How To Use Documentation In A Sentence
He received his award for service to the preservation and documentation of Australia's naval history and maritime heritage.
Develop circuit board designs using CAD tools to capture schematics and create bill of material documentation.
The bundled documentation contains the detailed instructions on how to do these tasks.
The basis of its case appears quite arbitrary and rests on contentious historical documentation.
Times, Sunday Times
Chinese gymnastics officials did not immediately respond to a fax from the Associated Press asking for documentation of Yang's age and an explanation of the discrepancy.
More questions surface over Chinese gymnasts' ages

The zero rating of goods moving to other member states without Customs documentation clearly invites fraud.
It is best to set out all the circumstances that may lead to a deduction from wages and put these in the documentation you provide to employees.
Times, Sunday Times
The documentation for this type of arrangement should be drawn up by a solicitor experienced in such matters.
Probably the most painstaking part of the job is the scrupulous documentation process.
The initial workup included documentation of the patient's history, physical examination, and performance score.
Foreigners planning to marry Mexicans must first obtain permission from the Secretaria de Gobernación Office of Migración, providing the same documentation as well as a fee of $1723 pesos (about $191 USD).
It Takes More Than "I Do" To Marry In Mexico
In addition to IDE support, a tool's documentation and library support are important factors in your evaluation.
Indeed, the use of electronic documentation systems should enhance a organisation's ability to maintain full and accurate records.
No documentation was produced to verify that assertion, nor was her son called as a witness at trial.
The questionnaire was produced especially for this study, and it encompassed aspects and problems of nursing documentation revealed by the literature review.
Further investigation was hindered by the loss of all documentation on the case.
With interest rates set to zero and money flowing in an endless cascade, all a banker had to do to earn an instant fee was to make a loan to any body warmer than room temperature regardless of income documentation, then securitise the loan to get it off the bank's books.
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The client should identify those objectives as a matter of course in the relevant engagement documentation.
The criticisms of his testimony and the points derived from the documentation are not, in my view, of sufficient force to cause me to reject that evidence.
It is difficult to track any supporting documentation for West's sources because there are no footnotes or notations.
The benefit of this hybrid form for the writer is that it frees up the texture of the book, avoiding the build-up of clogging documentation, and allows him to hurry over or emphasise themes at will.
A Man of Parts by David Lodge – review
We always look for solid documentation in products powerful enough for business and home use.
Almost half the time, rejection or delay of loans is due to insufficient documentation.
ASU has also been unable to produce any documentation of any policy related to sitting politicians and the conferment of honorary degrees.
Dawn Teo: ASU Honorary Degree Policy For Sitting Politicians Not Documented
There are more than 1,500 scans of such documentation for you to wade through.
She refers to a clear recollection of documentation relating to her annual membership renewal frequently being late in completion.
Excuses vary from difficulties in obtaining payment to the daunting prospect of completing export documentation.
The documentation provided did not confirm the passenger's fitness to fly.
Times, Sunday Times
I was taking screenshots & putting them in the documentation, but now the engineer has debugging turned on and the pages look all wonky.
If you want to prove the line of the boundary, you will need other documentation or evidence.
Times, Sunday Times
Much of this seems to be at least a preliminary documentation of what has happened that is already known.
It will take time for Microsoft to relicense other SDL documentation, but the company will keep developers up to date on its progress," Ladd said.
Microsoft boosts access to secure development guidelines
#DocC documentation prototype userinput = raw_input ( "Please specify file path:") input = file (userinput, "r") source_code = input. read () description = re. compile ( '(@description ").
In a forum like this, one isn't going to get into statistical analysis, or bore everyone with footnoted documentation.
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The enormity of biological resources makes a case for raising a whole cadre of highly trained professionals for inventorisation, characterisation and documentation.
Still, the Web is littered with documentation about the product.
In complex computer games the documentation usually gives only vague pointers.
However, without such documentation, the defects of excessive / mistimed testing and wrong patient and specimen identification cannot be adequately addressed.
If use is required during competition, the athlete should provide proper documentation.
Sometimes it takes weeks, months, to acquire not just accurate information, but documentation to back up your story.
Housing loans, car loans and education loans would also be sanctioned at huge concessions in interest rates and hassle-free documentation.
We are able to support any such partnership with training, franchise documentation, and full logistic support.
On the upper floors are a documentation centre and administrative offices with a commanding view of the city.
Historical documentation can be classified as either ancient documents or official public documents.
