domestication in the context of gardens.
  • There is no documented report of Virginia being placed into a mesmeric trance in the hours preceding her death.
  • He whizzes through the kind of past American legends are made of, everything carefully documented and produced at the proper stage of the recitation.
  • The transition between pelycosaurs and therapsids has not been documented.
  • The piece concludes with a passage from the Georgian hymn Upalo Ghmerto - lovely but also undocumented - and clanging bells.
  • You could not conceivably get more resentment and accusation than is documented there.
  • Pride of place goes to the cathedral and close, with a rich legacy of surviving and well-documented buildings.
  • I do not know how to reconcile Caissene's insistence that "one hoe was for one woman" with Harries's meticulously documented report that chiefs had "inflated" bridewealth "from five hoes in the late 1860s to over fifty a decade later" except that perhaps the declining trade in hand-forged hoes made them that much more valuable and coveted in relation to mass-produced European imitations. Where Women Make History: Gendered Tellings of Community and Change in Magude, Mozambique
  • However, the documented sighting of a plesiosaur, a water-bound creature, in 1923 made cryptozoologist believe that the specimen of these monsters existed in the lake at least 200 years ago. SciFi, Fantasy & Horror Collectibles - Part 618
  • The hapless matador eventually managed to leave the arena under heavy police protection; the fate of the bull was not documented.
  • The correlation between the reducing sugar content of tubers and the extent of browning during processing has been documented.
  • Has the organization established, Documented and maintained a Configuration Management Process appropriate to the product?
  • Research has documented that as offenders mature, they are less likely to continue using drugs and less likely to recidivate than are younger offenders.
  • Its inhabitants' manners and mores are documented with eyewitness vividness.
  • Recent research into the assessors' records has documented seven previously unrecorded Boston clockmakers working between 1787 and 1799.
  • The intermittent effects of strong El Niño events on pelagic and terrestrial bird populations have been extensively documented.
  • First, an incident must be reported, and second, the worker's baseline seronegativity and subsequent seroconversion must be documented.
  • I wonder how the investigation into undocumented and disappeared funds is going?
  • It was well documented in the archives of medical research. Coping With Sudden Hair Loss
  • If, between the two, an outline faintly emerges of something betokening a system - implied through the press-release fog - then we shall have something to test against and compare with other documented cases affecting films.
  • Agents zeroed in on industries such as meatpacking that had come to depend on the undocumented work force. Front Page
  • It also helps to explain some rather anomalous variants in quickly adaptational individuals, as well as unusual but apparently universal expression suiting amazements being documented in medical research. All These Different Creatures are Variations of the Same Theme
  • This hatred of evangelical Christians does not surprise us, as Jesus the Savior of the world told us this would happen as history has documented.
  • The film certainly succeeds in doing that - but it also taps into Barrie's well-documented yearning for a world in which playfulness and whimsy would always triumph over seriousness and propriety.
  • It is uncertain how many undocumented teachers there are in the city.
  • Differences in body-fat distribution (i.e., gynecoid versus android) associated with an altered metabolic profile were documented in the medical literature 50 years ago.
  • Some of the millers who worked the mills from 1747 to 1927 are documented in the amenity park.
  • Among many of its healing effects, its aphrodisiac quality has been successfully documented and appreciated for thousands of years.
  • Because of his well-documented health problems, getting insurance has taken far longer than anyone thought. The Sun
  • The first step would be to make the undocumented workers already here legal.
  • It documented accounts of 43 crimes against women from the Karen, Karenni, Mon, and Tavoyan groups as well as the Shans.
  • He documented the destruction he observed during the Cosovo War.
  • Undocumented refugees are very vulnerable to harassment and extortion by the police, threatening arbitrary arrest or refoulement.
  • Some studies have documented lower dropout rates, improved attendance, greater academic course-taking, and better academic performance.
  • Although improved ascertainment accounts for some of the prevalence increases documented in the ADDM sites, a true increase in the risk for children to develop ASD symptoms cannot be ruled out. Dr. Bob Sears: Wake up Medical Establishment: There's an Autism Epidemic!
  • During the dry Mediterranean summers most Albinaria species aestivate attached to rocks and their unintentional human-assisted transport on building materials have been documented. Archive 2006-01-01
  • The Hundred Years War, and in particular the Battle of Agincourt, is well documented. “Agincourt” by Bernard Cornwell (Harpercollins, 2009) « The BookBanter Blog
  • Twenty-seven percent of the athletes surveyed felt they would do better in sports, although there is very little documented evidence to support the ergogenic effect of dietary supplements.
  • The Romans are documented wearing padding under their mailshirts which consisted of two layers of linen either side of a felt inner.
  • The cancer risks associated with smoking have been well documented.
  • A mixture of anger, anti-establishment irreverence and workers' solidarity is documented by the 145 banners collected by the City of Edinburgh.
  • The therapeutic applications of cupping have been documented through several thousand years of clinical experience.
  • Some commentators still blamed working men's improvidence for forcing their wives out to work, but social investigators increasingly documented the fact that most men simply could not earn a breadwinner wage.
  • As Mars and others have documented, this point would seem to apply to a wide range of occupational scams and fiddles, ranging from the top-floor board room to the basement boiler room.
  • Using experience gained during exercises in places such as Poland and Hungary, interoperability solutions were then developed and documented for each of the disparate units cut for the deployment.
  • The Magna Carta is often regarded as one of the first instruments which documented due process.
  • When challenged by the racist right, Obama pirouetted to the right in true Clintonian fashion, boasting that his health care "reform" explicitly excludes undocumented immigrants, unlike the universal health care programs in place in most other economically advanced nations. Andy Thayer: May Day Immigration March Offers Opportunity to Push Back Against Arizona
  • The importance of Neoplatonic ideas in renaissance visual representation of and intervention in the physical world has been well documented.
  • The Medicare Rights Center has documented the complaints from the thousands of patients who have disenrolled from their MA plans, many because they were denied the benefits they thought they had. Saul Friedman: The Sore Loser Republicans Can't Stop Saying "No"
  • The best documented measure of severity was a simple classification based on each patient's initial state of distress on presentation.
  • Neuromuscular signs, mainly referring to muscular tension, were also documented.
  • The arguments for and against this approach to curriculum planning and evaluation are well documented elsewhere.
  • Major upheavals in the game's interface went undocumented, and requests for information rudely refused.
  • Of course, the opportunities for school milk vending have been well documented and are growing, as school systems across the country tackle youth obesity by banishing sugary soft drinks from lunchrooms.
  • The top and bottom items in the process are outside of the control of the project team and can only be observed, influenced, and documented indirectly.
  • It is documented that fly fishing for pike was popular in the early 1700's in this country, as was dapping for Dace on the Thames in the 1800's.
  • At the very least, oxyhaemoglobin saturation should be documented before and intermittently during oxygen therapy.
  • The International Committee of the Red Cross documented what it called credible information about U.S. personnel disrespecting or mishandling Korans at the Guantanamo detention facility and pointed it out to the Pentagon in confidential reports during 2002 and early 2003, an ICRC spokesman said Wednesday. David Corn: Has Pentagon Spokesman Been Caught in a Koran-related Fib?
  • The great photographer and documenter (gallery) of West London Charlie Phillips documented many black funerals at Kensal Green: somehow the black and white photos seem to emphasise the coldness of the ground in which people born under a warm Caribbean sun were buried. January « 2009 « Squares of Wheat
  • The accumulation of these kinds of anecdotal stories of corruption convinced him to set a trap to ensnarl slum landlords and city inspectors in a carefully documented web of official misconduct.
  • It also coincided with the decline of the professional anatomical museum, as the glass slide, the photograph, photomicrograph, stereograph, film, and statistical table became the media in which anatomy and pathology were documented.