It was a lengthy document of some 68 pages with 9 annexes comprising the preliminary ruling and other documentation.
Do procedures require maintenance of adequate documentation in purchase order files?
ST - VISA Consulting Company simplifies your China assignment with offering documentation services ResidenceAlien's Employment Permit etc.
These should be in some of the documentation the solicitor provides from the seller.
Times, Sunday Times
In this BBC news video, a reporter with all the necessary documentation tries to visit Tiananmen Square with a cameraperson, only to find himself surrounded by umbrella-wielding goons who use their unfurled bumbershoots to block every shot the camera-person tries to catch.
Boing Boing
This is a rebuttal of someone's writing that it was "sensible" for NASA to back-pedal from metric (again!) because of the potential problems with the Space Shuttle documentation.
NASA Finds The Metric System Too Hard To Implement for Constellation - NASA Watch
The Football League will also not have any reason to worry after seeing the documentation we have provided them with.
Times, Sunday Times
The accord will require that a traveler produce documentation for import into the United States of artifacts from the Upper Paleolithic through Late Byzantine periods.
The slate's most obvious purpose is the documentation it provides on what scene is being filmed, when it was filmed, what take it was, which film reel it was, etc.
The most extensive documentation for the native historical tradition in Mesoamerica comes from the Valley of Mexico and surrounding area.
Primary sources of Maya history - part one
The documentation for Quattro Pro also features plenty of screenshots, and follows a logical sequence similar to that of SuperCalc.
Results of the documentation review should be provided with the assignment of actual or probable cause.
Finally, I think it is worth ending with a word of warning to anyone who might be considering travelling to the United States without the proper documentation.
For most enterprise software, comprehensive documentation and user adoption guides is nothing new. In fact, it's standard operating procedure.
Some of the twenty-one essays include extensive documentation, bibliographies, and appendices, making available materials often known only to specialists.
A sixteen-page reference list in typescript of bills introduced, bills discussed, and special speeches delivered by La Fontaine, prepared by the Services d'étude et de documentation du sénat de Belgique.
Henri La Fontaine - Biography
Their main transgression involves the use of so-called robo-signers, bank employees who signed foreclosure affidavits without properly checking the required loan documentation.
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This type of documentation provides assistance while creating both schema and XML instance documents.
Documentation must be as explicit as possible because staff and circumstance seem to take a rabbinical delight in producing difficult cases.
The sighting is the first ever live wild mountain lion documentation in Kansas although many other reports have been received in the past.
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Later on the same day, the required documentation was sent by the plaintiff's solicitor to defence counsel.
Her particular mix goes beyond the vast documentation of Williams's life and work and includes the art films of Ryan Trecartin and Warhol collaborator Paul Morrissey , as well as Chinese Opera, porn, travel to New Orleans and the Greek fertility God, Priapus, whose iconic feature was an oversize, and permanent, erection.
Exploring Tennessee Williams
Land is typically bought, sold, and inherited without official documentation (no government has ever carried out a cadastral survey).
She was suddenly glad that Inspector Blakelock had done the documentation on the clunch pit murder.
People cannot be expected to defend themselves, or provide relevant documentation, until they know what they have been accused of.
Usability & design unity; Or, arm waving ramblings: wikified documentation to save Linux 'horrible help system and add more inline help Titanium nanoparticle pollution cancer link; Morgellons via agrobacterium vectors, hemp oil again, plus today's WTO Swiss riot Canadian discovers hemp oil cures cancer ... hoax or another typical moment in the pharma-industrial-death complex?
Nevertheless, the visual evidence and written documentation suggest ducal involvement.
Most prefer personal timepieces (e.g. wristwatches) for documentation of routine care interventions.
It says that its records show the full documentation was sent out each year.
Times, Sunday Times
Librarians also could play a key role in creating and improving documentation with free software projects.
Product documentation, tutorials and online FAQs are increasingly created using Wiki collaboration.
the weight of the documentation of all the consignments on board a contemporary container ship can exceed 90 pounds
The documentation of thriving stinkpot turtle and map turtle populations in the creek, both of which use the existing bridge site for access to egg laying areas, increases our concerns about environmental harm.
But most claims are genuine and, where the correct documentation is provided as proof, payments should be made as soon as possible.
The Sun
The texts I translated were indeed very interesting – Internet and banking fraud, letters rogatory, and extradition documentation.
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The full fee is payable in advance and includes the cost of refreshments, lunch and all seminar documentation.
Our documentation also says "There are various methods for 'approximating' strain based material data from the more readily available monotonic data such as tensile strength, modulus etc.