  • the first documented case of shark attack in those waters
  • "In one case documented by Variety," Ebert stated, "a publicist wrote up several 'sample' quotes and asked the junketeers to sign up for the ones they liked."
  • This source claims he was in Rome before 1614, but he is first securely documented there in 1620.
  • Dietary supplement use is a well-documented practice among adult and adolescent athletes.
  • These are well documented complaints - made repeatedly.
  • Many writers have documented the changes in feminist politics over the last decade.
  • Im 100% for the use of marijuana (or heroin for that matter) for strictly medical purposes, the benefits of both are well documented but until people can learn to act responsibly and use the drugs we already have responsibly and not turn up for work boozed or stoned (a stoned man driving a forklift is a truely terrifying thing), then I think shings should stay as they are. TPN :: GDay World
  • The book is laced with notes, side bar comments, references and documented examples to support his training ideology.
  • The history of the recent animosity between the two sides is well documented.
  • The psycho-social dynamics of trolling are well documented from the early age of the net. Balkinization
  • Social change was documented through the fashion pages, and '50s couture gave way to mini skirts and trouser suits, which in turn gave way to kaftans and kimonos.
  • In reality, there is a great shortage of donated organs, but organ donation is a careful, well-documented medical procedure.
  • These are the moment documentarians die for… a truly great and important story that hasn't been documented before.
  • An electron cryomicroscopy study of analogous SPP1 portal protein complexes documented a change in curvature upon ring closure consistent with inextensible subunits.
  • His own miraculous power is seemingly well documented, though he himself was reluctant to speak of it.
  • Children with documented cat allergy or with asthmatic symptoms triggered by a cat should avoid cats.
  • He documented the destruction he observed during the Cosovo War.
  • Subsequent research has documented that this effect occurs at the B- and T-cell levels.
  • The term stable refers to a version of software that is substantially identical to a version that has been through enough real-world testing to reasonably assume there are no significant problems, or at least that any problems are known and documented. The Earth Times Online Newspaper
  • His role here is securely documented.
  • (I) could care less Eric P. Hamp University of Chicago The Second Barnhart Dictionary of New English (1980), an excellently documented gain to our resources, carries a first-class entry for this troublesome collocution of care. VERBATIM: The Language Quarterly Vol IX No 1
  • It also mentioned the increasingly documented use of slave labour and the routine torture of prisoners and detainees.
  • We documented the preferences of a range of patients within one hospital, with the aim of informing doctors' practice.
  • A well-documented and supported theory for the decline of the Maya central lowlands is the deterioration of trade routes. The Ancient Maya - A Commercial Empire
  • Although their roles as parasitic castrators has been documented, relatively little is known about the biology of ciliate parasites in mayflies.
  • The 'froideur' between Victoria Beckham and Katie Price is well documented. - Articles related to Ajay to sport an all new avatar
  • They have been documented to filter 53 tons of seston per hour in the Szczecin Gulf (Poland) and reduce the concentration of seston 2. 3-6.9 times in Narochanskie lake system (Belarus) and threefold in Lukomskoe Lake (Belarus) PLoS ONE Alerts: New Articles
  • I uncovered a few documented cases in medical journals of black soldier fly intestinal myiasis, which is when undigested larvae make your intestines their new home. Site Feed
  • The map documented ten incidents of “sabotage,” thirty-one incidents of “underground activities,” sixty-nine “attacks on personnel,” 140 incidents of “looting,” eighty-three “wire cuts” of military communications, and one “riot.” Between War and Peace
  • Calcifications, size, location, edges, and spiculations were documented for each nodule.
  • In fact, he used it to pay back a completely undocumented loan from his brother Tie, the millionaire ice-grappler.
  • Our findings have been documented in a tool called autochthony, but that's a story in its own right.
  • This work is documented in the scientific literature.
  • VanDerveer has documented the whole experience, taping a personal journal and writing down a workout log.
  • The undocumented benefit is that, by using their accelerator service, they are unintentionally offering users an anonymous proxy.