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I have submited documentation to several Army agencies, such as the Department of the Army Inspector General as well as 3 Congrssional inquiries and the Army continues not to provide the rebuttals and exhibits to the Congressional inquires, therefore to conclude with a fair assessment of the situation.
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Such clauses exclude all prior representations and negotiations, and, usually, ancillary documentation, such as sales literature, as well.
Our animal safety group faced a further challenge in our third quarter because a number of large international orders for cleaners and disinfectants did not get shipped due to the timing of third party label approvals and third party documentation required to help assure collection of outstanding receivables.
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After seeing the pictures and documentation, he wrote a check for $500 on the spot, and promised to get Accounting to expedite the rest; plus his crew will come and level and resod the lawn, and replace the broken sidewalk.
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Another setback is the slow pace of the disclosure of government documentation in civil proceedings brought by six former Guantánamo inmates who are suing the government for its alleged role in their rendition and torture.
MPs set out list of torture inquiry demands in letter to judge
Later on the same day, the required documentation was sent by the plaintiff's solicitor to defence counsel.
In the newer version, there would also be a machine on hand which could print the inlay and documentation at the same time - all the shop need to is supply the box and disk.
In Gee v. the Queen, the deduction of management fees was disallowed essentially because of lack of documentation.
They complete all procedural and documentation formalities involved in customs and port clearance on behalf of the shipper, and arrange for the warehousing of cargo before shipment.
Citing a number of backdated transactions and what he characterized as dubious documentation the defendants received from
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Its always best to believe the most likely theory that has documentation rather than the way-out ones that don't.
Be sure you have a hard copy of this documentation next to your system and stored off-site with your backup media.
He supplements the recordings with a diary of observations and gathers detailed pedological, hydrological, meteorological and astronomical data along with spectrographic documentation of magnetic fluctuations using very low frequency radio.
From the API documentations listed under Resources, you can derive that the DB2 APIs perform their own authorization checking.
If you have a camporee idea or documentation related to a successful camporee, please let us know so that we can share your successes with other Scouters.
Officials from the National Police Administration told them that, in the absence of any such documentation, a certificate to attest to their statelessness was necessary.
Deeply influenced by cultural anthropology, they have found in the often surprisingly rich documentation about festivals, processions, charivaris etc.
Documentation can take the form of written language transcriptions, audiotapes, photographs, videotapes, video prints, overhead transparencies, and children's productions.
Better techniques, better documentation systems, better communication between all members, better customer liaison and contracts.
If this documentation of an increasing orderliness or regularization is considered as a part of the developing standards in the presentation of information, it was a standard that would serve both authors and readers.
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We have been running around all week collecting all the documentation and information the council have requested.
The extensive list of the assert methods can be found in the Simple Test documentation.
Prior to the introduction in 1955 of succinylcholine muscle relaxation for ECT, many patients sustained spinal compression fractures during the tonic phase of the induced seizure, and pretreatment x-rays of the dorsolumbar spine were routinely obtained for medicolegal documentation.
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The army has arrested several local party leaders and raided the party's documentation centre.
I have been using it for more than one year now, and it helps me in producing Java project documentation.
The link between assessment and practice has been made clearer throughout the book and important documentation formerly in appendices has been placed in the text.
Then there is another 130 pages of documentation on the crash recovery software.
Graphics Coordinator: Collects all graphic documentation for the project and prepares them for inclusion in reports and presentations.
Without a camera to imply documentation or recording, these beautiful, often eerie works become ephemeral.
Times, Sunday Times
The cavalier and slapdash approach to their documentation was not helpful in this regard.
For more information on creating Java-based SQL procedures, consult the documentation for the CREATE PROCEDURE SQL statement in the DB2 SQL reference.
Prospective buyers can't view the car before making a pitch, but full documentation proving the car's provenance and service history are promised.
Buying and selling contraband, falsifying documentation to achieve employment, evading taxes, and paying bribes to public officials are socially accepted behaviors.
This does not compare with the ease of reference to actual original documentation in the manual system outlined earlier in this chapter.
Subsequent error-free testing, with the packet set to eight bytes, confirmed that the documentation had been misleading.
Each describes the history and provenance of the building in question, tells us at least something of its builders and early owners, and provides copious documentation in the form both of notes and bibliography.