  • Even during his well-documented years of excess, the saccharine sweetness of James Taylor's voice served him well.
  • And in recent times, the medical applications of this venerable herb known severally as grass, weed, pot, cannabis, dope, jay, skunk, kif, or ganja have been documented by reputable professionals.
  • The main attractions of the Big Apple are well documented.
  • The problem of rising absenteeism is well documented, but tough tactics being used to tackle the issue are leading to presenteeism.
  • The presence of a mantle plume beneath the region is widely documented.
  • This is, however, no time for me to lament my already exhaustively documented failures of imagination. ABOUT THE AUTHOR
  • The media have documented a string of monstrous cases in which prosthetic breasts have been exposed and urostomy bags worn by bladder-cancer patients have been disconnected, with humiliating consequences. The TSA Is Keeping the Skies Safe
  • Parts of all three vases were mingled together and the position of each piece had to be painstakingly documented to aid the reconstruction. Times, Sunday Times
  • I've been introduced to a couple of codgers who have created a fabulous documented account of information on every reasonably major club and league in the country.
  • An article at the NPF site - Adolf Hitler's Parkinson's Disease (Part 1) (Part 2) - covers the documented evidence for Hilter's parkinsonism, as well as discussing alternative diagnoses. Archive 2004-07-01
  • Interaction effects have been extensively documented and reviewed.
  • The role of global environmental change on diseases such as malaria, dengue fever, and cholera has been well documented.
  • The U.S. census estimates there are about 8 million undocumented immigrants in the United States.
  • In Uganda, for example, we have documented long-term incommunicado detention, torture and, in some cases, deaths of alleged treason and terrorism suspects at the hands of the government's Joint Anti-Terrorism Task Force. Maria Burnett: How Not to Address the Uganda Bombings
  • High altitude radar mapping has also helped reveal a hitherto undocumented people in Costa Rica.
  • In many industries, such as meatpacking, the influx of immigrant workers, many of whom are undocumented, corresponds to the decline in union representation, and a resulting decline in wages, benefits and safety precautions. Firedoglake » Immigrant Workers: Impaled, Shredded And Buried Alive
  • Incidents of vandalism, rowdiness and violence on trains and railway platforms have been well documented in the pages of the Keighley News.
  • They have replaced a documented interface layer (COM) with a pile of caca.
  • As deserts have oases, oceans have islands, and naturalists have found over 60 species of fish which were never documented before 1973.
  • The command structure of authority may be shown by an organisation chart, or may be documented in schedules or manuals.
  • Such a conclusion may surprise many, but it would explain why documented encounters with similar monsters post-date the time of European settlement.
  • The history of it all is well documented so just a short fact check. Times, Sunday Times
  • Akathisia has been well documented as a common and distressing side effect of antipsychotic drugs and an important cause of poor drug compliance.
  • Persistence of atypical organisms has also been documented after clinical cure.
  • The historical links between Congolese and Afro Cuban music are well documented and these two guitarists are keen to keep alive the great traditions; they are augmented tonight by a full band line-up.
  • Parts of all three vases were mingled together and the position of each piece had to be painstakingly documented to aid the reconstruction. Times, Sunday Times
  • To our knowledge, this is the first reported case in which florid parvovirus infection and subsequent recovery was documented by sequential bone marrow examination.
  • Calling illegal immigrants 'undocumented workers' does not lessen the fact that they are * illegal*, that they have broken our laws and should be treated as such. NewsHour with Jim Lehrer Podcast | PBS
  • Relative left frontal hypoactivation has been documented (by our laboratory and others) in depressed adults.
  • There has been harsh rhetoric against documented and undocumented immigrants, as well as attempts to deprive them of essential human services.
  • Mechanisms of inbreeding avoidance are well documented in vertebrate societies.
  • He felt that the genius of literary artists was documented in their openness to the unusual.
  • D&E/D&X are preferred over labor induction, hysterotomy and hysterectomy procedures, where they are possible, specifically because they have documented lower morbidity and mortality rates. Abortion on demand and without apology (Kiwi edition)
  • Data sets precluded from analysis are well documented, but the great bulk of typical experimental data will be handled.
  • He said that the audits were not documented because no formal complaint was brought against her.
  • The medieval history of these islands is very old (we share that antiquity with the rest of Europe) and very well-documented in terms of texts.
  • The detrimental effects of such solitude on health are well documented. Times, Sunday Times
  • The ancient codifiers of Hindu medicine carefully considered and documented the ethics of their profession and its various medical procedures.
  • About the "No configure stage" paragraph: read the docs before saying something is undocumented;) the @VAR@ syntax is documented, as is the standard syntax $ {VAR}. Planet GNOME
  • Social change was documented through the fashion pages, and '50s couture gave way to mini skirts and trouser suits, which in turn gave way to kaftans and kimonos.
  • He also documented potentially fatal damage to the liver resulting from steroid use. Times, Sunday Times
  • The potential changes for the next century can be put into context by comparing their rates and magnitudes to those estimated for the changes documented by paleoecological and other evidence from the late Quaternary Period (Table 7.1). Late-Quaternary changes in arctic terrestrial ecosystems, climate, and ultraviolet radiation levels
  • Haldol has been documented in shrinking peoples brains which you know is called iatrogenic illness. Help Wanted: Psychiatrist
  • The medicinal values of garlic are well-documented.
  • Eventually they realized that the city's two homeless shelters would not accept undocumented immigrants.
  • Josh Hamilton's comeback from substance abuse problems is well-documented, but teammate Milton Bradley's return from knee surgery is ... allstar | Comment | Recommend Baseball News: MLB & Fantasy Stories, Teams, Stats, Scores & Schedules
  • Certain immigrant communities have been documented for many years as having higher mental hospital admission rates.
  • It is well documented that billions of taxpayers money is squandered by incompetent civil servants. Times, Sunday Times
  • The gang had been feuding with the Mexican Mafia over who would collect the ‘rent,’ or rake-off of illegal profits from the hustlers near MacArthur Park who trafficked in fake papers for undocumented immigrants.
  • The purpose of the work documented in this paper is to develop a human-robot interaction control system for an autonomous mobile robot.
  • We are aware that syrup of ipecac has been utilized; however, its safety and efficacy in this situation remains to be documented. Fish poisonings and envenomations
  • The overall fauna is not very diverse compared with coeval faunas from central Asia documented by Holmer et al.
  • Allergies to sulfites have been documented and foods containing sulfites are usually marked.
  • In one documented incident soldiers shot directly into a crowd of protesters. Times, Sunday Times
  • McCrea's platform sharing at a Portadown rally with the senior loyalist in 1996 has been well documented. Reverend revelations
  • Some have suggested that biopiracy happens because Indian knowledge is not documented.
  • Still, at the time of her trial it was well documented that she suffered from battered women's syndrome, a state hallmarked by depression, anxiety, fear, and tattered self-esteem. SaraKay Smullens: A Letter to Tennessee Governor Phil Bredesen: Mercy for Gaile Owens
  • Health benefits are often documented in laboratory studies of animals other than humans.
  • A new period of Sumerian florescence, splendidly documented in this exhibition, began.
  • I had been pinning my fieldwork hopes on Magude since the summer of 1992, when during a pre-dissertation research trip to Mozambique (spent mainly in Maputo, because of the war) I became fascinated with the upper Nkomati River and the sparsely documented histories of the people who had lived along its banks. Where Women Make History: Gendered Tellings of Community and Change in Magude, Mozambique
  • But the very lack of documented failures in the co-management literature is in itself suspicious.
  • Each year, dozens of reports come in from people who believe they have seen large, tawny colored cats in states where no such animals are officially documented. David Mizejewski: Wild Cougar Confirmed in Connecticut

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