Researcher Maria Teresa Suarez, author of the book The Case of the Organ in New Spain During the Baroque, published by the National Center of Investigation, Documentation and Information (CENIDIM) and Carlos Chavez of the CNCA, indicated that the documental richness of the material discovered during the study of European organs substantiates the case for New Spain which suffers from a great shortage of data and is known to have had many destroyed.
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Crucial documentation surrounding the case is currently being studied by counsel in the hope of launching proceedings which could result in a longed-for conviction.
There are emerging conventions about the content and formatting of documentation strings.
When he became a consultant in 1968 he took on responsibility for organising the treatment of burns and brought to the task all his military skills of organisation and documentation.
The court made this ruling after obtaining the original documentation covering the Murcia results and satisfying itself as to their authenticity.
Much doubt could be dispelled by providing the test rig documentation.
After conducting fieldwork together in New Guinea, Bateson and Mead coproduced ethnographic films and photodocumentation of Balinese kinesics.
Attach supporting documentation and details behind the summary page for information.
Another tip with regards to this documentation is to pack it somewhere where you can access it easily, but which is secure, say in an inside zip pocket of your rucksack.
The documentation shows how and when to use any command for that protocol.
Apparently the key skills required are in programming and documentation, file editing and the ability to modify source code.
The entire nightmare could have been avoided had he kept comprehensive documentation of his dealings with the plaintiffs.
Clear documentation of a revision to previously agreed terms is essential.
The disk includes the plugin and printable documentation along with CodeWeavers Wine 1.0.
The activity documentation form often presents the greatest difficulty to applicants.
I submitted all necessary documentation by August 2001 but have heard nothing since.
AIB said it could not comment on individual cases, but added that all loans were sanctioned via formal written documentation.
Then, in 1996, INS enforcement officials came to the meatpacking plant and arrested 99 Hispanic workers who did not have legal documentation to work in the United States.
The version presented here is based on United Nations historical documentations.
Shapiro said the State Department was right to question the players' documentation, which he called incomplete.
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The company scans and uploads all the documentation associated with a building project including maps and diagrams.
For example, the distributional tables outlining the impact of the GST were the most 'thumbed' part of the documentation, certainly by those Treasury officers answering phone queries.
Peter Martin
In any event, documentation to justify the arm's length principle for the intercompany borrowings appears to be a good strategy to distant from the 5% penalty tax in case of any adjustment.
In each of these jobs Nora was never asked for documentation of legality or social security number.
In addition to IDE support, a tool's documentation and library support are important factors in your evaluation.
This does not compare with the ease of reference to actual original documentation in the manual system outlined earlier in this chapter.
Translators have a choice of tools that specialize in, among other things, general documentation, software localisation, technical manuals, or brochures.
The complainant will be invited to supply any additional relevant documentation.
They publish online documentation that you can access from the program's help menu.
Indeed, the use of electronic documentation systems should enhance a organisation's ability to maintain full and accurate records.
Make sure that the provider offers documentation, consultation, and ongoing support.
However, when some educators, among them representatives of regional accrediting bodies, began to ask for evidence of this assertion, few institutions could provide substantiating documentation.
Documentation must be as explicit as possible because staff and circumstance seem to take a rabbinical delight in producing difficult cases.
It shows how a complex process can be distilled into a simple framework, generating documentation that can be easily audited.
Give engineering support to and Prepare all production related documentations , such as MIL, IB, Control plan, Process map, Training line technician and operators.
This appears to be a political decision taken on a deniable basis with no official documentation.
You were left to battle with the difficulties of the UK visa system, coupled with Turkish bureaucracy: three trips to a documentation registration centre 20 miles away, an appointment at the British consulate ending in tears after rejection, plus calls to try to allow resubmission of documents they had on file but wanted sent again.
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There it sat, right in the middle of a table of documentation examples, staring out at me:Exam: tonsils enlarged with exudative material, shoddy emphasis mine cervical nodes.
Archive 2007-01-01
Indeed, the use of electronic documentation systems should enhance a organisation's ability to maintain full and accurate records.
For the more demoniac drivers, who offer taxi services, the new highway code has triggered great pain, since most run without legal documentation and without normal security measures, such as excess passengers.
Global Voices in English » Angola: New highway code in action
A nine-page list in typescript, prepared by the Services d'étude et de documentation du sénat de Belgique.
Henri La Fontaine - Biography
Other free software comes with excellent documentation.
The evidence for tidal influence arises from documentation of bidirectional cross-strata, tidal bundles, tidal rhythmites and periodic variation in foreset thickness.
Combining documentation with the aestheticism of abstract colour, the work transfigures even the drabbest residential blocks.
Tenencias decalcomania below that, and handed Jerezano his plates and documentation with a cheery
Tramites: Mexican Paperwork----ouch!
Despite documentation that proves Palin was never vetted as John McCain and others claim, she is waving the red flag, encouraging Rick Perry, Newt Gingrich and others to continue their public "vetting" of Mitt Romney and the cast of Republican presidential hopefuls.
Jeanne Devon ("AKMuckraker"): Unvetted Palin Insists Candidates Should "Vet One Another"
The first workshop, devised by and of Dundee institute of Technology, dealt with the course design and documentation.
It must allow full access to documentation and to all the key players.
Times, Sunday Times
I consider that, at least at this time, it would be conformable with this well-established practice of the courts to provide protection to the identity of the undercover operatives who are referred to in this Court's documentation.
If Mao On The Wall is primarily concerned with the documentation of the fading mythology of Mao Zedong, then the series Reenactment in contrast enacts the story of the demythologization of this icon.
Writers and technicians routinely produce voluminous product specifications, regulatory requirements, and computer system documentation in SGML (Standard Generalized Markup Language) format.
Gathering operational data, analyzing and comparing final data and process documentation against benchmark data.
The delay is being blamed on difficulties with the flight systems software and also with assembly documentation.
Times, Sunday Times
An in - house photographer available on request for documentation, or souvenir coverage.
Ensure integrity of data input in the bookkeeping system. Proper documentation of supporting documents related to the vouchers and journal entries.
As the possession of documentation for stolen cattle became important, thieves began to turn stolen animals in as strays.
It's mean to cavil over the shortcomings of a product that's given away for free but I find the installation documentation dense and obscure, filled with traps for the unwary.
Coffee, tea, and cocoa are all staples of the Fair Trade movement, and like opium, they're drugs - the strongest drugs the grocer can sell without having to check for documentation of your age.
Unless you write books or guidance for long-lived technologies, such as assembly code programming or software design patterns, the products of your IT documentational effort tend to have a somewhat limited shelf life.
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The documentation that the patient's doctor uses to describe that broken arm and any other presenting problems is translated from clinical language into "codable" code-able language so that a bill can be created for an insurer and the patient.
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Documentation for Facebook API for Silverlight is not proposed in codeplex.
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The issue with contract documentation is having to deal with diverse conditions across the region making it difficult to harmonise and achieve conformity.
Formal documentation of song texts, music and dance is both crucial and illuminating.
A postscript reminds us that the book ‘is a work of fiction’, and provides some documentation ‘for readers interested in tracking where historical fact ends and historical imagining begins’.
We now have a colossal documentation of what it feels like to be in the margin.
The more explicit type information in static code promotes better "self-documentation", which can be important for communicating intent among developers, especially as a project grows.
Return documentation on time and always get proof of postage.
He himself was almost in the grip of a 'dybbuk' of documentation.
San Francisco Sentinel
Barclays'took into consideration' the documentation provided by the branch and is unwilling to admit any liability or error.
Times, Sunday Times
Although eight companies had bought the tender documentation, none submitted a bid.
Operating rooms are moving to computerized perioperative documentation.
Although often associated with the term nonprofit, social entrepreneurs don't have to be consumed with the hassles of corporate legal structures, reporting, and documentation.
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In these cases, a social worker always has to come with the proper documentation and answer the judge's questions.
Times, Sunday Times
It would make building new documentation tools (not to mention casual investigation) so much easier. puts some_object. documentation # or ` doc ` or ` __doc__ `, etc
Bruce Williams
At follow-up, death was defined as cardiac related if there was documentation of acute ischemic syndrome, arrhythmic or sudden death, or heart failure as the terminal event.
Three years ago, he said the term "illegal immigrant" should not be used, arguing that "being in this country without documentation is not a crime.
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Prices, timetables, documentation requirements, booking advice, and most any other factoid you could possibly need are perfectly intelligible and easy to find.
It is free for an ID card for voting purposes, just have to go to the BMV and show documentation.
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Well, we'll have some performance tests shortly, but we want to note another stipulation made in the documentation on the modules.
Winner will be responsible for insurance and must supply documentation and a full driving licence before collection.
The Sun
Then, in 1996, INS enforcement officials came to the meatpacking plant and arrested 99 Hispanic workers who did not have legal documentation to work in the United States.
Once a 30-day period elapses, the documentation will be used to announce a tender for construction of a railway bridge needed for the ring road.